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So when left overturns EO and separations resume left will cheer, right?

When libs realize letting kids spend 6mo in detention gettin...
Jade gay wizard
By 2024 they will forget to overturn it. They dont care abo...
grizzly school cafeteria giraffe
CR, libs are truly sick
Jade gay wizard
This isn't the end game. They want them all released with a ...
Federal gaping
AKA the Obama policy, that's never going to happen and if we...
Jade gay wizard

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Date: June 22nd, 2018 5:06 PM
Author: Jade gay wizard

When libs realize letting kids spend 6mo in detention getting raped by adults is a bad idea, you know the left will challenge the EO, it'll get overturned and CNN will talk about how human separation is needed to protect children from the "nazi like" detention of kids and adults together. FUCK LIBS.


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Date: June 22nd, 2018 5:09 PM
Author: grizzly school cafeteria giraffe

By 2024 they will forget to overturn it. They dont care about these people AT ALL.


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Date: June 22nd, 2018 8:18 PM
Author: Jade gay wizard

CR, libs are truly sick


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Date: June 22nd, 2018 9:23 PM
Author: Federal gaping

This isn't the end game. They want them all released with a "pinky swear" that they'll show up for their court hearing


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Date: June 24th, 2018 2:48 PM
Author: Jade gay wizard

AKA the Obama policy, that's never going to happen and if we're being honest libs REAL GOAL isn't even to have a pinky swear and wink about them coming back. They want us to embrace open borders so these garbage countries can run a train on our southern shitpipe.
