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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz lays Wreath in honor of Future Knife Victims

charcoal bateful rigor tanning salon
that country has become completely deranged by muslims and l...
Amethyst box office
To be fair, "The attack has intensified the debate o...
dashing transparent national security agency
sickening I actually feel sick reading this
Amethyst box office
ljl u made this shit up but it sounds believable
charcoal bateful rigor tanning salon

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Date: February 16th, 2025 4:59 AM
Author: charcoal bateful rigor tanning salon



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Date: February 16th, 2025 6:29 AM
Author: Amethyst box office

that country has become completely deranged by muslims and leftists


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Date: February 16th, 2025 6:36 AM
Author: dashing transparent national security agency

To be fair,

"The attack has intensified the debate over how such incidents are handled within Germany. On the day of the incident, Scholz pledged to accelerate the disposal of the remains of victims of these crimes in the future in order to prevent the creation of any 'rallying points' for right wing extremists associated with the AfD.

"Such crimes of this nature are not acceptable, of course, but they must always be viewed within the larger context of the cultural and historical issues in which they transpire and which themselves fundamentally create the tensions that lead to such violence," Scholz told public broadcaster ZDF. "We can denounce this sort of violence while also mourning the victims of it and simultaneously refusing to permit circumstances which could create 'rallying points' for rightwing extremists who might seek to capitalize on these unfortunate circumstances for their own political gain. That simply cannot be allowed to happen."

The chancellor also assured the public that authorities would also take all necessary measures to prevent similar attacks in the future while still remaining committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive society free of ethnic or cultural stereotyping. "Each of these acts is intolerable," Scholz reiterated, before vowing that internal security will remain a top priority 'within the limits of what is reasonable and permissible within an inclusive and multicultural modern society.'"


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Date: February 16th, 2025 7:07 AM
Author: Amethyst box office


I actually feel sick reading this


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Date: February 16th, 2025 8:06 AM
Author: charcoal bateful rigor tanning salon

ljl u made this shit up but it sounds believable
