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On the tyrrany of Blackrock's shareholder propsals

sable kitchen
Larry Fink is a piece of shit
Cracking awkward associate lodge
Also just dumb. He is the dumbest most useless piece of shit...
kink-friendly medicated station police squad
Glassy Internet-worthy Piazza
shalom, fellow progressive financier oligarchs! anyone else ...
brindle reading party gas station
Razzmatazz zombie-like laser beams
Glittery Rebellious Resort Pistol
sable kitchen
glad this is finally getting mainstream attention
yellow lascivious crotch forum
aphrodisiac office hissy fit
Motley milk nursing home
yea we need some new laws on this shit, pronto
carnelian beady-eyed national security agency
when will we stop calling them “liberals?” th...
olive soul-stirring point liquid oxygen
I’ve been calling them “the Left” for a de...
aphrodisiac office hissy fit
more or less same here, but WSJ still calling them liberals ...
olive soul-stirring point liquid oxygen
Liberalism and Libertarianism remain the same at their heart...
Motley milk nursing home
Solzhenitsyn: "You must understand, the leading Bolshev...
self-centered fighting regret
Glittery Rebellious Resort Pistol
sapphire patrolman stage
Yes, Blackrock is actively trying to advance a Leninist-styl...
He flexed his right muscle.
No SEC no-action letter could save them?
bossy philosopher-king karate
sable kitchen
They know exactly what they’re doing and their alums j...
cobalt newt
sable kitchen
Its actually very hard to have a proxy fight. Most proxy fig...
bossy philosopher-king karate
Dude, literally every public corporation now spends 30% of t...
Cracking awkward associate lodge
Vivacious lay ape
ESG and DEI are catnip for soft thinkers who don’t rea...
cobalt newt
Glassy Internet-worthy Piazza
Trip rehab
charcoal idiotic temple
sable kitchen
Lol at thinking “the law” is going to fix this ...
brindle reading party gas station
Razzmatazz zombie-like laser beams
sable kitchen
lmao at these frauds pushing all this bullshit woke ESG garb...
Histrionic peach travel guidebook antidepressant drug
sable kitchen
sable kitchen
They're actually making a move to change this and let invest...
sable kitchen
kink-friendly medicated station police squad
sable kitchen
sable kitchen
That's not even true. The ETF itself owns the shares it vot...
buff codepig masturbator
This is sophistry, whatever vehicle it is, it disinter-media...
sable kitchen
instead of whining about this shit, why not have conservativ...
Flesh Laughsome Place Of Business Space
karen, please wash your pussy. it smells like casu marzu....
Sticky arrogant cumskin
Wonder to what extent the companies affected do not affect B...
Provocative Cordovan Scourge Upon The Earth
sable kitchen

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: May 6th, 2021 11:29 AM
Author: sable kitchen


Blackrock has been pushing for Diversity and Climate change initiatives through shareholder proposals. However Blackrock, through iShares and other ETF/Index products, does not in fact own any of the shares that they vote, as these shares are owned by clients of the firm that own products produced by Blackrock. Yet they vote the shares and thus exert a significant amount of control and determination over publicly traded companies that do not have a majority shareholder (meaning a huge amount of the publicly traded businesses out there)

Berkshire Hathaway was able to fend off Blackrock, but many companies were not and have not been able to and will eventually succumb or be subsumed to the whims of these unelected controllers in a distant office far, far away from the headquarters and communities that are affected by these shareholder votes and proposals.

This behavior also goes on with state run California Pension Funds (CALPERS and CALSTRS) as well as endowment funds of elite universities such as Harvard, Yale and Stanford.

This behavior has created an unelected (by shareholder laws) shadow superstructure of political ideology in the private sphere, which ultimately leaks out into and influences social behavior (advertising, products, media type and of course campaign contributions to politicians, foundations and causes) which inevitably impacts the way our government is run.

This is one of the purest most essential perversions of the capitalistic structure of society as it produces disintermediation between ownership and voting capability, creating aggregated power in the hands of few individuals who through undemocratic means, control the fate of an enormous amount of our nations productive capacity and capital. Worse still; this behavior is also difficult to curtail given the substantial protections afforded by the United States to the private sector. If explained using a biological framework, this behavior is cancerous.

As a result of this disintermediation, Blackrock and ideologically influenced entities like it (Pension Funds, Endowment funds of universities) wields a disproportionate power relative to actual economic ownership and has been aggressively using their power to push for increasingly liberal policies across the corporate landscape.

This type of behavior is extremely pernicious and, over the long term, represents the merger between identity politics and High Finance/Wall Street - much in the same manner that Wall Street manages large university endowments, which then collaborate to use their tax advantages money (a huge advantage for investors) to consolidate power and influence the course of this nation.


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Date: May 6th, 2021 11:34 AM
Author: Cracking awkward associate lodge

Larry Fink is a piece of shit


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Date: May 6th, 2021 2:48 PM
Author: kink-friendly medicated station police squad

Also just dumb. He is the dumbest most useless piece of shit on Wall Street, and he stumbled into a position of corporate governance czar.


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Date: November 7th, 2021 10:31 AM
Author: Glassy Internet-worthy Piazza


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Date: May 6th, 2021 11:43 AM
Author: brindle reading party gas station

shalom, fellow progressive financier oligarchs! anyone else here really concerned with and earnest about "social justice" that seems suspiciously like ethnic warfare against the native population?


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Date: June 18th, 2022 2:01 PM
Author: Razzmatazz zombie-like laser beams


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Date: June 2nd, 2023 11:10 AM
Author: Glittery Rebellious Resort Pistol


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Date: May 6th, 2021 2:43 PM
Author: sable kitchen


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Date: May 6th, 2021 2:45 PM
Author: yellow lascivious crotch forum

glad this is finally getting mainstream attention


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Date: May 6th, 2021 2:46 PM
Author: aphrodisiac office hissy fit


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Date: May 6th, 2021 3:00 PM
Author: Motley milk nursing home


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Date: May 6th, 2021 2:45 PM
Author: carnelian beady-eyed national security agency

yea we need some new laws on this shit, pronto


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Date: May 6th, 2021 2:46 PM
Author: olive soul-stirring point liquid oxygen

when will we stop calling them “liberals?”

these are not liberal policies they are left wing / Leninist ones


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Date: May 6th, 2021 2:50 PM
Author: aphrodisiac office hissy fit

I’ve been calling them “the Left” for a decade for this reason

“US” “liberals” have very little to do with real classical liberals, they stole the word “liberal” decades ago as cover for illiberal left wing positions = skin suit

it’s why actual classical liberals had to make up the word “libertarian” because the Left stole the word “liberal” (although libertarians later also went a bit kooky)


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Date: May 6th, 2021 3:15 PM
Author: olive soul-stirring point liquid oxygen

more or less same here, but WSJ still calling them liberals like it’s 2003 or something


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Date: June 2nd, 2023 11:51 AM
Author: Motley milk nursing home

Liberalism and Libertarianism remain the same at their heart. Totalitarian ideology that thinks it has the answer for everything and believes that utopia will be achieved if it’s Vision to transform society is implemented quickly.


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Date: June 2nd, 2023 11:16 AM
Author: self-centered fighting regret

Solzhenitsyn: "You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated."


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Date: June 2nd, 2023 11:17 AM
Author: Glittery Rebellious Resort Pistol


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Date: June 2nd, 2023 11:59 AM
Author: sapphire patrolman stage


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Date: March 25th, 2025 12:29 PM
Author: He flexed his right muscle.

Yes, Blackrock is actively trying to advance a Leninist-style dictatorship of the proletariat and transfer the means of production to the workers. This is a very smart statement that someone with a clear understanding of actual Marxist theory would say.


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Date: May 6th, 2021 2:51 PM
Author: bossy philosopher-king karate

No SEC no-action letter could save them?


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Date: May 6th, 2021 4:19 PM
Author: sable kitchen


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Date: May 6th, 2021 4:29 PM
Author: cobalt newt

They know exactly what they’re doing and their alums joined the Biden admin to run economic policy much the same way.


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Date: May 7th, 2021 12:50 PM
Author: sable kitchen


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Date: May 7th, 2021 1:55 PM
Author: bossy philosopher-king karate

Its actually very hard to have a proxy fight. Most proxy fights like this are killed by way of SEC no-action letters. Maybe 1 in 5 proposals raised by a Blackrock end up making it onto a proxy. They have a horrible record of getting raped by the SEC the last few years. Of course, you dont want to piss off a Blackrock by going the no-action route so a lot of shit gets settled behind the scenes but you can read the no-action shit online if you feel like being bored to tears...


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Date: May 7th, 2021 2:12 PM
Author: Cracking awkward associate lodge

Dude, literally every public corporation now spends 30% of their time on carbon emissions and increasing their # of black employees because these ESG initiatives now DOMINATE


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Date: May 7th, 2021 2:16 PM
Author: Vivacious lay ape


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Date: May 7th, 2021 3:48 PM
Author: cobalt newt

ESG and DEI are catnip for soft thinkers who don’t really know how to add value.


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Date: November 7th, 2021 10:32 AM
Author: Glassy Internet-worthy Piazza


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Date: November 7th, 2021 10:38 AM
Author: Trip rehab


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Date: November 7th, 2021 12:03 PM
Author: charcoal idiotic temple


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Date: May 28th, 2021 12:30 PM
Author: sable kitchen


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Date: May 28th, 2021 12:31 PM
Author: brindle reading party gas station

Lol at thinking “the law” is going to fix this

We just have to kill these people. In real life, not in Minecraft


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Date: June 18th, 2022 2:01 PM
Author: Razzmatazz zombie-like laser beams


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Date: July 17th, 2021 2:37 AM
Author: sable kitchen


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Date: July 17th, 2021 2:39 AM
Author: Histrionic peach travel guidebook antidepressant drug

lmao at these frauds pushing all this bullshit woke ESG garbage instead of voting on behalf of investors to maximize profits

fuck this gay earth


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Date: November 7th, 2021 10:26 AM
Author: sable kitchen


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Date: March 30th, 2022 7:48 PM
Author: sable kitchen


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Date: June 18th, 2022 12:21 PM
Author: sable kitchen

They're actually making a move to change this and let investors vote the shares on a pass through basis now. Crazy.

Not enough but a good step in the right direction.


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Date: June 18th, 2022 2:16 PM
Author: kink-friendly medicated station police squad


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Date: September 30th, 2022 4:48 PM
Author: sable kitchen


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Date: June 2nd, 2023 10:42 AM
Author: sable kitchen


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Date: June 2nd, 2023 12:02 PM
Author: buff codepig masturbator

That's not even true. The ETF itself owns the shares it votes. Blackrock's customers don't own the shares.


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Date: June 5th, 2023 1:28 PM
Author: sable kitchen

This is sophistry, whatever vehicle it is, it disinter-mediates ownership and control of an entity. It’s basically like ballot harvesting on a massive scale and completely ignored by the population.

Shareholders already have a terrible track record of exercising the rights of their ownership, this has just made it worse by an order of magnitude.


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Date: June 2nd, 2023 12:49 PM
Author: Flesh Laughsome Place Of Business Space

instead of whining about this shit, why not have conservative organizations also pool their capital and battle it out with their own ETFs voting for conservative causes? nobody's stopping them from doing that.


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Date: June 2nd, 2023 1:12 PM
Author: Sticky arrogant cumskin

karen, please wash your pussy.

it smells like casu marzu.



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Date: June 2nd, 2023 7:19 PM
Author: Provocative Cordovan Scourge Upon The Earth

Wonder to what extent the companies affected do not affect Blackrock profits due to Blackrock owning the competition?

As in when Budweiser sales go down, competition sales go up.


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Date: December 26th, 2023 7:05 PM
Author: sable kitchen


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Date: March 25th, 2025 12:25 PM
Author: Refunkulus (I Always Post Always TP)
