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getting hit with a hammer in the brain is one of the most painless ways to die

Swashbuckling chartreuse boltzmann plaza
Can I do this myself or will I need an assistant?
bat shit crazy heady nursing home
sort of related i wonder why more ppl don't kill themselves ...
Sable dragon national security agency
spin, ratfucks
Greedy gaming laptop
yuge piece of masonry rigged to topple off apartment buildin...
Sable dragon national security agency

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Date: January 21st, 2018 11:57 PM
Author: Swashbuckling chartreuse boltzmann plaza


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Date: January 21st, 2018 11:58 PM
Author: bat shit crazy heady nursing home

Can I do this myself or will I need an assistant?


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Date: January 22nd, 2018 12:14 AM
Author: Sable dragon national security agency

sort of related i wonder why more ppl don't kill themselves by rigging something heavy like a refrigerator to fall on them from high up. would hit your skull first and explode your brain immediately, definitely more guaranteed outcome than a shotgun. probably could make it look like an accident if you wanted. plus if you change your mind at the last second and rediscover your will to live as many failed suicides report, could just step out of the way. nobody does this though


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Date: January 22nd, 2018 12:16 AM
Author: Greedy gaming laptop

spin, ratfucks


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Date: January 22nd, 2018 12:18 AM
Author: Sable dragon national security agency

yuge piece of masonry rigged to topple off apartment building would do it
