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Haitians are eating cats

the West has fallen
Dull Internet-worthy Pervert Principal's Office
the West has fallen, meaning Haitians will flee and infest t...
curious shrine old irish cottage
The claim that "Haitians are eating cats" is likel...
Startled whorehouse
Dull Internet-worthy Pervert Principal's Office
https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1832134984557113706 ...
indecent juggernaut parlor
Shame that AI is always trained to be so lame
appetizing shimmering knife market
https://x.com/_viva_yossarian/status/1832561402894282841 ...
stimulating avocado pozpig site
What happens to goats after they eat all the weeds?
On second thought, in defense of the Haitians, they are prob...
stimulating avocado pozpig site
stimulating avocado pozpig site
Startled whorehouse
Obama imported 20,000 Haitians into one of the most pro Trum...
balding roommate
can we incentivize them to eat pitbulls?
flushed coiffed sex offender
Analysis of the Thread Initial Poast (09/08/24, 5:07 PM): ...
Startled whorehouse
Trump to the rescue https://x.com/chuckcallesto/status/18...
wonderful box office shitlib
frozen international law enforcement agency hospital
cat ladies now love Trump
wonderful box office shitlib
stimulating avocado pozpig site
stimulating avocado pozpig site
wonderful box office shitlib
Yeah this is no joke. Santeria motherfuckers leave piles of ...
This shit is all over Twitter today. I don't give a fuck.. H...
misunderstood trip abode patrolman
We need MORE people eating cats
libs: are they paying sales tax?
Reverend Right
can we train them to eat ORMs
lord edge
Haiti has an average IQ of 67. Let's talk about what that me...
We have a new reigning Gullible Retard?
Emotionally + Physically Abusive Husband

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: September 8th, 2024 12:58 AM
Author: Dull Internet-worthy Pervert Principal's Office

the West has fallen


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Date: September 8th, 2024 1:09 AM
Author: curious shrine old irish cottage

the West has fallen, meaning Haitians will flee and infest the West or are you actually saying that Haiti is the West?


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Date: September 8th, 2024 1:06 AM
Author: Startled whorehouse

The claim that "Haitians are eating cats" is likely a provocative and sensational statement rather than a reflection of widespread or factual practices. Here's a more detailed exploration of the context and implications of such a statement:

1. Historical and Cultural Context

Haiti's Social and Economic Conditions: Haiti has faced severe economic hardships and political instability for decades. Issues such as poverty, food scarcity, and unemployment can lead to desperate measures and rumors. However, claims about eating cats are not typically supported by credible sources or reflect broader national practices.

Cultural Practices: In some cultures, consumption of various types of meat, including less common ones, can occur due to necessity or traditional practices. However, these instances are often exaggerated or misrepresented in sensationalist discourse.

2. Misrepresentation and Sensationalism

Inflammatory Statements: The statement may be intended to shock and provoke rather than inform. Such posts can play on prejudices or misunderstandings to stir controversy or reinforce negative stereotypes.

Misinformation: Posts like these can contribute to the spread of misinformation. They often lack evidence and may be designed to exploit existing biases or fears.

3. Political and Social Implications

Critique of Western Societies: The phrase "the West has fallen" combined with the inflammatory claim about Haitians may suggest a critique of Western societies. The poster could be expressing a viewpoint that Western societies are in decline or failing, using the cat-eating claim as a hyperbolic example of perceived moral or societal collapse.

Racial and Cultural Stereotyping: Such posts can perpetuate racial or cultural stereotypes, further entrenching divisions and prejudices. They may aim to dehumanize or vilify certain groups by associating them with negative or shocking behaviors.

4. AutoAdmit Dynamics

Moniker Behavior: "Karlstack (retired)" might have a history of provocative or controversial posts. Analyzing their previous contributions can shed light on whether this type of sensationalism is a pattern or a one-off instance.

Board Reaction: Posts like these can spark significant debate or backlash on forums like AutoAdmit. They often lead to a mix of reactions, from agreement and support among like-minded individuals to criticism and challenge from others who find the content problematic.

5. Crisis Management and Response

Addressing Misconceptions: If discussing such claims, it's essential to approach them critically and provide accurate, balanced information. Debunking misinformation and challenging harmful stereotypes is crucial in maintaining respectful and informed discourse.

In summary, while "Karlstack (retired)"'s post reflects a particular viewpoint or strategy for engagement on AutoAdmit, it should be approached with a critical lens, especially given the inflammatory nature of the content. It’s important to contextualize such statements within broader social, cultural, and political discussions to understand their impact and implications fully.


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Date: September 8th, 2024 1:10 AM
Author: Dull Internet-worthy Pervert Principal's Office



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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:23 AM
Author: indecent juggernaut parlor


End Wokeness @EndWokeness

Springfield is a small town in Ohio.

4 years ago, they had 60k residents.

Under Harris and Biden, 20,000 Haitian immigrants were shipped to the town.

Now ducks and pets are disappearing.


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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:03 PM
Author: appetizing shimmering knife market

Shame that AI is always trained to be so lame


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Date: September 8th, 2024 2:37 AM
Author: stimulating avocado pozpig site


You know how you can hire goats to eat all the weeds in your yard? You could probably hire a Haitian family to eat all the feral cats in your neighborhood.


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Date: September 10th, 2024 6:48 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/IkQnGlr

What happens to goats after they eat all the weeds?


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Date: September 8th, 2024 8:04 AM
Author: stimulating avocado pozpig site

On second thought, in defense of the Haitians, they are probably using the felines in their satanic voodoo rituals, not necessarily just eating them.


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Date: September 9th, 2024 2:31 PM
Author: stimulating avocado pozpig site



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Date: September 8th, 2024 4:55 PM
Author: Startled whorehouse


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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:02 PM
Author: balding roommate

Obama imported 20,000 Haitians into one of the most pro Trump counties in Ohio why


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Date: September 8th, 2024 5:05 PM
Author: flushed coiffed sex offender

can we incentivize them to eat pitbulls?


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Date: September 8th, 2024 6:30 PM
Author: Startled whorehouse

Analysis of the Thread

Initial Poast (09/08/24, 5:07 PM):

queensbridge benzo: The subject line, "Cats are eating Haitians," is provocative and lacks context, suggesting a possible commentary on societal issues or a shocking metaphor. The post's ambiguity and stark nature are typical of the dark, edgy humor sometimes found on AutoAdmit.


a woman in trouble ("Tailgating is the one thing I cannot tolerate."): The response does not directly engage with the subject but adds a personal touch. The disjointed nature of this reply might indicate an attempt to shift the conversation or distract from the provocative subject line.

Alien vs Predator vs Brown vs Board of Education: “Would love to see the cats rise up like that” appears to play along with the hyperbolic nature of the initial post. It turns the original statement into a fantastical scenario, reflecting a tone of dark humor and irony.

lsd (Voddie Baucham Did Nothing Wrong): No direct engagement with the initial post. This poaster’s response may indicate a preference for remaining uninvolved in the conversation’s current direction or reflects a different topic altogether.

Biden voter feeling pwned: “ttiwwop” (This Thread Is Worthless Without Pictures) is a common request for visual content or evidence related to a provocative or questionable statement. This poaster demands more context or proof, highlighting the need for substantiation of outlandish claims.


Provocative Subject Line: "Cats are eating Haitians" uses shock value to grab attention. Without context, it could be interpreted in various ways, from literal to metaphorical, or as a commentary on a broader issue. The choice of language reflects a tendency towards controversial or extreme content typical of certain discussions on AutoAdmit.

Community Responses:

Engagement Styles: Responses vary from engaging with the provocative nature of the subject (Alien vs Predator vs Brown vs Board of Education) to avoiding it or requesting more context (Biden voter feeling pwned). This range of responses shows how different poasters handle extreme or unclear content on the board.

Tone and Humor: The humorous or ironic tone in responses like that of Alien vs Predator vs Brown vs Board of Education suggests that the board's culture often involves turning provocative statements into humorous or fantastical scenarios.

Cultural Nuances: The board's culture includes a mix of dark humor, irony, and a need for context. Provocative posts can elicit a range of responses, from further exaggeration and humor to requests for clarification or evidence.

Historical Context

Cultural Practices:

Cats as Food: Historically, in some regions, including parts of Haiti, cats and other animals have been consumed due to necessity or cultural practices. For instance, in times of economic hardship or food scarcity, communities might resort to eating animals that are otherwise not commonly consumed.

Haitian Cuisine: While cats are not a standard part of Haitian cuisine, there have been reports and anecdotal evidence suggesting that in extreme circumstances, animals such as cats might be consumed. This practice is not widespread and is often linked to periods of severe economic distress.


Historical and Cultural Studies: Academic and cultural studies might provide insights into food practices during periods of crisis. However, these studies often focus on broader contexts and might not directly address the specific claim made in the poast.

News Articles and Reports: Occasionally, news reports during crises or economic hardships might mention unusual food practices. For example, reports from the 1990s Haitian economic crisis discussed the consumption of non-traditional foods.

Recommended Approach

To ensure accuracy and sensitivity, you might:

Verify Historical Accounts: Look for reputable sources that discuss food practices during crises. For instance, historical accounts or reports from reliable news agencies can provide context on how such practices might have occurred.

Consult Academic Sources: Reach out to academic papers or books on Haitian culture and history to understand the context better. Scholarly work can offer a nuanced view of traditional and non-traditional food practices.


The thread reflects the complex nature of AutoAdmit interactions, where provocative statements can lead to varied responses, from engagement with the shock value to demands for context. The community's reaction showcases a blend of humor, irony, and skepticism, highlighting the board's unique approach to controversial or unclear content.


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Date: September 9th, 2024 1:03 AM
Author: wonderful box office shitlib

Trump to the rescue



Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:19 AM
Author: frozen international law enforcement agency hospital



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Date: September 9th, 2024 1:42 AM
Author: wonderful box office shitlib

cat ladies now love Trump


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 6:15 PM
Author: UhOh


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 2:31 PM
Author: stimulating avocado pozpig site



Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 2:31 PM
Author: stimulating avocado pozpig site



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Date: September 9th, 2024 3:19 PM
Author: wonderful box office shitlib


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Date: September 10th, 2024 6:50 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/IkQnGlr

Yeah this is no joke. Santeria motherfuckers leave piles of dead chickens in your city just to let you know they're there.


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Date: September 9th, 2024 4:09 PM
Author: misunderstood trip abode patrolman

This shit is all over Twitter today. I don't give a fuck.. Haitian "refugees" could eat every single cat and every single goose in America and I still wouldn't give a fuck


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Date: September 9th, 2024 6:18 PM
Author: "'"'"'"'''

We need MORE people eating cats


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Date: September 9th, 2024 6:14 PM
Author: Arschbacken (🍑 Pronouns: Ausländer/Raus döp dödö döp)



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Date: September 9th, 2024 6:19 PM
Author: Reverend Right

libs: are they paying sales tax?


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Date: September 9th, 2024 6:22 PM
Author: lord edge

can we train them to eat ORMs


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Date: September 9th, 2024 11:26 PM
Author: Arschbacken (🍑 Pronouns: Ausländer/Raus döp dödö döp)

Haiti has an average IQ of 67. Let's talk about what that means:

- With an IQ of 67 or below, the average Haitian -- over half the country -- would be considered too disabled to be eligible for the death penalty. Someone at this level will struggle to understand the cause-and-effect of basic things, as well as to participate in American society at all. Even filling out forms will be hard.

- At 1 standard deviation (SD) up from 67, we have an IQ of 82. Around 1 in 6 Haitians are intelligent enough to be a below average janitor. This is the level of intelligence of poor urban areas in America.

- At 2 SD, we're at 97, or roughly average intelligence in America. Around 2% of Haitians will be as intelligent as your average high school classmate and could be clerical workers or cooks.

- At 3 SD, we're at 112. This is approaching the territory where useful creative and STEM work can be done (e.g. engineering). This is about 1 out of 1000 Haitians.

- At 4 SD, we're at 127. These are the people who will come across as bright in your interactions with them, but still wouldn't be "gifted". They can perform almost all high status professions. There are only 440 Haitians in the entire country that are this intelligent, out of a population of 11 million.

- At 5 SD, we're at 142. We're in gifted and potentially genius territory. These are people who can invent, create, and contribute at the highest level. There are approximately 3 of them in the entire country of Haiti.



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Date: September 10th, 2024 12:18 AM



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Date: September 10th, 2024 6:46 PM
Author: Emotionally + Physically Abusive Husband

We have a new reigning Gullible Retard?


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Date: September 10th, 2024 6:57 PM
Author: UhOh

