Date: January 18th, 2025 6:12 PM Author: Harry Truman
there was a huugggggeee uptick in this sort of behavior around 2012 or so when 38th wave feminism took off then again in like 2014 when dating apps became normal.
Date: January 18th, 2025 6:33 PM Author: Die Hard 2: Die Harder
They were not this obnoxious in the old days. Certainly it was understood that they were social climbers and many accomplished that via marriage. And they grabbed onto trends like no other. But 5s and 6s were not awarded with nearly as much attention as they receive now. And at the same time, in fairness to all those 5s, 6s, and 7s, every guy now is doom scrolling and dreaming of 9s rather than them, and they are treated accordingly