Date: January 23rd, 2025 9:03 AM
Author: Odious Pink Jewess
4 yr. ago
Pulp Fiction is a prequel to Reservoir Dogs
There are four people who appear in both films. Three of which end up dead in Reservoir Dogs.
Pumpkin is in reality an undercover cop named Freddy Newendyke. His assignment is to befriend Yolanda and pretend to be an armed robber. At the coffee shop he is there to intercept Jules and Vincent (the coffee shop being their regular place of choice for breakfast.) Freddy wants to obtain the briefcase which contains key evidence (possibly diamonds). After Pulp Fiction, Freddy’s next assignment is to go undercover as “Mr Orange” within Joe Cabot’s gang. The gang plans to steal the very same diamonds from Pulp Fiction. Freddy’s two nick-names, “Pumpkin” and “Mr Orange” are a clear hint that they are the same person.
Pulp Fiction’s Jimmy Dimmock (played by Tarantino) goes on to join Joe Cabot’s gang in Reservoir Dogs. When we first meet Jimmy, he is talking at length about coffee which is a hint towards his Reservoir Dogs name - “Mr Brown”.
Harvey Keitel plays “Winston Wolf” in Pulp Fiction. This is actually an alias. His real name is Larry Dimmock. He and Jimmy Dimmock are probably secretly related hence why Winston Wolf acts so cordially towards Jimmy compared with how he treats Jules and Vincent. Winston/Larry goes on to join the Reservoir Dogs as “Mr White”. Hints to The Wolf and Mr White being one and the same include; Winstons Wolf’s white sports car, the fact that both Wolf and Mr White pride themselves on being professional, the alliteration - white wolf and the fact that Wolf takes Jules’s car to “Monster Joe’s Used Auto Parts” which is probably owned by Larry Dimmock’s friend Joe Cabot.
Before his time in the Reservoir Dogs gang Mr Pink worked at Jack Rabbit Slim’s as a Buddy Holly dressed waiter. His minimal wages which are supposed to be justified by the tipping system is what leads him to hate the whole concept of tipping by the time of Reservoir Dogs.