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It's disturbing how little this $hitspecies understands the Universe..maybe 15%

Dark matter is the name scientists have given to the mysteri...
Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine
Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine
but at what cost
Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine
Imagine how little a sentient bacteria could "understan...

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Date: February 27th, 2025 8:43 AM
Author: Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine (You = Privy to The Great Becumming™ & Yet You Recognize Nothing)

Dark matter is the name scientists have given to the mysterious substance that accounts for around 85% of the universe's total matter content.

That means all the stuff we see around us on a day-to-day basis, from the most massive stars to the tiniest bacteria and beyond, accounts for just 15% of the "stuff" in the cosmos.

Yet, despite its ubiquity, dark matter is frustratingly elusive, because whatever comprises it doesn't interact with light or "ordinary matter." Either that or dark matter interacts so weakly and so rarely that it is effectively invisible.


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Date: March 1st, 2025 1:12 AM
Author: Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine (You = Privy to The Great Becumming™ & Yet You Recognize Nothing)


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Date: March 1st, 2025 1:13 AM
Author: but at what cost


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Date: March 1st, 2025 1:13 AM
Author: Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine (You = Privy to The Great Becumming™ & Yet You Recognize Nothing)


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Date: March 1st, 2025 1:15 AM
Author: evan39

Imagine how little a sentient bacteria could "understand" your kitchen floor. We're like that but a trillion times smaller.
