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"You can't relax at $1.5 mil" seems like flame

Risk-free on 1.5 mil is like 75k a year. With a chill WFH si...
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
what does risk free mean here
High-end Narrow-minded Home
like sticking another mans cock bareback into ur ass. its ri...
stirring nighttime famous landscape painting stage
Snowy Athletic Conference
exciting adulterous meetinghouse
Treasury bonds.
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
30 yr bonds are back down to 4%, and T-bills will be under 5...
Jet bearded theatre windowlicker
no shit even if u take this shit abt 1m being $5 back in 199...
stirring nighttime famous landscape painting stage
Why hope not to get murdered? Who gives a fuck anyway...we'r...
motley address
in the eighties a six fig income made you a big shot. if you...
Erotic antidepressant drug
That's what the chill WFH Sinecure is for.
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
so you can chill on $1.5m if you plan to work til you're dea...
Erotic antidepressant drug
It's more like roleplay.
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
if fake work 75k sinecures were given out like candy there w...
Erotic antidepressant drug
In the words of a gorgeous mutual friend of ours, they just ...
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
my wife (not a lawyer) has one of these and makes $105k. onl...
Swollen heaven rigor
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
reported to the rbi
galvanic brindle theater stage trump supporter
Really depends, if you want to retire to like SE Asia, S.Ame...
Lemon nursing home
Depends on what kind of standard of living you want in W. Eu...
High-end Narrow-minded Home
True but I assume OP doesn't want to be a europoor
Lemon nursing home
europoor is still better than being a wageslave for kikes in...
High-end Narrow-minded Home
Lemon nursing home
(Literal kike in the USA)
razzmatazz son of senegal
Aren't you a (((dual citizen))) my man
razzmatazz son of senegal
Also Southern Italy, Greece, and Croatia. You can live very ...
motley address
That's what the chill WFH sinecure is for.
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
Escape the shackles of GC friend, GO FOR IT.
Lemon nursing home
We all can't live off of daddy like you. Not everyone's dadd...
razzmatazz son of senegal
Lol at anyone taking financial advice from 9/11 boy.
razzmatazz son of senegal
wife and i have a bit more than 2 mil invested. i wouldn't r...
Swollen heaven rigor
With a wife and two kids, probably bump that number up to 5 ...
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
we hit $1 million in early 2020 IIRC, then 2 mil just 4 year...
Swollen heaven rigor
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
spaceporn SEETHING at this poast
Swollen heaven rigor
I wouldn't worry yourself with so very many thoughts of him.
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
i like harassing and defaming him because he outed me. not w...
Swollen heaven rigor
You’re outed? Post your phenotype
Passionate locus yarmulke
this is zurich. you and everyone else here has seen me and k...
Swollen heaven rigor
I reached 1.5mil a few years ago and thought about doing not...
Orange native personal credit line
$1.5m is better than nothing, but $1.5m is not a fortune by ...
Carmine Free-loading Church Building International Law Enforcement Agency
You can relax at any net worth friend$
shaky tattoo
In 5 years, mid 40s, we'll have ~$2.0 invested and ~$1.5 in ...
Cruel-hearted unhinged state
what do your living expenses look like? the 1.5m growing fo...
Swollen heaven rigor
Assuming 10% seems kind of generous.
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
it is, and i tend to be overly cautious so i get i shouldn't...
Swollen heaven rigor
Those are nominal returns. Subtract 3% inflation for real re...
Thirsty Ocher Turdskin
what is the point of adjusting returns for inflation? the a...
Swollen heaven rigor
Because everyone is listing their expenses in today's dollar...
Thirsty Ocher Turdskin
thought you meant 1.5MM yearly and was back and forth on it ...
cerise bawdyhouse boiling water
Mustard plaza pozpig
If you have kids and they go to private schools then you nee...
insecure associate fat ankles
"If you have kids" I think I spotted your probl...
Floppy tripping private investor factory reset button
why would you spend all that money on schools instead of jus...
galvanic brindle theater stage trump supporter
Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location
I'm approaching $2M net worth and looking into other non-law...
tan wonderful fanboi crackhouse
Option 1: move almost anywhere else in the world and get hea...
motley address
gotta love option 1. USA is great, but u are not willing ...
30 million illegals to give us healthcare
I buy my own health insurance and its like 650 a month high ...
Orange native personal credit line
Those are the current premiums I pay. Job has dogshit insura...
tan wonderful fanboi crackhouse
i pay 1400/month for a shit policy ($10k deductable!) that d...
30 million illegals to give us healthcare
You live off investment income that doesn't count for Obamac...
Thirsty Ocher Turdskin
ive made this point many times and been called a communist ...
30 million illegals to give us healthcare
For a single guy who has already maxed out social security 2...
Vigorous multi-billionaire national security agency
Anal Racy Market Travel Guidebook
wtf wld a single guy do this? move to some redneck shithole ...
stirring nighttime famous landscape painting stage
Until the roving liberal death mobs begin, it's CR to inocul...
motley address
You should take advice from Tommy T, he seems very happy wit...
Floppy tripping private investor factory reset button
thank friend, everyday im like "wow, life is unreal&quo...
stirring nighttime famous landscape painting stage
There is no point in relaxing because “chill” lo...
Passionate locus yarmulke
You must have had limited exposure to HR. I could be a dire...
motley address
During ITE, my wife an I had a negative six-figure net worth...
Excitant Fantasy-prone Locale Cuckold
180, how much do you typically put away per year?
Swollen heaven rigor
We are typically saving 200-300K per year, although last yea...
Excitant Fantasy-prone Locale Cuckold
that's v good. HHI? we make ~500k, and we save like $150...
Swollen heaven rigor
We make 600-700K depending how my wife's firm is doing. We ...
Excitant Fantasy-prone Locale Cuckold
180, is she in midlaw? i'm at a regional midlaw firm with...
Swollen heaven rigor
I make 40000k
galvanic brindle theater stage trump supporter
Yeah, she is in midlaw. She actually made more than that du...
Excitant Fantasy-prone Locale Cuckold
Oh wow, that's crazy. Did the father of your wife's child c...
Floppy tripping private investor factory reset button
Let's just say Darnell has contributed in other ways
Excitant Fantasy-prone Locale Cuckold
lol 180, glad things have improved
Transparent Spot
If you have young kids, that $1.5M will cover college for 1 ...
purple sexy hall liquid oxygen
cr with a family you need at least $10 million
walnut house-broken toilet seat lay
i can't tell when people are flaming. $10M is much higher th...
purple sexy hall liquid oxygen
Cr. If I got just $1m more net after any tax, I could pay of...
Carmine Free-loading Church Building International Law Enforcement Agency
We are beasts of burden meant to die the moment our useful l...
purple sexy hall liquid oxygen
cr get back in there
Trump is the Lib Killer
yeah move to Thailand and slash Thai cunnis and live well ti...
cracking claret idiot
hey dont tell him my plans
30 million illegals to give us healthcare
I will prob have less than that when I punch and am not worr...
black degenerate den
Brother. How have you been?
Swollen heaven rigor
Been good man just busy. Trying to live life IRL a lot more ...
black degenerate den
Good to hear. Glad ur well. Yours has always been one of my ...
Swollen heaven rigor

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:19 AM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location

Risk-free on 1.5 mil is like 75k a year. With a chill WFH sinecure bumping that up to 150-225k, seems like a CR number to just chill out, go travelling, etc.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:22 AM
Author: High-end Narrow-minded Home

what does risk free mean here


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:23 AM
Author: stirring nighttime famous landscape painting stage

like sticking another mans cock bareback into ur ass. its risk free


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Date: September 9th, 2024 9:44 AM
Author: Snowy Athletic Conference


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Date: September 9th, 2024 1:25 PM
Author: exciting adulterous meetinghouse


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Date: September 9th, 2024 7:24 AM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location

Treasury bonds.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:56 AM
Author: Jet bearded theatre windowlicker

30 yr bonds are back down to 4%, and T-bills will be under 5% soon.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:22 AM
Author: stirring nighttime famous landscape painting stage

no shit even if u take this shit abt 1m being $5 back in 1991 it seems u just bump it up to $1.5m instead, not even 2m

1.5m seems like good number, thats my goal now im so retarded though

XO is dumb, just following their jew overlords who have brainwashed them to work for life, its so dumb. the US isnt even a good place to live anymore, so wtf is the issue moving somewhere else to just do whatever u want instad of living arnd niggas hoaping not to get murdered


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:14 PM
Author: motley address

Why hope not to get murdered? Who gives a fuck anyway...we're all checking out.

You get fixated on thinking your number is right for everyone, but you're admittedly retarded and unable to settle anywhere in particular.

My number is a little over $2 million not including 401k. I should hit that in about 3 years. I'll be ready then and will just have to hope my genetics and diet conspire to keep me from ever hitting my 70s.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:23 AM
Author: Erotic antidepressant drug

in the eighties a six fig income made you a big shot. if you're 30 what is 75k going to look like in 2064


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:25 AM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location

That's what the chill WFH Sinecure is for.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:26 AM
Author: Erotic antidepressant drug

so you can chill on $1.5m if you plan to work til you're dead?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:27 AM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location

It's more like roleplay.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:28 AM
Author: Erotic antidepressant drug

if fake work 75k sinecures were given out like candy there would be no janitors, waste disposal, etc.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:29 AM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location

In the words of a gorgeous mutual friend of ours, they just didn't want to be tied down by the golden handcuffs of a chill WFH sinecure.

Also, a law degree probably opens more doors to this.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:34 AM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

my wife (not a lawyer) has one of these and makes $105k. only became WFH in 2021 (company tried return to work after lockdown and realized everyone was miserable so quickly got rid of its expensive lease in ArlingTTTon, va and went permanent WFH). i asked her recently if she wanted to stop working and she said why bother. she basically sends some emails and gets on a couple calls every day and that's it. she has almost $900k in her 401(k).


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:35 AM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location



Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:45 AM
Author: galvanic brindle theater stage trump supporter

reported to the rbi


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:28 AM
Author: Lemon nursing home

Really depends, if you want to retire to like SE Asia, S.America or smalltown USA you'll be fine. If you want to live in a major, secondary or even tertiary city in the US or W.Europe probably not, especially if you want to travel like you said. Totally FUAAAARKED if you want to have a family in one of those places also. Do you really want to be like 65 and worried about having to slum it because you need to conserve paper?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:29 AM
Author: High-end Narrow-minded Home

Depends on what kind of standard of living you want in W. Europe. Can be pulled off in Spain or Portugal, if u live like the locals instead of as an expat


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:29 AM
Author: Lemon nursing home

True but I assume OP doesn't want to be a europoor


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:31 AM
Author: High-end Narrow-minded Home

europoor is still better than being a wageslave for kikes in the US


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:31 AM
Author: Lemon nursing home



Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 8:43 AM
Author: razzmatazz son of senegal

(Literal kike in the USA)


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 8:23 AM
Author: razzmatazz son of senegal

Aren't you a (((dual citizen))) my man


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:17 PM
Author: motley address

Also Southern Italy, Greece, and Croatia. You can live very comfortably in many places, actually, on 7k euro or less per month.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:31 AM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location

That's what the chill WFH sinecure is for.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:31 AM
Author: Lemon nursing home

Escape the shackles of GC friend, GO FOR IT.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 8:18 AM
Author: razzmatazz son of senegal

We all can't live off of daddy like you. Not everyone's daddy sued Americans for 9/11 my man


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 8:17 AM
Author: razzmatazz son of senegal

Lol at anyone taking financial advice from 9/11 boy.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:29 AM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

wife and i have a bit more than 2 mil invested. i wouldn't retire off that, but it has taken the stress off me in a way that is 180. i was in midlaw when we had our first kid back in 2015 and our nw was around $400k. i was making $180k and was constantly nervous about where my career was headed, what my income trajectory would be, how i'd pay for college, etc.

now, i could give a fuck. i could afford to drive uber or some other bullshit job and still retire pretty wealthy, as long as i let the money grow for the next 15-20 years. as a result i taunt spaceporn here while he threatens me with "bar inquiries" and i lol heartily at him.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:34 AM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location

With a wife and two kids, probably bump that number up to 5 mil. Still 180. At your current income you should be reaching that in less than 10 years, no?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:40 AM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

we hit $1 million in early 2020 IIRC, then 2 mil just 4 years later. i also - for now, anyway - am equity and in addition to getting a $350k (roughly) draw, i'll be getting a payout each Feb of around 100k after taxes and deductions. as it is, based on the draw i am maxing out 401k and saving another 3-4k/mo. i plan to plow all or most of that payout into my ETF portfolio. wife also maxes out 401k and has a 9% match, so that's another ~32k/year in investments.

unless we go into a prolonged bear market, i think we can be at or above 5 million within 10 years. i'd like to fully retire with 15 mil, which i think is possible, since i'm 46.

also, college is more or less fully funded - i have about $250k in 529s that i don't count toward net worth (continuing to put in $500/mo for now, but it's probably overkill).

even if i got SPACEPORNPWNED and had to get a job that just covers expenses (not hard, bc our mortgage is only like $2800/mo and we don't have any crazy expenses), our 2 mil would be nearly 10 after 15 years assuming a 10% rate of return (i know they say to figure 7% or whatever, but that seems overly conservative. that said, if you assume 7%, then it'll be about $5.5 mil after 15 years)


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:44 AM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location



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Date: September 9th, 2024 7:47 AM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

spaceporn SEETHING at this poast


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Date: September 9th, 2024 7:47 AM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location

I wouldn't worry yourself with so very many thoughts of him.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:49 AM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

i like harassing and defaming him because he outed me. not worried even a little bit.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 9:03 AM
Author: Passionate locus yarmulke

You’re outed? Post your phenotype


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 9:04 AM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

this is zurich. you and everyone else here has seen me and know who i am.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:50 AM
Author: Orange native personal credit line

I reached 1.5mil a few years ago and thought about doing nothing and traveling. Spending a few months in Portugal and got bored, so I started my own small biz. Now i'm at 5 mil (mostly from the market - biz brings in 250k). I mostly think about getting to 10mil, even though I have no need of it. No stress though.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 8:22 AM
Author: Carmine Free-loading Church Building International Law Enforcement Agency

$1.5m is better than nothing, but $1.5m is not a fortune by any means and will not support modest spending for my family for any meaningful amount of money. The equation would start to change and tilt toward lack of stress at about $6m. So 2 more doubles. Just let my money double two more times and then I might have maed it.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 8:28 AM
Author: shaky tattoo

You can relax at any net worth friend$


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 8:42 AM
Author: Cruel-hearted unhinged state

In 5 years, mid 40s, we'll have ~$2.0 invested and ~$1.5 in retirement accounts. No mortgage or kids. Need to figure out what we'd do for health insurance if we fully retired then, but seems pretty cr to let that $1.5 grow for 20 years while living off $2 ... which we could spend faster than normal because retirement accounts would be waiting for us.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 9:04 AM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

what do your living expenses look like? the 1.5m growing for 20 years will set you up nicely (assuming 10%/year, $10 mil, assuming 7%, $5.8 mil). if i were you, i'd cut back to cushy part time jobs that provide insurance, if possible. barring that, you should be able to live off the $2 mil for 20 years. i'd either leave it in an S&P fund, or put 50% of it into that and 50% into lower risk bullshit (treasuries, bonds? idk, i don't invest in any of that bs).

you and your lover are right about where i think my wife and i would be at this age if we hadn't had kids. they are fucking expensive man. at one point, i was paying like $4k a month in preschool for both (not each) of them.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 9:13 AM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location

Assuming 10% seems kind of generous.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 9:19 AM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

it is, and i tend to be overly cautious so i get i shouldn't be assuming 10%, but if you go here https://ofdollarsanddata.com/sp500-calculator/ you learn that the annualized return of the s&p (dividends reinvested) since 1930 is like 10.2%, and since 1940, it's a bit over 11%. should you count on that return? no. will you get that return? most likely.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:32 PM
Author: Thirsty Ocher Turdskin

Those are nominal returns. Subtract 3% inflation for real returns. And those returns typically did not follow record high CAPE ratios like we have right now. Use 5 to 7% real depending on risk tolerance.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 2:21 PM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

what is the point of adjusting returns for inflation? the actual returns have been an average of 10%, so you can calculate what your money likely will be in 15-20 whatever years. and yes you then have to factor in inflation.

if the s&p gets to a point where it's returning an average of 5%, then stocks might not be a great investment anymore (at least US stocks).


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 6:22 PM
Author: Thirsty Ocher Turdskin

Because everyone is listing their expenses in today's dollars.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 9:30 AM
Author: cerise bawdyhouse boiling water

thought you meant 1.5MM yearly and was back and forth on it in my brain


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 3:44 PM
Author: Mustard plaza pozpig


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 9:37 AM
Author: insecure associate fat ankles

If you have kids and they go to private schools then you need about $10M. Education costs and decent housing are the big drains.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 9:39 AM
Author: Floppy tripping private investor factory reset button

"If you have kids"

I think I spotted your problem


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:06 PM
Author: galvanic brindle theater stage trump supporter

why would you spend all that money on schools instead of just shoving a big pile of $tock$ in a trust


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 4:51 PM
Author: Magenta Lascivious Gaming Laptop Location


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:03 PM
Author: tan wonderful fanboi crackhouse

I'm approaching $2M net worth and looking into other non-law options. How do people deal with health insurance for their families in this situation? COBRA or buying on my own would be like $50k/yr and we'd still have to come out of pocket for shit.

Health insurance is the one thing holding me back. What a country.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:20 PM
Author: motley address

Option 1: move almost anywhere else in the world and get healthcare for almost nothing.

Option 2: get a remote HR job and use it for healthcare and cost of living. Shouldn't be hard if you've been in house at all.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 10th, 2024 11:02 AM
Author: 30 million illegals to give us healthcare

gotta love option 1.

USA is great, but u are not willing to slavecuck, then pls leave


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:29 PM
Author: Orange native personal credit line

I buy my own health insurance and its like 650 a month high deductible plan, and of course its tax deductible off your gig income. How do you get 50k?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 2:30 PM
Author: tan wonderful fanboi crackhouse

Those are the current premiums I pay. Job has dogshit insurance plans (or at least they don't subsidize at all).

Is the $650 for a family?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 10th, 2024 11:03 AM
Author: 30 million illegals to give us healthcare

i pay 1400/month for a shit policy ($10k deductable!) that does't even include all my family.



Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:33 PM
Author: Thirsty Ocher Turdskin

You live off investment income that doesn't count for Obamacare subsidies. Create just enough taxable income to avoid Medicaid. Move to an expansion state if needed.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 10th, 2024 11:01 AM
Author: 30 million illegals to give us healthcare

ive made this point many times and been called a communist

its retarded as fuck that USA is the only developed country where you need to have a full time job in order to provide healthcare or else u and ur family are fucked.

and if u dont have insurance, ur medical bill might be 10x higher cuz u didnt negotiate with them in advance of your emergency treatment.

what a shithole. its designed to make you a slave to ((them))


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:12 PM
Author: Vigorous multi-billionaire national security agency

For a single guy who has already maxed out social security 20 times and is in his mid-late 40s with no prospect of or interest in marriage or kids, then it’s a no brainer to nope out of coastal metropoli and hie to are country, buy a nice house outright for cheap like a 3/2 1800 sqft 300k place, and live off the 50k per year after taxes that 2M generates with a 3% return. Probably smart to get an easy job with insurance like work for school teaching US history and stare at are country teens all day while indoctrinating the next generation against shitlibbery.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:15 PM
Author: Anal Racy Market Travel Guidebook


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:21 PM
Author: stirring nighttime famous landscape painting stage

wtf wld a single guy do this? move to some redneck shithole where there's zero social possibilities just to pedo some obese retarded amerikkka sluts?

jfc, just move abroad, its retarded


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:51 PM
Author: motley address

Until the roving liberal death mobs begin, it's CR to inoculate the youth to whatever extent possible.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 2:28 PM
Author: Floppy tripping private investor factory reset button

You should take advice from Tommy T, he seems very happy with his life choices


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 2:34 PM
Author: stirring nighttime famous landscape painting stage

thank friend, everyday im like "wow, life is unreal"


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 1:27 PM
Author: Passionate locus yarmulke

There is no point in relaxing because “chill” low-paying jobs don’t exist irl and you’d just get called champ for taking one

The point of FIRE or just building a nest egg is if you get fucked by GC like a Gen Xer and literally can’t find any job anywhere at all, then you can chill and not be homeless.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 2:03 PM
Author: motley address

You must have had limited exposure to HR. I could be a director-level business partner in my fucking sleep.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 5:05 PM
Author: Excitant Fantasy-prone Locale Cuckold

During ITE, my wife an I had a negative six-figure net worth, we were both unemployed and she was pregnant. Now we have a net worth over $3 million and relatively speaking we are pretty goddamn relaxed


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 5:07 PM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

180, how much do you typically put away per year?


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 5:14 PM
Author: Excitant Fantasy-prone Locale Cuckold

We are typically saving 200-300K per year, although last year we bought a condo for my mom so she could live closer


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 5:39 PM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

that's v good. HHI?

we make ~500k, and we save like $150k. i feel like we aren't saving enough. two kids, though.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 5:57 PM
Author: Excitant Fantasy-prone Locale Cuckold

We make 600-700K depending how my wife's firm is doing. We also have two kids. After she made partner she decided cooking and housework were beneath her so that's also costing us


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 6:03 PM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

180, is she in midlaw?

i'm at a regional midlaw firm with like 700 attys and make just under $500k as an equity partner. is this a TTT embarrassment? maybe so but i'm more preftigious than spacecorn.


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 6:08 PM
Author: galvanic brindle theater stage trump supporter

I make 40000k


Reply Favorite

Date: September 9th, 2024 7:24 PM
Author: Excitant Fantasy-prone Locale Cuckold

Yeah, she is in midlaw. She actually made more than that during the SPAC boom but probably won't reach that again


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Date: September 9th, 2024 5:43 PM
Author: Floppy tripping private investor factory reset button

Oh wow, that's crazy. Did the father of your wife's child contribute child support at all?


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Date: September 9th, 2024 5:49 PM
Author: Excitant Fantasy-prone Locale Cuckold

Let's just say Darnell has contributed in other ways


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Date: September 9th, 2024 5:55 PM
Author: Transparent Spot

lol 180, glad things have improved


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Date: September 9th, 2024 5:52 PM
Author: purple sexy hall liquid oxygen

If you have young kids, that $1.5M will cover college for 1 child following 15 years of inflation and no growth since your pulling it all out to pay living expenses.


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Date: September 9th, 2024 5:59 PM
Author: walnut house-broken toilet seat lay


with a family you need at least $10 million


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Date: September 9th, 2024 6:07 PM
Author: purple sexy hall liquid oxygen

i can't tell when people are flaming. $10M is much higher than I'd need.

With 4 kids, I would not be comfortable even semi-retiring (i.e. i take a chill, low paying job just to pay day-to-day expenses), unless I had $2M outside of retirement accounts and no mortgage.

At that point, I'd have enough to get them all to adulthood debt free and be able to help them out financially when they need it.


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Date: September 9th, 2024 6:17 PM
Author: Carmine Free-loading Church Building International Law Enforcement Agency

Cr. If I got just $1m more net after any tax, I could pay off all my debts, fund my kids’ 529s to appropriate level.

With another $1m in retirement after that, I’d start to relax a bit I think.

Actual retirement? Lol no thank you.


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Date: September 9th, 2024 10:13 PM
Author: purple sexy hall liquid oxygen

We are beasts of burden meant to die the moment our useful lives expire. Retirement is an affront to nature.


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Date: September 10th, 2024 10:44 AM
Author: Trump is the Lib Killer (TDNW)

cr get back in there


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Date: September 9th, 2024 10:05 PM
Author: cracking claret idiot

yeah move to Thailand and slash Thai cunnis and live well till you die


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Date: September 10th, 2024 11:01 AM
Author: 30 million illegals to give us healthcare

hey dont tell him my plans


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Date: September 9th, 2024 11:56 PM
Author: black degenerate den

I will prob have less than that when I punch and am not worried about it


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Date: September 9th, 2024 11:57 PM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

Brother. How have you been?


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Date: September 9th, 2024 11:59 PM
Author: black degenerate den

Been good man just busy. Trying to live life IRL a lot more and chasing kids around.


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Date: September 10th, 2024 12:07 AM
Author: Swollen heaven rigor

Good to hear. Glad ur well. Yours has always been one of my very favorite monikers
