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Hypo: Kurds use US weapons to shoot down Turkish Jets

Copper Aphrodisiac Selfie
The US does not make a single low level air defense missile ...
Stimulating Preventive Strike Range
fucking lol at this. your jealousy and humiliation about not...
Crawly Bat-shit-crazy Shitlib
My Czar colonized Syria, effectively ripped Turkey out of NA...
Stimulating Preventive Strike Range
he's kind of right that US anti-air platforms are big, high-...
Adulterous bbw
I'm about 1000% sure the CIA is racing to figure out a way t...
Stimulating Preventive Strike Range

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Date: January 20th, 2018 4:16 PM
Author: Copper Aphrodisiac Selfie


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Date: January 20th, 2018 4:19 PM
Author: Stimulating Preventive Strike Range

The US does not make a single low level air defense missile except the Stinger and Turko aircraft wont be flying at MANPAD altitudes. Patriots are too high tier to go to a proxy force. A Patriot battery is like half a billion dollars with all the required support infrastructure. The US never developed a Tor, Pantsir, Buk or even an Osa equivalent. Hawk would have fallen into the Kub class range but Hawk is decades out of production now. You couldnt give them the capability if you wanted.


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Date: January 20th, 2018 4:21 PM
Author: Crawly Bat-shit-crazy Shitlib

fucking lol at this. your jealousy and humiliation about not being american is fucking epic


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Date: January 20th, 2018 4:24 PM
Author: Stimulating Preventive Strike Range

My Czar colonized Syria, effectively ripped Turkey out of NATO, fought a European land war, won it, added territory in Europe, didnt get Hitler level PWND, obliterated a US funded insurgency in Chechnya which everyone assumed could never be won and also ripped 1/3 of Georgia off of Georgia and made its president eat his tie on live TV. Oh, and in the process he made Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, and Qatar into Russian client states. Yeah, I'm real jealous....

And that he did all this with like 1/8th the GDP of the US makes it all the more amazing.


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Date: January 20th, 2018 4:24 PM
Author: Adulterous bbw

he's kind of right that US anti-air platforms are big, high-tech machine-networks and small, portable devices with very limited range (like the stinger) with not a lot in-between. it's not like the US could "quietly" dismount an aegis system or something and send it on flatbed trucks to the kurds for air defense.


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Date: January 20th, 2018 4:27 PM
Author: Stimulating Preventive Strike Range

I'm about 1000% sure the CIA is racing to figure out a way to get C-RAM converted into a truck mounted system thanks to the Kurd situation. It will only take like 3 years to do it....
