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TEFL certs are still cheap, low barriers to entry, quick payoff yield

(Teaching English as a Foreign Language) - these are for peo...
hateful rusted crackhouse persian
hateful rusted crackhouse persian
English for Terrorists?
iridescent titillating juggernaut
Lol they are indeed well-educated. Fact.
hateful rusted crackhouse persian
I am CELTA certified and hate my law job. EXPLAIN my career ...
Sooty Erotic Station Hairy Legs
Well, as you all know, what I'm familiar with personally is ...
hateful rusted crackhouse persian

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Date: March 23rd, 2018 1:54 AM
Author: hateful rusted crackhouse persian

(Teaching English as a Foreign Language) - these are for people wanting to teach overseas

There's no accreditation to them, so the black lardass pantsuit brigade isn't involved.

It's not at the level of being a real teacher like at a public school in the US or an international school BUT it's an area that hasn't been fucking boomerized.

Once you're hired, it pays for itself within months and can still get you hired on its own.

Accumulate good experience and you too can soon have your own classroom full of bored young Arab men while getting paid $5k a month tax free!


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 3:09 AM
Author: hateful rusted crackhouse persian


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:41 AM
Author: iridescent titillating juggernaut

English for Terrorists?


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 12:36 PM
Author: hateful rusted crackhouse persian

Lol they are indeed well-educated. Fact.


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:40 AM
Author: Sooty Erotic Station Hairy Legs

I am CELTA certified and hate my law job. EXPLAIN my career prospects?


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 12:35 PM
Author: hateful rusted crackhouse persian

Well, as you all know, what I'm familiar with personally is pre-tertiary and military cadet teaching in Saudi but that's not something most will like if you need to drink. Qatar/UAE/Oman are all fucked for various reasons. Kuwait has some opportunities.

Then the other major region is East Asia. Better lifestyle than the Middle East. Worse money and hours. I still think Japan is better than China but that's a personal view.

The reason I keep pushing Saudi is that they give you real teaching opportunities with real salaries. The Asians are just going to ram you into their stupid "conversation" classes while they have the natives teach actual grammar etc. in order to get the students to pass college entrance exams, which is all they care about. They do not want what Western teachers have to offer and there is no getting around that point. Ever.

Elsewhere in Asia is great but not for you. Long hours, less money.
