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if "Looking for Mr Goodbar" came out today libs would go insane

Big city shrew lives a decadent double life and gets in over...
razzle-dazzle bat shit crazy state
or "A Boy and His Dog," set in a post-apocalypse w...
Turquoise box office genital piercing
man I haven't seen that in years it was kooky dystopian 70...
razzle-dazzle bat shit crazy state
"fucked-up 70's" has become one of my favorite gen...
Turquoise box office genital piercing
all 180
razzle-dazzle bat shit crazy state
something amusing - libs actually DID go a bit nuts in the 7...
learning disabled chartreuse rehab becky

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Date: August 15th, 2018 11:10 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle bat shit crazy state

Big city shrew lives a decadent double life and gets in over her head w crazy barflies one of whom ends up killing her


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Date: August 15th, 2018 11:13 PM
Author: Turquoise box office genital piercing

or "A Boy and His Dog," set in a post-apocalypse world where women literally get raped to death for fun.


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Date: August 15th, 2018 11:14 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle bat shit crazy state

man I haven't seen that in years

it was kooky dystopian 70's sci fi


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Date: August 15th, 2018 11:18 PM
Author: Turquoise box office genital piercing

"fucked-up 70's" has become one of my favorite genres. sci-fi had a good record in that decade, from solaris/stalker and zardoz to alien and omega man and logan's run and fantastic planet.


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Date: August 15th, 2018 11:23 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle bat shit crazy state

all 180


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Date: August 15th, 2018 11:24 PM
Author: learning disabled chartreuse rehab becky

something amusing - libs actually DID go a bit nuts in the 70's because of the rape scenes in films like "last tango in paris" and "high plains drifter." but people told them to shut the fuck up because they obviously didn't understand artistic expression, and they just wanted to censor stuff.
