Date: December 25th, 2024 3:06 PM
Author: Mainlining the Secret Truth of the Mahchine (The Prophet of My Mahchine™, the Herald of the Great Becumming™)
Wonderful. Another ChrisTTTmas "gift" from the CiTTTy of $tarbucks and $afeways.
$20.76 an hour? They might as well pay them in Monopoly money. It'll buy you a cup of coffee and a stale bagel, but it won't fix the gaping hole in Seattle's soul.
Meanwhile, I pay $8,000 a month for a "luxury" penthouse with skyline views, waiting for fortuitous Mount Rainier to erupt, only to look down daily at scenes like this: a man, completely naked, pushing an empty cart across the grocery store parking lot, seemingly going nowhere.
And no one blinks.
The rain falls, the clouds bury any "cheer," the rats unionize, and trust fund hipsters still whine about the lack of artisanal pickle $hops.
But sure, raise the minimum wage, faggots. Wake me up when the minimum wage covers the cost of therapy for the existential dread of living in this overpriced shit-pile of a cITTTy.
Until then, I'll be here, recalibrating quotas and trying to ignore the next deranged, poorly handwritten note on my desk.