Date: March 25th, 2025 5:05 AM
Author: evan39
[WHITE CHILDREN hide in truck as GIANT TURD approaches]
BILLY: He's coming for us!
SUZY: Oh my God!
[EARTH SHAKES as GIANT TURD searches for fresh juice]
TURD: Hello SAAR! Thank you VEDDY much!
SUZY: He's going to kill us!
BILLY: We have to run, it's our only chance!
TURD: I am wanting FRESH JUICE and will do the needful!
SUZY: I'm so scared!
BILLY: Come on, we have to run for the bathroom! He'll never find us there!
SUZY: No, I can't make it!
BILLY: Turds never use the bathroom, come on!
[WHITE CHILDREN run in terror to nearby bathroom]
TURD: I am looking for children and FRESH JUICE thank you veddy much SAAR!
SUZY: No! He's going to crap on us!
BILLY: Be quiet, he'll never come in here, trust me!
[GIANT TURD sniffs bathroom door and moves on, leaving trail of shit in his wake]