I wish to sample Oriential Pussy. How to safely do so?
| Bat-shit-crazy gaped pisswyrm coldplay fan | 08/12/24 | | Comical messiness | 08/12/24 | | Bat-shit-crazy gaped pisswyrm coldplay fan | 08/12/24 | | vengeful voyeur | 08/12/24 | | Frum Mood Laser Beams | 08/12/24 | | Hairraiser juggernaut | 08/12/24 | | Bat-shit-crazy gaped pisswyrm coldplay fan | 08/12/24 | | Hairraiser juggernaut | 08/12/24 | | Bat-shit-crazy gaped pisswyrm coldplay fan | 08/12/24 | | Wonderful Costumed Kitchen Ape | 08/12/24 | | Vivacious mediation turdskin | 08/12/24 | | Bat-shit-crazy gaped pisswyrm coldplay fan | 08/12/24 | | Vivacious mediation turdskin | 08/12/24 | | Hairraiser juggernaut | 08/12/24 | | Bat-shit-crazy gaped pisswyrm coldplay fan | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | Hairraiser juggernaut | 08/12/24 | | Vivacious mediation turdskin | 08/12/24 | | Ocher Institution | 08/12/24 | | Hairraiser juggernaut | 08/12/24 | | Ocher Institution | 08/12/24 | | Hairraiser juggernaut | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | Bearded gas station | 08/12/24 | | Bat-shit-crazy gaped pisswyrm coldplay fan | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | Bat-shit-crazy gaped pisswyrm coldplay fan | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | Bat-shit-crazy gaped pisswyrm coldplay fan | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | Hairraiser juggernaut | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | Concupiscible address double fault | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | average/ordinary/typical citizen/person | 03/14/25 | | Concupiscible address double fault | 08/12/24 | | Bearded gas station | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | Concupiscible address double fault | 08/12/24 | | , FUCKIN, | 03/13/25 | | bearded school | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | Concupiscible address double fault | 08/12/24 | | bearded school | 08/12/24 | | Comical messiness | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | crusty faggot firefighter | 08/12/24 | | Hairraiser juggernaut | 08/12/24 | | bearded school | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | effete dun principal's office | 08/12/24 | | white pontificating university | 08/12/24 | | crusty faggot firefighter | 08/12/24 | | Electric saffron hairy legs dragon | 08/12/24 | | idiotic exhilarant stead | 02/03/25 | | idiotic exhilarant stead | 02/04/25 | | idiotic exhilarant stead | 02/04/25 | | nyuug | 03/11/25 | | nyuug | 03/12/25 | | nyuug | 03/12/25 | | disco fries' big fat nude butt | 03/13/25 | | nyuug | 03/13/25 | | disco fries' big fat nude butt | 03/13/25 | | tentacle rape | 03/14/25 | | nyuug | 03/14/25 | | tentacle rape | 03/14/25 | | nyuug | 03/14/25 | | tentacle rape | 03/14/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: August 12th, 2024 2:14 PM Author: effete dun principal's office
The American dood who gave me a guided tour of Bangkok explained to me that you only need to learn enough Thai to say "I want to pay you to fuck me." Then you just cold approach every woman you think you want to fuck. He said about 1/3 of women will work something out with you. He also said they are more likely to say yes if you're not fat and disgusting, and that also affects price. He wasn't saying this because he was handsome and fit either.
Another thing you can do over there is offer to take the bitch shopping in exchange for sex. Just take her to the mall (if that's not where u met her) and let her pick something out. It's not only more gentlemanly, it gives the woman a way to name her price. If she likes you she's not going to pick some super expensive item. OTOH if she asks you buy an expensive item you can just ghost her and hit up some other bitch at the mall.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5574594&forum_id=2#47957217) |
Date: August 12th, 2024 3:07 PM Author: effete dun principal's office
Where else would send a birdshit to get laid Asia? I picked a place that is
1. cheap to get to;
2. easy to navigate;
3. presents no culture shock (u can't even get Thai food there);
4. involves no actual exploitation of women and doesn't involve fucking actual prostitutes
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5574594&forum_id=2#47957425) |
Date: August 12th, 2024 3:08 PM Author: bearded school
its ALWAYS safe
unless they fuck black guys
never touch those
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5574594&forum_id=2#47957427) |
Date: August 12th, 2024 5:11 PM Author: effete dun principal's office
Men in those countries are EXPECTED to pay CASH to the PARENTS of the women they marry. She is their 401k, he makes the disbursements. There's no other reason for anyone to raise and feed a dotter. Oftentimes the men pay money to her brothers as well. It's very common for a dood in the village to get a brand new scooter with money he got from his broke-ass sister's husband.
Hence, "whoring" doesn't carry the same connotation for them that it does for us. If you marry a bitch you need to pay her money. Call it what you want.
Funny story: this American dood living in singapore wifed up some Thai bitch and brought her to Singapore. He had to go out of town at some point and asked one of my friends to take his wife shopping, like how you'd ask someone to walk a dog. She had to be taken on routine trips to the mall even if he was out of town for work. I forget how payment was structured but she had an allowance.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5574594&forum_id=2#47957908) |
Date: March 12th, 2025 10:26 PM Author: nyuug (Gangnam WGWAG Playboy)
now fucktarded cumskins claiming this thread was created in 2015 LOLLERCAUST after getting ASSRAPED by NYUUG
Date: March 12th, 2025 10:22 PM
Author: Bob Stinson
Your “receipts” are from 10 years ago. Chances those people are still poasting and poasting in this thread? You are mentally ill
Date: March 14th, 2025 1:09 AM Author: tentacle rape
lol I got the receipts dumbfuck
Keep bumping 12 year old threads by Indians and azns 🤡
Date: March 14th, 2025 3:32 AM Author: tentacle rape
yeah bro you never bump 12 year old threads and know the anonymous OP - on a board dominated by non whites - is white for sure
just like Paralegal Muhammad and Andrew Tate are white, right?