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Belichick dating Zoomer major indictment on men&women

From Zoomer's perspective, it's a clear indictment on Zoomer...
Biden = Plan A
20somethings with old famous rich dudes is not exactly a new...
Yeah but young men having no future is new. As is women in t...
Biden = Plan A
You’re right in spirit but this is a weird example. Wh...
1. All Millennial men have gay face which is a turnoff 2. A...
Biden = Plan A
Maybe You look like a fag, but I don’t, champ.
(JJ Reddick)
Biden = Plan A
Reminds me of that Princeton prof who married his cute (for ...
Big Clique Energy
For a long time this wasn’t the case. You’d see...
This. Dude the girls I dated in my teens and twenties have l...
Biden = Plan A
While we’re at it wtf is wrong with millennial Women. ...
I think that has a lot to do with it. For one, their Boomer ...
Biden = Plan A
Do you meet many beautiful young ladies attracted to your hi...
Alan Lester
youre really overthinking this. he obviously pays her in som...
UMC suburban male who needs a tree cut down
She looks like she is happy and having a really good time in...
Biden = Plan A
Can you please take your retard “takes” to Reddi...
twist: this is what peak performance looks like, for men and...
Kenneth Play

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Date: July 6th, 2024 11:42 AM
Author: Biden = Plan A (retired)

From Zoomer's perspective, it's a clear indictment on Zoomer, Millennial, and Gen X men. This chick is in her absolute prime. She obviously doesn't want a mystery meat broccoli head Zoomer. She can't even find a guy her age with any sort of financial future. She knows they're going to be dicking around Bridgewater smoking weed for the rest of their lives, playing video games and watching goyslop.

Millennials still haven't maed it, Gen X isn't C suite. She went straight to Boomer. She went around the board directly to Go. Here's a guy who is arpha. Actually successful, actually white, a manly man world beater. Life in order. She's not wrong.

Now from Bill's perspective, first wife ugly dog, dysgenic children. His kids look like meth heads from the hollar. Then he gets divorced and dates Linda. Linda is bubbly and dumb but at least hot for her age and a good time. But Bill is still annoyed with this birdbrain. Apparently she had some weird obsession with the dog that annoyed him.

Now he skips entirely through Gen X and Y, because of the horror of those harpies. He's like I'm just gonna find a hot chick who's smart, works out and is in shape, and I can talk to about interesting topics. Zoomer gf is into philosophy and the sex has to be amazing. This is the reality folks. On both sides Zoomer and Millennial men are undesirable as are Millennial women. It's over.


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Date: July 6th, 2024 11:46 AM
Author: Smoker

20somethings with old famous rich dudes is not exactly a new phenomenon man. Tale as old as time.


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Date: July 6th, 2024 11:57 AM
Author: Biden = Plan A (retired)

Yeah but young men having no future is new. As is women in their 30s and 40s being completely undatable even to dudes in their 70s.


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Date: July 6th, 2024 12:01 PM
Author: cowgod (cowgod180@hotmail.com)

You’re right in spirit but this is a weird example. Why doesn’t she go after JJ Reddick?


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Date: July 6th, 2024 12:03 PM
Author: Biden = Plan A (retired)

1. All Millennial men have gay face which is a turnoff

2. All successful Millennial men are married with kids and won't get divorced until their kids are in college


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Date: July 6th, 2024 12:14 PM
Author: cowgod (cowgod180@hotmail.com)

Maybe You look like a fag, but I don’t, champ.


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Date: July 6th, 2024 12:19 PM
Author: Biden = Plan A (retired)

(JJ Reddick)


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Date: July 6th, 2024 12:43 PM
Author: Big Clique Energy

Reminds me of that Princeton prof who married his cute (for elite academia) 20-something student (it made the news cause he offended campus leftists in some unrelated way). She didn’t waste her time with older millennials / Gen Xers. Went straight for the Boomer. And he didn’t bother with a somewhat younger woman, went for the gold.


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Date: July 6th, 2024 12:45 PM
Author: cowgod (cowgod180@hotmail.com)

For a long time this wasn’t the case. You’d see the 58 year old with a 40 year old, and I’d just shrug and be like “I guess TO HIM she’s hot.”


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Date: July 6th, 2024 12:49 PM
Author: Biden = Plan A (retired)

This. Dude the girls I dated in my teens and twenties have lost all sexual value. My gf from 16-19 I would have murdered someone over and gone to jail for. She's late 30s now. A whale. Her body is totally amorphous. Still has a huge ego, still has an attitude. Not sweet, endearing or kind. As a teen her pussy melted my brain to the point where I couldn't function normally in society. Now I block her feed because I can't stomach her hideousness. It's crazy. But my SMV keeps going up I basically look like Sterling Archer now.

I actually prefer older women maturity and personality wise but just not physically. There's no attraction. I can't relate to Zoomers but at least I want to sleep with them. The odds of ending up with a doe eyed Zoomer who just worships me goes up all the time. Especially when you realize that men and women really aren't supposed to be best friends and that you should just mate with someone you're attracted to and can get along with.


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Date: July 6th, 2024 12:55 PM
Author: cowgod (cowgod180@hotmail.com)

While we’re at it wtf is wrong with millennial Women. Seems like they got put on a fake pedestal and it corrupted them


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Date: July 6th, 2024 12:58 PM
Author: Biden = Plan A (retired)

I think that has a lot to do with it. For one, their Boomer parents worshipped them. I know that my ex her dad spoiled her, and her mom told her to marry rich. I think it was a culture of you deserve everything and the world ought to be at your fingertips. They bought her everything she wanted.

They didn't marry guys with potential, they didn't help anyone build their careers. There was never a sense that they had to pay anything forward, or ever save up. It was just now now now. Me me me. They all think very highly of themselves. Also weed. They all smoke weed.


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Date: July 6th, 2024 1:00 PM
Author: Alan Lester

Do you meet many beautiful young ladies attracted to your high SMV while you're out waiting tables?


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Date: July 6th, 2024 12:59 PM
Author: UMC suburban male who needs a tree cut down

youre really overthinking this. he obviously pays her in some form. she obviously has the green light from society to go be a prostitute and she obviously enjoys the attention. maybe she even likes his personality or something.


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Date: July 6th, 2024 1:00 PM
Author: Biden = Plan A (retired)

She looks like she is happy and having a really good time in all the photos. Seems genuine af. Bill looks happier than after winning 6 fucking Super Bowls. He's over the moon. They're both ALL IN. I am personally rooting for this relationship.


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Date: July 6th, 2024 1:21 PM
Author: ""''''"'

Can you please take your retard “takes” to Reddit?


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Date: July 7th, 2024 10:29 AM
Author: Kenneth Play ( )

twist: this is what peak performance looks like, for men and women. old, incredibly successful man who doesn't just have potential but actual achievements, and a hot young possibly clever, curious young woman who wants to learn about the world
