are houthi airstrikes 180 cr or 120 no dude no?
| the dirtbag left | 03/17/25 | | ,.,,.,.,,,,,,..................... | 03/17/25 | | AZNgirl demanding 1000% Tariff on AZNmale Embryos | 03/17/25 | | the dirtbag left | 03/17/25 | | adrian vermeule uncut | 03/17/25 | | Wife shaving her vagina before a business trip | 03/17/25 | | ,.,,.,.,,,,,,..................... | 03/17/25 | | AZNgirl demanding 1000% Tariff on AZNmale Embryos | 03/17/25 | | ,.,..,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,,..,..,.,,..,.,,. | 03/17/25 | | Trump is the first woman President (TT6) | 03/17/25 |
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Date: March 17th, 2025 5:37 PM
Author: ,.,,.,.,,,,,,.....................
They are arguable, though the timing is odd since their latest statement before our attacks only threatened Israel, not the US.
My main beef is wasting Tomahawk missiles on goat herders - as best I can tell we are afraid to use our F-35s pretty much anywhere and use F-15Es and other older jets instead. What's the point of paying tens of billions to buy planes you're afraid to use?
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Date: March 17th, 2025 6:03 PM
Author: ,.,,.,.,,,,,,.....................
No, they used F-35s, but with standoff air-launched cruise missiles. The F-35s dropped their payloads over Iraq or Syria.
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Date: March 17th, 2025 5:46 PM Author: AZNgirl demanding 1000% Tariff on AZNmale Embryos
ask urself a simple question: if it was so easy to stop the houthis with some BS air strikes wtf wasnt it done before when a bunch of nations were literally spending billions doing all sorts of patrols and shit.
trump is just a manchild and his retard supporters think the world is so simple
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Date: March 17th, 2025 5:54 PM
Author: ,.,..,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,,..,..,.,,..,.,,.
i doubt it's about yemen at all. it seems more like a prelude to iran. trying to test things out a bit.
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