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Fun fact: Conseula would JUMP to sell silver to Germanus for 3 nomismata

Germanus bought silver at 1 Roman lb (0.772 avoirdupois) pe...
Exciting Deer Antler
Exciting Deer Antler
Exciting Deer Antler
ty for the moniker backstory
alcoholic impertinent pocket flask
I hope that this classical anecdote will eventually convince...
Exciting Deer Antler
I haven't taken the time to understand the thesis, but it do...
alcoholic impertinent pocket flask
The tl;dr is that silver has always been a cheap currency fo...
Exciting Deer Antler
the roman rich also used silver frequently. the gold aureus ...
Spruce piazza
They used credit cards, actually.
Exciting Deer Antler
the debasement of roman currency during the roman empire's d...
Spruce piazza
I agree, but I was only being slightly facetious. Rich Roman...
Exciting Deer Antler
Spruce piazza
Exciting Deer Antler
To be fair, Goddamn, (((Consuela))) hasn't been blown the...
turquoise hospital sandwich
Conseula oddly silent on this post.
Exciting Deer Antler
Sepia stage kitty
Exciting Deer Antler
so your point is i would "jump" to sell silver at ...
autistic chad
is your prediction that silver is going to skyrocket at all ...
Spruce piazza
i'm not sure where silver is headed. i just like it as an a...
autistic chad
but why do you feel it's undervalued? and you seem to have s...
Spruce piazza
because it's historically been used as money, much as gold h...
autistic chad
so it does seem like your thesis is based on some sort of fi...
Spruce piazza
It's Consuela. He may as well be One Day Central Banks Will ...
soul-stirring hominid national security agency
My point is that silver has declined tremendously in value i...
Exciting Deer Antler
i have linked to an analysis i like better which shows silve...
autistic chad
To be fair, Lol except based on the historical timescale ...
turquoise hospital sandwich
there's no need to re-engage with you on this topic, broken ...
autistic chad
To be fair, No, I get pleasure from calling you out on yo...
turquoise hospital sandwich
Sepia stage kitty
i agree, hashing out the same topic over and over again is t...
Spruce piazza
because it was fun and each line of attack was different and...
autistic chad
To be fair, If even one goy reads a (((Consuela))) thread...
turquoise hospital sandwich
its both sad and funny that what qualifies as a "victor...
autistic chad
To be fair, ," sneered the guy who also wastes hours...
turquoise hospital sandwich
yes, although i don't copy/paste the same 10 responses while...
autistic chad
To be fair, LOL So when will you "learn, grown, a...
turquoise hospital sandwich
ty for reverting to your robot glitch-out, i appreciate ratc...
autistic chad
To be fair, (Guy who just keeps "winning")
turquoise hospital sandwich
seems like that's identical to the answer tbf gave, that it'...
Spruce piazza
To be fair, (((Consuela))): "Look, it's just differe...
turquoise hospital sandwich
when you fixate on counsuela's foibles it's drool and tireso...
Spruce piazza
To be fair, Odd case! ;)
turquoise hospital sandwich
you're mentally deranged so you wouldn't necessarily underst...
autistic chad
To be fair, "XO as a whole" You mean the bor...
turquoise hospital sandwich
i forgot you won last year. that's right counsuela, you're g...
Spruce piazza
lol, you "winning" MPM is exhibit A in how much va...
autistic chad
the fact i didn't even think to mention it when you pointed ...
Spruce piazza
To be fair, Lol CR (((Consuela))): "XO Consensus(...
turquoise hospital sandwich
is there some other group that is known for constantly havin...
Spruce piazza
To be fair, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
turquoise hospital sandwich
ok, so my perspective is flawed, and we should take xo conse...
Spruce piazza
political poster and not very well liked with a couple of pa...
autistic chad
you are actually viewed as an incoherent schizo even though ...
Spruce piazza
unfortunately for your take here i've received a lot of posi...
autistic chad
i don't see how my opinions on trump are misaligned with you...
Spruce piazza
To be fair, Another CR On a bort filled with people wh...
turquoise hospital sandwich
yeah that's probably the most startling thing. lots of stuff...
Spruce piazza
To be fair, With the caveat that I'm a gay retard who is ...
turquoise hospital sandwich
i think the mark of whether a man is worth talking to, espec...
Spruce piazza
To be fair, Agreed but also we can say "Jews" h...
turquoise hospital sandwich
sadly we have a lot of retarded goy useful idiots here too.
Spruce piazza
Exciting Deer Antler
i only glanced what he poasted and i'm not even sure if it's...
Spruce piazza
you're just mad that on a long enough timeline it is certain...
Spruce piazza
I think it's far more likely that the US government would ta...
soul-stirring hominid national security agency
what's even crazier is that even in a scenario like that it ...
Spruce piazza
Cr you're a thousand times more likely to die either in a bo...
soul-stirring hominid national security agency
To be fair, In a real post-apocalyptic scenario, the most...
turquoise hospital sandwich
Spruce piazza
The exact context for Germanus doing this was right before t...
Exciting Deer Antler
"wuts ur hobby" "nomismatics haha" *pu...
Magical shimmering filthpig half-breed
you 100% know (((Consuela))) is a poormo because he has no g...
Talented Magenta Pistol Trailer Park
At the very least, we know his fortunes have declined by 20%...
Exciting Deer Antler
"wutchu in fo whyboi" "nomismatics" &q...
Magical shimmering filthpig half-breed
It's hard to tell what's a worse investment between cash and...
soul-stirring hominid national security agency
*calling Mossad handler* Thread objective accomplished. ...
Exciting Deer Antler
this is one of the few times a thread takes off after it's b...
Spruce piazza
alcoholic impertinent pocket flask
"wuts ur fave vidya gaem" "NieR:Nomismata....
Magical shimmering filthpig half-breed
Exciting Deer Antler

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: May 12th, 2024 1:37 AM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler

Germanus bought silver at 1 Roman lb (0.772 avoirdupois) per 2 or 3 nomismata. 3 nomismata = 2/3rds of a Roman ounce. Assuming 3 nomismata, he would be buying 1 Roman lb of silver for the equivalent of $1521 today. 1 Roman lb of silver is worth $210 at present prices.

At the time, the going rate was 12 nomismata/lb.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 12th, 2024 9:17 AM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler


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Date: May 12th, 2024 3:25 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler


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Date: May 12th, 2024 3:26 PM
Author: alcoholic impertinent pocket flask

ty for the moniker backstory


Reply Favorite

Date: May 12th, 2024 3:28 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler

I hope that this classical anecdote will eventually convince Conseula that physical silver is a bad idea on account of being on a long term downward trend.


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Date: May 12th, 2024 4:17 PM
Author: alcoholic impertinent pocket flask

I haven't taken the time to understand the thesis, but it doesn't take much to realize that silverbugs are a cult and won't be dissuaded. The bulletproof cope is "Hey, at least I have all these cool coins to look at!"


Reply Favorite

Date: May 12th, 2024 4:24 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler

The tl;dr is that silver has always been a cheap currency for poors (and merchants tbh) to use as a means of exchange, not a long-term store of value.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 2:40 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

the roman rich also used silver frequently. the gold aureus would be the modern day equivalent of a $1000 bill and was used for large purchases. but the rich still had use for smaller denominations.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 2:50 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler

They used credit cards, actually.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 2:53 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

the debasement of roman currency during the roman empire's decline is strikingly similar to what's happening with the west's decline. the also tried to do stuff like setting prices, with the same results we see when that happens today.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:01 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler

I agree, but I was only being slightly facetious. Rich Romans used 'nomina' aka checks/credit to pay for big things. I'm sure they used silver for daily transactions, but iirc they would have a slave or servant to handle the actual dirty business of handling the money.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 14th, 2024 9:45 AM
Author: Spruce piazza


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Date: May 12th, 2024 11:59 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler


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Date: May 13th, 2024 12:06 AM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

Goddamn, (((Consuela))) hasn't been blown the fuck out this hard by a retarded brown tranny since the last time his half-Flip kids called him a shitty father.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 12:14 AM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler

Conseula oddly silent on this post.


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Date: May 18th, 2024 10:59 AM
Author: Sepia stage kitty


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Date: May 13th, 2024 2:29 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler


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Date: May 13th, 2024 2:54 PM
Author: autistic chad

so your point is i would "jump" to sell silver at 6x current prices?

i mean, if that was offered to me today i would take it, of course. but i feel like silver is substantially more undervalued than 6x longterm


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 2:58 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

is your prediction that silver is going to skyrocket at all tied to a belief that the fiat system will collapse due to the illuminati controlling the central banks being usurped, or something along those lines?

edit: also, what what you buy with it if you would sell it for 6x today? i think the hypo is that the market price for silver jumped to 6x. if you would just to sell it today at 6x with the market value still as it is, then that's obviously just a nonsense point, because everyone would sell something they could reacquire for less. that's just arbitrage.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:03 PM
Author: autistic chad

i'm not sure where silver is headed. i just like it as an asset class and feel comfortable owning it and feel that it's substantially undervalued

no, i think any so-called crisis in the global financial system will be used as a trigger to institute CBDCs, which will result in a level of control over populations never seen before in human history


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:08 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

but why do you feel it's undervalued? and you seem to have some confidence in where it's going long-term since you said you expect it to go more than 6x long term. i'm wondering why.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:09 PM
Author: autistic chad

because it's historically been used as money, much as gold has been, and fiat is extremely abused and crypto is corrupted and real estate is extremely overvalued

i see gold and silver prices as being artificially suppressed by globohomo so dumb masses don't see it as a legitimate alternative to fiat

that doesn't mean that this system will end or the suppression will end anytime soon, of course. but a single billionaire could drain the comex silver vault down to zero.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:10 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

so it does seem like your thesis is based on some sort of fiat collapse. that is what i was getting at.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:33 PM
Author: soul-stirring hominid national security agency

It's Consuela. He may as well be One Day Central Banks Will Fall tp.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:04 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler

My point is that silver has declined tremendously in value in the long run. How does this comport with your idea that silver is a reliable store of value?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:05 PM
Author: autistic chad

i have linked to an analysis i like better which shows silver is 144x undervalued compared to roman times


no fiat currency lasts forever


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:10 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

Lol except based on the historical timescale that this LITERAL RETARDED BROWN TRANNIE laid out in this thread (where you're getting BTFO by zhim btw), there is absolutely no good reason to believe that your grandchildren's grandchildren will still be alive when silver "finally skyrockets to its REAL value," let alone yourself or your (half brown / half Jewish) kids.

Meanwhile, you have the chutzpah to give me shit on a regular basis because it's been like five years and my predictions of Forthcoming American Civil War 2.0 haven't fully flowered yet. "When Redneck Rebellion, retard?"

(((Consuela))): "Who cares, in the long run and on a long enough timescale, I remain confident that I will ultimately be proven correct about the TRUE value of physical silver even if we're all dead long before that happens... and at the end of the day, me being proven correct on a functionally endless timescale is what REALLY matters when it comes to matters of personal finance!"

Oh wow what a financial genius ljl... hmmmm maybe you should have mentioned that a 100+ year timescale to be "proven right" is A-OK in your book before you spent years aggressively pushed physical silver as a great investment vehicle to your ostensible "friends" on this bort... some of them might have liked to know that upfront before they dumped hard-earned money into physical silver hoping it would appreciate significantly while they're still alive...


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:12 PM
Author: autistic chad

there's no need to re-engage with you on this topic, broken robot, we've had the same conversation 100x. move along


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:13 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

No, I get pleasure from calling you out on your faggotry, hypocrisy, Judaism, and idiocy. So I think I'll continue to do that. :)


Reply Favorite

Date: May 18th, 2024 11:00 AM
Author: Sepia stage kitty


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:16 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

i agree, hashing out the same topic over and over again is tiresome.

now, can you explain why last week you created 100x threads about me and lynn and epah when i laid out my stance to you on trans shit years ago, and it hasn't changed?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:18 PM
Author: autistic chad

because it was fun and each line of attack was different and creative

TBF literally spits out the same words in the same format over and over again. even chatgpt could do a better job with it


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:19 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

If even one goy reads a (((Consuela))) thread and walks away adamant that they will never listen to you whatever garbage you're confidently spouting about personal finance and investments as a result of my participation in the discussion, I will consider that a personal victory.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:20 PM
Author: autistic chad

its both sad and funny that what qualifies as a "victory" to you in your life is so limited in scope. carry on


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:21 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

," sneered the guy who also wastes hours of his life every week arguing with strangers about petty bullshit on an internet message board.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:23 PM
Author: autistic chad

yes, although i don't copy/paste the same 10 responses while doing so. this can be a place to learn, grow, and challenge oneself in a lot of different ways. you wouldn't understand.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:32 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,


So when will you "learn, grown, and challenge yourself" to come out and openly admit that you're a Jewish man? (You know, like you used to admit back before antisemitism became cool and you realized that it's very bad for your brand of 'dissident right wing independent thinker' to be known as a Jewish guy...)


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:34 PM
Author: autistic chad

ty for reverting to your robot glitch-out, i appreciate ratcheting up another W


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:38 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

(Guy who just keeps "winning")


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:20 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

seems like that's identical to the answer tbf gave, that it's just fun. it being "different and creative" is subjective, from my pov it felt like the same shit. i don't see how it was materially different.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:21 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

(((Consuela))): "Look, it's just different when I do it, goy, OK? Now stop asking me if I'm Jewish!"


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:22 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

when you fixate on counsuela's foibles it's drool and tiresome. but when he fixates on other poasters foibles is creative art that's different every time like a beautiful snowflake.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:24 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

Odd case! ;)


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:22 PM
Author: autistic chad

you're mentally deranged so you wouldn't necessarily understand normal modalities of thought, sorry

xo as a whole understands that TBF is a glitched out robot. this was not my thread:



Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:23 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

"XO as a whole"

You mean the bort that literally crowned me MPM Champion a few months ago, and now regularly calls you out for being Jewish and mocks you for continuing to poast here as if we don't all know who and what you are?

Or are we talking about another XO?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:25 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

i forgot you won last year. that's right counsuela, you're going against two mpm champs. PWNPWNPWNPWN.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:25 PM
Author: autistic chad

lol, you "winning" MPM is exhibit A in how much value to attach to it


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:29 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

the fact i didn't even think to mention it when you pointed to xoxo consensus as being an indicator about a person shows you how much value i place on it. you're the one who resorted to xoxo consensus, not me.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:34 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

Lol CR

(((Consuela))): "XO Consensus(TM) is that you suck, take the L man, nobody here likes you."

TBF: "Actually, I won MPM last ye--"

(((Consuela))): "Oh here we go with the self-obsession, who cares you stupid preening faggot? Congratulations on being popular on the internet! God you're so pathetic."

Almost as if...


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:40 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

is there some other group that is known for constantly having a "heads i win, tails you lose" take on every single debate? a group of people that even when you corner them in a debate will pretend like it didn't happen the next day?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:41 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,



Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:24 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

ok, so my perspective is flawed, and we should take xo consensus into account.

what do you think is the general xo consensus of you and your thoughts is?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:25 PM
Author: autistic chad

political poster and not very well liked with a couple of passionate mud creature enemies, i'm okay with that

know thyself


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:31 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

you are actually viewed as an incoherent schizo even though many of your opinions align with others. it's kind of like how seal clubber is seen as a retard even though he has the same ultimate opinions as many. being a silverbug illuminati central bank guy puts you in the "crazy guy" camp for all mentally sane poasters. even though your ultimate policy positions, such as being very anti-lgbt, align with the consensus.

it should tell you something that when people who agree with your ultimate positions still think you're crazy since they have no biased reason to do so.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:34 PM
Author: autistic chad

unfortunately for your take here i've received a lot of positive feedback on my views from a lot of people so this doesn't track. i understand you have a particularly incoherent perspective regarding the orange retard, transsexualism, and so-called "conspiracy theories", but your opinions simply don't track with the opinions of those i value



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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:38 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

i don't see how my opinions on trump are misaligned with yours at all.

trans shit is subjective so reasonable minds can disagree.

anybody that has worked in finance or finance-adjacent fields at a high level, which is a lot of xoxo, know you're a retard and that you're getting suckered by conspiracy theories. because we've seen how the sausage is made. the fact you are no even slightly-persuaded by that is the type of stubborn confidence that leads to believing in all sorts of weird conspiracies.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:37 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

Another CR

On a bort filled with people who now readily accept all manner of "conspiracy theories" that most normies would think are deranged and insane, the consensus on (((Consuela))) is still "that guy is a fucking weirdo nutcase."

Really makes you think.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:39 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

yeah that's probably the most startling thing. lots of stuff on xoxo would be seen as deranged conspiracy shit by the mainstream. yet on a place where those things are accepted as fact, counsuela's shit is dismissed as "schizo insane conspiracy shit."


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:44 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

With the caveat that I'm a gay retard who is always infamously wrong about everything, I feel like part of the problem might lie in the fact that (((Consuela))) insists on acting like everyone here is a complete moron who can't possibly remember that he spent years whining about being Jewish on this very bort before doing an about-face when antisemitism levels began to rise a few years ago and suddenly pretending that he totally isn't Jewish ("Why would you even ask me that, you stupid go-- er, My Fellow Based White Men?!").

That behavior doesn't really do a lot to engender confidence in the good faith and intellectual underpinnings of his "brilliant analysis" of larger sociopolitical issues, IMO.

I, for one, tend not to put a lot of stock in the ramblings of smug and self-impressed Jewish guys who treat me with utter contempt and disdain.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:49 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

i think the mark of whether a man is worth talking to, especially on places like xo, is how they take an L. people who never take an L are always the type that are bitterly stubborn in all their positions. a reasonable person accepts the possibility of being wrong, and so doesn't have much of an issue accepting when they are wrong. a person who insists they've never been wrong is not only deranged, but also tiring to talk to because you can't even get them to *consider* an opposite position. to them it's like you're arguing the ocean is purple. they refuse to even consider the merits of your arguments.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:56 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

Agreed but also we can say "Jews" here.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 3:59 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

sadly we have a lot of retarded goy useful idiots here too.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:06 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler


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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:15 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

i only glanced what he poasted and i'm not even sure if it's a joke. but obviously it's more of a supply/demand thing when it comes to prostitution. along with there being fewer things to spend money on generally. you can probably buy a lot more wheat with an ounce of silver today than you could in roman times. that's not because the value of silver has gone up, but because the value of wheat has plummeted. the only sensible thing to do is what lynn did and compare it to like currencies.

i mean, you could probably buy a bunch of land back then for a song compared to today. that doesn't mean the value of silver has gone way down. only that land prices have gone way up.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:20 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

you're just mad that on a long enough timeline it is certain that the governments will crumble, meaning silver will likely rise in value and crypto will go to zero.

yeah, good job being "right" in the short term (i.e. your life time). we'll see who is laughing in 2450, idiot.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:28 PM
Author: soul-stirring hominid national security agency

I think it's far more likely that the US government would take military action to violently and forcibly enslave everyone in the event of civil war 2 than it is that society would collapse. I think the only way a redneck revolution could succeed would be with social resistance and some kind of minimally bloodless partitioning of the country. But if it comes to open rebellion I think that the fed would just start mowing people down with bombs and fighter jets and they would just declare martial law and mandate we all go back to work. 90% of the population would not support the rebels on account of the fact that life simply wasn't that bad no matter how bad it got. The only way civil war could become more popular is if quality of life dropped off a cliff. But we have the fastest growing economy in the world so the chance is zero. Consuela would have to predict a collapse of the economy which we know the government is willing to kill people to protect. It's all just so unfathomable and it speaks to the mind of the black pillers and the is-ought fallacy. Consuela is an idealist who wishes the world were different than it is. You only come up with kooky silver theories when you've fallen under your own spell.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 4:42 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

what's even crazier is that even in a scenario like that it would take some time before any currency would emerge. what would by valuable are things like bullets and food. just look at how jewelry and coins were traded for food and shit when other countries collapsed.

for *anything* inherently useless like fiat, or silver, or crypto to be used as a currency there has to be a certain level of stability. if there was a fiat collapse no one would care about your shinny metal for some time.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 4:53 PM
Author: soul-stirring hominid national security agency

Cr you're a thousand times more likely to die either in a bomb blast or of starvation or cold while your silver just sits there. No one is going to be like wow that guy is now *the* rich guy because he has.. wait for it... silver. Even in Fallout the 'joke' is that bottlecaps are the currency. Even in a post-apocalyptic wasteland scenario people are still attached to the idea of fake representations of money rather than bartering. In fact, it's pretty much only pre-modern negroes and indians who still value barter over some form of representative currency. Dans ce cas-là we can derive that crypto would still be more valuable than silver. Modern humans will never give up the idea of having *some* monetary system. I think people would go to bottlecaps before silver. Silver is still just a pile of metal sitting there. Bottlecaps and crypto would do better than silver coming out of the apocalypse.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2024 5:46 PM
Author: turquoise hospital sandwich

To be fair,

In a real post-apocalyptic scenario, the most valuable things to have in descending order of importance are:

- A strong and high-trust local rural-ish community that has your back (if you're located in a big city you're already FUKT so you can stop reading right now)

- Plenty of provisions and/or the ability to grown your own food / a source of clean water

- Lots of guns / ammo

Everything else is details.

And as far as bartering and trading goes, having spare food + guns / ammo is gonna get you 90% of the way to where you need to be, and I would rather be sitting on a small mountain of working Bic minilighters than pieces of silver for that last 10%.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 14th, 2024 8:39 AM
Author: Spruce piazza


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Date: May 14th, 2024 2:41 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler

The exact context for Germanus doing this was right before the siege of Antioch. The silver was too heavy for the

fleeing citizens to carry.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:26 PM
Author: Magical shimmering filthpig half-breed

"wuts ur hobby"

"nomismatics haha"

*pussy sploosh*


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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:28 PM
Author: Talented Magenta Pistol Trailer Park

you 100% know (((Consuela))) is a poormo because he has no gold lol


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:06 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler

At the very least, we know his fortunes have declined by 20% as opposed to multiplying as they would have if he had invested in gold.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:36 PM
Author: Magical shimmering filthpig half-breed

"wutchu in fo whyboi"


"sheeeit u a hard ass nigga I ain gon fuck witchu whyboi"


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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:40 PM
Author: soul-stirring hominid national security agency

It's hard to tell what's a worse investment between cash and silver.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:05 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler

*calling Mossad handler*

Thread objective accomplished. Going dark.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:26 PM
Author: Spruce piazza

this is one of the few times a thread takes off after it's bumped a couple times. it's like trying to start an old lawnmower.


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Date: May 17th, 2024 9:32 PM
Author: alcoholic impertinent pocket flask


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Date: May 14th, 2024 2:31 PM
Author: Magical shimmering filthpig half-breed

"wuts ur fave vidya gaem"

"NieR:Nomismata. Love that coinslot fr no cap fr."


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Date: May 17th, 2024 5:35 PM
Author: Exciting Deer Antler


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Date: June 29th, 2024 8:48 PM
Author: CapTTTainFalcon
