Swipe apps are basically dead
| Jason Genova | 03/13/25 | | Unakite Thirteen Hotel 69 | 03/13/25 | | Unakite Thirteen Hotel 69 | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | Jason Genova | 03/13/25 | | irl chink | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | UhOh | 03/13/25 | | Unakite Thirteen Hotel 69 | 03/13/25 | | this place sucks now | 03/13/25 | | irl chink | 03/13/25 | | ,.,,,. | 03/13/25 | | Jason Genova | 03/13/25 | | irl chink | 03/13/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/13/25 | | Jason Genova | 03/13/25 | | blow off some steam | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | Jason Genova | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | this place sucks now | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | michael doodikoff | 03/13/25 | | daniel gay luis | 03/13/25 | | Epistemic Humility | 03/13/25 | | caitlin clark | 03/13/25 | | research boner | 03/13/25 | | Epistemic Humility | 03/13/25 | | lex | 03/13/25 | | Jason Genova | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | lex | 03/13/25 | | this place sucks now | 03/13/25 | | irl chink | 03/13/25 | | this place sucks now | 03/13/25 | | irl chink | 03/13/25 | | this place sucks now | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | this place sucks now | 03/13/25 | | Prolemobiler | 03/13/25 | | Diamond Dallas Trump | 03/13/25 | | evan39 | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | this place sucks now | 03/13/25 | | Jason Genova | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | Jason Genova | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | michael doodikoff | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | michael doodikoff | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | michael doodikoff | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | this place sucks now | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | Diamond Dallas Trump | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | Diamond Dallas Trump | 03/13/25 | | Faggottini | 03/13/25 | | Bronus Swagner | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | irl chink | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | Buck Breaking as a Service | 03/13/25 | | Diamond Dallas Trump | 03/13/25 | | Jason Genova | 03/13/25 | | lex | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | Diamond Dallas Trump | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/14/25 | | irl chink | 03/13/25 | | lex | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | lex | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | this place sucks now | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | metaphysical certitude | 03/13/25 | | A Prince of Spice | 03/13/25 | | SniggIe | 03/13/25 | | ....,.,.;;;,.,,:,.,.,::,...,..,:,..,.. | 03/13/25 | | Harry Chang | 03/13/25 | | michael doodikoff | 03/13/25 | | When I grow up I want to be a pumo | 03/14/25 | | Oh, You Travel? | 03/14/25 | | michael doodikoff | 03/14/25 | | average/ordinary/typical citizen/person | 03/14/25 | | Oh, You Travel? | 03/14/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 13th, 2025 11:35 AM Author: A Prince of Spice (gunneratttt)
don't forget the first and only retard in bort history to get his gf a moniker lmao
also he used his alts so his m'lady could win MPM
then she cucked him and outed him as a basement dwelling NEET
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5693487&forum_id=2#48743839) |
Date: March 13th, 2025 10:55 AM Author: irl chink
yup the real reason they died is minorities and banning dudes based on bogus female reports
you can be the biggest chad in the world and if you reject some landwhale for casual sex, she can spend 10 seconds reporting you and you get auto perma device banned from their apps
the whole thing is retarded and a testament to how stupid women are more than anything else, and the men who enable them
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5693487&forum_id=2#48743623) |
Date: March 13th, 2025 11:43 AM Author: A Prince of Spice (gunneratttt)
i've been banned one time. when i tried to sign up on other match.com services i would be banned after a week or so. since just changing my email and stuff i've never been banned.
some people spite report when they're rejected. i've had plenty of women admit this to me. i keep it kosher in on-app messaging.
every other algorithm based shit has false positives and banning men from dating apps doesn't matter because they're already an abundance of them. of course some risk-adverse GC of match is just going to ban people that someone reported as "someone is in danger IRL" (an actual report reason) rather than conduct an IRL investigation. this happens with every online service where people can mass report someone to get the algo to ban them.
tcr is to unmatch people the moment you decide you're not interested in pursuing anything further with them so they don't have a chance to spite report you.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5693487&forum_id=2#48743881) |
Date: March 13th, 2025 11:20 AM Author: this place sucks now
In these threads everyone is always climbing over each other to intimate they got in on the ground floor on dating apps, are sexually active etc and trying to poa some giant hot take on the market, ive been guilty of this and ive always tried to synthesize insights about stuff I have no experience with just for fun
Ive never even downloaded a dating app or made a profile anywhere
I never even attempted to "date" because I implicitly understood Phenotype
Most of what youre seeing is a lot of people like me, people who simply never even checked in, let alone 'checked out' of these zero sum apps + combined with recent imports turning the entire web into a digital ghetto. These people dont even resemble anything that would've passed for remotely human a century ago, they'd be elephant man style "Freak Show" attractions, have been snarfing down processed GC garbage their entire lives & are hideous, layer that with increasingly deracinated lobotomized obese tatted native stock + aging + feral hypergamy.. its all going to zero IRL, its not hard to imagine an "app" dying when irl is basically hollowed out & worthless/brown
Just look around, everyone is fat, ugly, poor and increasingly nonwhite. The phenotypes on display just dont suggest anything complimentary about hopping on an 'app'
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5693487&forum_id=2#48743757) |
Date: March 13th, 2025 11:32 AM Author: irl chink
i say all the time that the real reason for the recent "normie backlash" against "libs" has been that the recent years of immigration have gotten so out of control that pretty much all white people have to interact with horrific brown phenotypes on a regular basis now. wealth, class, location etc no longer enable anyone to be isolated from this anymore
there is no more effective argument against the "lib" vision for the world than encountering brown people face to face
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5693487&forum_id=2#48743823) |
Date: March 13th, 2025 12:01 PM Author: A Prince of Spice (gunneratttt)
you're the one getting emotional about our relative experiences on dating apps and insisting you "mog me in everything respect" despite knowing nothing about me.
all i'm saying is that my experience has been fine, and so has the experience of other similarly situated people i know irl. why does this make you so angry?
the apps do suck more than they did before. but i'm having a better experience because, i assume, i'm older, richer, and more stable than i was before. the apps sucking more doesn't change the fact that it's the same population of people using them, and my "market value" is probably higher than it was before, so it gets easier and easier.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5693487&forum_id=2#48743975) |
Date: March 13th, 2025 11:54 AM Author: irl chink
they really don't. the objectively average, regular ~20-40 year old guy in america is grotesquely unattractive to women. if you're white and can maintain eye contact with women you're already like 90th percentile. most of these guys are brown or asian and so they're almost all automatically ignored by women. the whole situation is very ridiculous
tbh the best analogy for the trajectory of dating apps is facebook. or even the internet in general. started out as an exclusive thing for only a few savvy first adopters (above average white people), and then gradually became worse and worse as it was adopted by commoners, nons
Date: March 13th, 2025 12:49 PM Author: A Prince of Spice (gunneratttt)
the "point" seems to be that forever angry losers and dorks want to circlejerk about how bleak everything is and don't like it when someone contests it.
"The shitlibs running match group destroyed them by banning everyone and making it impossible to make a new account"
"it's pretty easy to evade a ban with a burner email and phone number"
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5693487&forum_id=2#48744203) |
Date: March 13th, 2025 1:50 PM
Author: ....,.,.;;;,.,,:,.,.,::,...,..,:,..,..
good. go out to a bar and pick up a drunk chick like a normal human. or do some church courtship shit if you're uppity like that.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5693487&forum_id=2#48744457) |