Date: March 17th, 2011 7:35 PM
Author: Bright Space
Joshua Campoverde, Eva Cohen, Rebecca Maddalo, Serena Yuet Ching May, Alexandra Bell
Karen Yee, Jason D. Burke, Amy Ho, Eric Obenzinger, Samuel Lipoff, Abby Sun (Harvard)
Joanna Ng, Arielle Brousse, John Van Rensburg, Mo Lai Yan Chi, Brittney Winters
Brianna June, Jenn Smith, Gretchen Guo, Dickson Lok, Jessica Qu, Cheong Ming Tam
Jana Yokoyama, Eli Rosenfeld, Marissa Lopez, Justin Oberman, Lana Lingbo Li
Mark Bregman, Sarah Stein Lubrano, Zac Pollinger, Russell Ben Hedman, Tiffany Bonita Litz
Kavita Narayanadas, Justine Tsayfan, Joanna Lam
Josephine Cho, Joy Y. Ding, Natia Kvachantiradze, Steven Cupps
Ruxandra Paul, Michelle Cronin, PA Aphaisuwan, Dylan Jones, Vivien Wu, Jakob Treskow
Loyala de Silva
Alexandra Bell was with Jaki Jo Fierceicorn
Anthony Skubic (Boston, MA)
Anna Yallup (UCL), Steven Long Tran, Michael Pyott, Lillian Massey, Leria Anne-Isabel, Olivia Fanaroko, Saskia Mullins, Joy Y. Ding, Hazel Bones, Robert Pereno Due, Asobi Quang, Andrew Deaernley, Richard Hughes (Brighton), Anthony Real (London), Jaki Jo Fierceicorn,
Kelly Chan (Harvard) can't resist SuckieSuckie WHITECOCK
Marcus Tucker, Tamika McKinon Yourse, Emily Caroline Romund, Emily Romund, Joyce Yan Zhang, Steve Dean, Melissa Marie Garcia, Alice Edith Howard, Sophie Hector, Yasmin Moreira, Louise Dean, James Markham (London), Sim Piseth, Alize Cala, Gabrielle Saw, Blessing Oyeniyi, Teal Brady-Broskey, Marie Calloway, Evie View, Alison Tarwater, Beth Sinden, Kadi Kamara, Gareth Tyrrell, Suleman Syed
Honey Kohan
London, United Kingdom
Wild Seed Kula
Boston, Massachusetts
Anna Yallup
Steven Long Tran
University of California, San Diego
Michael Pyott
The University of Queensland
Lillian Massey
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Léria Anne-Isabel
Manager at Dusty Pockets Productions
Rev-Captain Liability Eden
The Future Mayor of London at What cost?
Olivia Fanaroko
Saskia Mullins
Works at The Iron , the Bitch and the Wardrobe
Joy Y. Ding
Chanel C
Sydney, Australia
Hazel Bones
Robert Pereno Due
Shiplake College
Asobi Quang DX
Andrew Dearnley
Works at Technicolor
Richard Hughes
Anthony Real
London, United Kingdom
Jaki Jo Fierceicorn
Marcus Tucker
University of Southampton
Tamika Mckinon Yourse
Works at Yoga District
Emily Caroline Romund
University of Arkansas
Joyce Yan Zhang
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Steve Dean
Online Dating Consultant, Speaker, & Matchmaker at Dateworking
Melissa Marie García
Works at Opera Solutions
Alice Edith Howard
Patrick Hamm
Berlin-Friedrichshain, Berlin, Germany
Sophie Hector
Art Director/Producer at AMV BBDO
Yasmin Moreira
Centro Universitário FIEO - UNIFIEO
Louise Dean
James Markham
Sim Piseth
Siem Reap
Alizé Cala
Colette JL
Gabrielle Saw
Blessing Oyeniyi
Teal Brady-Broskey
Marie Calloway
Evie View
Alison Tarwater
Harvard University
Beth Sinden
Bath Spa University
Lena Chen
Berlin-Friedrichshain, Berlin, Germany
Kadi Kamara
Gareth Tyrrell
Sackville School
Suleman Syed
KikeSkank Nancy Schwartzman Keep writing, lovely lady. We need your voice! Channel PWV and know that your words mean something to so many people. XO
Nikki Anderson (Owner/Photographer at Sorella Muse Photography)
AsianFetishFag Christian Garland (Harvard)
AsianFetishFag Russell Bennetts
AsianFetishFag Sam Meier (Harvard)
Serena Yuet Ching May (Digital Strategist at Social@Ogilvy)
You know who REALLY loves anal?
STDskank Kyria Giordano (aka Kyria E. Giordano [Univeristy of Maryland Baltimore) kyriaeg tumblr
You know who REALLY luvs anal? nigWhore Kerri Grinnage
KERRI ESTELLA GRINNAGE. Richmond, Virginia | 804.389.1730 | | twitter @kerriestella
Mom: Kyle Grinnage
You know who REALLY luvs anal?
annierebekah liked this
You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank Annie Rebekah Gardner (Boston)
Location: Cairo; Bio:
You know who REALLY luvs anal? Annie Rebekah Gardner is an STDskank a getting
her MA in Migration and Refugee Studies at the American
University in Cairo CMRS (Annie Gardner aka Annie R. Gardner)
Zachary Pollinger is a third year honors economics concentrator who got the clap from skank Lena Chen at Harvard University. He would like to thank Ms. Allison Rone for sucking his cock during the writing of this paper. Stud Zac Pollinger can be reached at heeey girl heeeey
carry-onbaggage liked this
You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank erin campbell watson
Lawrence University
Milwaukee Wisconsin
HY Connect
Partnership; 51-200 employees; Marketing and Advertising industry
June 2012 � Present (3 months)
PR Intern
Cramer Krasselt
Privately Held; 501-1000 employees; Marketing and Advertising industry
April 2012 � June 2012 (3 months) Greater Milwaukee Area
Account Coordinator
HY Connect
Partnership; 51-200 employees; Marketing and Advertising industry
September 2011 � March 2012 (7 months) Milwaukee
Web content development & organization. Media lists. Publicity tracking. Social media execution & planning. Website editorial team. Press releases by the dozen. Jack-of-all-trades.
slmart11 liked this
You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank Sara Martinez
apparently beaner whore Sara Lorraine Martinez aka Sara Martinez aka
You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank Sara L. Martinez ( SLMART11@AOL.COM)likes cumslurping
like Lena does
kratlee liked this
You know who REALLY luvs anal? kathryn ratcliffe-lee that (new jersey) STDskank
wordsandturds liked this
You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank Sarah David
Arielle is what a high school teacher might call a 'young woman of poise.'
You know who REALLY luvs anal? STDskank Arielle Brousse
Assistant Director for Development at Kelly Writers House
Greater Philadelphia Area
Museums and Institutions
Arielle Brousse's Overview
Assistant Director for Development at Kelly Writers House
Grantwriting and Development Communications Coordinator at The Franklin Institute
Administrative Assistant, Development Department at The Franklin Institute
Children, Youth and Families Intern at The William Penn Foundation
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
Grantwriting and Development Communications Coordinator
The Franklin Institute
check out this FuckUpWhore Allyson Lieberman (UPENN School of Medicine & University of Michigan Research Associate - Newman/Kwok Lab, 2010 - 2011)
ask Janet Jun (aka Janet J. Jun) Berkeley jumiyori tumblr
Janet Jun
Student at the University of California, Berkeley
San Francisco Bay Area
Public Relations and Communications
Press Office Intern at Office of the Attorney General, California
Senior Producer at CalTV
News Reporter at CalTV
see all
University of California, Berkeley
The Harker School
144 connections
Janet Jun's Experience
Press Office Intern
Office of the Attorney General, California
August 2011 � May 2012 (10 months) San Francisco Bay Area
� Assist on special projects and research on statewide issues
� Create background materials for media and distribution of press releases
� Compile articles from news organizations for circulation to departmental staff
� Take accurate phone messages from members of the media for press office staff
Senior Producer
Educational Institution; 51-200 employees; Media Production industry
September 2011 � December 2011 (4 months)
� Provide editorial comment and critical feedback of scripts
� Facilitate idea generation for investigative stories
� Supervise filming and editing of news packages
� Keep Director and Assistant Director up to date with shows� weekly progress
News Reporter
Educational Institution; 51-200 employees; Media Production industry
September 2010 � December 2011 (1 year 4 months)
� Pitch, write, film, and edit video news packages under deadline for daily broadcast at
� Cover international, national, and local politics, student life and university affairs
� Assist with TV promotions by updating CalTV�s Website, Twitter, and blog
Global News Intern
Link TV
Nonprofit; 51-200 employees; Broadcast Media industry
January 2011 � May 2011 (5 months) San Francisco Bay Area
� Researched and monitored broadcast news outlets from Asia (KBS, CCTV, NHK, etc.)
� Pitched news stories for editorial content
� Managed media content by organizing recorded news programs, archiving them to DVDs, logging news shows, and updating database of information on FileMakerPro
� Assisted with translating 30-minute news shows from the Korean Broadcasting System
InterKorea Cooperation Team Intern
Korean Broadcasting System
May 2010 � July 2010 (3 months)
� Monitored broadcast and print news stories on InterKorea relations
� Pitched news stories for editorial content to show producers
� Contributed to research on North Korean politics and propaganda
Entertainment Reporter
Educational Institution; 51-200 employees; Media Production industry
January 2010 � May 2010 (5 months)
� Presented current trends and topical entertainment news stories in film and music
� Assisted news production, idea generation for stories, script writing, video editing and TV promotions
Communications Director
Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC)
January 2010 � April 2010 (4 months)
� Promoted campus events through public relations strategies; updated blog and social networking sites
Communications Intern
Privately Held; 10,001+ employees; Management Consulting industry
June 2008 � July 2008 (2 months) Seoul, Korea
Janet Jun's Projects
My CalTV Episodes
February 2010 to December 2011
Team Members: Janet Jun, Jaron Liclican, Meera Peermohamed, Felicity Trevino, Myles Moscato, Marie Clarisse Valera, Christopher Larson
Janet Jun's Education
University of California, Berkeley
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science (International Relations), Media Studies
2009 � 2013 (expected)
Cumulative GPA: 3.94/4.00
Honors To Date
The Harker School
2005 � 2009
Activities and Societies: The Winged Post, Quill and Scroll Honor Society, The Harker Orchestra, El Camino Youth Symphony, California Philharmonic Youth Orchestra
jamilasays reblogged this from lenachen and added:
Jamila Khabir
Writing and Editing Professional
Wilmington, North Carolina (Wilmington, North Carolina Area)
singyoursight liked this
Sally East @ragamuffin
United Kingdom
Sally East
Therese Shechter, Therese Shechter , Therese Shechter
Lisa Esselstein, Lisa Esselstein, Lisa Esselstein
Jennifer Leavey, Jennifer Leavey, Jen Leavey
Elaine Alvarez, Marin Sander Holzman, Mona Eltahawy ‏
Alli Mooney ‏@allimooney , Melanie Ehrenkranz ‏ @MelanieHannah, Rebecca Tolley-Stokes
Ethan Zohn ‏@EthanZohn, Julie Heinz ‏@julieheinz, Basil Tsiokos ‏ @1basil1, Ashley Granata ‏@Ashley_Jeanne
Jodi Lustig, Thom Powers ‏ @thompowers, Lisa Esselstein ‏ @editorlisa, Melissa Campbell
rachel sklar ‏@rachelsklar, Meghan Keane Graham, Belle Vierge ‏@belle_vierge, Twanna A. Hines
Kim Yaged, Serene Conaway, Jennifer Hattam, Jen Hattam, Anna Fanelli, Elaine Alvarez,
Jennifer Leavey, clare butler, Kara Whaley, Kitty Nordquist., Dana Polatin-Reuben, Pei-Jeane Chen,
Shelby Capacio, Viviane Tang, Lexie Kelly-Wainwright, nicole m. casamento, Nicole Casamento,
Aggie Ebrahimi, Vipasha Shaikh, Stephanie St Pierre, Bronwen Pardes
Laurie Waldman, Libby Feltch, Courtney Boyd, Brenna Levitin, Reese Alden
Courtney Boyd, Elizabeth Kissling, Stephanie St Pierre, Susan Crandall
Gina Bulett, Tara Tuttle
Arielle Pardes , kelsey mckinney ‏ @mckinneykelsey
Dan Reimold ‏ alli katz (kelly writers house), Shelby Sheehan
Ned Monahan Stephanie Pickman Monahan Edward Monahan Patricia Patts Jimmy Kent Christopher Fabian Erin Essenmacher Sacchi Patel Elisa Henderson Parker Nancy Schwartzman Chuck Radda Amadea Faye Evan Kaufman AF Cieszkiewicz Cheryl Adam Ian Alexander Griffiths Will Galang ‏ @willgalang Michele Elaine Hannon Michele Hannon Weily Lang Antoinette Herrera ‏ @silveragerus Stella Maarte ‏ @eldiadia Feliza Casano ‏ @FelizaCasano hannah pings ‏ @hannahpings Kathryn Allan, PhD ‏ Jessica Goldstein‏ @JessicaGoldstei Rose Fox Emily Jiang ‏ @EmilyJiang Saira Ali ‏ @sairaforreal Christine Slocum ‏ @ChristineLSloc Christine L. Slocum Twanna A. Hines ‏ @funkybrownchick ‏ Chloe Gordon Chloe Gordon Jennifer Moore ‏ @UnchartedWorlds Tamsyn Elizabeth ‏ @TamsynE Andrea Landry @AndreaLandry1 Conner Habib @ConnerHabib Rachel Kuo ‏@rachelkuo Jane Hu ‏@jane_c_hu Jane C. Hu Jessica Chu ‏@jessicachu Shetu Modi ‏ @ShetuModi Stephanie Karina Fang ‏ @fangs17 Stephanie Fang Lisa Michalek ‏ @defendressofsan Lilian Min ‏@llnmn Abrahan Tapia ‏ @tapiasmind Heather Yamada Hosley ‏ @Curious_Heather Michael Urbina ‏ @michael_urbina Melanie Shelor ‏
Samantha Masunaga @m_shelor Emily Xie ‏ @emilyxxie Christine Yu ‏ @christineyu @LilMissO Olivia Wedemeyer Maressa Simmons ‏ @_greybunnies Christine Vyrnon ‏ @teandoranges Suey Park ‏ @suey_park Reva Minkoff ‏ @nodaybuttoday08
Claire Gordon Emily Gordon Liz Kumpa Gordon New York, New York Chloe Gordon Yale · Urban Sarah Gordon (Georgetown) Ted Gordon (Yale University) Douglas Tyler Gordon (Philips Exeter) Ben Gordon (Austin TX) Johanna Hamm Moritz Hamm
Susanne Hamm-Leitl
Jonas Wisser ‏ @jwisser Justin Conway ‏ @GenghisConway Hilary Williams ‏ @ary_williams Frances Martel @francesmartel Connie Cho ‏ @conniedotcho Stephanie Karina ‏Fang @fangs17 Stephanie Fang
Samantha Masunaga Samantha Masunaga Samantha Masunaga
Chloe Gordon Chloe Gordon Chloe Gordon
Samantha Masunaga Samantha Masunaga
Samantha Masunaga
Therese Shechter Mike Ruffone (Columbia College Chicago) Angelica Ramirez Srividya Tadepalli Shayla Reid Amanda Van Slyke Gina Bulett (Sasha Bruce Youthwork)
Claire Gordon Claire Gordon Claire Gordon Lee Butler Meghan Prin (Princeton) Felicia Carter (Saint Joseph's University) William George Adam Natalie Annabelle Francella Chinchilla (Georgetown University) Kimberly Meyer (George Mason University) Catherine Anomalie (University of Alberta) Nicole m. Casamento (Founder/Editor at Culture Grinder) Lexie Kelly-Wainwright (Clerk at Pomona College ASPC Coop Store) Alexandra Bell Suey Park (Creative Director at Suey-ts) Cassius Ribhkus (UCSI University) Mike Ruffone (Columbia College Chicago) Shannon Loggins Johanna Hamm Piyali Bhattacharya
Therese Shechter Michael McDowell (Works at Cozen O'Connor_ Josephine Tsui (Works at Overseas Development Institute (ODI)) Shelby Capacio (Zac Pollinger Zac Pollinger Harvard) Allegra Richards (Harvard) Joshua Campoverde (MightyHive) Matt Irelan (Michigan) Joy Xi (Stanford University) Zac Pollinger (Harvard) Zac Pollinger Harvard Pei-Jeane Art Center CA Katie Lovett (Katie Lovett Harvard) Jim Argue The Path Least Followed Andreas Brinck Yeyen Ong (Santa Monica, California) Justin Q. Taylor (Somerville, Massachusetts) Tacha Aus Pailand John Van Rensburg (Cape Town, Western Cape) Dan Pecci (Creative Services Coordinator at Huntington Theatre Company) Jessica Wakeman (New York City) Sim Piseth Siem Reap Daniel Bear (Brookline, Massachusetts) Ari Sigglin (Evergreen) Eyal Malinger (London) kelsey mckinney @mckinneykelsey Kelsey McKinney Dan Reimold alli katz @allikatz Arielle Pardes @pardesoteric Dana Polatin-Reuben Ari Sigglin Sim Piseth John Van Rensburg Tacha Aus Pailand Jessica Wakeman Chris O'Brien @microbrien Arielle Pardes @pardesoteric kelsey mckinney @mckinneykelsey Dan Reimold Maureen O'Connor (NYC)
Suey Park (Creative Director Kelsey McKinney at Suey-ts) Suey Park (Creative Director at Suey-ts)
Suey Park Suey Park
@maureen oconnor Lindsay Kolowich (Boston) @lkolo25 Vipasha Shaikh @vipashashaikh Dina Guzovsky @dinaguzovsky Harmony Eichsteadt @spitfiregrrrl Erica Brandt (Harvard) @ebrandt41 Nadia Yvette Chambers Nadia Y. Chambers @NadiaYChambers Rebecca Swann @Mountainbaby Jane Hu ‏@jane_c_hu (Jane C. Hu) Therese Shechter @TrixieFilms Jessica Chu (Lehigh Clicky) Jess Chu Jessica Chu [] Lilian Min ‏@llnmn Meg Clement-Couzner ‏@MClmntCznr Ned Monahan Allie Lindo ‏ @AllieLindo Arielle Pardes ‏ @pardesoteric Nadiya Barnard ‏ @NadiyaBarnard Ian Nawalinski ‏ @ian_nawa Emily Chapman ‏ @eachapm Zerlina Maxwell ‏@ZerlinaMaxwell Ned Monahan Stephanie Pickman Monahan Edward Monahan Ned Monahan Stephanie Pickman Edward Monahan Ned Monahan Stephanie Pickman Monahan Edward Monahan Ned Monahan Stephanie Pickman Monahan Edward Monahan Ned Monahan Stephanie Pickman Monahan Edward Monahan Zerlina Maxwell Zerlina Maxwell Zerlina Maxwell Steve Dean
herpesSTDs Erin Ching '16 (Swarthmore)
herpesSTDs Sandra YL Korn '16 (Harvard)
Yeyen Ong
Andreas Brinck
Jim Argue
Noelle DeHarpporte (Washington DC)
Katie M. Lovett (Harvard)
Steven Long Tran (UCSD)
Tacha Aus Pailand
Tacha Shanti
AJ VanLaningham
Pei-Jeane Chen
Josephine Tsui
Michael McDowell (Cozen O'Connor)
Milana Jevtic (Brock University)
Joy Xi (Stanford University)
Yasmin Moreira
Amy Ho (Yale)
Zac Pollinger
Allegra Richards (Harvard)
Joshua Campoverde (MightyHive)
Matt Irelan (Michigan)
Alexander James VanLaningham
September 25, 2012: Dumbcunt Florentyna Leow and dumbcunt Melissa LuVisi bitch that her pornsurfing of Lena Chen's bukkake site has been made public (and linked to her whore sisters Rachel Leow (harvard) and Kristel Leow.
September 2-10, 2012: AttentionWhore Lena Chen [Lena Chen Harvard, Lena Chen Chicktionary, Lena Chen tumblr) spams Facebook with invitations to Johanna Hamm's "CHOKEFUCK ME!!" art exhibit. Amanda Van Slyke likes gettingChokefucked, AsianFetishFag Jakob Treskow, cumguzzlingWhore Dina Nayeri (Princeton), Florentyna Leow (aka Flory Leow) London (Univeristy of London) (heroin-e tumblr),
September 1, 2012: Desperate for fresh yellow flesh, Patrick Hamm posts a facebook page for his course (SOCIOLOGY 149: Inequality, Poverty, and Wealth in Comparative Perspective TTh 1-2pm | NEW LOCATION: Harvard Hall 104) and trolls for Asian chicks to join up and suck his cock for extra credit. Gracye Cheng, Victoria S. Rose, Lisa Jing, Kamilah Willingham, Vivien Wu (Asian Community Development Center), Serena Yuet Ching May, Olivia Paquette (Harvard, social anthropology major), Abby Sun, Mon-Shane Chou (Berkeley), Josephine Tsui (SOAS), Rebekah Adamek
August 28, 2012: Jobless lazy skank Lena Chen spends the day jerking her clit on Facebook and Twitter. She posts the first few sentences of a shitty juvenile short story. KikeSkank Nancy Schwartzman Nikki Anderson (Owner/Photographer at Sorella Muse Photography), AsianFetishFag Christian Garland (Harvard), AsianFetishFag Russell Bennetts, AsianFetishFag Sam Meier (Harvard), Kerri Grinnage (aka Kerri Estella Grinnage [Richmond, Virginia]), Erin Campbell Watson (Laurence University Milwaukee Wisconsin), Sara L. Martinez ( SLMART11@AOL.COM), Kyria Giordano (aka Kyria E. Giordano [Univeristy of Maryland Baltimore)(, Arielle Brousse
August 27, 2012: Lena Chen, who's spent the last 2 years posting about her STDs, her lopsided tits, and the 30 cocks she remembers suckingandfucking, whines that people only remember her for skank blogging and her nude pix.
August 20, 2012: attentionwhore Lena Chen begs for attention: "OMG!!1 sucked Patrick Hamm's cock and got some money! so I'm goin to NYC to model for his chokefucking sister Johanna Hamm! "I like gasping for breath," says German-born New School performance artist Johanna Hamm, "so getting chokefucked is a double-pleasure..." e
August 18, 2012: attentionwhore Lena Chen begs for attention by whining about race issues. Only a few dumbskanks read the moribund blog, including:
dumbwhore Sarah Gorr (Sarah Gorr)
jizzslurpingwhore Shira Espo (Boston tumblr: fallingdeep, email: Visual Merchandising Specialist at The Clarks Companies, N.A.) Facebook:
dumbcunt Sally East (singyoursight tumblr @one_day_soon twitter andyousmile)
Jamila Khabir (Wilmington, North Carolina TUMBLR: jamilasays ) Facebook:
Florentyna Leow (aka Flory Leow) London (Univeristy of London)
(heroin-e ... BA Japanese at SOAS)
blogs from: heroin-e tumblr & floryhands wordpress)
Janet Jun (Berkeley) [aka Janet J. Jun] TUMBLR: jumiyori
August 16, 2012: jobless Lena Chen posts on Facebook sympathizing with a moronic gunman. 8 idiots (Lindsay Dinkins [UNC Greensboro], Oscar Raymundo, Dina Nayeri [Princeton], Tiffany Litz [Washington], Brandon Fooly [UCSB], Nikki Anderson [Sorella Muse Photography], asianFetishFag Aj Baumgartner [Essex County College], yellowwhore Stephanie Fang [Isidore Newman School]) approve. n
March 12, 2012: YellowSkank Lena Chen attentionwhores at SXSW, discussing her nudecamming (and the pic with Patrick Hamm's jizz on her face) at "Sex In The Digital Age." A small handful of AsianFetishFags and JizzSlurpingWhores attend, including: AsianFetishFag Ari Herzog, AsianFetishFag Rahul Sabnis, AsianFetishFag Matt Story, herpeSlut Cristina Dunning, scatplayWhore Lux Alptraum, STDiseased Gwen Reyes (Dallas TX), MoroniCunt Kate Matlock, turdskinWhore Sarita Bhatt, Anngelica Newland (Ann Newland), STDwhore Dalton Dorne (NYC), dumbskank Kelly Stonebock, Dumbwhore Elizabeth Teschler (Liz Teschler Los Angeles), yellowSkank Fiona Su (San Francisco fionaeats tumblr), and STDiseased Kim Bauer.
March 11-13, 2012: Lena Chen continues her obsessive attentionwhoring on twitter, tweeting with cumslurper Regina Twine (@ReginaTwine Raleigh NC), AsianFetishFag Rahul Sabnis (@rahulsabnis), AsianFetishFag Matt Bellis (@matt_bellis), AsianFetishFag Eric Flinn (@ericflinn), AsianFetishFag Hady Karl Mawajdeh (@hadysauce), AsianFetishFag Matt Story (@mattestory), yellowSkank Jess Chu (@jessicachu), AsianSkank Viviane Tang (@viviane212), turdskinWhore Sarita Bhatt (@saritabhatt), cumguzzler Irin Carmon (@irincarmon), Jessica Sain-Baird (@oxfordist jessicaisyourfriend Communications specialist at KU Endowment) STDiseased Kara Nance (@Karanancemd Chicago), nigwhore Morgane Richardson (@Morgane_R), ) ,
March 11-12, 2012: STDiseased Lena Chen continues her manic online posting orgy on TheChicktionary, posting attentionwhoring pics to her dwindling audience of diseasedSkanks, including: Crystal Xia (Northwestern University and yellowWhore Viviane Tang (viviane212 at
March 11, 2012: "OMG! LOOK AT ME!!" posts attentionwhore Lena Chen to her Facebook, including a pic of her with 2 skanks (Maureen O'Connor [NYC gawker] and Lux Alptraum) and 1 AsianFetishFag (Mike Dacks [Avid Life Media]). A small cluster of yellowskanks (Lingbo Li, Abby Sun (Abby P. Sun), a nigskank (Maisha L. Cannon [USC] and an AsianFetishFag (Steve Dean [Steven M. Dean Swarthmore]) encourage Lena Chen's bipolar nympomanic attentionwhoring.
March 11, 2012: Bipolar nympho Lena Chen continues her manic 72-hour travel/twitter-a-thon. Whoreswho cheer on the Lena Chen trainwreck include: jizzslurper Kelsey LeBuffe (Harvard), cumdumpster Viviane Tang (NYC Viviane212), brownwhore Regina Twine ‏ (Raleigh NC @ReginaTwine), skank Lux Alptraum ‏ @luxnightmare, yelloWhore Jessica Chu (Jess Chu) Employer: Clicky,, With all of Lena Chen's manic energy, you'd think Lena Chen would get a fucking JOB, rather than sponging off her fuckbuddy Patrick Hamm! Patrick Hamm
March 10, 2012: Lena Chen, jetsetting through Texas on sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's money, posts attentionwhoring pics of herself with skank Lux Alptraum. yellowwhore Melanie Chen (Melanie N. Chen Melanie Nicole Chen) Cumslurping whore Eva Rose (Harvard) and AsianFetishFag Christian Garland give two thumbs up.
March 10, 2012: Manic-depressive skank Lena Chen continues her manic attentionwhoring spree, traveling through Austin Texas (using Patrick Hamm's money), and feverishly attention-tweeting. Fuckups who encourage Lena Chen's bipolar nymphomania include: AsianFetishFag Noah Scalin (@noahscalin), nigwhore Cat Posey (@catpoetry), yellowwhore Alexa Andrzejewski (@ladylexy), cumdumpster Trish Bendix (@trishbendix), jizzslurpingWhore Erin Gibson (@gibblertron). "Check out the bukkakemustaches Elisa Kreisinger ‏ @elisakreisinger and I got from some randoms!!1"
March 9, 2012: 12 hours after blogging that she "wants to disappear," bipolar Lena Chen commences a fevered 72-hour masturbatory attentionwhoring blog-tweet-post-a thon. First up, attentionwhore Lena Chen posts a video on advertising "how to have safe sex"...since Lena Chen has posted about her numerous STDs, it seems the skank doesn't practice what she preaches. Other cumdumpsters who like getting jizzed in the face include:
Florentyna Leow (aka Flory Leow) London (Univeristy of London First Year: 287279). Floryhands wordpress / heroin(e) tumblr / twitter @heroin_e. Gotta wonder whether Flory's sisters Rachel Leow (Harvard) and Kristel Leow are whores, too.
Torie Rose DeGhett (aka Torie DeGhett) thepoliticalnotebook tumblr / twitter: @trdeghett
Grace Chow Grace Y. Chow [Rice University] therealgracechow tumblr
Alex Ahn [Swarthmore] arihanta Email:
Julie Kraut (NYC), facebook: juliekraut
twitter: @JulieKraut
Justine T. Fan @justinetf
cumslurper Danielle Whited [MIT aka Danielle B. Whited @danielle.whited Accenture New York justtellher tumblr & lookingforsomethingmore tumblr]
Casey Wykes' self-cutting skankwife Elizabeth Peeks-Wykes belyenochi
March 9, 2012: Skank Lena Chen posts a pic of a half-naked skank Lux Alptraum on her Facebook. AsianFetishFag Charles Hope (, STDinfestedSkank Hillary Carter (Bright Start Academy), jizzslurpingWhore Eva Rose (Harvard), and beanerSkank Brenda Ibarra cheer the pornpix. AsianFetishFags Bill Cammack (MIT) and Alexander Maisey ask if Lena Chen will suck their white cocks.
March 9, 2012: Lena Chen continues her masturbatory Facebook-poasting, drawing the attention of a handful of skanks and asian-fetish faggots, including: AsianFetishFag Russell Ben Hedman (NYC), AsianFetishFag Steve Dean (Swarthmore & La Salle College High School), AsianFetishFag Michael McDowell (Cozen O'Connor), beanerWhore Marissa Lopez (Harvard), aznWhore Serena Yuet Ching May (University of Chicago), yellowSkank Josephine Tsui (SOAS), CumSlurpingSkank Aonya McCruiston (Wellesley aonya aonyam), cumSkank Eva Gillis-Buck (Harvard Research Assistant, Macklis laboratory at MGH), AsianFetish Fag Russell Bennetts (Underground), Fatass Denial Blogger Miriam Lazewatsky (Miriam J. Lazewatsky), Fatass Denial Blogger Jenn Leyva (aka Jennifer Leyva), yelloWhore Lorna Trinh (Pepperdine University), and cocksuckingWhore Abby P. Sun (Harvard abby p. sun harvard), AznWhore Elizabeth Yao (Education Consultant at Able Education), dumbCunt Felice Ford (Harvard University Classics Department), AznSkank Humbi Song (Harvard, Cambridge Rindge and Latin School), AznFaggot Jonathan Song Jon Song (Brown University Community Health major uncorrelatedcausations tumblr @cdcpianoman twitter) (AsianFetishFaggot Kameron Austin Collins (Princeton).
March 9, 2012: Jobless parasite Lena Chen posts a pic of herself mooching a free meal off of some stupid marks (like stupidYellowWhore Melanie Chen [aka Melanie Nicole Chen aka Melanie N. Chen [University of Texas]) in Austin, Texas. Those liking that kind of scam include: AsianCumDumpster Jessica Qu (Yale), AsianFetishBeaner Benito Fuzio, YellowSkank Emma Lai (Taipei, Taiwan), Amanda Van Slyke (Bellerose Composite High School), Chrystal Tchan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
March 9, 2012: Lena Chen continues her jetsetting and blogging drunkbinge in Austin Texas. In today's drunkblog, Lena Chen finally
Lena Chen ADMITS she hasn't seen even a $50 check for one of her masturbatory blogs in SIX MONTHS (which makes it even moar obvious that sugardaddy Patrick Hamm is paying Lena Chen's fucking bills), and
Lena Chen says feminist shit isn't worth her "time and motivation" anymoar. (Read: the attention-whore isn't getting enough ATTENTION!1 for her to do it anymoar.) Instead, she's gonna write a OMG!! NOVEL!!1...though just who would read Lena Chen's flatulent childish fiction remains to be seen.
And yet, some dumb whores STILL don't get how phony this Lena Chen cunt jizzGuzzlingSkank Lisa Kadey (aka Lisa J. Kadey aka Lisa Jean Kadey [University of Toronto] gooddrumbreak tumblr and publiclikeafrog wordpress) and Lindsay Dinkins (University of North Carolina Greensboro lindsaydinkins tumblr @chaoticlove).
March 8, 2012: Attention whore Lena Chen posts a pic of her dog/fuckbuddy, but only attracts the "likes" of a few dumbskanks like Sara David (NUDEPIX Brown University wordsandturds tumblr)
March 6-8, 2012: Having had her blog abandoned by skanks afraid of being outted, Lena Chen turns her attention-whoring to Facebook, posting pics of her mooching off of fuckups at Antibes Bistro in Austin Texas, including assLickingFaggot Ryan Mendias, nigwhore Minhal Baig. Approving fuckups include: beanerSkank Nivea Hernandez, yelloWhore Tai D Giang (University of California Irvine), faggot Christian Garland (Harvard), YellowFetishFag Kevin Verbael (Harvard), AsianFetishFag Steve Dean (Swarthmore), yellowWhore Josephine Tsui (SOAS), AsianFetishFag Dan Pecci (Harvard), skankcunt Lux Alptraum, AsianFetishFag Eric Obenzinger, jizzslurpingWhore Becki Ledford, BeanerFag Fernando Berdion Del Valle, cumslurpingSkank Felice Ford (Classics Department, Harvard), HongKong whore Chrystal Tchan, cumguzzlingSkank Eva Rose (Harvard), cocksuckingWhore Amanda Van Slyke (Bellerose Composite High School), YellowWhore Vivienne Chen (Vivienne X. Chen Princeton), AsianFetishFag Michael Blaustein (Harvard), yellowFetishFag Noah Mamber (Washington DC), YellowWhore Lingbo Li (Lingbo Li Harvard), pervprof Hugo Schwyzer.
March 7, 2012: "You're at SXSW?" tweets expelled Cornellwhore Jenna Bromberg to expelled Harvardwhore Lena Chen. "Can we meet so you can suck my cock?" tweets asianFetishFag Jeff Byrnes (@berkleebassist)
March 6, 2012: "LOL, remember when I wrote this blog about my faghagging with jizzslurper Jason D. Burke (Boston College School of Law)?" tweets Lena Chen. s
March 4, 2012: Jobless parasite Lena Chen sucks Patrick Hamm's cock for travel money to jetset to Austin Texas. Patrick Hamm and Patrick Hamm
March 4, 2012: AttentionWhore Lena Chen retweets a gangbang announcement by cumslurper Megan Andelloux (Brown University @HiOhMegan)
February 17, 2012: "OH LOOK!!1" blogs jobless parasite Lena Chen, "MY SKANKY SISTER GINA CHEN [UC San Diego] HAS HER SHITTY DESIGN IN SOME RAG NO ONE READS!"
February 17, 2012: ONE DAY after going into "writing a book mode" blogging hiatus, attention whore Lena Chen obsessively posts two "LOOK AT ME!!!1" posts on her tumblr to her dwindling audience of skanks and asian fetish fags: Chelsea Ault (pacificocean tumblr University of Ottawa Engaged to Jason Lewis, yelloWHORE Keri Lee (UC Irvine thekeri tumblr), AsianFetishFag Sean Mannion (who surfs AsianBukkakePorn when he can't get satisfied by his fugly whore Jessica Mannion unclesean tumblr Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Sarah Manley and Amy Kieran and Amy Kieran).
February 16, 2012: Delusional skank Lena Chen declares a "blogging hiatus" so that she can go into "writing a book mode" TRANSLATION: Attention whore Lena Chen is livid that her blog's traffic stats have tanked (an attention whore can't LIVE without the oxygen of ATTENTION) and is going on a BLOG STRIKE TEMPER TANTRUM WAHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh!!! Lena's handful of skanks like this kind of behavior, including dumbcunt Rachel Hills (rachelhills tumblr), Lauren Cozad (Ohio OSU economics banking), Isabel Cole (isabelthespy, (Designer Supra Shoes NYC), YellowCumSlurper Mayka Mei (Red Magnet Media, themaykazine, tumblr), 1
February 16, 2012: MORE idiotic skanks who entered Lena Chen's FREE DILDO raffle are outted, incluing:
Jamie Lynn Rubin (Chicago, jamielynnlife tumblr)
Sarah Fitz (Brandeis psychotropicpolitics tumblr @bleedinwhisky)
Lindsay Dinkins (University of North Carolina Greensboro lindsaydinkins tumblr @chaoticlove)
Florentyna Leow (aka Flory Leow) London (Univeristy of London) (heroin-e tumblr)
Jennie Finley (aka Jennie Trott Finley @nevergetfooled nevergetfooledagain blogspot)
Keely Chaisson (@madness_dreams Keely Chaisson UCLA biology)
AsianFetishFaggot Paul Mata
firecrotch Chiara Corso (@chiara_corso George Washington University)
Jacqueline M. Harding (aka Jackie Harding @JackieMHarding Providence RI)
February 15-16, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen (who subsists by mooching off her sugardaddy Patrick Hamm in Xchange for bukkakeJobs) aimlessly jerks her clit on Twitter and Facebook. She begs several fuckups for money, including yellowfetishFag Elliot C. Back (aka Elliott Back), aznSkank Christina Xu (@chrysaora), Lauren Cozad (Ohio OSU economics banking), Lisette Below (@lisettebelow). Lena Chen also promotes the BukkakeGangbang being offered by cumguzzler Samantha A. Meier (Samantha Meier [LOL) and yellowSkank Abby P. Sun Abby P. Sun harvard (Abby Sun abbypsun).
Feburary 15, 2012: Desperate for any crumb of approval, YellowWhore Lena Chen retweets some horseshit DIY film ("xoxosms") about some AsianFetishFaggot (Gus Machak) who jerks off to some online asianWhore (Jiyun Kim). The film is directed by kikeskank Nancy Schwartman
February 14, 2012: MORE skanks who entered Lena's pornblog raffle are outted, including Sara David (Brown University & USC blogs from: wordsandturds tumblr), Florentyna Leow (aka Flory Leow) London (Univeristy of London - BA Japanese at SOAS) blogs from: heroin-e tumblr & floryhands wordpress), AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (otarsus tumblr), Chloe Syke,
February 12-13, 2012: Desperate to increase traffic to her dying blog, skank Lena Chen holds a FREE DILDO giveaway! Unfortunately, the handful of dumb skanks who enter the contest don't realize their information is being revealed on Lena's PUBLIC BLOG. Skanks who are outted include:
Prerna Ramesh @prerna369
Elaine N. Kuo @elainenkuo
Elizabeth Wong @oradianto
vulva self-cutter Elizabeth Wykes @belyenochi
Chloe Sykes
Christina Branson @clbranson
Meghan Johnston @Meg3Girl
Chelsea Pajzer @loveechelsea
February 12-13, 2012: AttentionWhore Lena Chen jerks her clit on Facebook, attracting the applause of a few skanks and AsianFetishFags: Joy Xi (aka Joy B. Xi Harvard), Latoya Peterson (Washington, District of Columbia), Michael Segal (Bessemer Venture Harvard), Jen Wang (Yale Columbia), Melissa Gira Grant, Lummy Lin (Washington) and her white fuckbuddy, kikeSkank Nancy Schwartzman, kikecocksucker Elisa Kreisinger (Simmons College), nigwhore Twanna A. Hines (New York), Amanda Van Slyke (Bellerose Composite High School), Fatass Denial Blogger Jenn Leyva, Katie Browning (Harvard)
February 12, 2012: Unable to write about anything that doesn't involve her cunt, jobless parasite Lena Chen blogs a tantrum demanding FREE BIRTH CONTROL SO PATRICK HAMM DOESNT IMPREGNATE ME WHEN HE JIZZES ON MY FACE! A handful of braindead cumguzzlers chime in, including Jenn Bane (Chicago), Mori Clark (aka Morgan Clark Montserrat College of Art), Danielle Whited (aka Danielle B. Whited, Leslie Clayton, and AsianFetishFag Eric A. Stratton.
February 12, 2012: dumbskank Denise Wirtz (aka prosepetals) goes apeshit when her pornblogging habits get her outted. Nigwhore Jennie Finley adds to the lulz (aka Jennie Trott Finley @nevergetfooled nevergetfooledagain blogspot)
February 9, 2012: Continuing to rationalize that jerking her clit online counts as a "job," unemployed parasite Lena Chen posts an unreadably shitty "magazine" Explosion-Proof (Circulation: 300, OMG!!1) "essay" about how Patrick Hamm has been $upporting her lazy ass (in exchange for blowjobs-on-demand) for the last 20 months. BrainDeadCunt Chloe Skye (CUNY Queens) and STDiseasedCunt Cassandra Pandi (St. John's University aka Cassie Pandi) jerks her clit over the juvenile "essay." And, unsurprisingly, AsianFetishFag Adrian Dowe jerks off to it.
February 8, 2012: Desperate to gin up attention for her dying blog, attentionWhore Lena Chen REblogs some shit about Skank Pride Day. The masturbatory blog post focuses on fugly chinkSkank Abby P. Sun (aka Abby Sun Harvard A small handful of skanks like the blog, including Kara S. Marsh (predispositions.tumblr) and Sarah M. Cash (doesyourmamaknow.tumblr). Also included were photos of Photo of braindead whore Lori M. Adelman and negroidskank Andrea Plaid via skankwhore Vivien Wu
February 7, 2012: Unable to think about "writing" anything that doesn't involve shoving shit up her cunt, Lena Chen reblogs some random video from xoxosms. A handful of skanks chime in, including yellowhore Alice Wu (abcdefghiloveyou.tumblr), AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (otarsus), also:
nigwhore Marjorie Joseph (Montreal dearbecca.tumblr)
STDiseasedSkank Sarah Hauser [aka sarsann.tumblr (Graduate Student in French Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, EMAIL:
Program Assistant at Illinois Program in Paris
Teaching Assistant at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
February 5, 2012: Desperate for any crumb of validation, Lena Chen jizzes herself that she could give a cucumber-on-a-condom talk regarding how to Blog BukkakePorn. "OMG!1 My best talk EVER!!1" squealed skank Lena Chen. "Me too!1" chimed in STDiseasedWhore Marie Lyn Bernard. Other whores who liked the idea of blogging skankporn were Minhal Baig (Yale), Miriam Zoila Perez (Swarthmore), AznFetishFaggot Kameron Austin Collins, YaleSkank Rebecca Sylvers (Yale). Afterward, Lena Chen mooches food from HarvardCuntWhore Katie Zavadski
Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm
Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm
Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm Patrick Hamm
Patrick Hamm
February 2, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen posts pictures of shit she's made in the kitchen, waiting for sugardaddy Patrick Hamm to return home and jizz on her face for her allowance. Skanks who "like" this kind of pr0n include Chicago jizzslurper Sarah Gorr (fuckbuddy of STDiseased Alex Wayman) Publications International Ltd daughter of Liz Gorr and Steven Gorr), AznFetishFag Paul Mata (otarsus), Alexis Crawford (aka Alexis R. Crawford aka Lexi Crawford acrawf0rd ...hmmm... wonder if Alexis R. Crawford gave her STDs to Jake White [Arizona]?), Rocio Mendoza (larebelde tumblr), nigwhore Janae Kelley (shedwellswithbeauty tumblr)
February 2, 2012: AttentionWhore Lena Chen posts 17 pictures depicting her lazy, mooching, jobless life. The photos (which aznfetishfaggot Eric Obenzinger jerksoff to as well as cumguzzlingSkank Sabrina Sadique [aka Sabrina A. Sadique]) include a few dumbfuck enablers of Lena's whoring, including Maria Athanassiu, faggotknobgobbler Jason D. Burke (Boston College School of Law), Yellowskank Abby P. Sun (aka Abby Sun [Hickman High School, Columbia Missouri, Harvard]) , psychonig Courtney Kennedy, "me so horny" yellowwhore Tiffanie Hsu, aznfetishfag Zac Pollinger (aka Zachary Pollinger, Zachary A. Pollinger), jizzguzzlingSkank Allegra Richards (suckincock at Harvard lol), whoreslut Mandy Gable, beanerskank Melissa Marie Garcia (aka Melissa M. Garcia)
January 31, 2012: jizzslurpingWhore Lena Chen blogs about PornWeek at Yale: "Yale asianskank Connie Cho's gonna do a GANGBANG! SO EMPOWERING!!!11" Only a handful of morons surf the blog, including AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (Mercedes, TX otarsus), skankwhore Denise Ann Wells (Yankton, SD) and whore Diane Shipley [[LOL @ Connie Cho Connie Cho Connie Cho Connie Cho Yale '13 Connie Cho and LOL @ her AsianFetishFag Eric W. Schultz [Northwestern University])
January 30, 2012: Lena Chen retweets shiit by skankwhore Riese Bernard (aka Marie Lyn Bernard aka Marie L. Bernard): "CUM see me in the YALE GANGBANG with jizzslurping beaner Miriam Z. Perez (aka Miriam Zoila Perez)!" Constance Cho Yale '13
January 29, 2012: "Running out of pocket money from sugardaddy Patrick Hamm," blogs Lena, "looks like I gotta mooch off of yellowcunt Joanna Ng (Accenture Alhambra California), asianfetishfag Jonathan Hakritsuk (UCSD), yellowfag Billy Yeung (UCS) and Johnny Wang (Accenture) "
January 28, 2012: "OMG!! At a faggot dancehall with Rheeqrheeq Chainey and jizzsucker Christian Garland!!"
January 27, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen blogs about getting fish tacos with another aznwhore, Evelina Giang (Alhambra California) "Love the pics of Patrick Hamm's jizz on your mouf!" squeals yellowskank Elizabeth Yao (South Setauket, NY)
January 26, 2012: "Stole my SKANKsister Gina Chen from classes at UCSD to whisk her to lunch at George's On The Cove!!" blogs Lena.
January 26, 2012: Jobless parasite whore Lena Chen spends another day of unemployment jerking her clit and posting shit to thechicktionary. Despite a full day of attentionwhoring, Lena Chen only attracts the eyes of a fast-dwindling circle of fucked-up jizzslurping skanks and asianfetishfags (Leanne Mirandilla [Dartmouth blogging as touchofbedlam], Diane Shipley (dianeshipley) cumslurpingWhore Diane Shipley, yellowhore Alice Wu (abcdefghiloveyou), brownskank Ace Amulong (prettyspectacular), asianskank Anjela Ramos (heartsnatcher & asiancracker), Erin M. Justice (erinmjustice), whore Rachel Hills (rachelhills), cumslurper Danielle Whited [MIT aka Danielle B. Whited @danielle.whited Accenture New York justtellher tumblr], cokewhore Megan Baker (New York University, Megan Baker [FU Berlin], York High School Megan Baker) (AKA appropriation ohnomegan Hayley Fisher [infectiousizzy], JapSkank Joanne Nishinaka (Los Angeles) Schurr High School & California State University- Fullerton], Denise A. Wells (aka deniseawells Denise Wells Yankton, SD) (Yankton South Dakota... uhoh, Denise A. Wells probably doesn't want her son Cameron Wells (Yankton SD) to find out about her whoring!). Megan Baker (NYU)
January 25, 2012: "OMG! Yellowskank Evelina Giang (yes, THAT Evelina Giang) and I basically inhaled a small piglet yesterday. Figures that I wind up visiting home during DineLA week. This was not exactly part of my post-Asia, start-eating-like-a-normal-person game plan," posted lazyskank Lena Chen. AznFetishFaggot John Esperanza (johnesperanza . tumblr) jerks off to yellowporn.
January 25, 2012: Lena Chen reveals that she pitched a fit at customs in Beijing, when they asked her about her STDs. "My herpes," screeched Lena Chen, "is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" A handful of STDiseased skanks surfed the page, including Amy Khuu (aka xtsamy on tumblr, Milpitas High School), Catherine Parkinson (Dallas, TX) 'kaki" (, Stella Shi (St. Louis) NYC (blogs at chimeless [tumblr] and, STDiseased Fatasskank Miriam Lazewatsky (aka Miriam J. Lazewatsky who now blogs at danishmodernlady ( Gotta wonder what mommy and daddy Barbara Lazewatsky and Joel Lazewatsky think of their daughters SKANKBLOGGING...not to mention brother Dan Lazewatsky [and his slutwhore Haley Moore] and aunt Audrey Lazewatsky), and yellowwhore Viviane Tang (viviane212).
January 24, 2012: Jobless lazycunt moocLinkhes off of other whores (HUGETITTIED Tara Moross, aznskank Evelina Giang, and nigwhore Rheeqrheeq Chainey) clubbing at Soho House in West Hollywood.
January 24, 2012: Dumbcunt Lena Chen OUTS various STDiseased peeps who
answer a survey of hers while logged into their public Facebook accounts: Denise A. Wells (aka prosepetals Denise Wells aka Denise Ann Wells [Yankton, South Dakota]) Blogs from prosepetals ( Twitter: @DeniseAWells Email: and poor kid Cameron Wells
Oh, look, skankwhore Alla Goldman (James E. Rogers College of Law University of Arizona) (aka @allagoldman aka missmala . tumblr) got caught surfing dogPORN! lol
Elizabeth Wykes [Whatcom Community College] Blogs from: belyenochi ( [Bellingham, WA] Looks like STDiseasedWhore Elizabeth Wykes also has MENTAL ISSUES, according to her Google+: Elizabeth Wykes - Jul 18, 2011 - "Calling Whatcom psychiatric," wrote skankwhore Elizabeth Wykes, after learning her fugly STDiseased azz had been pumped-and-dumped yet AGAIN...
WARNING: Elizabeth Wykes (aka Elizabeth Peek aka Elizabeth Peek-Wykes) is a psychotic CUTTER... And has posted sexpics of herself with Casey Wykes. But, hey, as long as Elizabeth Peek sucks Casey Wykes cock like a champ, no probs!
FATASS DENIAL BLOGGER Margitte Kristjansson (UCSD) (aka Margitte L. Kristjansson aka Margitte Leah Kristjansson) PIC OF FATFUCK MARGITTE KRISTJANSSON HERE Blogs at: riotsnotdiets (ROFL), Twitter: Seattle, Washington Born on 7 December 1985 Ph.D. Student at University of California at San Diego University of Washington B.A., Communication 2005 � 2009
Yellowskank Hazel Marie Alim (aka Hazel M. Alim) Blogs from: hmla0809 ( Studying Accounting at Pepperdine University,
Erin Elliott (Illinois Central College Sophomore, Majoring in Multimedia) Email: DOX: Erin Elliott / 111 Alternate Street /Peoria, IL 61603 (309) 687-5309 "I have two little kidlets: Jas [Elliott] and Cody [Elliott] and my partner, Andy Elliott." Flickr � caotica Tumblr: suprafae ( Twitter: leonitafeliz
aznskank Monica He (aka Monica Mu He) [MBA Rice University] Eden Prairie Senior High School Tumblr: moomu ( BONUS: Monica Mu He blogs about how she got her multiple STDiseases HERE: [Monica Mu He]
nigwhore Ebony Vandross (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and Curry College 2006)
AznSkank Viviane Tang (NYC) Blogs from: and... (Wow...another yellowslut with STDs! What a surprise!)
Farah Momin (Graduate Student, New School University NYC) Manager: Applied Brilliance. Blogs from: blerg ( Email:
yellowskank Dena Vongchanh (Las Vegas, from San Jose CA) Blogs from: theamusingdee (
AsianFetishFag Paul Mata (Mercedes, Texas) Blogs from: Paul Mata FIRED for surfing asianporn from his workplace
YellowSkank Elizabeth Yao (University of Michigan) Brenda Gimotea Depasupil, HUGE TITTEDskank Tara Moross (Harvard),
DUMBcunt Amanda Van Slyke (Edmunton Alberta, Bellerose Composite High School) Blog: Twitter: Email: flurtsite (ooh...someone should tell a few peeps about pornsurfingSkank Amanda Van Slyke: Rosella Eleanor LaFevre from MLTS Magazine - 267-918-9789Donna Barker from Cariwest - 780-906-2682Christie Lavan from the ACWS- 780-456-7000
Whoreskank Allyson Lieberman (UPENN Medical School)
Kate DeMazza (University of Mary Washington) who slurps only VEGETARIAN jizz, tyvm. Kate DeMazza aims to begin the first circle clitjerk at UMW.
Isabel Cole (isabelthespy, (Designer Supra Shoes NYC)
STDiseased Fatasskank Miriam Lazewatsky (aka Miriam J. Lazewatsky who now blogs at danishmodernlady ( Miriam Lazewastksy, who has yet to be institutionalized by Dan Lazewatsky or his cocksuckingWhore Hayley Moore
January 22-24, 2012: Jobless whoreParasite Lena Chen returns from her 3-week
jetsetting tour of Asia (paid for by sugardaddy Patrick Hamm) and spends two days
jerking her clit on the internet (BIG surprise). lol Erin Flanagan
January 17, 2012: Jobless whore Lena Chen poasts a picture of herself in Hong Kong (traveling on sugardaddy Patrick Hamm's money). Dumbcunt nigwhore Taryn Marshall (Fullerton College) apparently likes yellowskanks to sell their orifices for pocketmoney...
January 16-17, 2012: filthywhore Hanne Blank @hanneblank Baltimore, Maryland, USA dirtycunt Katie Stack aka Katie M. Stack @KatieMStack Minnesota @antipretty_yyc skank Kendall Rae blogs about the HPVsores on her lips/cunt/anus. AsianFetishFag Satchel Kornfeld (American University, Washington DC) tweets: "Just got BookofKink in the mail! I'm gonna spank to it tonite!" (Satchel Kornfeld's Facebook:
January 15, 2012: @hugoschwyzer "Sentiment goes both ways," tweets whore Lena Chen to pervprof Hugo Schwyzer, "I wanna suck that cut cock of yours again!!" "Trying to bring fatandtheivy [= Fatass Denial BloggerWhore Jenn Leyva Check out her ACNESCARS HERE:] here for a fatass activism event."
January 13, 2012: Moronicunt Lena Chen posts shit on her blog that's supposed to pass for "wit":
Patrick Hamm: You LA girls. You're tough as shit, aren't you?
Lena Chen: Yep. And so is my pussy.
Patrick Hamm: I love it.
Lena Chen: Ugh.
As insipid as this horseshit is, a handful of stupid skanks and AsianFetishFags claim to "like" it, including halfAsianSkank Erin Flanagan (San Diego from Portland @emikohiilani) who, just like cumdumpster Lena Chen, has posted NUDE photos of herself on her blog ( for Erin Emiko Flanagan NUDE Erin Flanagan NUDE Erin Flanagan TITS/FACE/PUSSY/Ass, go here: (More Erin Flanagan blogs here: )
January 11, 2012: "Happy Birthday!" tweets Lena Chen to diseasedSkank Lesley Kinzel (Boston)
January 9, 2012: "Hey, can I crash at your place?" begs Lena Chen of YellowFetishFag Evan Kornbluh. "I can suck your cock REAL good!" "I can SUCK COCK," writes Miriam Lazewatsky (Miriam J. Lazewatsky) "too!"
January 8, 2012: "So excited I'm SQUIRTING IN MY PANTIES," tweets whore Nancy Schwartzman (Brooklyn, NYC) to skank Lena Chen, brownslut Samhita Mukhopadhyay, STDiseasedWhore Heather Corinna (Seattle).
January 8, 2012: Lena Chen blogs about her cunt again, describing how she relieved the itching/burning/etc after Patrick Hamm infected her with ANOTHER STDisease. "Yeah, I got herpes," replies Allyson Lieberman (UPENN Medical School Allyson Lieberman) then shares her "holistic" relief from the scorching open sores.
January 7, 2012: "Puked my brains out," blogs Lena Chen, showing once again that she's unable to write about anything that doesn't involve one of her diseased orifices...nigho Letrice Moten (Letrice Goodson) pops in on whore Lena Chen's Facebook.
January 5, 2012: Thin-skinned whores Lena Chen, Sady Doyle, Jaclyn Friedman, nigwhore Zerlina Maxwell, and stupidcunt Danielle Citron try to cobble together a discussion panel titled, "WAAAAHHH!! I GOT BUTTHURT BY PEOPLE WHO MAKE FUN OF ME!!"
January 3, 2012: 'Surprisingly," tweets ungrateful cunt Lena Chen, humilating the guy who pays her rent/food/travel/etc "my rapist sugardaddy Patrick Hamm didn't find it "fundamentally irritating" when I revealed he has feelings like rest of us'
January 3, 2012: Jobless Lena Chen leaves for a 3-week Asian vacation. Needless to say, sugardaddy Patrick Hamm is paying. As a result, Patrick Hamm spends the next 5 days fuckingALL of Lena Chen's holes...until Patrick Hamm gives Lena Chen ANOTHER STDisease (see January 8, 2012)
January 3, 2012: Jobless Lena Chen spends the day jerking her clit on Twitter. "Spank that cunt!" cheers nigwhore Zerlina Maxwell (NYC). "I'm jerking my clit too," tweets April Yee (Dubai and Abu Dhabi) "lol!"
December 26, 2011: "Which lube should I get?" tweets Irin Carmon to STDWhore Lena Chen, "My pussy is stretched out of shape from all the cocks that have nailed it"
December 25-26, 2011: Jobless Lena Chen spends an obsessive 36 hours tweeting some dumb cunt (Meghan Murphy aka Meghan E. Murphy [Vancouver BC]) and pervprof Hugo Schwyzer (who begs Lena Chen to come to Pasadena to suck Schwyzer's freshly cutcock again [Eira Schwyzer Eira Schwywzer still seems to be blissfully ignorant of her husbands continued fucking of 20something flesh]
December 23, 2011: Lena Chen receives a tweet from STDiseased nigwhore Morgane Richardson [@Morgane_R]
December 23, 2011: "Ugh! How do I cover up these herpesores??" tweets Maria Diaz (Oakland California) to STDskank Lena Chen
December 22, 2011: Hypocrite Lena Chen blasts white guys with an Asian Fetish (ex: Marcus Stuhr, Chris Frasco, Samuel Lipoff, Satchel Kornfeld). Hilariously, dumbcunt Lena Chen fails to realize her "ASIAN FETISH GUYS ARE PERVS!!1" remarks apply to her rapey sugardaddy Patrick Hamm (who only fucksfugly yellowcunts)
December 20, 2011: "Does this bikini make my tits too small?" tweets yellowSkank Nancy Sun (nancylicious nancysun)
December 20, 2011: "I wanted to surf your pornblog," tweets Tanya Zelaya (University of Chicago and Park City, Utah) to pornwhore Lena Chen, "but my workplace [Park City Mountain Resort [Park City, Utah]] BLOCKS it! :( " For more on pornsurfer Tanya Zelaya, see
December 19, 2011: "Would you suck me off for $20?" tweets David Gonzalez (Cambrige MA @davidgonzalez43) to cocksucking Lena Chen
December 17, 2011: "OMG!" tweets Lena Chen, who posts a link to pornsite "these COCKS are much bigger than Patrick Hamm's!"
December 17, 2011: Lena Chen tweets: "OMG! Drunk again!" She then tweets pervprof Hugo Schwyzer, "So what if I suck your cock again? Eira [Schwyzer] doesn't hafta find out! ;)"
December 16, 2011: Lena Chen sucks Patrick Hamm's cock for spending money, then jetsets to NYC
December 15, 2011: "I miss my fuckbuddy [Patrick Hamm]," tweets skank Lena Chen, "so I've resorted to looking at photos of him at age 20. This is only creepy if I masturbate, right?"!/lenachen/status/147206111647371264
December 14, 2011: STDiseased Lena Chen goes to the clinic to check on the burning itch in her twat. She suspects Patrick Hamm has been fucking around again.
December 14, 2011: Some dumbskank (Olivia Benowitz [NYC @LilMissO.twitter) tweets a picture of her clit to Lena Chen. "aaaahhhh so cute!!" replies the whore.
December 13, 2011: Jobless Lena Chen tweets about her latest jetsetting orgy: "Boston �> NYC �> Germany �> Singapore �> Malaysia �> China (Hong Kong/Nanjing/Shanghai) �> LA �> Boston. AND PATRICK [HAMM] IS PAYING!"
December 13, 2011: skankwhore Rachel Kramer Bussel (raquelita) tweets Lena for her advice on sucking cock for money. "Do it if you need it," tweets back Lena Chen, "and then ditch the guilt!"
December 12, 2011: California whore Margeaux Klein [margeauxklein] tweets Lena for advice on picking up Euros hooking in France. Skank Rachel Hills tweets Lena about her STDs also, nigwhore Zerlina Mazwell
December 12, 2011: Lena Chen, proving she can't write about anything NOT involving her diseased cunt, posts about her pap smear and brazilian wax.
December 10, 2011: Yellowhore Julie Block (@likeWTFMate) tweets about her herpesores to Lena Chen
December 6, 2011: Jobless Lena Chen posts a line from the 1988 movie "Heathers": "Whether to kill yourself or not is one of the most important decisions a teenager can make." (Obviously worthlesswhore Lena Chen didn't decide well.)
December 6, 2011: Jobless Lena Chen spends another 12 hour day on twitter, retweeting lines from the movie "Heathers" and shit from YellowFetishFag Aaron Gibralter (agibralter Urtak) and nigwhore social worker Nicole Clark (@MsNicoleClark NYC)
December 5, 2011: "Think I could review gay porn as a job?" tweets Lena Chen to brownskank Lux Alptraum (NYC luxnightmare)
December 3, 2011: Insipid BeanerSkank Alisha Ramos begs Lena Chen for money for some feminist bullshit or other. YellowFetishFag David Waldman (KagroX) tweets Lena Chen asking for 1) her yellowcunt and 2) drugs
December 3, 2011: InsipidAttentionWhore Lena Chen tweets Joseph Gordon-Levitt to beg for free publicity
November 30, 2011: Desperate for any crumb of validation, Lena Chen squirts herself over an "article" in some bottom-feeding "magazine" with a circulation of less than 1,000
November 30, 2011: "OMG you have herpes?" tweets STDiseased Samantha Weatherford (slweathersby Missouri), "Me too!" Guys at Missouri State University and Truman State University are recommended not to fuck herpeskank Samantha Weatherford without DOUBLEWRAPPING your rascal! (lol @ dumbcunt's "thesis" Expressive Language and Dementia: A study comparing reaction to generic and personal photographs in people with dementia)
November 28, 2011: Lena Chen, who is unable to write about anthing that doesn't involve her fucklife with Patrick Hamm, posts about Patrick's latest obsession with poop-play. "OMG, my husband, too!" replies Denise A. Wells (aka Denise A. Gore) in Atlanta, Georgie
November 25-27, 2011: Lena Chen receives tweets from YellowFetishFag Jack Stratton (@writingdirty Greenpoint, Brooklyn NYC). Meanwhile, jobless Lena Chen spends the rest of the day tweeting STDiseasedWhore Aida Manduley (Brown University), nigfuck Markham Lee (@magnus99k), and jizzslurpingWhore Cara Kulwicki (Rochester, NY [thecurvature ]), and NYC DrippyCunt Kate Goldwater [auh2odesigns], & cumdumpster Viviane Tang (NYC Viviane212)
November 24, 2011: YellowFetishFag David Weinfeld (davidtheicon NYC) tweets Lena Chen looking for a yellowhore to suck Weinfeld's diseasedcock for $30. whore Lena Chen also receives tweets from ChickWithADick Kyla Bender-Baird (Brooklyn kylabb) and YellowFetishFag Elliott Back (aka Elliott C. Back NYC)
November 22, 2011: Another day, another all-day twitter session for jobless lazycunt Lena Chen. Contacts: skankwhore Karen Baldwin (karenmbaldwin aka Karen M. Baldwin Karen S. Baldwin aka Karen Shields Baldwin), asianFetishFag Ryan Shell (ryanshell NYC), Steph Burton (aka Stephanie Burton NYC thegirlwontstop.tumblr), PornSurfingWhore KC Ellis (Virginia Commonwealth University kcellis GlobalGiving
November 21, 2011: Desperate to goose traffic to her dying site by posting something "edgy," dumbcunt Lena Chen whines, yet again, about her habit of barfing to assuage her pudgy fat ass. Stupidskank Sara Neville (Sara Neville Penn State Brandywine), dumbwhore Talia Cain, cumslurper Brenna Glazebrook, bird-flipping fired Ohio State University dumbskank Ren Cozad Link(OSU aka Lauren Cozad aka @renchirps [twitter] Lauren E. Cozad Ren Cozad)
November 19-21, 2011: Jobless parasite Lena Chen returns from a drunken gangbang at the Harvard-Yale game and jerks her clit on Twitter. She begs for information on how to scam Uncle Sam on this year's tax forms (gotta hide that $$$ she's been getting from sucking Patrick Hamm's cock!). Whore S.E. Smith (Fort Bragg, CA @sesmithwrites and Karen Baldwin (Karen Sheilds Baldwin Karen M. Baldwin [karenmbaldwin Boston, MA]) tweet taxevasion advice back. Lena also retweets shit by dumbwhore Roxanne Krystalli (Jerusalem rkrystalli)
lena chen wiki lena chen twitter
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November 18, 2011: Whore Lena Chen writes about the dildoes she most enjoys shoving up her snatch. A half-dozen idiot skanks get outted surfing the DildoBlog, including: Julia Szybala (aka Julia L. Szybala aka Julia Lynn Szybala [Associate Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP in Washington DC), Victoria Song (Ottawa [Business Effectiveness Team at B