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Sabu, penning an anonymous letter to NYT's The Ethicist

Mauve fragrant sound barrier
"Dear Ethicist, Sometimes I rub my cat with my penis...
autistic fat ankles address
A Bonus Question A few years ago, a close cisgender male fr...

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Date: November 12th, 2012 12:11 AM
Author: Mauve fragrant sound barrier


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Date: November 12th, 2012 12:14 AM
Author: autistic fat ankles address

"Dear Ethicist,

Sometimes I rub my cat with my penis. It feels so good! I know that bestiality isn't legal, but I think that has to do with putting my cock INSIDE of animals, right? Does it matter if I just rub it on the outside?

Thank you dear sir,

Mr. Sabu"


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Date: March 19th, 2025 10:04 PM
Author: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A Bonus Question

A few years ago, a close cisgender male friend in a heterosexual marriage began identifying as queer. All of his romantic experiences have been with women. Through therapy, however, he concluded that gender wouldn’t have mattered in choosing a partner when he was single. He’s happily married and is monogamous with his wife.

Still, he’s altered his presentation — fashion, hair, piercings, slang — to align with queer culture, and he openly identifies as part of the queer community and attends queer events. It feels as if my friend is attempting to garner the benefits and cultural cachet of being queer while also living a heteronormative life. Is this permissible authentic expression, or is it cultural appropriation? — Name Withheld

From the Ethicist:

A side eye for the queer guy? It’s because sexual identity and desire are multifarious that many have found value in the expansive category of “queer,” which encompasses people who are transgender, nonbinary or nonhetero. You’ve somehow decided that your friend’s self-presentation is merely a flex — that his makeover is an opportunistic rebrand. In the rarefied social world you share, it seems, straight desire has become the love that dare not speak its name, and fauxmosexuals must be outed as the clout-chasers they are.

But consider: You don’t have access to the erotic theater of his mind. And you can’t police the borders of queerness without becoming the very kind of gatekeeper the word was meant to defy. By identifying as queer, he stands alongside more vulnerable populations — such as transgender folks — contained in this capacious category. That’s not appropriation; it’s alliance.
