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Odd incest interaction i just encountered.

I went to meet up with the TRUMP tinder girl to get my hat b...
Indigo boistinker
Motley Unhinged Rehab Tattoo

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Date: February 20th, 2016 3:25 PM
Author: Indigo boistinker

I went to meet up with the TRUMP tinder girl to get my hat back. I walk over and she is outside a building with her brother. We are joking about last night and he is clearly aware she stayed over my place. Odd. but it gets weirder.

he seemed cool and we are just talking about how wasted we both were last night and her brother goes "X doesn't remember if you two had sex. did you? I don't care. i am cool like that." wtf?

also this is my biggest fear. some girl going "oh i don't remember consent"


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Date: August 18th, 2018 12:33 AM
Author: Motley Unhinged Rehab Tattoo
