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why is it obama "voter" but trump "supporter"?

is there something nefarious behind this, like to go with ob...
violent scarlet famous landscape painting
donald trump is not a hobby he's a lifestyle
ruby nowag
Obama voters hold their nose and cast the ballot Trumpmos...
Overrated Boyish Yarmulke Pisswyrm
yes, it's nefarious. 'supporter' carries more ongoing moral...
Adventurous ticket booth international law enforcement agency
yeah, but it's strage that i've never seen the point articul...
violent scarlet famous landscape painting
the (((media))) are shameless because no one questions them
Overrated Boyish Yarmulke Pisswyrm
Adventurous ticket booth international law enforcement agency
Green athletic conference indian lodge
violent scarlet famous landscape painting
Libs don't want to acknowledge that Trump was VOTED in legit...
anal walnut sound barrier church
I prefer Obamunist
big stage
kink-friendly cumskin office
Green athletic conference indian lodge
violent scarlet famous landscape painting
So dark!
godawful round eye heaven
A related point which is somewhat obvious but never really a...
splenetic theater jap
most Obama supporters are felons or illegal aliens and thus ...
Vigorous property death wish

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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:11 PM
Author: violent scarlet famous landscape painting

is there something nefarious behind this, like to go with obama is just a vote, but to go with trump more closely intertwines the person with the politician? i notice that both sides use this language, but it seems like something concocted by the usual suspects for a specific purpose


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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:12 PM
Author: ruby nowag

donald trump is not a hobby he's a lifestyle


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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:13 PM
Author: Overrated Boyish Yarmulke Pisswyrm

Obama voters hold their nose and cast the ballot

Trumpmos prick they fingers and sign up 4 LYFE


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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:14 PM
Author: Adventurous ticket booth international law enforcement agency

yes, it's nefarious. 'supporter' carries more ongoing moral culpability than a simple single-serving vote


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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:17 PM
Author: violent scarlet famous landscape painting

yeah, but it's strage that i've never seen the point articulated, and that it doesn't seem as though anyone objects to the phraseology


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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:18 PM
Author: Overrated Boyish Yarmulke Pisswyrm

the (((media))) are shameless because no one questions them


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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:55 PM
Author: Adventurous ticket booth international law enforcement agency


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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:55 PM
Author: Green athletic conference indian lodge


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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:53 PM
Author: violent scarlet famous landscape painting


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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:54 PM
Author: anal walnut sound barrier church

Libs don't want to acknowledge that Trump was VOTED in legitimately?


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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:55 PM
Author: big stage

I prefer Obamunist


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Date: September 21st, 2017 3:10 PM
Author: kink-friendly cumskin office


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Date: September 21st, 2017 2:55 PM
Author: Green athletic conference indian lodge


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Date: September 21st, 2017 3:09 PM
Author: violent scarlet famous landscape painting


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Date: September 21st, 2017 3:11 PM
Author: godawful round eye heaven

So dark!


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Date: September 21st, 2017 3:12 PM
Author: splenetic theater jap

A related point which is somewhat obvious but never really articulated in the media: Before the election, the very serious media figures explained that the primary was over and it was the obligation of BernieBros to rally behind HRC because the Supreme Court was at stake, they were obligated to vote against Trump, etc.

Yet at the same time voting for Trump is considered a monstrous act. But, logically, the Supreme Court was ALSO at stake for a Rubio/Cruz/Kasich supporters and in that regard Trump made a solid republican choice. And those republican voters may have also felt obligated to vote against Clinton, which in effect means voting Trump. But that nuance is boiled away. All Trump supporters have secret cryptomeanings that we must determine; all Clinton voters are simply pragmatists.


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Date: September 21st, 2017 3:16 PM
Author: Vigorous property death wish

most Obama supporters are felons or illegal aliens and thus technically not voters
