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400mg test e/50mg anavar/ 75mg t3/arimidex/strict keto

It has only been two weeks and I look like a completely diff...
yellow boltzmann
why var? why no clen?
dull chapel
clen is garbage
disgusting gaming laptop deer antler
yellow boltzmann
Clen is misery in pill form Anavar is wonderful for aidi...
yellow boltzmann
what do u look like now
spectacular locale sweet tailpipe
I started out 180lbs 18% body fat. I'm now 170 15% body fat
yellow boltzmann
Where to cop and how much?
slap-happy masturbator trailer park
yellow boltzmann
How much per month or per cycle? How old are you?
slap-happy masturbator trailer park
Super cheap. Including all ancillaries (arimidex to avoid bi...
yellow boltzmann
now lets see when you come off
disgusting gaming laptop deer antler
Meh. Thyroid will bounce back fast. I'll lose strength/muscl...
yellow boltzmann
why anavar?
curious box office
dull chapel
guess cuz hes cutting and its a mild dose of a mild roid but...
disgusting gaming laptop deer antler
but he's on test!
dull chapel
some would consider 400 of e low
disgusting gaming laptop deer antler
Fine & good, but the reason ppl use VAR or LADY VAR is t...
dull chapel
Both test and especially oxandralone increase lipolysis and ...
yellow boltzmann
400mg test is barely anything. Need to supplement with some ...
yellow boltzmann
I see - so you wanted a DHT derivative but a mild one. Makes...
dull chapel
400mg is barely anything? what sort of TTTest are you runni...
curious box office
The good kind. Listen I'm tryna FUCK BITCHES nigga, not mere...
yellow boltzmann
Exactly. This is a very mild cycle that basically lets me av...
yellow boltzmann
why even cycle why not just cruise at 400
dull chapel
Want to have babies some day and care about hemocrit and cho...
yellow boltzmann
How often do you have to get your blood tested? At a doctor'...
slap-happy masturbator trailer park
I do it every 6 weeks or so. I'll use a direct to patient bl...
yellow boltzmann
Do you have to give the testing service your name and/or cre...
hyperventilating rebellious abode
If you're looking for bloodwork there are plenty of labs onl...
curious box office
hyperventilating rebellious abode
yw, man, yw. you can also use your HSA (FSA?) to pay for the...
curious box office
This is my principal source of information: https://www.amaz...
yellow boltzmann
"If I told you where I went to school and what I do for...
dull chapel
Lol fair
yellow boltzmann
TY friend. Does the book you listed get in to long term...
hyperventilating rebellious abode
Yeah it does. Generally the consensus view is that a careful...
yellow boltzmann
TY. So you were taking something like 225 mg/week of test--...
hyperventilating rebellious abode
Well at my age I'm not particularly worried about shutting d...
yellow boltzmann
TY. What is your age? And at what age would you start to w...
hyperventilating rebellious abode
hyperventilating rebellious abode
I'm 30 (soon to be 31). I can't opine in any meaningful ...
yellow boltzmann
TY--that's a good link, as close to gospel as anything I wil...
hyperventilating rebellious abode
I want you to teach me friend. Be my mentor????
Lavender theater stage turdskin
you need to add TREN to that stack to get the best results
Abusive Place Of Business Nibblets
Nope nope nope I'm way too scared to cross the rubicon. Plus...
yellow boltzmann
Be careful that your Var isn't actually stanazol--keep an ey...
Rambunctious new version boiling water
dull chapel
he said above that he uses test strips
Abusive Place Of Business Nibblets
Fair point. I can actually tell the difference just by looki...
yellow boltzmann
How long do you cycle off for
Marvelous casino
I've been on testosterone for almost a year at 225mg a week....
yellow boltzmann

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: October 13th, 2017 2:51 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

It has only been two weeks and I look like a completely different person. Options exist for people with some risk tolerance, diligence and discipline to throw gasoline on body recomposition efforts


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Date: October 13th, 2017 2:51 PM
Author: dull chapel

why var?

why no clen?


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Date: October 13th, 2017 2:52 PM
Author: disgusting gaming laptop deer antler

clen is garbage


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Date: October 13th, 2017 2:53 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann


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Date: October 13th, 2017 2:54 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

Clen is misery in pill form

Anavar is wonderful for aiding strength, maintaining muscle mass and increasing fat burn


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Date: October 13th, 2017 2:52 PM
Author: spectacular locale sweet tailpipe

what do u look like now


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Date: October 13th, 2017 2:53 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

I started out 180lbs 18% body fat. I'm now 170 15% body fat


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Date: October 13th, 2017 2:54 PM
Author: slap-happy masturbator trailer park

Where to cop and how much?


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Date: October 13th, 2017 2:55 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann



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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:18 PM
Author: slap-happy masturbator trailer park

How much per month or per cycle? How old are you?


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:22 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

Super cheap. Including all ancillaries (arimidex to avoid bitch tits, hcg to preserve balls, syringes, needles, clomid/nolva for post cycle therapy), I spend less than 1k for a full year's worth of material. You could even go under 500 if you're prepared to be less anal about ancillaries.

Steroids themselves are dirt cheap. I'm 30 (and look better than I did at 21)


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Date: October 13th, 2017 2:52 PM
Author: disgusting gaming laptop deer antler

now lets see when you come off


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Date: October 13th, 2017 2:56 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

Meh. Thyroid will bounce back fast. I'll lose strength/muscle mass after the var but I'm 100% certain I'll keep all of the fat loss


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:03 PM
Author: curious box office

why anavar?


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:05 PM
Author: dull chapel


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:07 PM
Author: disgusting gaming laptop deer antler

guess cuz hes cutting and its a mild dose of a mild roid but dont wana speak for him


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:07 PM
Author: dull chapel

but he's on test!


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:08 PM
Author: disgusting gaming laptop deer antler

some would consider 400 of e low


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:09 PM
Author: dull chapel

Fine & good, but the reason ppl use VAR or LADY VAR is typically to avoid androgenization, but that obv. doesn't apply with 400mg test. Was just curious as to rationale.


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:12 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

Both test and especially oxandralone increase lipolysis and have nutrition partitioning benefits


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:09 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

400mg test is barely anything. Need to supplement with some dht derivative to really enjoy the benefits of steroids. Either way I bear the same risk that accompanies temporarily stopping my natural production of testosterone.


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:11 PM
Author: dull chapel

I see - so you wanted a DHT derivative but a mild one. Makes sense.


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:15 PM
Author: curious box office

400mg is barely anything? what sort of TTTest are you running? cheap Chinese UGL?


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:24 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

The good kind. Listen I'm tryna FUCK BITCHES nigga, not merely increase my one rep max a couple pounds and pack on some water weight.


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:08 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

Exactly. This is a very mild cycle that basically lets me avoid the severe weakness and loss of muscle that accompanies a keto diet.


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:19 PM
Author: dull chapel

why even cycle why not just cruise at 400


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:23 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

Want to have babies some day and care about hemocrit and cholesterol getting too wacky. My blood work thus far has been perfect but you never know.


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:25 PM
Author: slap-happy masturbator trailer park

How often do you have to get your blood tested? At a doctor's opffice?


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:29 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

I do it every 6 weeks or so. I'll use a direct to patient blood testing service without going to a doctor (who would lose his fucking mind at my 3500k+ total testosterone combined with sub 30 estrogen level lmao)

Now that I'm talking through everything I've done and gotten used to enduring, perhaps I'm understating the sheer hassle involved. But I'm rapidly gaining strength and losing fat simultaneously so perhaps it's worth it


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Date: October 13th, 2017 3:58 PM
Author: hyperventilating rebellious abode

Do you have to give the testing service your name and/or credit card, and if so, do you care?

Everyone just cops this stuff on the dark web and mails to their own house?

And is there any one resource you can recommend for knowledge, or did you pick it up all scattershot on forums or friends or whatever?


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Date: October 13th, 2017 4:02 PM
Author: curious box office

If you're looking for bloodwork there are plenty of labs online that will let you order tests and send you a requisition. I've used Accessa Labs before: https://www.accesalabs.com/?gakey=Accesa+Labs&gclid=CM3xromy7tYCFY-KswodhOsIhQ


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Date: October 13th, 2017 4:52 PM
Author: hyperventilating rebellious abode



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Date: October 13th, 2017 4:54 PM
Author: curious box office

yw, man, yw. you can also use your HSA (FSA?) to pay for the test which is nice if you have a "use it or lose it" situation at year end.


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Date: October 13th, 2017 4:11 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

This is my principal source of information: https://www.amazon.com/Anabolics-Book-William-Llewellyn-ebook/dp/B005II5Z7M

I give my real name to get tested given they ask for my Id at the center. I have literally no fear of any implications from this given the obligations of confidentiality surrounding my health records.

The reddit I mentioned above has a shockingly sophisticated system of vetting sources, providing credible real time reviews and ensuring confidentiality. The system is based on encrypted email, bitcoin and clever packaging methods employed by sources. If it's my first time using a given source, I'll use test strips to confirm that a substance is in fact testosterone (which is cheap and therefor rarely faked afaik)

If I told you where I went to school and what I do for a living, you might be stunned. I'm not some irresponsible retard listening to broscience


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Date: October 13th, 2017 4:53 PM
Author: dull chapel

"If I told you where I went to school and what I do for a living, you might be stunned."



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Date: October 13th, 2017 5:03 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

Lol fair


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Date: October 13th, 2017 4:58 PM
Author: hyperventilating rebellious abode

TY friend.

Does the book you listed get in to long term side effects, specifically restarting/regaining natural testosterone, and any risks of fathering children (or an increased risk of birth defect)? I'm familiar with famous examples like Arnold (who still looks damn good at his age, etc) and I know that old men get prescribed Androgel all the time...but it's still tough to get a handle on what the real risks are for a slightly younger guy.


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Date: October 13th, 2017 5:13 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

Yeah it does. Generally the consensus view is that a carefully planned and executed cycle will pose only negligible long term risks. Volumes have been published in peer reviewed journals about the implications of stopping and restarting endogenous testosterone production. This is all shit I consumed and considered before taking the plunge.

Basically I started out with below average testosterone for a 29 year old. My retarded urologist said I was "within range" despite having the test level of an octogenarian. I convinced him to prescribe 125mg of test per week "just to confirm," supplemented it with another 100mg from other sources and have felt 1000000000000000x better ever since.


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Date: October 13th, 2017 6:09 PM
Author: hyperventilating rebellious abode

TY. So you were taking something like 225 mg/week of test--for how long--before starting the cycle of this thread? Isn't the way it works the longer you stay on, the harder it is to go off, so you're pretty much on it for life?


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Date: October 14th, 2017 4:20 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

Well at my age I'm not particularly worried about shutting down myself forever, even after being on testosterone for a while. People routinely get off testosterone replaceMent for the purposes of having children.

But note that my approach is a little different since I started out with sub optimal T and I'll never go back. When I decide to have kids, I'll simply replace exogenous testosterone with HCG and stay on it until the day my (future) wife conceives and then hop back on the testosterone. I'll always be on something and that is perfectly fine - never again go back to sub-1100 testosterone. So yeah I've been crushing on ~225mg per week until this recent cycle. So far so good. I feel better, fuck like a champion, finally benefit from diet/exercise and have far more energy.


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Date: October 15th, 2017 2:05 AM
Author: hyperventilating rebellious abode

TY. What is your age? And at what age would you start to worry about shutting down forever? And for guys under say 45 (or you tell me what age) most of them regain 100% of natural t after going off the cycle?

Also, stopping t but continuing with HCG will keep your t high (or above 1100 or whatever)?


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Date: October 16th, 2017 10:33 PM
Author: hyperventilating rebellious abode


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Date: October 17th, 2017 6:27 AM
Author: yellow boltzmann

I'm 30 (soon to be 31).

I can't opine in any meaningful way about the age where things get dicey, and you shouldn't take it as gospel if I did. There's a ton of literature out there you should consult (e.g. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4854084/ ) and you should obviously also talk to a doctor.


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Date: October 17th, 2017 11:28 AM
Author: hyperventilating rebellious abode

TY--that's a good link, as close to gospel as anything I will find


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Date: October 13th, 2017 6:47 PM
Author: Lavender theater stage turdskin

I want you to teach me friend. Be my mentor????


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Date: October 13th, 2017 4:06 PM
Author: Abusive Place Of Business Nibblets

you need to add TREN to that stack to get the best results


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Date: October 13th, 2017 4:12 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

Nope nope nope I'm way too scared to cross the rubicon. Plus I love playing basketball and going for runs sometimes


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Date: October 13th, 2017 8:23 PM
Author: Rambunctious new version boiling water

Be careful that your Var isn't actually stanazol--keep an eye on your hair loss!


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Date: October 13th, 2017 8:24 PM
Author: dull chapel


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Date: October 13th, 2017 8:26 PM
Author: Abusive Place Of Business Nibblets

he said above that he uses test strips


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Date: October 14th, 2017 4:22 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

Fair point. I can actually tell the difference just by looking at anavar crystals. But also rely on testing to be sure. I have all my hair so far!


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Date: October 14th, 2017 4:23 PM
Author: Marvelous casino

How long do you cycle off for


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Date: October 14th, 2017 4:32 PM
Author: yellow boltzmann

I've been on testosterone for almost a year at 225mg a week. This is the second week of my first cycle. Eventually I'll revert to cruising at 225mg. When i want progeny, I'll up my hcg (which I've taken all year to keep my balls working), my balls will produce more testosterone on their own, and eventually I'll make sperm again. I'll throw in HMG if my sperm isn't back in 3 months or so.

Once I've knocked up my wife, I'll hop back onto testosterone. Unlike lots of people, I was low t before starting so my optimal outcome isn't having my natural t levels return. I'm always going to be on some shit and that's totally fine.
