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neogaf gaming forums down after founder charged with sexual harassment

This is nuts. Threads would have like 30,000 replies there....
Honey-headed talented spot
*pins another picture to the gamergate conspiracy corkboard*...
aphrodisiac codepig space
Honey-headed talented spot
That site went seriously shitlib 3-4 years ago, didn't it? P...
burgundy affirmative action plaza
I think that’s what gamergage was about.
racy fiercely-loyal azn
Gamergate was about journalists initially, but I wouldn't be...
burgundy affirmative action plaza
It’s amazing how quickly Reddit went to shit after that
racy fiercely-loyal azn
It was pretty shitlib. Shit like 16,000 post threads about ...
Honey-headed talented spot
Same weird thing happened to Something Awful. Pretty much th...
amethyst crotch
In an interview with VG247 in 2013, Tyler Malka claimed that...
amethyst crotch
OH WHAT A VICTIM: In a phone conversation with Kotaku, ...
Galvanic dingle berry

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: October 22nd, 2017 6:55 PM
Author: Honey-headed talented spot

This is nuts. Threads would have like 30,000 replies there.


The influential gaming forum NeoGAF is imploding in the wake of an accusation of sexual misconduct against the long-running site’s owner. Yesterday, around a dozen of NeoGAF’s moderators—more than half, according to two sources—quit their posts there, and the website has been down for over half a day following a string of threads in which users requested bans, flooded the forums with angry posts, and declared that they were quitting.

The mass exodus was spurred by a Facebook post last Tuesday by film director Ima Leupp. The post, a part of the millions-strong #MeToo phenomenon that has women speaking out about personal instances of sexual harassment, described a trip Leupp says she took with NeoGAF owner Tyler “Evilore” Malka two years ago. Although she originally did not name Malka, she later posted in the comments of her thread that interested parties should “google Evilore.” She said that while she and Malka, who was her friend, were drinking together in a New Orleans hotel room in April 2015, she became very sick. Then, she says, Malka came up behind her in the shower without her consent. She says she told him to get the hell out.

She wrote: “I was throwing up and decided to hop in the shower to feel better. I was surprised when he got into the shower, fully naked behind me. I had a boyfriend at the time and didn’t think I had given him any reason to believe I wanted this. I didn’t cheat.” The post was screencapped and has been shared widely over the past few days.

NeoGAF, a large gaming forum that has been populated by game developers, media, and executives, has had significant influence in the video game industry since its founding in 2004. Although the site has been criticized in the past for, among other things, its users’ tendencies to have kneejerk reactions to gaming news, it has been a source of news and feedback for countless enthusiasts and professionals in gaming. As its sole owner and operator, Malka has a fair amount of influence over a community that is read across the entire world of video games.

In a phone conversation with Kotaku, Leupp said that even after the alleged shower incident, she’d continued her friendship and even had a brief physical relationship with Malka until they had a falling out at E3 2015. She said that, prior to the alleged shower incident “I had no reason not to trust him. He had been introducing me to people and helping me network for my film company,” she told me. “I feel gross from having ever been in contact with this person.”

Before NeoGAF went down last night, posters made motions to leave the site en masse. Dozens of threads and comments cropped up asking for mods to ban users, thereby deleting their accounts—a traditional way to say bye to NeoGAF. Angry threads like “Fuck this place. Permaban me” and “I’m done with NeoGAF and you should be too” cropped up. A darkly humorous satire of the typical NeoGAF post, “Nintendo Direct focusing on Respecting Women announced,” made the rounds. At the same time, users noticed that moderators began vanishing from the staff page.

On Saturday, an anonymous NeoGAF account called ModBot said that a statement was forthcoming, but as of Sunday afternoon, that statement has not appeared. Malka has not yet responded to Kotaku requests for comment on Saturday and Sunday.

Leupp’s post added to growing dissent among the NeoGAF community about an apparent disconnect between Malka’s progressive internet presence and his statements and behavior around issues of sexual misconduct. The forum’s politics are colored by Malka’s support of progressive topics such as the Paris Agreement and gay marriage. He has donated thousands to organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union. Malka is also vocally anti-GamerGate and has expressed support for its female victims.

In contrast to those professed views, Kotaku has spoken with long-time members who say they were recently banned for making what they saw as progressive arguments. One said they were banned for arguing that now-deceased Playboy mogul Hugh Hefner is not a feminist icon, while another said they were moderated for supporting the #BelieveWomen movement, which promotes trusting women who say they have been harassed. The bans provoked dissent among the community about whether those seemingly unilateral decisions are warranted or okay.

In one thread, a NeoGAF poster uploaded screencaps of another woman’s #MeToo post, involving allegations about a film journalist. Malka asked, “No evidence at all? No corroborating testimony? No behavioral red flags?,” adding, “So far this is nothing like other recent industry scandals.” Later, after receiving pushback from posters who found his initial comment callous, Malka described posters’ immediate support of the #MeToo post as “witch hunts,” adding that it will take time for the allegations’ veracity to be proven. Several vocal critics of Malka’s approach say they were banned. One of Malka’s posts responding to a ban read, “Fuck off, dipshit. That enough toxic masculinity for you? I was moderating my platform, not going to bat for Dr. Neckbeard.”

Sarah, who asked that Kotaku use a fake name, has posted on NeoGAF since 2010 because she thought it was a comfortable place for women to discuss games on the internet. Of recent events, she said, “When all the guys started getting banned for defending women speaking up, I realized this has been a problem for a long time. The girls on GAF are leaving, not talking anymore. It seems like Tyler is shutting down talk of misogyny or sexism and stuff like that in a harsh way.”

One incident that has recirculated in the wake of these allegations is a 2012 post in which Malka described how, at a party in Spain, he grabbed a woman’s butt after buying her a drink:

“At one point in a bar a girl who didn’t speak any English came up to me and started flirting heavily, then went straight into asking me to buy her a drink. . . I laughed because drinks here were all of two Euros, but consented and then grabbed her ass hard to show that I wasn’t being taken advantage of, and she thought better of treating me as a mark and left without taking her drink.”

In his defense, Malka later commented, “I don’t endorse getting overly physical with complete strangers without any implication of consent,” but added, “This was a very specific situation that went down. We’re all smashed, hard, at this million person party where normalcy is thrown at the window.”

“NeoGAF is a great reminder of how fragile a conversation is.”

As of the publication of this article, NeoGAF is down, and its future remains hazy. One long-time mod told me that the mods had considered walking out several times in the past, but “we felt like sticking it out to keep the good parts of the community together.” But, the mod said, a direct accusation of sexual misconduct gave them a “moral compunction to trust the victim’s account and disassociate myself.”

Frequent posters have taken to Twitter and other forums to lament the website. Gaming personality Shinobi602, a long-time NeoGAF poster, said, “NeoGAF’s owner & some bad apples aside, it was part of my online life for a decade. Wouldn’t have met so many wonderful people otherwise.” Halo franchise development director Frank O’Connor said that “Neogaf is a great reminder of how fragile a conversation is. I hope it’s not true - but for the alleged victims not the alleged perpetrators. Lots of good people posted there and apparently a couple of bad ones.” Over Discord, a few former community members are organizing to create replacements.



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Date: October 22nd, 2017 7:00 PM
Author: aphrodisiac codepig space

*pins another picture to the gamergate conspiracy corkboard*



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Date: October 23rd, 2017 2:17 AM
Author: Honey-headed talented spot


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 2:20 AM
Author: burgundy affirmative action plaza

That site went seriously shitlib 3-4 years ago, didn't it? Pretty funny to see the feeding frenzy if so.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 2:21 AM
Author: racy fiercely-loyal azn

I think that’s what gamergage was about.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 2:23 AM
Author: burgundy affirmative action plaza

Gamergate was about journalists initially, but I wouldn't be surprised if NeoGAF went kooky around the same time and for related reasons. IIRC some NeoGAF mockery forum was one of the subreddits banned when Reddit started to abolish hatethink in 2015.


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 2:26 AM
Author: racy fiercely-loyal azn

It’s amazing how quickly Reddit went to shit after that


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 2:36 AM
Author: Honey-headed talented spot

It was pretty shitlib. Shit like 16,000 post threads about the need for more trans representation in games (almost uniformly supporting it btw)


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 2:39 AM
Author: amethyst crotch

Same weird thing happened to Something Awful. Pretty much the only way to avoid a shitlib takeover in 2017 is a no moderation policy (aside from spam or illegal stuff). Otherwise they just conspire and destroy you


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Date: October 23rd, 2017 2:22 AM
Author: amethyst crotch

In an interview with VG247 in 2013, Tyler Malka claimed that he was offered $5 million to sell the website, turning down the offer.[3] One year later he stated in a forum post that the offer doubled, later saying he also turned down the deal.[4]



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Date: October 23rd, 2017 2:37 AM
Author: Galvanic dingle berry


In a phone conversation with Kotaku, Leupp said that even after the alleged shower incident, she’d continued her friendship and even had a brief physical relationship with Malka until they had a falling out at E3 2015.

In a phone conversation with Kotaku, Leupp said that even after the alleged shower incident, she’d continued her friendship and even had a brief physical relationship with Malka until they had a falling out at E3 2015.

In a phone conversation with Kotaku, Leupp said that even after the alleged shower incident, she’d continued her friendship and even had a brief physical relationship with Malka until they had a falling out at E3 2015.
