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1945: German sisters fucked SS chads to prevent Russian pregnancies

The creaking hinges of the bedroom door wakened me. Heart po...
Black range
"Ute" is such a lolworthy German chick name
lavender location turdskin
the Russians did so much fucking with German women that they...
Shivering heaven twinkling uncleanness
Not flame I knew a German Berliner who was raped by Russians...
Painfully honest marvelous chapel police squad
adventurous puppy garrison
Lol the Germans got got. You don’t get to rape all of Easter...
adventurous puppy garrison
They didn't. They killed commies.
gaped corner

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Date: November 19th, 2017 2:31 AM
Author: Black range

The creaking hinges of the bedroom door wakened me. Heart pounding, I reached out to the floor to retrieve my pistol. A girl’s voice whispered, ‘It’s us, Liza and Ute.’ In the soft grey light of dawn, the two girls stood at the open door, each clad in a nightdress of pure, white cotton. Ute smiled, her teeth luminous in the halflight. On the other bed, Heinrich was sitting upright, his mouth wide open. Ute slowly undid the tie at the front of her nightdress, opening it just far enough to reveal the rise of her breasts.

At that moment, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Gracefully, she opened the garment wider so that the front of her body was fully exposed, her nipples erect in the chill dawn, her skin smooth and silvery. At the fork of her legs, wisps of fine pubic hair caught the light like threads of gold. ‘We’ve come to sleep with you,’ she said glancing at her sister who shyly nodded her head, ‘if you are willing.’ Her nightdress slid to the floor. Liza, her breasts small and firm with large pink areole, followed her sister’s example. Completely naked, they stood at the end of our beds – an enchanting sight for two soldiers who had endured nothing but fear and exhaustion for the last ten days.

‘The Russians will be here soon and we will be raped many times if the stories the refugees told us are true,’ said Ute as she took her sister by the hand to lead her between the beds. ‘If we are to get pregnant we don’t want the children to be Russian.’ Liza climbed into Heinrich’s bed. Ute slid in beside me, her body fragrant with a scent I had once smelled in a café when stationed in France. As I lay on my back, she caressed my neck. Her cool fingers slid slowly over my chest, stopping every now and then to tease my skin with gentle touch of her fingertips.

Slowly, her confident fingers worked their way onto my lower abdomen. Such bliss – how could this happen when such cruel bestialities were being perpetrated only a few kilometres to the east? I closed my eyes to concentrate on the moment, to expunge all thoughts of war, of hatred, of death. The tips of her fingernails now sent quivers of pleasure racing to my groin. This wasn’t the love a young man should experience. Where was the period of infatuation, the thrill of the first hesitant kiss? But it didn’t matter – I was gripped by desire and every second, every teasing motion of her fingertips, prepared me for the moment our bodies would join. Ute’s skilled touch soon achieved its aim. She straddled my body, oblivious to her sister – who now lay on the other bed under Heinrich – and began a slow rhythmic movement. She paused, took my hands, pressed them against her breasts and, leaning forward slightly, her tempo began anew, slow at first but gradually gaining momentum.

I was lost in a whirlwind of pure physical delight, a pleasure that seemed to stem from somewhere deep inside my soul. I bit my lip hard hoping the pain would quell my rising rapture and prolong our pleasures but it had been a while since I had been with a girl. How much longer I lasted I cannot say – time was irrelevant, there was no past, no future, only the moment. She groaned and fell forward onto me where she remained for a silent moment before rolling to the side, her arm still resting on my chest. ‘Why me? There are plenty of other soldiers to choose from in town.’ She kissed my cheek – just a little peck – and giggled. ‘You were the only Waffen SS men available – you and your officers.’ Well, I thought, so much for blissful romance.

Bartmann, Erwin. Für Volk and Führer: The Memoir of a Veteran of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (pp. 208-209). Helion and Company. Kindle Edition.


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Date: November 19th, 2017 2:34 AM
Author: lavender location turdskin

"Ute" is such a lolworthy German chick name


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Date: November 19th, 2017 2:37 AM
Author: Shivering heaven twinkling uncleanness

the Russians did so much fucking with German women that they changed the whole bloodline forever


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Date: November 19th, 2017 2:40 AM
Author: Painfully honest marvelous chapel police squad

Not flame I knew a German Berliner who was raped by Russians.


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Date: November 19th, 2017 2:41 AM
Author: adventurous puppy garrison



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Date: November 19th, 2017 2:41 AM
Author: adventurous puppy garrison

Lol the Germans got got. You don’t get to rape all of Eastern Europe and expect to be treated nicely.


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Date: November 19th, 2017 2:43 AM
Author: gaped corner

They didn't. They killed commies.
