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ITT we discuss the unsustainability of the American military industrial complex

rough-skinned temple
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2B7GeVoJdE lol at Russia...
bull headed galvanic stead
The idiot tank driver turned on the parking brake.
rough-skinned temple
is quality of equipment apples to apples or what?
trip hairless casino idiot
Yeah actually. The S-400 beat the Patriot in tenders in Saud...
rough-skinned temple
Not reading your nonsense, but $20 trillion debt + $80 trill...
naked base
Yeah, that doesn't explain the cost overruns and increasingl...
rough-skinned temple
Do Russian bombers still have propellers on them?
Electric antidepressant drug bawdyhouse
Thankfully. Makes them more cost effective.
rough-skinned temple
Mothballing your Navy is also very cost effective. Sorry ...
Electric antidepressant drug bawdyhouse
Vlad tightened up on porn, bro. All the "Russian" ...
rough-skinned temple
rough-skinned temple
$700 billion/year for the pentagon while paul ryan talks abo...
khaki fragrant step-uncle's house voyeur

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: December 11th, 2017 9:41 PM
Author: rough-skinned temple


Shows you how little bang for buck a Western military has. Poland is a nation 38 million people. They can not afford even a mere 16 Patriot launchers with 4 radars. 16 launcher and 4 radars is by Russian standards a single brigade set or 2 battalion sets. Poland has over 2% of GDP allocated to defense. That is a lot for any country and yet they can't afford anything because Yankee junk is 5x overpriced and is priced for Saudi sheiks and no one else.

Russia has 147 milllion people or 3.8x the population of Poland but on paper Russia is a poorer country per capita. Call it 20% poorer per capita but somehow Russia has managed to afford to stand up not 1 pathetic brigade set of missiles but freakin 22 brigade sets of S-400s and now 8 more brigade of S-300V4s and I won't even go into 2 Buk-M3 brigades (equivalent to your Patriots) and all the older S-300 systems still in service. Poland under Russian management would have have 9 or 10 freakin S-400 brigade sets in service today. But they picked Yankees. So today they have zero and their entire airspace is wide open. When war with the Martians comes they will be unarmed and unprepared while the Martians with their freaking 30+ brigade sets can take on the entire NATO alliance despite being out manned like 8 to 1.


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Date: December 11th, 2017 9:47 PM
Author: bull headed galvanic stead


lol at Russian SPS tanks breaking down


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Date: December 11th, 2017 9:50 PM
Author: rough-skinned temple

The idiot tank driver turned on the parking brake.


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Date: December 11th, 2017 9:44 PM
Author: trip hairless casino idiot

is quality of equipment apples to apples or what?


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Date: December 11th, 2017 9:47 PM
Author: rough-skinned temple

Yeah actually. The S-400 beat the Patriot in tenders in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and S. Korea. The S.Koreans actually kind of co-designed it. They call theirs the K-SAM. The Russkies used the same missiles in the naval variant as they sold the S. Koreans. The ground variants are substantially different though. At the end of the day even the Saudi Sheiks got tired of being raped and bought S-400s.


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Date: December 11th, 2017 9:50 PM
Author: naked base

Not reading your nonsense, but $20 trillion debt + $80 trillion in liabilities + awful demographics is a good start.


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Date: December 11th, 2017 9:56 PM
Author: rough-skinned temple

Yeah, that doesn't explain the cost overruns and increasingly broken supply chains infiltrated with counterfeit Chinese made parts.


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Date: December 11th, 2017 9:57 PM
Author: Electric antidepressant drug bawdyhouse

Do Russian bombers still have propellers on them?


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Date: December 11th, 2017 9:58 PM
Author: rough-skinned temple

Thankfully. Makes them more cost effective.


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Date: December 11th, 2017 10:00 PM
Author: Electric antidepressant drug bawdyhouse

Mothballing your Navy is also very cost effective.

Sorry you lost the Cold War and now your women do porn to survive.


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Date: December 11th, 2017 10:02 PM
Author: rough-skinned temple

Vlad tightened up on porn, bro. All the "Russian" porn is filmed in the Baltics now.


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Date: December 12th, 2017 12:25 AM
Author: rough-skinned temple



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Date: December 12th, 2017 12:41 AM
Author: khaki fragrant step-uncle's house voyeur

$700 billion/year for the pentagon while paul ryan talks about slashing medicare is not going to be sustainable for more than a couple election cycles, is my prediction.
