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Shutdowns Are For Losers [POLITICO]

When congressional Republicans provoked two government shutd...
bull headed henna quadroon
Or they’ll face no blowback because the media will uniformly...
chocolate stirring toilet seat sandwich

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Date: January 17th, 2018 7:52 AM
Author: bull headed henna quadroon

When congressional Republicans provoked two government shutdowns in 1995, the public held them responsible. When they shut down the government in 2013, Republican approval hit its lowest point in 20 years. In neither case did Republicans achieve their policy objectives.

Why are Democrats taking a page from a failed playbook?

Unless a deal is secured to extend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, several Democrats are threatening to block a bill that would keep the federal government open past Friday. Pushing the shutdown button would be an enormous and unnecessary risk for Democrats, one that could not only poison the prospects for an immigration deal, but also squander the momentum Democrats have generated in advance of this year’s midterm elections.



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Date: January 17th, 2018 7:58 AM
Author: chocolate stirring toilet seat sandwich

Or they’ll face no blowback because the media will uniformly blame Trump and Republicans.
