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NYT op-ed by Harvard prof argues for human biodiversity

"I am worried that well-meaning people who deny the p...
know-it-all stirring ape
The reader comments from unhinged shitlibs are LULZy
know-it-all stirring ape
Lol their voice matters!!
shaky sickened patrolman piazza
self-absorbed puce school cafeteria stock car
chocolate range
commenters MAF!
stimulating hideous whorehouse immigrant
Please post the best entries to the MAF contest.
Spectacular big-titted corner
what's the lib endgame here
deranged laser beams
one obvious measure of religious power is the ability to enf...
Fear-inspiring legend chapel
cerebral resort
spin, ratfucks
avocado up-to-no-good quadroon
"if genetic differences tied to race influence behavior...
Flirting Green Faggotry Elastic Band
or just show the niggers the door
cerebral resort
Razib was posting this earlier. Still nothing from Saile...
Aromatic bright private investor
Swollen vigorous ladyboy cuck
some dumbs in comments Duncan Osborne NYC, NY4h ago T...
exciting selfie philosopher-king
free-loading heaven
This guy doesn't even know the Flynn effect is concentrated ...
Vivacious Twinkling Uncleanness Sanctuary
i think the comments section gave me AIDS, i didn't close it...
clear hyperventilating organic girlfriend
"Times Pick"
Anal pontificating school jew
(Enrolls beagle in Head Start program)
abnormal balding dopamine
Umber newt internal respiration
galvanic lettuce sound barrier
Whatever that is
motley mother
Holy shit - but unfortunately many non-retarded libs I've ta...
fragrant bisexual mad cow disease
how come i know that niggers are dumber than any other race ...
Odious cocky ceo
good question, friend. we should pull his public funding and...
clear hyperventilating organic girlfriend
Don't forget Abbos. Abbos are significantly dumber than ...
Aromatic bright private investor
The fucked up endgame of this is that social programs design...
Razzle-dazzle olive set halford
this is a NYT pick. lmao steve nyc9h ago Times Pick Th...
chocolate range
lol. "My cat, Mr. Cuddles, is better than snuggling ...
mint hunting ground
at-the-ready demanding national security agency
abnormal balding dopamine
stimulating hideous whorehouse immigrant
galvanic lettuce sound barrier
this guy writes like my ass bleeds from excessive diarrhoea....
Odious cocky ceo
Well said.
Aromatic bright private investor
Spectacular big-titted corner
graphic and 180 metaphor
magical magenta senate macaca
fragrant bisexual mad cow disease
another NYT pick that also proudly claims WE WUZ KANGZ Jo...
chocolate range
It's true. The caves Neanderthals sometimes hung out in look...
abnormal balding dopamine
Larry Upstate NY4h ago There was no effort to address the ...
Startled Scarlet Church Building
Umber newt internal respiration
lol at the arrogance of these "people"
stimulating hideous whorehouse immigrant
I read a lot of human genetic diversity papers that came out...
abnormal balding dopamine
There is no genetic basis for race, but there are a lot of p...
Poppy Plaza
It makes no sense to say that "there is no genetic basi...
Aromatic bright private investor
sorry, I meant what we call race is a collection of phenotyp...
Poppy Plaza
Wrong way to look at race. A Race is just an extended family...
Aromatic bright private investor
But, in reality, most people call East Africans from Eritrea...
Curious sadistic location
Yes. And almost not categories are perfect. Some imperfe...
Aromatic bright private investor
As I stated, race is a valid concept. Also, the more finely...
Curious sadistic location
Just try to plot races as dots on a graph and see how silly ...
light alpha
>There is no genetic basis for race https://www.google...
salmon marvelous native juggernaut
I sent this to all my outlook contacts
light alpha
Tmrw there's gonna be a solid wall where your office door ha...
snowy bat shit crazy athletic conference
guess I'll have to ram my cart through it without hesitating
light alpha
*george constanza crawling through HVAC vent into office
Histrionic Church Becky
I thought libs loved diversity?
crawly stage jewess
180 i predict that he's going to be crucified for exactly...
Mildly autistic naked mood sweet tailpipe
After all, what did Watson ever do for biology or Jensen for...
Vivacious Twinkling Uncleanness Sanctuary
nah I actually think he timed it just right to get away with...
wonderful weed whacker affirmative action
how the fuck does this thread not have even 100 replies?
chocolate range
pity bump 4 U
snowy bat shit crazy athletic conference

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 23rd, 2018 5:48 PM
Author: know-it-all stirring ape

"I am worried that well-meaning people who deny the possibility of substantial biological differences among human populations are digging themselves into an indefensible position, one that will not survive the onslaught of science."



Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 5:50 PM
Author: know-it-all stirring ape

The reader comments from unhinged shitlibs are LULZy


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:49 PM
Author: shaky sickened patrolman piazza

Lol their voice matters!!


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:55 PM
Author: self-absorbed puce school cafeteria stock car


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 5:54 PM
Author: chocolate range



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Date: March 23rd, 2018 5:54 PM
Author: stimulating hideous whorehouse immigrant

commenters MAF!


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Date: March 28th, 2018 2:51 PM
Author: Spectacular big-titted corner

Please post the best entries to the MAF contest.


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 5:56 PM
Author: deranged laser beams

what's the lib endgame here


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:03 PM
Author: Fear-inspiring legend chapel

one obvious measure of religious power is the ability to enforce obviously false ideas as social orthodoxy. the smarter ones seem to be actively exploring the boundaries of how strong their religion is basically


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:35 PM
Author: cerebral resort


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Date: March 24th, 2018 2:44 AM
Author: avocado up-to-no-good quadroon

spin, ratfucks


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:12 PM
Author: Flirting Green Faggotry Elastic Band

"if genetic differences tied to race influence behavior, just treating each other with 'dignity'/creating equality of opportunity isn't enough, we need pigouvian taxes to create equality of outcome"

that's where it's headed/where we are


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:35 PM
Author: cerebral resort

or just show the niggers the door


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 5:57 PM
Author: Aromatic bright private investor

Razib was posting this earlier.

Still nothing from Sailer on it.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 5:59 PM
Author: Swollen vigorous ladyboy cuck



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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:01 PM
Author: exciting selfie philosopher-king

some dumbs in comments

Duncan Osborne

NYC, NY4h ago

Times Pick

Spare me the concerned scientist posture.

If you are a researcher who believes that genetics predicts performance on an IQ test, you also have to concede that the differences in performance on those tests between groups has changed over time with the lowest performing groups showing improvement and performance among all groups improving over time. This disproves the thesis that intelligence, whatever that is, is genetic and shows that environment most certainly plays a role.


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:03 PM
Author: free-loading heaven



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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:06 PM
Author: Vivacious Twinkling Uncleanness Sanctuary

This guy doesn't even know the Flynn effect is concentrated in non-g loaded portions of IQ tests and in any event scarcely impacts group differencess what a rube


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:07 PM
Author: clear hyperventilating organic girlfriend

i think the comments section gave me AIDS, i didn't close it in time


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:13 PM
Author: Anal pontificating school jew

"Times Pick"


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:30 PM
Author: abnormal balding dopamine

(Enrolls beagle in Head Start program)


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:32 PM
Author: Umber newt internal respiration


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Date: March 28th, 2018 2:48 PM
Author: galvanic lettuce sound barrier


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 10:45 PM
Author: motley mother

Whatever that is


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Date: March 24th, 2018 7:34 AM
Author: fragrant bisexual mad cow disease

Holy shit - but unfortunately many non-retarded libs I've talked to have this kind of thinking.

Their minds are so warped by identity politics and the great big boogeyman of racism - that their default argument in these discussion is against a strawman who thinks it's 100% genetic determinism. The fact that the gaps in group-level outcomes/measurements have changed over time is 100% expected.

There's gene-environment interactions, we never said environment contributes 0% you dimwitted delusional freaks.


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:07 PM
Author: Odious cocky ceo

how come i know that niggers are dumber than any other race except native americans, by nature, and this so-called harvard geneticist dosent know that? why are our tax dollars going to this freak?


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:08 PM
Author: clear hyperventilating organic girlfriend

good question, friend. we should pull his public funding and re-distribute it to minority populations who are in need due to their low average IQs


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:32 PM
Author: Aromatic bright private investor

Don't forget Abbos.

Abbos are significantly dumber than even straight up subsuharan Africans.

Even the smartest 1/3rd of them are too dumb to hold down the most menial of jobs. No matter how hard Austrailia tries.


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Date: March 24th, 2018 12:10 PM
Author: Razzle-dazzle olive set halford

The fucked up endgame of this is that social programs designed to prevent this end up benefitting shameless whites who have a sliver of minority ancestry to pimp out

Look at these "indigenous" doctors ljl: https://newsroom.unsw.edu.au/news/health/close-gap-growing-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-medical-workforce


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:13 PM
Author: chocolate range

this is a NYT pick. lmao


nyc9h ago

Times Pick

This is an important discussion to have and Reich approaches it with appropriate caution. However, he may commit a common philosophical and scientific error.

In his explication of cognition or intelligence, he cites both intelligence tests and years of education. What he does not acknowledge is that both of these measures, which he admits are imperfect, are measures of those things that a controlling population has deemed of value. While I'm not a slavish devotee of theories of multiple intelligence, it is clear from my work as an educator, that many people are brilliant and perceptive in ways that are not measured by standard assessments or valued in the selection process that is a gateway to continuing education.

The self-fulfilling prophetic issue is that a set of "intelligences" and a set of social traits have been ordained as the default standard, thereby perpetuating the perceived value of those humans who determined the standard and possess those particular traits.


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:15 PM
Author: mint hunting ground


"My cat, Mr. Cuddles, is better than snuggling than any other being I have known. How are you to say that Mr. Cuddles is not as "intelligent" as anyone else?"


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:33 PM
Author: at-the-ready demanding national security agency


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:47 PM
Author: abnormal balding dopamine


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:17 PM
Author: stimulating hideous whorehouse immigrant


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Date: March 28th, 2018 2:49 PM
Author: galvanic lettuce sound barrier


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:16 PM
Author: Odious cocky ceo

this guy writes like my ass bleeds from excessive diarrhoea. that is, its trying to lubricate a pathway for his shit, which is ample and boisterous -- which fortunately belongs in a toilet, like his ideas.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:48 PM
Author: Aromatic bright private investor

Well said.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:21 PM
Author: Spectacular big-titted corner


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 2:42 AM
Author: magical magenta senate macaca

graphic and 180 metaphor


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 7:35 AM
Author: fragrant bisexual mad cow disease


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:14 PM
Author: chocolate range

another NYT pick that also proudly claims WE WUZ KANGZ

John Graubard

NYC10h ago

Times Pick

The problem is not that humans differ in many ways, or that these differences are caused by our genetic background. It is not either that these variations tend to be grouped by place of origin, or that these variations do lead to differing abilities.

The problem is that we instinctively categorize people into all-or-nothing groups, and then treat these groups as the only relevant factor. Then, we impose tribalism to define "our" group as superior to the rest. That leads to such absurd results as portraying the ancient Egyptians as white (they were black) or the Chinese as backwards (in 1400 they were the most powerful and advanced country).

Indeed, modern genetic research demonstrates that all non-Africans contain Neanderthal genes. So, if you belong to that group, remember that you, and not they, are descendents of what we have put down as the cavemen.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:47 PM
Author: abnormal balding dopamine

It's true. The caves Neanderthals sometimes hung out in look pretty shitty next to the garden condos covering the Great Rift Valley.


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:16 PM
Author: Startled Scarlet Church Building


Upstate NY4h ago

There was no effort to address the interaction between genes and environment in Reich's article. It sounds like the reified genetics of the 1950s, not considering the role of epigenetics in shaping the reality of genetic expression. Plus, he is completely naive to the ways articles such as this can be misused for political reasons.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:33 PM
Author: Umber newt internal respiration



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Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:18 PM
Author: stimulating hideous whorehouse immigrant

lol at the arrogance of these "people"


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:35 PM
Author: abnormal balding dopamine

I read a lot of human genetic diversity papers that came out as next-generation sequencing hit. Every single one would show all these differences and then a mealy-mouthed discussion about why it doesn't really matter.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 6:35 PM
Author: Poppy Plaza

There is no genetic basis for race, but there are a lot of phenotypes that correlate depending on where you anscestors came from.

Good news - we can test to see if you have the smart gene independent of what gene you have for skin color and you can prove the haters wrong.

Bad news - we can test to confirm what we suspect, that *you* do not have the smart gene.


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:19 PM
Author: Aromatic bright private investor

It makes no sense to say that "there is no genetic basis for race" and "there are a lot of phenotypes that correlate depending on where you anscestors came from"

Those two ideas are mutually exclusive and only make sense if you play the shitlib game of changing the definition of race.


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:48 PM
Author: Poppy Plaza

sorry, I meant what we call race is a collection of phenotypes that tend to correlate based on origin of ancestry. It's not like there is one gene that expresses white people to look and act a certain way and black people to look and act a certain way. But it is certainly true that people evolved to have a bunch of genes expressing phenotypes that cluster based on where you are from.

Unfortunately skin color is the easiest to see and least important phenotype. But if the "IQ" phenotype tends to be missing or express differently in people with west african heritage, and those people also happen to usually have dark skin, so be it.


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:50 PM
Author: Aromatic bright private investor

Wrong way to look at race. A Race is just an extended family that tends to share certain phenotypes in certain frequencies because of shares common ancestors increasing/decreasing the likihood of those genes.

Saying race is not a valid concept is absolutely absurd and requires language games.

It's equally as absurd as saying family is not a valid concept.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:54 PM
Author: Curious sadistic location

But, in reality, most people call East Africans from Eritrea "black" and West Africans from Ivory Coast "black," even though they may be as genetically different overall as two people who people would classify into different "races."

Race is a valid concept, but it's an imperfect correlation with actual genes.


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:57 PM
Author: Aromatic bright private investor


And almost not categories are perfect. Some imperfection does not invalidate a category. As long as there's some statistical validity, it's a valid category.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 9:14 PM
Author: Curious sadistic location

As I stated, race is a valid concept. Also, the more finely we distinguish, the more closely the sub-categories will correlate to actual genes.

Edit: But as Earl was pointing out, the most easily visible phenotypes that people often use to classify race are not necessarily the most closely correlated to genetic similarity.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:59 PM
Author: light alpha

Just try to plot races as dots on a graph and see how silly that objection is.

Sure, if East Africans are at (5,5) and West Africans are at (5,0) while Europeans are at (0,0), they're as far apart from each other as Europeans are from West Africans, but the cluster "African" still gives you information about where they are.

Genetics may be far more dimensional than that, but it is still entirely possible that some traits cluster by 'race' even if there is significant variation within a race.


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Date: March 24th, 2018 7:56 AM
Author: salmon marvelous native juggernaut

>There is no genetic basis for race



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Date: March 23rd, 2018 8:55 PM
Author: light alpha

I sent this to all my outlook contacts


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Date: March 23rd, 2018 9:11 PM
Author: snowy bat shit crazy athletic conference

Tmrw there's gonna be a solid wall where your office door had been


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 9:18 PM
Author: light alpha

guess I'll have to ram my cart through it without hesitating


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Date: March 24th, 2018 2:30 AM
Author: Histrionic Church Becky

*george constanza crawling through HVAC vent into office


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2018 10:37 PM
Author: crawly stage jewess

I thought libs loved diversity?


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 11:34 AM
Author: Mildly autistic naked mood sweet tailpipe


i predict that he's going to be crucified for exactly the same reason watson, wade, jensen were even though he does the ritualistic shaming of watson and wade to try to separate himself from them.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 11:36 AM
Author: Vivacious Twinkling Uncleanness Sanctuary

After all, what did Watson ever do for biology or Jensen for psychology.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 28th, 2018 7:49 PM
Author: wonderful weed whacker affirmative action

nah I actually think he timed it just right to get away with it in terms of where the science is and where the culture is. in the wreckage of the obama coalition elite libs don't have the same obligations they used to have and can push the envelope on what the NYT is allowed to print. and apparently a few people have been privately warming up to this stuff a bit.

I'm on tenterhooks tbh


Reply Favorite

Date: March 28th, 2018 2:46 PM
Author: chocolate range

how the fuck does this thread not have even 100 replies?


Reply Favorite

Date: March 28th, 2018 7:17 PM
Author: snowy bat shit crazy athletic conference

pity bump 4 U
