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Parents - thoughts on regression to the mean

Does this worry or depress you? You and your shrew have h...
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
Both my kids are bright as fuck, so not worried about it. ...
disrespectful stag film
They will likely be middle class at best, bright or not.
Carnelian sanctuary newt
Nothing wrong with that
Comical community account
I'm not sure if anything else is "better" than mid...
disrespectful stag film
If you just have middle class expectations for them then don...
Sexy azn patrolman
I have high expectations for my kids in a lot of areas, but ...
disrespectful stag film
Yeah don't pay 500k for JHU. How will you try to deal wit...
Sexy azn patrolman
My son is on the opposite end of the introversion/extroversi...
disrespectful stag film
sounds more like the type of personality that I associate wi...
Seedy pistol menage
Well, you never know. He's into a bunch of boy shit (video ...
disrespectful stag film
Comical community account
Nice kids, too.
disrespectful stag film
I see my role as parent as selfless. To do my best to provi...
greedy lilac hairy legs
*it is 1950s America* Middling IQ proles live like animal...
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
Lol no. A robot will have that job
Crimson Bespoke Really Tough Guy
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
How much are we paying the robot
sepia gaming laptop
Robot Teamsters demanding more frequent oiling and sex robot...
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
greedy lilac hairy legs
Splenetic autistic fortuitous meteor selfie
This is what the most advanced Chinese warehouse looks like ...
Sexy azn patrolman
Exciting deer antler
infuriating supple hominid party of the first part
hairless dragon
Doesn’t bother me in the least. Also, if anything, lower IQ...
mint queen of the night
your poasting has been very strong lately.
orchid bipolar national
greedy lilac hairy legs
Vanity? You want your children to be happy and succeed, go o...
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
yeah the 'high IQ = less happy' flame is some weak flame. an...
Swashbuckling Olive Toilet Seat
At most you could say high IQ people might be more prone to ...
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
for example, xoxohth.com.
orchid bipolar national
apoplectic primrose headpube
Don’t care about them having success or having grandchildren...
mint queen of the night
"IQ is hardly the downfall of proles. It’s mostly thing...
Dashing clear macaca den
Nah my husband’s extended family is filled with low IQ prole...
mint queen of the night
"There are a bunch who are cable repairmen or whatever ...
Dashing clear macaca den
I like Nutella and think her parenting advice is generally r...
Exciting deer antler
Exactly. And incidentally, I agree with wanting for your ki...
Dashing clear macaca den
Given the environment and unbringing, it’s unlikely they wil...
mint queen of the night
"I don’t expect more than something mediocre like compl...
Dashing clear macaca den
Lol, I was thinking of Valen bragging about being a hot shot...
mint queen of the night
I'm joking, I'm not in compliance. I'll be happy if they ...
Dashing clear macaca den
(Living vicariously through tmf’s and Mandy jr’s V50 biglaw ...
mint queen of the night
she was wrong about everything she said about proles, of cou...
floppy brindle stock car boltzmann
Dashing clear macaca den
Iridescent Electric Preventive Strike Affirmative Action
i'm on board with nutella
Big pozpig
Really? You don't care if your kids are losers?
Dashing clear macaca den
they'll end up worse if i vicariously strive through them
Big pozpig
greedy lilac hairy legs
Nailed it.
Dashing clear macaca den
You are saying this (much like your comment yesterday about ...
Exciting deer antler
And statistically speaking, my children will not be as succe...
mint queen of the night
Abusive school cafeteria
hairless dragon
lol @ you play pretending on xo.
Carnelian sanctuary newt
citation needed
Bistre Market Sweet Tailpipe
I'm insecure about my intelligence so it will be hard for me...
Stimulating pisswyrm
greedy lilac hairy legs
There's nothing you can do about it though. Unless they're s...
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
the kicker is I married high IQ so if the keed ends up kinda...
Stimulating pisswyrm
Are you tall at least?
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
I am 5'7, husband is 6'3
Stimulating pisswyrm
I'll pray for your sanity if kid grows up to be a 5'10"...
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
ty ty ty
Stimulating pisswyrm
if you have a dotter she'll be 5'10. i suggest starving stac...
Pontificating 180 Orchestra Pit Potus
I hope I never have a dotter
Stimulating pisswyrm
We're both short so I hope we only have dotters.
Dashing clear macaca den
good luck
Stimulating pisswyrm
You too.
Dashing clear macaca den
lol of course your in therapy. maybe you should take the $ ...
Pink corn cake turdskin
pumo wisdom right here
Stimulating pisswyrm
Pink corn cake turdskin
more wisdom: you're more self absorbed than you are insecur...
Pink corn cake turdskin
"boyfriend grade penis" is a 180 turn of phrase
Big pozpig
(Your future 110 IQ son posting on /r/incels)
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
greedy lilac hairy legs
Henna Old Irish Cottage
Lol at the supposedly high IQ (but obviously prole) losers I...
Puce hideous lodge wagecucks
LOL even if you have enough money to let your dumb kid live ...
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
There will be outliers along the way, and their job is to re...
Puce hideous lodge wagecucks
Yeah very important not to let them have all the money at an...
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
don't worry OP you'll never reproduce
Awkward liquid oxygen
Thanks TSINAH.
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
The best way to avoid this is see how your wife's siblings a...
Splenetic autistic fortuitous meteor selfie
Swashbuckling Olive Toilet Seat
Looking at my family and my wife's family, no one is fucking...
Dashing clear macaca den
yes, we know you're russian
Aromatic Obsidian Partner Step-uncle's House
I will note that the number of really successful/rich people...
Dashing clear macaca den
We're in an era of assortative mating that seeks out close t...
Blathering multi-colored french chef
It’s a fundamental principle of genetics. Use Google before ...
yapping garrison
Explain how the mechanism works, then, if it's so obvious.
disrespectful stag film
Jfc you aren't really this stupid are you?
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
You can achieve a 100 median IQ for a population a number of...
Blathering multi-colored french chef
Check out this older article and, somewhat more interestingl...
disrespectful stag film
What do you mean? That link only my supports my point.
yapping garrison
"What mean?" is the key question. The overall hum...
disrespectful stag film
Sure. But — as you state — there will virtually always be so...
yapping garrison
I guess the only exception would be if the two "high IQ...
disrespectful stag film
If two high IQ parents mate, the average expected IQ of thei...
yapping garrison
yup guys you can just google this and learn how it works ...
Swashbuckling Olive Toilet Seat
Depends on the prevalence of high-IQ genes in the families. ...
Talented knife rehab
Assuming chad and Becky are average Americans, they’ll still...
yapping garrison
But when you narrow the groups down further and further (fro...
disrespectful stag film
Sorry, but there is imo some really severe ignorance on disp...
yapping garrison
I think the post that started this subthread posited that as...
disrespectful stag film
That seems like a very charitable reading, but I’ll drop it....
yapping garrison
Clarify, when you say regression to the mean, are you focusi...
Blathering multi-colored french chef
I’m working under the assumption we have chosen two high IQ ...
yapping garrison
If you can't or don't care to explain the mechanism, you cou...
disrespectful stag film
The explanation on Wikipedia is fairly clear. Does that not ...
yapping garrison
First, I was responding to the other poaster (unless that's ...
disrespectful stag film
If you actually think like this you probably shouldn't be a ...
Trip metal tanning salon reading party
I'd like you to raise 5 down syndrome babies
sepia gaming laptop
Is that what regression to the mean is? I guess i misunders...
Trip metal tanning salon reading party
Correct. I shouldn't.
Salmon Passionate Dopamine Water Buffalo
I am retard-level Chad bigcock with doctor wife, so regressi...
Plum Talking Boistinker Shitlib
ITT: 112 IQmos discuss what life would be like with a 107 IQ...
Thriller Keepsake Machete
yapping garrison
OP is 100IQ at best
Awkward liquid oxygen
I have the exact opposite concern, all signs point to my kid...
sienna forum police squad
regression to the mean afflicts people whose parents are TTT...
dull university juggernaut
there is no way 'Prince Harry's' IQ is over 110, FWIW
adulterous pit
Yeah, and look at this bullshit and who he just married.
Dashing clear macaca den
At least 120. They don't let dumbs fly combat helicopters.
Sexy azn patrolman
Your kids will be precisely the 115 IQ dunces we mock here. ...
Salmon Passionate Dopamine Water Buffalo
If you're not IQ smart, you can hustle. Simple as that.
Scarlet set half-breed
Surprisingly low IQ thread, lol.
Henna Old Irish Cottage
Meh. I did the best I could, marrying a woman whose IQ is li...
hyperactive laughsome abode gaping
DESCRIBE how smart each of your respective families is.
Salmon Passionate Dopamine Water Buffalo
Her family = Ashkenazi Jews. Nuff said. My dad = dumbest ...
hyperactive laughsome abode gaping
According to my copy of Excel, the center of IQ gravity is 1...
Salmon Passionate Dopamine Water Buffalo
lol iron monkey and wheeling pwning souls here. OP is a lite...
Puce hideous lodge wagecucks
Great, xo posters’ kids will only revert to 105 mean IQ! Tha...
yapping garrison
(Guy breeding 6' 150 IQ autists together, taking the numerou...
shivering turquoise temple trust fund
yapping garrison
lol @ OP’s hubris.
judgmental very tactful candlestick maker
Mnd should be happy as fuck about this because regression to...
Thirsty karate hell
judgmental very tactful candlestick maker

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 11:43 AM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

Does this worry or depress you?

You and your shrew have high IQ, study and strive, and your kid comes out as some 110 IQ spoiled shit head. How would you feel if this happened?

How does it make you feel to know it's statistically more likely than having a kid like yourself?

Before you reply that your 110 IQ kid will be a fratty jock, remember they'll still inherit your short stature, weak musculature, boyfriend grade penis, and forgettable facial aesthetics.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:05 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

Both my kids are bright as fuck, so not worried about it.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 9:25 PM
Author: Carnelian sanctuary newt

They will likely be middle class at best, bright or not.


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Date: May 24th, 2018 2:10 AM
Author: Comical community account

Nothing wrong with that


Reply Favorite

Date: May 24th, 2018 2:22 AM
Author: disrespectful stag film

I'm not sure if anything else is "better" than middle class.


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Date: May 24th, 2018 2:48 PM
Author: Sexy azn patrolman

If you just have middle class expectations for them then don't be too Asian and over invest in their education.


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Date: May 24th, 2018 4:29 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

I have high expectations for my kids in a lot of areas, but I don't associate becoming higher social class with being better. Obviously I don't want them to have to scrape by and worry about the basics, but I don't associate typical measures of high achievement with higher life satisfaction.

At any rate, I definitely don't plan on over-investing (financially) in their education.


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Date: May 24th, 2018 4:42 PM
Author: Sexy azn patrolman

Yeah don't pay 500k for JHU.

How will you try to deal with the problem of high risk of a mild form of Asperger's among the boys?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 24th, 2018 4:47 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

My son is on the opposite end of the introversion/extroversion spectrum. We joke that he'll probably become a politician or something. My only worry of that type w/r/t him is that he seems to have that type of personality that I associate with addicts/alcoholics I've known. He's six, and I'm not seriously worried about it, though.

My daughter is much more introverted/shy/timid. It's a shame because she's very talented but doesn't like taking risks or trying things where she might fail.


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Date: May 24th, 2018 4:51 PM
Author: Seedy pistol menage

sounds more like the type of personality that I associate with homosexuals


Reply Favorite

Date: May 24th, 2018 4:54 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

Well, you never know. He's into a bunch of boy shit (video games, wrestling, etc.), but that's not necessarily exclusive of homosexuality. I guess we'll find out.


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Date: May 24th, 2018 2:09 AM
Author: Comical community account



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Date: May 24th, 2018 4:37 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

Nice kids, too.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 11:50 AM
Author: greedy lilac hairy legs

I see my role as parent as selfless. To do my best to provide each child with tools and opportunities to succeed and the confidence to take risks.

I don't really think a super high IQ is necessary to live a fulfilling life. I would not feel saddened at all in the likely case that either or both of my children has a roughly average IQ.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 11:58 AM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

*it is 1950s America*

Middling IQ proles live like animals in this country today. Your Joe Average kid isn't going to work at the Ford factory for a wage sufficient to raise a family of his own where he gets decent treatment on the job, paid pension and retirement. He'll be using a piss jug to meet impossible some items per hour goal imposed by faceless corporate overlords at an Amazon warehouse for $11.75/hr, working overtime to pay the rent.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:00 PM
Author: Crimson Bespoke Really Tough Guy

Lol no.

A robot will have that job


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:02 PM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund



Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:44 PM
Author: sepia gaming laptop

How much are we paying the robot


Reply Favorite

Date: May 24th, 2018 11:56 AM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

Robot Teamsters demanding more frequent oiling and sex robot visits once a week.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:02 PM
Author: greedy lilac hairy legs



Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 1:55 PM
Author: Splenetic autistic fortuitous meteor selfie


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:25 PM
Author: Sexy azn patrolman

This is what the most advanced Chinese warehouse looks like today



Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:36 PM
Author: Exciting deer antler



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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:30 PM
Author: infuriating supple hominid party of the first part


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:27 PM
Author: hairless dragon



Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:03 PM
Author: mint queen of the night

Doesn’t bother me in the least. Also, if anything, lower IQ people live happier lives.

Having children should not be an exercise in vanity.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:06 PM
Author: orchid bipolar national

your poasting has been very strong lately.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:06 PM
Author: greedy lilac hairy legs


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:07 PM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

Vanity? You want your children to be happy and succeed, go on to have more of their own, not become reproductive dead ends.

The Low IQ = Happy meme is complete flame. The only happier dumb people are ones who have Down Syndrome because it messes with other parts of their brain. XO romanticizes prole life but many of those people are deeply unhappy, and they lack the resources to even try to improve their bad situation.

You notice all the smart people around you who are depressed/drunks/fucked up because they succeed at the margins despite those faults. Dumbs have the same exact issues and the outcomes are even more devastating.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:12 PM
Author: Swashbuckling Olive Toilet Seat

yeah the 'high IQ = less happy' flame is some weak flame. anybody who is actually high IQ knows that this is false. being smart is living life on easy mode, period

dumb people are not happier than smart people. they have all the same problems, just less tools to solve them with


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:17 PM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

At most you could say high IQ people might be more prone to some existential rumination, but that pales in comparison to true debilitating mental illness.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:18 PM
Author: orchid bipolar national

for example, xoxohth.com.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 24th, 2018 12:01 AM
Author: apoplectic primrose headpube


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:47 PM
Author: mint queen of the night

Don’t care about them having success or having grandchildren. Their happiness matters and success and money isn’t tied to that beyond a certain minimum. I’m there to help out with the money part so that reduces a lot of the stress associated with having no money.

IQ is hardly the downfall of proles. It’s mostly things like poor impulse control, poor emotional self regulation etc that result from having shitty genes and being in that sort of environment surrounded by people who make poor choices that leads to a lot of problems and unhappiness. Their IQ isn’t that important.

I worry a lot about mundane things (am I ruining oral hygiene by not brushing molars enough) and important things (how to encourage empathy and kindness), but IQ is not one of them. I do think about emotional IQ because how you interact with and understand people and yourself makes a big difference in life.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:36 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

"IQ is hardly the downfall of proles. It’s mostly things like poor impulse control, poor emotional self regulation etc that result from having shitty genes and being in that sort of environment surrounded by people who make poor choices that leads to a lot of problems and unhappiness. Their IQ isn’t that important."

(spoken like someone who forgets what interacting with 95-110 IQ proles is like) Low IQ people are legit fucked, even if they're responsible and well-meaning.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:01 PM
Author: mint queen of the night

Nah my husband’s extended family is filled with low IQ proles. The ones who are fucked are those who do shit like buy a boat on credit, get into drug dealing, marry and divorce 3x before 30. There are a bunch who are cable repairmen or whatever with their fat wives and stupid children but otherwise lead normal happy lives.

In any case, none of this stuff is relevant to me or my kids anyway. Just hope my kids don’t be up being writers for slate.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:18 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

"There are a bunch who are cable repairmen or whatever with their fat wives and stupid children but otherwise lead normal happy lives."

I don't for a second believe that you would be happy with this result.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:33 PM
Author: Exciting deer antler

I like Nutella and think her parenting advice is generally right on. Her heart is in the right place and she wants her kids to have happier childhoods than she did, which is admirable.

I also agree with you that she would not be happy with this -- there's just no way. She has given her kids too much for this to be the outcome.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:40 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

Exactly. And incidentally, I agree with wanting for your kids to have a better childhood than you did. My parents (mom especially) were super concerned that I would have it too good and not have that hard edge Russians have so they basically made sure I was always stressed as shit. I have no intention of doing that. But I still want them to be really successful.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 5:04 PM
Author: mint queen of the night

Given the environment and unbringing, it’s unlikely they will end up cable repairman or blue collar workers (though my contractor makes a shitton of money and I’d love that outcome). Much more likely they become slate writers. What’s worse? $50k as cable repairman or slate writer with no health benefits? I’d much prefer a cable repairman to a slate writer. I’d prefer a slightly more respectable outcome, yes, but I don’t expect more than something mediocre like compliance monkey. That’s still shitty, but whatever. Just be a respectable, responsible person. I’m not lying when I say that as long as they’re happy and we have a good relationship, I’ll be pretty satisfied.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 5:45 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

"I don’t expect more than something mediocre like compliance monkey. That’s still shitty, but whatever."

Omg, I feel like this is you affirming my life choices! Wow!


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:08 PM
Author: mint queen of the night

Lol, I was thinking of Valen bragging about being a hot shot MD in BIGCOMPLIANCE, but all you Russians are the same. Your autism aside, you have a work ethic and practicality that is difficult to replicate in kids from non-commie country upbringings/cultures, and particularly in kids who grow up more privileged as yours will be.

I’m sure you and Mandy want to be hardasses, but your kids may not cooperate. You should be prepared for defeat since the older they get, the more they become their own person and the more their peers influence them and less you.

You should think about why you have a desire to have very successful children. Either you’re projecting onto them your own insecurities and want to feel good about yourself through their success or you’re afraid of feeling shame and blame yourself if they turn out to be losers. Taking the credit and the blame are both unhealthy and ignores the reality that your children are, first and foremost, their own persons, not extensions of you. I urge you to think of this before you have kids. Otherwise you will be severely frustrated when things don’t go as planned, and they never do.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 9:23 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

I'm joking, I'm not in compliance.

I'll be happy if they grow up to be normal umc wagecucks like us. Of course I'll feel like total failure or success will reflect on us.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 24th, 2018 5:06 PM
Author: mint queen of the night

(Living vicariously through tmf’s and Mandy jr’s V50 biglaw and Accenture jobs)


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:39 PM
Author: floppy brindle stock car boltzmann

she was wrong about everything she said about proles, of course


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:42 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:32 PM
Author: Iridescent Electric Preventive Strike Affirmative Action


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:44 PM
Author: Big pozpig

i'm on board with nutella


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:54 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

Really? You don't care if your kids are losers?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 24th, 2018 4:27 PM
Author: Big pozpig

they'll end up worse if i vicariously strive through them


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 9:25 PM
Author: greedy lilac hairy legs


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:35 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

Nailed it.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:32 PM
Author: Exciting deer antler

You are saying this (much like your comment yesterday about colleges) from the position of someone who went to an exceptional HS, an Ivy, a top LS, worked at top firms (at one time, anyway...), hit an absolute grand slam with an in-house job (from a fucking Indeed posting!), has a top 0.1% income, lives in what is a dream location for a lot of people, is happily married, and has 1.5 healthy children.

Don't discount what it's like to be on the outside looking in.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 4:54 PM
Author: mint queen of the night

And statistically speaking, my children will not be as successfully as me, so why would I stress about the outcome or even want them to try to replicate the same path? They will be financially comfortable, not RSF level obviously, but they can work a normal job making whatever equivalent is to $100k in 20-30 years and they will have properties to live in and have a nice nest egg when we die. I’d like them to at least work a respectable job, but why do I want them to be any more successful than that to feel good about myself?

If you look at the grown adult children of people I work with in their 50s , their kids are lucky to go to USC (Pepperdine if dumb), and end up becoming a speech therapist or doing internships at UTA through a connection from their parents. I don’t see how that’s any more of a failure than being a cable repairman or plumber. Cable repairman is prob preferable actually. And their parents are still proud and happy for them.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:43 PM
Author: Abusive school cafeteria


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:31 PM
Author: hairless dragon


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 9:26 PM
Author: Carnelian sanctuary newt

lol @ you play pretending on xo.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 10:26 PM
Author: Bistre Market Sweet Tailpipe

citation needed


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:09 PM
Author: Stimulating pisswyrm

I'm insecure about my intelligence so it will be hard for me to not project that into my keed


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:12 PM
Author: greedy lilac hairy legs


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:14 PM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

There's nothing you can do about it though. Unless they're starving or exposed to drugs and lead paint in the house, most kids in the US are going to max their genetic potential.

Guess it's like having a shortmo. You can't stretch them lol.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:20 PM
Author: Stimulating pisswyrm

the kicker is I married high IQ so if the keed ends up kinda dumb, because I'm insecure, I will always attribute it to MY genes MY low IQ MY deficiencies

that's who I am as a person - I respect poasters who have the resolve to push past that but I'm going to have to be very intentional and do a lot of work to avoid projecting through over-action or under-action

I go to therapy for it and it kinda works - my top priority is the keed feels so much more loved than I did, second is they are curious, then maybe do whatever I can to nurture a desire to learn and understand things rather than just caring about achievement


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:25 PM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

Are you tall at least?


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:26 PM
Author: Stimulating pisswyrm

I am 5'7, husband is 6'3


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:27 PM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

I'll pray for your sanity if kid grows up to be a 5'10" (rounded up, naturally) middling IQ bro. :(


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:32 PM
Author: Stimulating pisswyrm

ty ty ty


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 1:54 PM
Author: Pontificating 180 Orchestra Pit Potus

if you have a dotter she'll be 5'10. i suggest starving stacy into kate moss shape starting at 6 mos.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 4:05 PM
Author: Stimulating pisswyrm

I hope I never have a dotter


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 4:07 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

We're both short so I hope we only have dotters.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 4:08 PM
Author: Stimulating pisswyrm

good luck


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 4:09 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

You too.


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:16 PM
Author: Pink corn cake turdskin

lol of course your in therapy. maybe you should take the $ you piss away on that and save it up for tutors and SAT prep if you're so worried your kid going to be a dumb


Reply Favorite

Date: May 23rd, 2018 4:04 PM
Author: Stimulating pisswyrm

pumo wisdom right here


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 5:02 PM
Author: Pink corn cake turdskin



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Date: May 24th, 2018 4:37 PM
Author: Pink corn cake turdskin

more wisdom: you're more self absorbed than you are insecure. focus on being a better person to the ppl you care about and less focus on your own bullshit.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:10 PM
Author: Big pozpig

"boyfriend grade penis" is a 180 turn of phrase


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:11 PM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

(Your future 110 IQ son posting on /r/incels)


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:12 PM
Author: greedy lilac hairy legs


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:22 PM
Author: Henna Old Irish Cottage


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:13 PM
Author: Puce hideous lodge wagecucks

Lol at the supposedly high IQ (but obviously prole) losers ITT. There are plenty of 110 IQs in the upper class. As long as your kid is reading books, learning fratty life sports (golf, tennis, squash, sailing, skiing, etc.), and acting/dressing classy, they will be able to make it on their own. I would be more worried about having my kid develop into a 150 IQ aspie than a 110 IQ Chad. It's like the Hank Williams song "A Country Boy Can Survive":

We came from the country clubs

And Aspen and Palm Beach

And we can wax our skis, hit a backhand, hitch a bowline

Chad will survive, WASP folk can survive!


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:16 PM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

LOL even if you have enough money to let your dumb kid live that kind of lifestyle, they will hook up with a dumb wife, have even dumber kids who will squander it all as you watch helplessly from your death bed.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:23 PM
Author: Puce hideous lodge wagecucks

There will be outliers along the way, and their job is to replenish the family war chest. It does not take that much money to live as a member of the upper class. It’s UMC strivers who need Mercedes AMG crossovers. Believe me the cheapest people at my CC are the wealthiest.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:27 PM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

Yeah very important not to let them have all the money at an early age, especially if dumb. Look at RSF. JFC I'd eat a bullet if he was my son.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:24 PM
Author: Awkward liquid oxygen

don't worry OP you'll never reproduce


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:28 PM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

Thanks TSINAH.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:30 PM
Author: Splenetic autistic fortuitous meteor selfie

The best way to avoid this is see how your wife's siblings and parents are. Especially wife's mother. Look at how smart they all are and then it's more likely that she's not smart by fluke and your kids will have better shot at not being super regression pwned.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:41 PM
Author: Swashbuckling Olive Toilet Seat


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:43 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

Looking at my family and my wife's family, no one is fucking up because they lack IQ (maybe ironically her super Jewy grandma but I only saw her when she was super old). Plenty of them are fucking up because they have shit priorities, bad culture, shitty work ethic, etc.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:42 PM
Author: Aromatic Obsidian Partner Step-uncle's House

yes, we know you're russian


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:44 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

I will note that the number of really successful/rich people is pretty impressive though. Russians tend to either make it or flame out massively.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 12:56 PM
Author: Blathering multi-colored french chef

We're in an era of assortative mating that seeks out close to par-levels of education. I'm not sure regression to the mean applies in the way that it did in the past.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 1:46 PM
Author: yapping garrison

It’s a fundamental principle of genetics. Use Google before you say dumb shit like this please.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 1:53 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

Explain how the mechanism works, then, if it's so obvious.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:12 PM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

Jfc you aren't really this stupid are you?


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:33 PM
Author: Blathering multi-colored french chef

You can achieve a 100 median IQ for a population a number of different ways. In a scenario where the population is mixing somewhat randomly, a couple might be able to observe some sort of blended IQ in their own children that is lower than one partner but above another.

However, if the population mates in such a way that high IQ is partnering with high IQ and similarly the same is occurring for low IQ; across the population (assuming each couple has same # of kids) you'll still get a 100 median across the population as a whole, but within each couple's children the IQ will remain similar to those of the parents.

It's the whole fucking reason why you can bet money when Lavar Ball marries his athlete wife he winds up with pro-athletes. Same thing for Del Curry and his athlete wife (UVA volleyball) having pro athlete kids. Assortative mating is precisely how you develop and emphasize characteristics that are not commonly found through random mating. Oh look, two people who are super tall and can jump through the ceiling have kids that can do the same. Do you think they were worried that "regression to the mean" was going to mean their kids were somehow less inclined to be as athletic as they were?


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:54 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

Check out this older article and, somewhat more interestingly, the comments. I think talking about "regression to the mean" in some broad sense is not necessarily very useful in any individual case.



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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:31 PM
Author: yapping garrison

What do you mean? That link only my supports my point.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:17 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

"What mean?" is the key question. The overall human mean? The mean for a particular race? Your familial mean? If both parents come from a families with wildly differing IQs, I think it's reasonable to expect a greater differential between the parental midpoint and the kid's IQ. If both parents are high IQ and come from pretty consistently high IQ families on both sides, several generations back, then it's less likely that the parents are really outliers, and it's reasonable to expect less regression to the overall mean in the kids.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:33 PM
Author: yapping garrison

Sure. But — as you state — there will virtually always be some regression on average in that case. Which is all I’m trying to establish. Don’t care about estimating magnitude.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 7:32 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

I guess the only exception would be if the two "high IQ" parents are actually mean IQ parents for their relevant subgroup.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:31 PM
Author: yapping garrison

If two high IQ parents mate, the average expected IQ of their offspring will be less than the parents’. This is what is meant by regression to the mean, and it is not addressed by your post at all.

Again, please don’t spout off about topics you don’t know about.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:42 PM
Author: Swashbuckling Olive Toilet Seat


guys you can just google this and learn how it works in less than 10 minutes


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:56 PM
Author: Talented knife rehab

Depends on the prevalence of high-IQ genes in the families.

Regression to the mean doesn't apply when you lump together genetically dissimilar population groups who are not mating. For example, if we included a billion Africans into our new "world IQ" so that the average American is now +2 SD, do you really think Chad and Becky's kids expected IQ just went down?


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:10 PM
Author: yapping garrison

Assuming chad and Becky are average Americans, they’ll still revert to average American IQ (on average). This doesn’t deny my point, you’re just changing what the baseline is called. Africans are not really relevant to the OP’s example.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:20 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

But when you narrow the groups down further and further (from world IQ, to racial IQ, to family IQ) the mean to which the child may regress may in fact be similar to the high-IQ parents.

In other words, the high IQ parents may be outliers compared to the world population, but not to their families. In which case, you would expect less regression.

Now stop talking down to people as if you are the only person who can converse about this.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:31 PM
Author: yapping garrison

Sorry, but there is imo some really severe ignorance on display in other posts.

It’s true that if I have perfect genetic information about both parents then I expect — handwaving here — a normal distribution of children’s IQ about parent mean IQ. But this is not the case with the hypo in the OP (unless everyone here is getting their genome sequenced).

Also, “family IQ” is not super relevant here. The parents’ genetic makeup is all that actually matters for the child. It’s true that if I give you progressively info about the parents I can predict their genetic contribution to IQ better. But again, this was not the situation in the OP, where the only facts given are that the parents are high IQ and we are otherwise operating under a veil of ignorance.

Further, if by high IQ we mean like 3 SD or above, it’s highly unlikely you can produce any amount of background info short of a direct genetic test that would make a reasonable person think regression won’t happen on average.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 7:31 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

I think the post that started this subthread posited that assortive mating would result in less than expected regression, which does not strike me as too far off base (and on a grander scale is how you get certain populations with a higher average IQ).


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 10:00 PM
Author: yapping garrison

That seems like a very charitable reading, but I’ll drop it.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 4:42 PM
Author: Blathering multi-colored french chef

Clarify, when you say regression to the mean, are you focusing on the entire population, or what would be the mean for a particular subgroup. I'll give you that two 120IQ parents might have a 110IQ child, but not that they're more likely to produce a 90IQ imbecile to pull back toward 100. Otherwise, you wouldn't have Ashkenazi IQ consistently being above 100 (I think ~110).


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:07 PM
Author: yapping garrison

I’m working under the assumption we have chosen two high IQ parents uniformly at random from the population and have no additional knowledge of their background or genetic makeup.

The point should still hold in your example though, because no group mean is +2SD in IQ or athletic ability or whatever.

No one is saying high IQ parents are more likely to produce sub-average IQ spawn, btw. Just closer to average but still above it.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:41 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

If you can't or don't care to explain the mechanism, you could just say so.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:29 PM
Author: yapping garrison

The explanation on Wikipedia is fairly clear. Does that not suffice for you? Typing on phone so a full wall of text is annoying to write out. But I will do it if you deem it necessary.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:22 PM
Author: disrespectful stag film

First, I was responding to the other poaster (unless that's one of your alts).

Second, discussing the mechanism is important because (as later posts have shown), the anticipated regression depends on the particular case and background facts.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 1:48 PM
Author: Trip metal tanning salon reading party

If you actually think like this you probably shouldn't be a parent.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:43 PM
Author: sepia gaming laptop

I'd like you to raise 5 down syndrome babies


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:58 PM
Author: Trip metal tanning salon reading party

Is that what regression to the mean is? I guess i misunderstood OP


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:24 PM
Author: Salmon Passionate Dopamine Water Buffalo

Correct. I shouldn't.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 2:04 PM
Author: Plum Talking Boistinker Shitlib

I am retard-level Chad bigcock with doctor wife, so regression to the mean will serve my children well.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:47 PM
Author: Thriller Keepsake Machete

ITT: 112 IQmos discuss what life would be like with a 107 IQ kid


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:48 PM
Author: yapping garrison


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 4:02 PM
Author: Awkward liquid oxygen

OP is 100IQ at best


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 3:54 PM
Author: sienna forum police squad

I have the exact opposite concern, all signs point to my kids being superstudy bookworms. I want to push them towards chill fratty endeavours


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 4:04 PM
Author: dull university juggernaut

regression to the mean afflicts people whose parents are TTTs, so i'm not worried

3 of her 4 grandparents are smart as FUARK

but tbf i think having an iq like mine has significantly reduced my QOL because i'm never satisfied and feel like i should be doing more for the world with my talents, so i feel guilty a lot about just enjoying life

kid is pretty smart, though, but i think i'd only really be perturbed by a sub-110 IQ which is unlikely because german lutherans have on average over 110 IQ


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 4:47 PM
Author: adulterous pit

there is no way 'Prince Harry's' IQ is over 110, FWIW


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 4:48 PM
Author: Dashing clear macaca den

Yeah, and look at this bullshit and who he just married.


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Date: May 24th, 2018 2:50 PM
Author: Sexy azn patrolman

At least 120. They don't let dumbs fly combat helicopters.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:13 PM
Author: Salmon Passionate Dopamine Water Buffalo

Your kids will be precisely the 115 IQ dunces we mock here.

"Correlation isn't causation!"

"Free speech but not freedom from consequences!"

"I love thienth!"


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:24 PM
Author: Scarlet set half-breed

If you're not IQ smart, you can hustle. Simple as that.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:25 PM
Author: Henna Old Irish Cottage

Surprisingly low IQ thread, lol.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:33 PM
Author: hyperactive laughsome abode gaping

Meh. I did the best I could, marrying a woman whose IQ is likely higher than mine. Hopefully kids regress to a higher mean.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:36 PM
Author: Salmon Passionate Dopamine Water Buffalo

DESCRIBE how smart each of your respective families is.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 6:37 PM
Author: hyperactive laughsome abode gaping

Her family = Ashkenazi Jews. Nuff said.

My dad = dumbest guy in a really smart family

My mom = smartest person in an otherwise dull family


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 7:26 PM
Author: Salmon Passionate Dopamine Water Buffalo

According to my copy of Excel, the center of IQ gravity is 109.7.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 9:29 PM
Author: Puce hideous lodge wagecucks

lol iron monkey and wheeling pwning souls here. OP is a literal 80 IQ reddit retard.


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 11:17 PM
Author: yapping garrison

Great, xo posters’ kids will only revert to 105 mean IQ! That gives me such great hope for our spawn...


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Date: May 24th, 2018 1:50 AM
Author: shivering turquoise temple trust fund

(Guy breeding 6' 150 IQ autists together, taking the numerous 155 IQ kids that result (like 0.5 SD above the 150 IQ mean right?) and breeding them together, and so on, until he has some 8ft tall 200 IQ POWER AUTISTs)


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Date: May 24th, 2018 3:27 PM
Author: yapping garrison


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Date: May 23rd, 2018 10:22 PM
Author: judgmental very tactful candlestick maker

lol @ OP’s hubris.


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Date: May 24th, 2018 7:16 AM
Author: Thirsty karate hell

Mnd should be happy as fuck about this because regression to the mean indicates hat son could be 5'10


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Date: May 24th, 2018 10:35 PM
Author: judgmental very tactful candlestick maker

