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There are millions of people with terminal diagnoses, often in great pain-

Why is it the case that so few of these people are making po...
Flickering walnut office
serious illness is really exhausting, and it often makes peo...
Angry talented twinkling uncleanness filthpig

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Date: June 24th, 2018 4:27 AM
Author: Flickering walnut office

Why is it the case that so few of these people are making political statements or trying to have an impact with their remaining time?

And for that matter- when was the last time a mass shooter DID have a terminal illness? Has it ever happened? Can't think of an example


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Date: June 24th, 2018 4:30 AM
Author: Angry talented twinkling uncleanness filthpig

serious illness is really exhausting, and it often makes people more contemplative. mass-shooters, i suspect, are full of pointless unspent energy, indirect rage, and want some kind of "action" but have an extremely short-term conception of what that "action" should look like. i'd say the classic mass-shooter profile is healthy, overexcited, somewhat low-IQ, and autistic.
