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Why do Americans take fitness and working out so seriously

Yet Americans are the 2nd fattest people in the world. I ...
underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner
Spiritual disquiet and restlessness leads to swinging betwee...
Aphrodisiac Peach Mad Cow Disease
Marvelous at-the-ready native
Primrose frozen jap resort
Now look at the obesity stats by race.
Offensive stain brunch
Fitness clubs were just another kind of bar/club scene in th...
High-end irradiated pistol
and boy have you seen what they wear now!
lake locale twinkling uncleanness
Yeah, but they dress like that everywhere. Used to be tha...
High-end irradiated pistol
It's an arms race for men to get laid
arousing lemon center community account
Marvelous at-the-ready native
chocolate cracking international law enforcement agency
think of all the wasted energy of just lifting weights for t...
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cr, overhead press machines could be spinning turbines that ...
Gaped idiotic legal warrant
Effete cerise chad organic girlfriend
provocative yapping deer antler pervert
dashing athletic conference
Marvelous at-the-ready native
To be fair, Not flame this is a good idea and "green...
fear-inspiring sick field half-breed
People would eat this up. Then you could add a scoreboard to...
snowy pozpig
holy shit
provocative yapping deer antler pervert
underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner
Gaped idiotic legal warrant
multi-colored forum foreskin
underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner
multi-colored forum foreskin
exciting kitty
underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner
try separating by gender
Clear stimulating electric furnace roast beef
First of all, they definitely have gyms, etc. in Europe. Bu...
rambunctious bat shit crazy stage laser beams
underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner
lol i saw this and thought of you https://www.ksat.com/ne...
excitant bonkers party of the first part national security agency
Marvelous at-the-ready native
underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner
underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner
americans lift heavier than europeans. More doods go for st...
turquoise university prole
I don't like the big look
underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner
Exhilarant hospital
Well you probably won’t be getting laid in the USA, then. Wh...
Chrome appetizing shrine
We’re capitalists. We believe the best should get all the mo...
glittery private investor area
Charismatic pale giraffe idea he suggested
Jacobin has some pretty good articles.
talented temple old irish cottage
cordovan gaping home
Beta Cuck Location

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: September 22nd, 2018 9:56 AM
Author: underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner

Yet Americans are the 2nd fattest people in the world.

I raise this bc I have never seen so many gyms, organic food, vitamins & supplements in my entire life.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 9:57 AM
Author: Aphrodisiac Peach Mad Cow Disease

Spiritual disquiet and restlessness leads to swinging between extremes. They definitely dont have all this shit in Europe


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 11:02 AM
Author: Marvelous at-the-ready native



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Date: September 22nd, 2018 9:14 PM
Author: Primrose frozen jap resort


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:00 AM
Author: Offensive stain brunch

Now look at the obesity stats by race.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:04 AM
Author: High-end irradiated pistol

Fitness clubs were just another kind of bar/club scene in the 70s and 80s. Just look at how chicks used to dress for the gym. It somehow evolved from that into some sort of actual fitness culture


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:04 AM
Author: lake locale twinkling uncleanness

and boy have you seen what they wear now!


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:14 AM
Author: High-end irradiated pistol

Yeah, but they dress like that everywhere.

Used to be that conservatively dressed ladies would wear stripper costumes at the gym


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:16 AM
Author: arousing lemon center community account

It's an arms race for men to get laid


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 11:03 AM
Author: Marvelous at-the-ready native



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Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:17 AM
Author: chocolate cracking international law enforcement agency



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Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:18 AM
Author: provocative yapping deer antler pervert

think of all the wasted energy of just lifting weights for the purpose of lifting weights instead of doing something constructive like building a house or plowing a field or something else that builds muscle mass but also produces tangible benefits. seems like we could be more efficient with all the energy spent working out, or at least harness it somehow.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:24 AM
Author: Gaped idiotic legal warrant

cr, overhead press machines could be spinning turbines that power the gym.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:32 AM
Author: Effete cerise chad organic girlfriend


Reply Favorite

Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:42 AM
Author: provocative yapping deer antler pervert


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 11:01 AM
Author: dashing athletic conference


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 11:03 AM
Author: Marvelous at-the-ready native


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 2:39 PM
Author: fear-inspiring sick field half-breed

To be fair,

Not flame this is a good idea and "green" energy equipment could be a big business hit with hipsters and fags.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 2:51 PM
Author: snowy pozpig

People would eat this up. Then you could add a scoreboard to track who is producing the most electricity. Would be bananas


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 10:44 AM
Author: provocative yapping deer antler pervert

holy shit


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 11:10 AM
Author: underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 11:21 AM
Author: Gaped idiotic legal warrant



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Date: September 23rd, 2018 5:54 PM
Author: multi-colored forum foreskin


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 7:39 PM
Author: underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 2:01 AM
Author: multi-colored forum foreskin


Reply Favorite

Date: September 23rd, 2018 6:10 PM
Author: exciting kitty


Reply Favorite

Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:27 AM
Author: underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner


Reply Favorite

Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:32 AM
Author: Clear stimulating electric furnace roast beef

try separating by gender


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:34 AM
Author: rambunctious bat shit crazy stage laser beams

First of all, they definitely have gyms, etc. in Europe. But for the sake of argument, let's say that there is more fitness-related stuff in America. According to one study that I saw, over 50% of fats say they're trying to lose weight, albeit unsuccessfully. We have all the fitness infrastructure precisely because Americans are so fat. When you're fat, it becomes extremely important to try to lose weight, or at least give the appearance of trying. Incidentally, none of that stuff works as well for losing weight as simply avoiding unhealthy foods.


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 10:50 AM
Author: underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 11:01 AM
Author: excitant bonkers party of the first part national security agency

lol i saw this and thought of you



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Date: September 22nd, 2018 11:04 AM
Author: Marvelous at-the-ready native


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 1:41 PM
Author: underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner


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Date: September 22nd, 2018 9:16 PM
Author: underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 11:16 AM
Author: turquoise university prole

americans lift heavier than europeans. More doods go for strength and mass over like circuit training or reps or BS that is a waste of time anyway.

plus americans eat more.

the doods here are just bigger and fatter, but also stronger.


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 11:23 AM
Author: underhanded aromatic sanctuary gunner

I don't like the big look


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 6:02 PM
Author: Exhilarant hospital


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 8:26 PM
Author: Chrome appetizing shrine

Well you probably won’t be getting laid in the USA, then. Where are you from and how’d you find this board?


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 11:25 AM
Author: glittery private investor area

We’re capitalists. We believe the best should get all the money and fuck all the women. In Europe there’s no point in trying.


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 6:11 PM
Author: Charismatic pale giraffe idea he suggested


Fitness Morality

While we don’t often see men in top hats and women in petticoats parading their children on Sundays, parks remain a place to display virtue and discipline: contemporary fitness culture perfectly embodies the nineteenth-century ethos of improvement and discipline.

Victorians were famously averse to physical activity — which was for the proles — and they saw carrying extra weight as a marker of class and respectability. Fitness and sport began to infiltrate middle-class life in the twentieth century, and today serves the same function as the promenade.

This first struck me nine years ago. I was living in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and enjoyed riding my bike as a way to explore an unfamiliar place. One day, I decided to visit East Grand Rapids, a very wealthy suburb, because it has a bike path around Reeds Lake.

Once I arrived, I immediately realized that I was the only person not wearing exercise clothing. This is not to say everyone was exercising — most were out for a stroll, much like their predecessors — but they were dressed for the gym. The other cyclists all wore tight-fitting spandex outfits, as if they were at the starting line of the Tour de France.

These clothes were sending a message: “Make no mistake, we are not walking or riding bikes for transportation. This is exercise.” The wealthy residents of East Grand Rapids had turned a walk in the park into a fitness routine; their athleisure wear proclaimed that this activity was an act of improvement.

Current exercise trends, like hot yoga, spin, and CrossFit, all demonstrate a commitment to self-denial and self-discipline, values much praised by the Victorians. Marathon running has become the ultimate signifier: competitors can post photos on social media to prove to everyone that they have tortured their bodies in a highly virtuous — and not at all kinky — fashion.

This seeps over into everyday activities as well. Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods are filled with people dressed in workout gear with no sweat in sight. This clothing marks its wearers as the type of people who care for their bodies, even when they aren’t exercising. Yoga pants and running shoes display virtue just as clearly as the nineteenth-century wives’ corseted dresses did.

Being fit now indexes class, saturating both fitness and food culture. As calories have become cheaper, obesity has changed from being a sign of wealth to a sign of moral failure. Today, being unhealthy functions as a hallmark of the poor’s cupidity the same way working-class sexual mores were viewed in the nineteenth century.

Both lines of thinking assert that the lower classes cannot control themselves, so they deserve exactly what they have and nothing more. No need, then, for higher wages or subsidized health care. After all, the poor will just waste it on cigarettes and cheeseburgers.

Both then and now, these purported health differences register disgust with working-class bodies. In The Road To Wigan Pier, George Orwell discussed his late-Victorian upbringing, writing that he was trained to believe “that there was something subtly repulsive about a working-class body.” In Orwell’s time, soap — not fitness — made that distinction; he was taught that, in his words, “the lower classes smell.”

Nowadays, the Internet registers cross-class horror on websites like People of Wal-Mart. Instead of being repulsed by the “great unwashed,” the modern Victorians blanch at the “great overfed.”

While the nineteenth-century bourgeoisie saw full figures not as embarrassments to be eradicated, but as comforting signs of their prosperity, their spiritual descendants are obsessed with eating the right kinds of food. In the last fifteen years, organic food has gone from fringe phenomenon to absolute necessity.

Consider the gluten-free movement — those who choose to eliminate gluten from their diet, not those who have celiac disease and must eschew wheat entirely. A few years ago, I joked that finding a gluten-free resident in my rural Nebraska hometown would have been akin to finding the collected works of Peter Kropotkin in the local library. Now “gluten- free” food appears on nearly every local supermarket shelf.

This food discipline is a form of virtuous self-denial that would have made the Victorians proud. If only my grandparents had lived long enough to realize that growing their own potatoes and cucumbers made them high class, not hicks.


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 7:47 PM
Author: talented temple old irish cottage

Jacobin has some pretty good articles.


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 7:53 PM
Author: cordovan gaping home


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Date: September 23rd, 2018 8:06 PM
Author: Beta Cuck Location
