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JFC, beautiful Paris is a human toilet

I cannot believe the quality and lack or class of most peopl...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
(human trash tourist making Paris shitty)
Khaki feces
stimulating den gaping
I happen to love Paris, but I have wondered how the disgusti...
nudist jewess
I do love it too, no city in the world compares to the beaut...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
What makes it so beautiful?
Fantasy-prone boiling water
Everything. Architecture and city design. Check some pics...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Looks nice, but Rome seems more beautiful
Fantasy-prone boiling water
Rome is just too old and run down. Rome is only beautiful at...
fragrant trailer park knife
The architecture, art, food, pace of life. The city has a re...
kink-friendly church gunner
are you hanging out in Saint Denis or some other ethnic ghet...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
I am around the usual areas, faggot. I was at Champ Elysees ...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
LOL yes, the Champs Elysee is a complete shit area only idio...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Lolno, it's not shit. But anyway, let's see how good you ...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
LOLYES, it is shit. That's why only idiot tourists like you ...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Interestingly, you did not respond to my question. So you do...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
I don't want to tell whiney pumo scum. You can ask the poste...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Won't be there on Monday, so stop being a total faggot about...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
I mean since you asked so nicely, sure let me help you out. ...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
I didn't ask, nicely or otherwise. I replied to this comment...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
In response to "Date: October 11th, 2018 6:43 PM Au...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Faggot means "dude" in xo speak. Are you seriously...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
I don't take anything on xo as an "insult" this is...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
I am only asking you to provide support to what you're sayin...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Sorry to break it to you, but I wasn't the one who complaine...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Lol, I knew you couldn't elaborate on this. You don't know j...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
I've lived there for 8 years, I'm not going to help you thou...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Lol, I never asked for your help, I can explore the entire c...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
jesus. what a butt hurt faggot. Even if I had a "bee...
nighttime bespoke abode jap
Henna theater stage ladyboy
never ask women for help
nighttime bespoke abode jap
He has no beef with me, he thinks I'm a poster who complaine...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
I’m sure if any other creepy sexpat losers need ladybo...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
nighttime bespoke abode jap
My airbnb host is French, lol. Been here his entire life and...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Enjoy your awful trip with other tourist idiots and ugly peo...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Unbelievable how maf you seem to be with a total stranger. I...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
LOL at your continued meltdown. Sorry that you’re such...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
LOL at your inability to get over being totally butthurt ove...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
LOL @ you continuing the meltdown and throwing a tantrum on ...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Are you even reading? Sounds like you went into broken-recor...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
just gonna leave this here http://xoxohth.com/thread.php?...
talented know-it-all home
Lol, 180. I wish I stopped responding to this tool 20 posts ...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Clearly you have nothing to better to do with your Saturday!...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Why exactly would I be mad that you can't have fun anywhere?...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
enjoy the trip bro.
nighttime bespoke abode jap
Henna theater stage ladyboy
orchid meetinghouse macaca
wait are you actually claiming there aren't huge numbers of ...
twinkling cracking police squad main people
I'm a tourist, I am here on vacation. I am not going to high...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Honestly bro this is an extremely touristy area and not very...
Copper harsh market pozpig
Well, I've been around several areas in the city, so what ar...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
you really can't avoid them at all in any of the major euro ...
twinkling cracking police squad main people
You know you will only see Chinese at: 1. major tourist sigh...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
You think Hitler had a point, bro? When is the new Hitler co...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested
Thriller flesh partner garrison
France has one of the largest disparities in talent between ...
Pontificating Point Old Irish Cottage
Could be. The TTT French are really beyond disgusting. They ...
nudist jewess
I just came here from Germany. I can tell you now why Hitler...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Thriller flesh partner garrison
I heard they have public PISSTROUGHS to combat the rampant p...
Concupiscible death wish
It's called a "pissoir" you Anglo-Saxon wildebeest...
nudist jewess
Ou la la!
Concupiscible death wish
Most bathrooms here smell like stale piss.. revolting. And a...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
But the crepes!!
nudist jewess
what compels someone to go to paris and eat a hot dog
excitant circlehead
le cochon Americain
nudist jewess
Prices around the Eiffel tower. Not different from the rest ...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
R u really complaining about the cost of hot dogs at one of ...
Nofapping Mental Disorder Menage
Vivacious Sable Generalized Bond Stag Film
Yes, and not just that, the whole city is expensive as fuck....
Henna theater stage ladyboy
To be fair, Don’t overlook the fact that by his own...
vermilion razzle-dazzle windowlicker
orchid meetinghouse macaca
Cr. Lol at this lunatic eating hot dogs in Paris complaining...
diverse fortuitous meteor love of her life
Lol, I only ate one because I was starving around the tower....
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Lmao cr and he says it was because he was there for &ldqu...
dead clown
Misunderstood Elite Ratface Background Story
If you're drunk walking along the river, you'd be stoked to ...
Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
How is it the most beautiful city? By what metric? Far bette...
Nofapping Mental Disorder Menage
Yes -- indeed -- "by what metric"!
opaque thirsty crotch
Pearly Exciting Crackhouse Hunting Ground
Magnificent architecture. Explain what cities are better.
Henna theater stage ladyboy
(Faggot who gives a fuck about architecture)
federal doctorate brunch
(faggot who doesn't understand what makes a city beautiful a...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
orchid meetinghouse macaca
(Guy hanging out at the Hard Rock Cafe)
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
flatulent place of business
Floppy erotic associate hell
(guy posting from third world city SHOCKED at the third worl...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
LOL @ a NOWAG posting from a traffic choked sprawling shitho...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
https://youtu.be/mb3rNkkCAJY a shame cumskins will never...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
No interest in watching your NOWAG links, having recently be...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
Poast pictures of your city and then we can talk. No matter ...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
i visited oslo earlier this year and the infrastructure ther...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
Seoul isn't hypermodern and even the subway is TTT as fuck, ...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
holy LOLLERCAUSTing@ how badly you are triggered by BIG KORE...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
Seoul is a fun city and the Korean people are very welcoming...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
reminder folks, this moron literally spent 3 days in shitaew...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
You're retarded. I even told you what hotel I stayed in and ...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
lol@ you thinking staying at some hotel in the worst part of...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
Yea, I am sure the Four Seasons is building their hotels in ...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
lolllll@ how badly you are triggered this morning
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
You never get tired of having your KIMCHI chut BLOWN OUT do ...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Dude, why are you so triggered by international cities?
Henna theater stage ladyboy
The Seoul Four Seasons is literally the worst Four Seasons I...
fragrant trailer park knife
OP is an uncultured piece of shit. I was just in Paris l...
Ocher Kitty Cat
I suspect OP is the effeminate lib that was crying about som...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Loyal Commander in the ShitLib Army here, Paris was a gre...
Ocher Kitty Cat
I don't think they're assholes, they get an unfair bad rap
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
They reminded me of New Yorkers. Fuck, the whole city rem...
Ocher Kitty Cat
NY'ers also get a bad rap based on 1940's movies. We're very...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
https://youtu.be/mb3rNkkCAJY literally a human toilet. sa...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
The DJT USSF INTERGALACTIC JUGGERNAUT was leading the pack t...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
spruce gas station faggotry
Wait, you say OP is uncultured based on the human garbage th...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Concupiscible death wish
spruce gas station faggotry
Paris is a has-been city
demanding sex offender dingle berry
I’ve been to Paris about 4-5 times on business trips a...
federal doctorate brunch
Which hotels did you stay at? Did you show up with a bunch o...
fragrant trailer park knife
Paris is absurdly bad. Its small with mostly shitty architec...
Motley twisted address
LOL @ "SICK HOTELS!" The 4-star Renaissance is as ...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Paris is Leeds with French people. Thats a line from the pla...
Motley twisted address
Having lived in Paris for years and having been to Minsk, LJ...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
From the homeless people to the shitty American fast food al...
Motley twisted address
Lol name me ONE major city that doesn't have homeless people...
fragrant trailer park knife
The trees and green spaces just make Paris more like a Brook...
Motley twisted address
apparently there are literally thousands of refugees living ...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
So every Western major city is shit, including Paris, NY, Lo...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
(guy unfamiliar with nyuug's NOWAG mental illness)
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
You say it like I should be aware of every Xo Asian inferior...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
sad how far the old Core has fallen, indeed any city in k...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
What is your bizarre obsession with Oslo? Oslo is small A...
nudist jewess
visited oslo back in feb and its the only euro city ive visi...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
LOL you idiot, Tokyo is >>>>>>>> Seo...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
, lisped the literal cumskin cuck who got STYLED on in seoul...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
in your broken NOWAG brain do you think that being too much ...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
laughing my ass off 180
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
We are ALL LOL'ing our asses off at what a pathetic NOWAG lo...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
Actually, no. The biggest loser title in this thread, by far...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
LOL @ this sad meltdown you're having
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
"seoul > Tokyo" is the dumbest thing ever writt...
nudist jewess
been to tokyo myself. great city but seoul is better. on man...
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
Tokyo, and particularly Kyoto during cherry blossom season, ...
nudist jewess
For once we agree on something
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
travel trash bump
Topaz Odious Principal's Office
Hot dogs are way too expensive there and the subways are rep...
fluffy theater
But the people... the PEOPLE are wonderful!
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Thriller flesh partner garrison
Thriller flesh partner garrison
Your critique about Paris is the hot dogs? ok. The metro...
Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested
He was joking and mocking the OP
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
I've strolled 34th st from javitz to the FDR and confirm tha...
fluffy theater
Vivacious Sable Generalized Bond Stag Film
orchid meetinghouse macaca
Paris is 180 and beautiful. You probably aren't hanging out ...
cobalt pungent pit
Give me an example of your "right areas". I've wal...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
The 4e and 5e arrondissements (Luxembourg / Saint Germain ar...
Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested
Yep, that's around the areas I've already been to. I am only...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Not butthurt. I think that you just see beyond all the shit ...
Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested
I have only visited Paris (never lived there) and I was luck...
fragrant trailer park knife
Titcr, I literally poasted from there when I found it. Lol a...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
That's the whole point, NOTHING is hidden or hard to find, y...
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
To be fair, if you're relying on Tripadvisor, which let's be...
fragrant trailer park knife
Having lived in Paris, it's fucking 180. The French are gorg...
Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested
The French are gorgeous? What part of France did you live in...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Paris, in the 5th around the Pantheon / Luxembourg gardens. ...
Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested
How are you going to move back to Paris?
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Moving back? How?
Aromatic Walnut Forum
Possible job lining up in the EU. Im in UK right now.
Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested
JFC what is wrong with you people. Paris is one of the most ...
fragrant trailer park knife
Some real scholarship here Thanks for setting the record ...
bisexual disgusting location potus
stimulating den gaping
(blank bumping retard)
Henna theater stage ladyboy
orchid meetinghouse macaca
You are right, that post deserved a 180.
stimulating den gaping
Amazing thread
orchid meetinghouse macaca
It will be a gem for wannabe travelmos. So much rage over an...
Henna theater stage ladyboy
(Michael Jackson)
galvanic chapel
Henna theater stage ladyboy
Which sheik's yacht is she on?
Provocative Low-t Hospital
indigo stirring laser beams french chef
i stayed around the Arc and it wasnt too prole. I did howeve...
charcoal theatre
sienna area
france such a FIRST WORLD COUNTRY!
Topaz Odious Principal's Office

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:15 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

I cannot believe the quality and lack or class of most people here.

Shorts, fats, uglies, proles, Arabs, Indians, Africans.. and the real Parisians (which you cant really see because of all the other trash around) are huge faggots who cant put 2 words of English together.

Prolly the most beautiful city in the world--huge shame it's full of human trash, tourists and shitty immigrants. Would never live here.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:17 PM
Author: Khaki feces

(human trash tourist making Paris shitty)


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:32 PM
Author: stimulating den gaping


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:16 PM
Author: nudist jewess

I happen to love Paris, but I have wondered how the disgusting "French" were able to set the bar for all manner of "high culture" because when you meet these people you wonder how they were capable of that.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:18 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

I do love it too, no city in the world compares to the beauty and elegance of Paris. But it's true, people here are mostly white trash and shitty Ethnic mixes. Ugly and unappealing in every way. I have no idea either how that happened..


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 2:10 PM
Author: Fantasy-prone boiling water

What makes it so beautiful?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:35 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Everything. Architecture and city design.

Check some pics:




Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:17 PM
Author: Fantasy-prone boiling water

Looks nice, but Rome seems more beautiful


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 11:54 AM
Author: fragrant trailer park knife

Rome is just too old and run down. Rome is only beautiful at night lol.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 15th, 2019 1:07 AM
Author: kink-friendly church gunner

The architecture, art, food, pace of life. The city has a real pulse to it.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:39 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

are you hanging out in Saint Denis or some other ethnic ghetto? Paris is filled with slim, beautiful well dressed white girls.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:43 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

I am around the usual areas, faggot. I was at Champ Elysees today. Is that a shit area? I saw mostly trash.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:43 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

LOL yes, the Champs Elysee is a complete shit area only idiot tourists like you and ethnic scammers hang out on.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:45 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Lolno, it's not shit.

But anyway, let's see how good you are: I still have some days left, so tell me where I can see all this human beauty you speak of and I'll be able to check if you're a liar or on point. Fire off.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:46 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

LOLYES, it is shit. That's why only idiot tourists like you and ethnic scammers hang out there.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:47 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Interestingly, you did not respond to my question. So you don't know what areas have these white beautiful girls? LOL. What are the areas where non-idiots hang out in Paris?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:48 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

I don't want to tell whiney pumo scum. You can ask the posters I've taken out in Paris for confirmation. More fun LOL'ing at you. If you get a moniker and are still there Monday when I arrive we'll see.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:49 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Won't be there on Monday, so stop being a total faggot about this.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:54 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

I mean since you asked so nicely, sure let me help you out. LJL


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:55 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

I didn't ask, nicely or otherwise. I replied to this comment:

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:43 PM


LOL yes, the Champs Elysee is a complete shit area only idiot tourists like you and ethnic scammers hang out on.

So you started out by calling me an idiot, is that nice?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:57 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

In response to

"Date: October 11th, 2018 6:43 PM

Author: ..,..,..,..,,...,,..,..

I am around the usual areas, faggot. I was at Champ Elysees today. Is that a shit area? I saw mostly trash.


So you started out by calling me a faggot, is that nice?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:00 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Faggot means "dude" in xo speak. Are you seriously taking that as an insult?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:02 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

I don't take anything on xo as an "insult" this is an internet forum, but TBH, assuming you're the guy who was crying about someone smoking near them in that other thread, you sound like a tool, so I am not inclined to help you.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:06 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

I am only asking you to provide support to what you're saying. It's not "help", you stated a point and are being childish by now pretending you have this amazing and valuable info. I am starting to seriously doubt you know much if anything about cities. You sound like total flame. And since you are now starting with the name-calling after I clarified what I meant by faggot (you now called me a tool) I want to hear what makes me a tool. But I suspect you also won't be able to articulate anything that makes any sense. You're this connoisseur of cities and everyone else who doesn't "!know it" is a tool and a retard.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:16 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Sorry to break it to you, but I wasn't the one who complained about someone smoking near me. So if that's your reason for calling me a tool, you're not even talking about the same person.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:34 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Lol, I knew you couldn't elaborate on this. You don't know jack shit about shit.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 9:58 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

I've lived there for 8 years, I'm not going to help you though. Enjoy your trip! LOL


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 3:51 AM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Lol, I never asked for your help, I can explore the entire city on my own. Sorry if you're mad that I called your city a human toilet and tyvm for further confirming it, ljl.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 4:09 AM
Author: nighttime bespoke abode jap

jesus. what a butt hurt faggot.

Even if I had a "beef" with a poster, if they asked me for info on thailand or bkk, I would help them out.

Very sad of you!


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 4:12 AM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy



Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 4:13 AM
Author: nighttime bespoke abode jap

never ask women for help


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 4:14 AM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

He has no beef with me, he thinks I'm a poster who complained about someone smoking next to him, even though I already cleared that up. I guess I was right, Paris is full of garbage in terms of people. He's not the exception.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 12:01 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

I’m sure if any other creepy sexpat losers need ladyboy prostitute recos they’ll ask you, then you can shine!


Reply Favorite

Date: October 14th, 2018 3:36 AM
Author: nighttime bespoke abode jap



Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 8:40 AM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

My airbnb host is French, lol. Been here his entire life and knows Paris well better than you.

You sound like an ugly, butthurt faggot who fits right in with the lowest class in France.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 11:58 AM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

Enjoy your awful trip with other tourist idiots and ugly people bud! Guess your host is either as big a loser as you seem to be or also simply doesn’t want to help you because you’re a tool.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 12:17 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Unbelievable how maf you seem to be with a total stranger. I am now in one of the most awesome areas of Paris. True, ppl are different here. I still enjoy the other sceneries despite the lowlives there, but they're important parts to visit in Paris no matter what. You're the biggest, most MAF tool on this website. I suppose the trash here rubbed on you and there's no going back, LOL. My trip has been 180 and continues to be, sorry about your anger management issues.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 2:42 AM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

LOL at your continued meltdown. Sorry that you’re such a tool that even 180 places suck for you. Must be awful to be such a joyless loser. LJL


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:05 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

LOL at your inability to get over being totally butthurt over the fact that I called the only city you're "oh so proud to know well" a human toilet.

And it's even more lulzy that you can't read. I acknowledged (in the actual thread title) that Paris is beautiful. I even acknowledged it is easily the most beautiful city in the world.

Does your butt still hurt, or do you need more words of praise? Sure, Paris has amazing shit going on and I was able to find areas where the type of people were significantly better. Lol at your crybaby reaction, move the fuck on and get a life.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:19 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

LOL @ you continuing the meltdown and throwing a tantrum on the board because I won't tell you where to go. Sounds like you're having a really great trip!


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:23 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Are you even reading? Sounds like you went into broken-record mode due to how MAF you are. Won't engage you any further. You're completely mental.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:24 PM
Author: talented know-it-all home

just gonna leave this here



Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:32 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Lol, 180. I wish I stopped responding to this tool 20 posts ago. tyft


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:33 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

Clearly you have nothing to better to do with your Saturday! LJL!


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:26 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

Why exactly would I be mad that you can't have fun anywhere? You are melting down on the board right now instead of enjoying Saturday in Paris. LJL.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 3:24 AM
Author: nighttime bespoke abode jap

enjoy the trip bro.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:08 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy



Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 3:41 AM
Author: orchid meetinghouse macaca



Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:09 PM
Author: twinkling cracking police squad main people

wait are you actually claiming there aren't huge numbers of very attractive women in paris?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:21 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

I'm a tourist, I am here on vacation. I am not going to high schools and I haven't done lots of nightclubbing. However, if you know a specific area where I can easily find good-looking people, you could simply share it. Lol at all these posters acting like they have these secret city areas that nobody else knows about...


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:50 PM
Author: Copper harsh market pozpig

Honestly bro this is an extremely touristy area and not very representative of what Paris actually has to offer.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:52 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Well, I've been around several areas in the city, so what areas are you talking about?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:44 PM
Author: twinkling cracking police squad main people

you really can't avoid them at all in any of the major euro cities, especially in the touristy areas.

if it's not muslims living on the streets it's chinese tourists. the whole thing is fucking sad and really breaks my heart.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:45 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

You know you will only see Chinese at: 1. major tourist sights for take a picture, 2. luxury bling stores, 3. michelin star restaulant arso fo take ah pictcha.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:46 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

You think Hitler had a point, bro? When is the new Hitler coming? Oh wait.. we have one in America, ljl. But he's being too easy on these animals.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 5:45 AM
Author: Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:21 PM
Author: Thriller flesh partner garrison


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:21 PM
Author: Pontificating Point Old Irish Cottage

France has one of the largest disparities in talent between elites and the TTT general population, if not the largest.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:22 PM
Author: nudist jewess

Could be. The TTT French are really beyond disgusting. They make British cockneys look like an aristocracy by comparison.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:26 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

I just came here from Germany. I can tell you now why Hitler wanted to preserve the Aryan race. They still preserve quite a lot of it, not sure how, but the quality of people plummeted as I boarded the plane and landed 2 hrs away.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:28 PM
Author: Thriller flesh partner garrison


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Date: October 11th, 2018 1:17 PM
Author: Concupiscible death wish

I heard they have public PISSTROUGHS to combat the rampant public urination


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:19 PM
Author: nudist jewess

It's called a "pissoir" you Anglo-Saxon wildebeest


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:21 PM
Author: Concupiscible death wish

Ou la la!


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:20 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Most bathrooms here smell like stale piss.. revolting. And a hot-dog is 8€ lol.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:21 PM
Author: nudist jewess

But the crepes!!


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:29 PM
Author: excitant circlehead

what compels someone to go to paris and eat a hot dog


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:31 PM
Author: nudist jewess

le cochon Americain


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 1:35 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Prices around the Eiffel tower. Not different from the rest of the tourist areas, which you will be visiting at least once in your life.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 2:10 PM
Author: Nofapping Mental Disorder Menage

R u really complaining about the cost of hot dogs at one of the most famous tourist sites in the world


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 2:12 PM
Author: Vivacious Sable Generalized Bond Stag Film



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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:11 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Yes, and not just that, the whole city is expensive as fuck. So be prepared to spend your hard earned money on garbage.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 12:06 PM
Author: vermilion razzle-dazzle windowlicker

To be fair,

Don’t overlook the fact that by his own admission, apparently OP can’t go “an hour” without stuffing processed carcinogenic mystery meat in his face.



Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 3:07 AM
Author: orchid meetinghouse macaca


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Date: October 11th, 2018 2:07 PM
Author: diverse fortuitous meteor love of her life

Cr. Lol at this lunatic eating hot dogs in Paris complaining about the people there


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:12 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Lol, I only ate one because I was starving around the tower. Big fucking deal.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 6:01 AM
Author: dead clown

Lmao cr

and he says it was because he was there for “an hour” implying that he has to stuff his face nonstop


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 7:21 AM
Author: Misunderstood Elite Ratface Background Story


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 5:46 AM
Author: Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested

If you're drunk walking along the river, you'd be stoked to find the PISSTROUGH.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 15th, 2019 1:05 AM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office



Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 2:10 PM
Author: Nofapping Mental Disorder Menage

How is it the most beautiful city? By what metric? Far better looking cities out there


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 3:24 PM
Author: opaque thirsty crotch

Yes -- indeed -- "by what metric"!


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 7:16 AM
Author: Pearly Exciting Crackhouse Hunting Ground


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:12 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Magnificent architecture. Explain what cities are better.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:47 PM
Author: federal doctorate brunch

(Faggot who gives a fuck about architecture)


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:48 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

(faggot who doesn't understand what makes a city beautiful and can't elaborate further)


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 3:08 AM
Author: orchid meetinghouse macaca


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 2:17 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

(Guy hanging out at the Hard Rock Cafe)


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 2:17 PM
Author: flatulent place of business



Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:34 PM
Author: Floppy erotic associate hell


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:12 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

(guy posting from third world city SHOCKED at the third world conditions around him)


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:13 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

LOL @ a NOWAG posting from a traffic choked sprawling shithole like Seoul talking shit about Paris.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:14 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office


a shame cumskins will never learn


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:15 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

No interest in watching your NOWAG links, having recently been in Seoul, LJFL at comparing that soulless sprawling shithole place to Paris.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:17 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office



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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:13 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Poast pictures of your city and then we can talk. No matter how pretty your city, it's still full of Asians.


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:16 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

i visited oslo earlier this year and the infrastructure there was literally 400 years old. it was like walking into a time capsule

some people prefer old shit like you find in europe. there really are no equivalents to the hypermodernity of seoul in europe


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:18 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

Seoul isn't hypermodern and even the subway is TTT as fuck, takes forever to get across town during peak traffic hours, the roads are jammed to a standstill and even parts of Gangnam the "nice" part of the city look like they could be in any 3rd world shithole in SE Asia.


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:19 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

holy LOLLERCAUSTing@ how badly you are triggered by BIG KOREAN COCK this morning

one thread youre saying seoul has great people and is a fantastic city and now youre flipflopping saying its a TTT city

lol@ your inconsistent bumbling stuttering dumb dumb ass


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:20 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

Seoul is a fun city and the Korean people are very welcoming and nice. However, it's NOT hypermodern, the sprawl and traffic are TERRIBLE, especially at rush hour, and parts of the city do look rundown and shitty. Sorry NOWAG, that's REALITY. Not sure why you're so TRIGGERED since you're not even Korean.


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:23 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

reminder folks, this moron literally spent 3 days in shitaewon, our literal sole ethnic ghetto in the middle of seoul

with shitaewon as third world as it is i can only how much worse paris' ghettos are


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:24 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

You're retarded. I even told you what hotel I stayed in and you can't figure out what part of the city it's in, HINT: Not Itaewon. I know you're not Korean, but have you ever even been to Seoul?


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:28 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

lol@ you thinking staying at some hotel in the worst part of the city - sorry dummy your tourist trap is literally no different from shitaewon - was any different from the last time you were here and literally stayed at some fat bulldyke GI's shitaewon apartment

seriously lollercausting right now


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:31 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

Yea, I am sure the Four Seasons is building their hotels in the WORST part of Seoul. Reminder, I've also stayed at the Park Hyatt in Gangnam, and I was in Gangnam on this trip and pointed out upthread that part so of it looks like any 3rd world SE Asian city. I've also never stayed at anyone's apartment in any part of Seoul in the past, and have never stayed at a hotel in Itaewon, although one of the actual Korean posters said in another thread that part of Itaewon is actually nice and full of prestigious actual Koreans. I guess as a gyopo joke you wouldn't know anything about that of course though. LJFL at how NOWAG has rotten your brain.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:33 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

lolllll@ how badly you are triggered this morning


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:36 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

You never get tired of having your KIMCHI chut BLOWN OUT do you?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:00 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Dude, why are you so triggered by international cities?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 11:46 AM
Author: fragrant trailer park knife

The Seoul Four Seasons is literally the worst Four Seasons I have ever stepped foot in. I am surprised that their global brand manager actually approved the location and design of that shit. Parking is atrocious and the main entrance is flanked by literal kimbab shops. Worst location for a luxury hotel.


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:18 PM
Author: Ocher Kitty Cat

OP is an uncultured piece of shit.

I was just in Paris last month. The city is fucking 180.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:19 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

I suspect OP is the effeminate lib that was crying about someone at a cafe smoking near him the other day


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:29 PM
Author: Ocher Kitty Cat

Loyal Commander in the ShitLib Army here,

Paris was a great city even if Parisians are natural assholes.

OP is just demented as shit.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:34 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

I don't think they're assholes, they get an unfair bad rap


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:36 PM
Author: Ocher Kitty Cat

They reminded me of New Yorkers.

Fuck, the whole city reminded me of NYC


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:37 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

NY'ers also get a bad rap based on 1940's movies. We're very friendly.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:38 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office


literally a human toilet. sad!


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 4:00 AM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

The DJT USSF INTERGALACTIC JUGGERNAUT was leading the pack there, LJL.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:34 PM
Author: spruce gas station faggotry



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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:51 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Wait, you say OP is uncultured based on the human garbage that populates Paris? What is your point against that, though? Did you see different people? Everyone here seems to agree on the human factor that makes Paris a shitty place these days. You sound like an 80 IQ retard, so state your point if you happen to have one.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:30 PM
Author: Concupiscible death wish



Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 11:46 AM
Author: spruce gas station faggotry


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:40 PM
Author: demanding sex offender dingle berry

Paris is a has-been city


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 6:45 PM
Author: federal doctorate brunch

I’ve been to Paris about 4-5 times on business trips and was every underwhelmed. Hotels were okay but food was mediocre everywhere and I probably tried at least a dozen places


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 11:48 AM
Author: fragrant trailer park knife

Which hotels did you stay at? Did you show up with a bunch of loser Japanese colleagues armed with nothing but a Zagat guide and Tripadvisor?


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Date: October 11th, 2018 6:59 PM
Author: Motley twisted address

Paris is absurdly bad. Its small with mostly shitty architecture and poor as fuck. Its been overrated since 1945. As far as underrated cities go -- visit Minsk. It is the best kept secret in Europe. It is amazing how clean it is and with fucktons of quaint little buildings, surprisingly 180 restaurants where meals are like $5 and some sick hotels. Last dictatorship in Europe but because they beat people to death for littering its just amazing.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:00 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

LOL @ "SICK HOTELS!" The 4-star Renaissance is as good as it gets and they only built that because they had IIHF World Championships a few years back. Minsk is OK but comparing it to Paris is batshit insane even for a commie troll.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:05 PM
Author: Motley twisted address

Paris is Leeds with French people. Thats a line from the play Boys and Girls where the bitch shits all over Paris for 5 straight minutes. Its basically a shitty middle sized city with 1 180 art museum. Minsk is alien and worth seeing for that reason alone. Also, the way to do Eastern Europe is with AirBnB. Shit is mad cheap. The hotels rob you.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:05 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

Having lived in Paris for years and having been to Minsk, LJL at this post.


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Date: October 11th, 2018 7:10 PM
Author: Motley twisted address

From the homeless people to the shitty American fast food all over the place the fuck makes Paris any different from any East Coast US City?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 11:53 AM
Author: fragrant trailer park knife

Lol name me ONE major city that doesn't have homeless people or shitty American fast food. Doesn't exist, sorry, McDonalds is literally everywhere.

What makes Paris different from NYC?

-numerous beautiful, well groomed parks (bbbut NYC has Tompkins Square Park, which was a literal fucking permanent tent city in the 1990s)

-numerous beautiful palaces

-countless beautiful townhouses (a few homes in the UES/UWS are comparable, but don't come close to the scale and grandeur)

-museums (bbbut we have MOMA! lulz)

-trees (NYC has a few trees but good luck finding a tree walking down 5th Avenue)

Let me tell you what Paris doesn't have:


This kind of BS every single day on your way to work.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 14th, 2018 8:27 AM
Author: Motley twisted address

The trees and green spaces just make Paris more like a Brooklyn than Manhattan and given it’s size it’s fairer to compare it to one borough of NYC than all of NYC anyway. If anything Brooklyn has more trees and grander and more numerous parks — all filled with the exact same niggers and immigrants as Paris now. And if anything Brooklyn has more of the exact same style town houses than Paris. As I live in Brooklyn my reaction to Paris was “this is a shittier, and poorer version of Brooklyn with a lot of TTT communist 1970# architectures tossed in.” When you leave central Paris it’s just fucktons of Soviet style apartment buildings still within what is technically Paris.

As for naming one city without homeless people and shitty fast food - Moscow. Putin had all the homeless people deported to Siberia. What they’ve done with Moscow in the last ten years is unbelievable.


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Date: October 11th, 2018 7:01 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

apparently there are literally thousands of refugees living in hoovervilles all over the city

literally looks like a human rat infestation. its really shocking stuff

how can parisians tolerate literal infestation? do they just walk over all these homeless people? slide and let do sharia law?

shit is crazy


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:03 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

So every Western major city is shit, including Paris, NY, London, SF, Amsterdam... but Seoul is the best kept secret on this planet?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 7:04 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

(guy unfamiliar with nyuug's NOWAG mental illness)


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Date: October 11th, 2018 7:08 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

You say it like I should be aware of every Xo Asian inferiority complex. Sorry, I have better things to do with my time.


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Date: October 11th, 2018 7:06 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

sad how far the old Core has fallen, indeed

any city in korea and japan if you want safe first world environments

oslo is nice but semi periphery. but europe aside from scandinavia? (but even sweden is apparently third world as well now)





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Date: October 11th, 2018 10:15 PM
Author: nudist jewess

What is your bizarre obsession with Oslo?

Oslo is small AF, boring AF and even the people who live there are like "Why would you come to Oslo?"

And parts are even sketchy and creepy.

Also, SEOUL sits 30 mi from a border of a concentration camp LARPing as a country and comparing it to even a shit city in Japan, let alone Tokyo or Kyoto, is UTTERLY laughable. It is a low-rent version of a second-tier Japanese city on a good day.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 10:19 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

visited oslo back in feb and its the only euro city ive visited. the only sketchy part was tronsland but that was nothing compared to cabrini green style ghettos

seoul > tokyo no matter how you slice it, my nigga


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 10:20 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

LOL you idiot, Tokyo is >>>>>>>> Seoul


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 10:21 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

, lisped the literal cumskin cuck who got STYLED on in seoul

lol rsf ive been triggering you all morning. just stop, seriously lol


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 10:23 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

in your broken NOWAG brain do you think that being too much of a coward to meet up with me, because you knew that I would DESTROY you IRL means you "styled on me?" LJL you mentally ill chaebong hyung.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 10:23 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

laughing my ass off 180


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 10:33 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

We are ALL LOL'ing our asses off at what a pathetic NOWAG loser you are, trust me.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:28 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Actually, no. The biggest loser title in this thread, by far, has been earned by you. You are a sad and pathetic tool that needs to be gassed.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:33 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

LOL @ this sad meltdown you're having


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 10:21 PM
Author: nudist jewess

"seoul > Tokyo" is the dumbest thing ever written on XO, and that's saying a lot.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 10:22 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

been to tokyo myself. great city but seoul is better. on many levels


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 10:29 PM
Author: nudist jewess

Tokyo, and particularly Kyoto during cherry blossom season, may be the most beautiful cities in the world.

Culturally, aesthetically, economically, Korea could not hope to keep up.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 11th, 2018 10:22 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

For once we agree on something


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Date: November 15th, 2019 1:02 AM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

travel trash bump


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 2:17 AM
Author: fluffy theater

Hot dogs are way too expensive there and the subways are repulsive. My Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki tasted like tofu. Never again


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 4:04 AM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

But the people... the PEOPLE are wonderful!


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 4:13 AM
Author: Thriller flesh partner garrison


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 5:15 AM
Author: Thriller flesh partner garrison


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Date: October 12th, 2018 8:54 AM
Author: Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested

Your critique about Paris is the hot dogs? ok.

The metro is fantastic...but smells of piss. I'll take that over the TTT London TUBE.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 12:08 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

He was joking and mocking the OP


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 12:17 PM
Author: fluffy theater

I've strolled 34th st from javitz to the FDR and confirm that nyc is a shithole as well


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 8:58 AM
Author: Vivacious Sable Generalized Bond Stag Film


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 3:09 AM
Author: orchid meetinghouse macaca


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 5:15 AM
Author: cobalt pungent pit

Paris is 180 and beautiful. You probably aren't hanging out in the right spots or something. Also, I can see how some people wouldn't like certain aspects of it (similar to NYC).

Currently in Rome and it is like 10 times dirtier and shittier than Paris.


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Date: October 12th, 2018 8:53 AM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Give me an example of your "right areas". I've walked and toured extensively through the city, are you saying there's some hidden spots and treasures with completely different people? I suppose those spots must filter for the millions of shit people you see in the metro area?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 9:02 AM
Author: Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested

The 4e and 5e arrondissements (Luxembourg / Saint Germain area) for hanging out. It's a big city, of course there are some shitty people. Get over it and appreciate the city.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 9:21 AM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Yep, that's around the areas I've already been to. I am only pointing it out, the city is still the best one Ive been to so far in terms of beauty and places to eat, hangout, etc. This is what xo is for, to discuss all matters with brutal honesty. Lol at the butthurt faggots who cant stomach it.


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Date: October 12th, 2018 9:29 AM
Author: Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested

Not butthurt. I think that you just see beyond all the shit you listed above because the city is still so 180. Also, real Frenchies are great. Some Parisiennes are fucking annoying, but most people I came across were funny and intellectual. Most of the women, sexy as fuck.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 11:45 AM
Author: fragrant trailer park knife

I have only visited Paris (never lived there) and I was lucky enough to accidentally "discover" the 4e arrondissment. Basically, I saw some really well-dressed women sitting by a cafe smoking cigs and drinking coffee and immediately recognized this area as a place for cool people like me.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:17 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

Titcr, I literally poasted from there when I found it. Lol at the faggot who lived there for 8 years and thinks he has some hidden spots nobody will ever find.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:34 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef

That's the whole point, NOTHING is hidden or hard to find, you're just such a joyless and abrasive tool that you can't manage.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 14th, 2018 7:24 AM
Author: fragrant trailer park knife

To be fair, if you're relying on Tripadvisor, which let's be frank, is dominated by shit reviews by know-nothing Boomers with zero taste, you'll probably never discover any of the more elite neighborhoods of any cities.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 5:52 AM
Author: Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested

Having lived in Paris, it's fucking 180. The French are gorgeous. The city is almost perfect. I can't wait to move back. London is a Shittthole compared to Paris.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 9:34 AM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

The French are gorgeous? What part of France did you live in?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 9:36 AM
Author: Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested

Paris, in the 5th around the Pantheon / Luxembourg gardens. My perky parisienne...need new photos tho...




Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 2:27 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

How are you going to move back to Paris?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 6:25 PM
Author: Aromatic Walnut Forum

Moving back? How?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 15th, 2018 9:59 AM
Author: Very Tactful Senate Idea He Suggested

Possible job lining up in the EU. Im in UK right now.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 11:35 AM
Author: fragrant trailer park knife

JFC what is wrong with you people. Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Yeah, it's full of Africans and Arabs, but they tend to concentrate in very touristy areas so it's not too bad. You can see the beauty of Paris walking down the Champs Elysee to the Orsay through tree-lined avenues flanked by beautiful townhouses, or the Avenue Marignon / Le Jardin du Luxembourg, or the area around ParisTech art school, just off the top of my head. Countless gorgeous parks, avenues and what have you. Yeah, lots of areas are shit, but it's an old city.


There are many beautiful cities in Europe (Prague, Firenze, Geneva, Vienna, etc.), and Paris is at least comparable to most of them. It easily beats other major European cities such as London or Zurich or Berlin, and beats almost every major city in the USA (only true rival in terms of architectural or natural significance I can think of is Chicago). NYC is a shit ghetto, unless you are the type of loser person who thinks pre-war "brownstones" are beautiful, when in reality it's just where dirt poor people lived in the 1920s-30s.

Certain cities in Japan are quite beautiful, including parts of Tokyo and Osaka. Hong Kong is beautiful and striking. Same can be said of much of Shanghai. I won't include a discussion on resort destinations in Asia because they are not major cities.

On to Seoul, come on NYUUG...you can't defend Seoul. Traffic is retarded, ferrying literally hundreds of thousands of bums from surrounding provinces (Incheon, Paju, Ilsan, Hannam, Gwangju, Ichon) into Seoul every single fucking day in their shit Daewoos and awful driving habits for their shit job at some nowhere small/medium office job, turning Seoul into a clusterfuck of peasant behavior on a daily basis. At least learn to fucking take the public transportation, or move to Seoul.

The architecture in Seoul is a disaster - it is a literal jambalaya of cheap urban construction boom from the 1970s, with hyper modern buildings, all right next to each other in some hodge-podge matrix that clearly shows a complete lack of urban planning. Indeed, anytime a piece of land goes up for sale, it is simply sold to the highest bidder and they erect some glass building with no thought given whatsoever to continuity or consistency in design and style.

-Apgu-jeong is literally a run-down vestige of the 1980s, surviving simply by virtue of its proximity to the Han River

-Cheongdam is literally some small, cramped neighborhood with low buildings built by the lowest bidder

-Yeoksam/Daechi/Samseong are just some office areas with a hodge-podge of commercial buildings, surrounded by tiny single-floor shops.

-City Hall - despite the fact that the Four Seasons and Westin are located there, it's hit or miss. If you head North, it's not bad, and you walk towards the old palace but you're flanked by UGLY 1960s/70s construction such as the Koreana Hotel, the Korea Press Center and the hideous Kyobo Tower and Seoul Finance Center. If you walk west, then unless you are lucky enough to walk into the old princess' palace, you're hit with shabby 1-floor buildings. If you walk east, you'll run into Myeongdong, and well, it's not a pretty part of town.

The only decent looking places in Seoul are basically certain areas by Namsan (basically the area around the Hyatt), Seongbuk/Samcheong, and certain parts of Yeouido by the park/Han River.

That being said, Seoul has amazing infrastructure. Amazing airport and subway/train system (crowded), very fast internet and mobile data networks, unparalleled convenience (many pharmacies and convenience stores that are open either 24/7 or very late), low crime, etc. But let's not confuse the convenience factor with either natural or architectural beauty.


Cheongdam (the literal high-end fashion district, lol)


Garosu-gil (another popular destination - I know a lot of Chinese go there now but it's still a top area for Koreans)



Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 12:01 PM
Author: bisexual disgusting location potus

Some real scholarship here

Thanks for setting the record straight on Seoul


Reply Favorite

Date: October 12th, 2018 12:14 PM
Author: stimulating den gaping



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Date: October 13th, 2018 2:29 AM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

(blank bumping retard)


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 3:05 AM
Author: orchid meetinghouse macaca


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Date: October 15th, 2018 1:05 PM
Author: stimulating den gaping

You are right, that post deserved a 180.


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 3:07 AM
Author: orchid meetinghouse macaca

Amazing thread


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:20 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy

It will be a gem for wannabe travelmos. So much rage over an opinion. Sad and pathetic.


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Date: October 13th, 2018 12:39 PM
Author: galvanic chapel

(Michael Jackson)


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 12:45 PM
Author: Henna theater stage ladyboy



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Date: October 13th, 2018 2:37 PM
Author: Provocative Low-t Hospital

Which sheik's yacht is she on?


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 2:46 PM
Author: indigo stirring laser beams french chef


Reply Favorite

Date: October 13th, 2018 6:31 PM
Author: charcoal theatre

i stayed around the Arc and it wasnt too prole. I did however, find the waiters to be snooty, but c'est la vie.

i found the entrance to the Vatican was basically Somalia on wheels.


Reply Favorite

Date: November 15th, 2019 1:08 AM
Author: sienna area


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Date: November 2nd, 2020 9:11 PM
Author: Topaz Odious Principal's Office

france such a FIRST WORLD COUNTRY!
