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LJL at giving Bernie shit for his 2.5m net worth

guy wrote an international best-seller and has been a senato...
Lascivious crystalline stead
Honey-headed Swollen Skinny Woman Legend
dude has never actually had a real job in his life, yet owns...
hot pervert
why don't you try to get elected to the senate, or the house...
Lascivious crystalline stead
in fact, i have accomplished one of these feats. and i'll be...
hot pervert
lol quit lying pumo.
Lascivious crystalline stead
it's true. but i'm not gonna out myself.
hot pervert
(mayor of burlington, vt)
Stubborn Khaki Orchestra Pit Jew
I love this bort so much.
vigorous olive locus
He has decent but still relatively unimpressive wealth for a...
mahogany abusive stage
??? Net worth of 2.5M is very good (looking at the US as a w...
stimulating pontificating point
You say "somehow" like it's a mystery. As pointed...
Underhanded misanthropic death wish
(Guy comparing net worth of 80-year old senator with 25-year...
Brindle Lodge Organic Girlfriend
stirring aggressive area hissy fit
Concupiscible casino
Bernie has spent his entire life standing up to the greed an...
Territorial house community account
Bernie spent his entire life funneling campaign cash to his ...
thriller water buffalo
No, actually. He's running for President to make our economy...
Territorial house community account
Fragrant Emerald Generalized Bond Center
He represents ordinary working class people. Bernie believes...
Territorial house community account
yes trump has never been the beneficiary or the benefactor o...
Lascivious crystalline stead
You have a blank stare because you’re stupid. There&...
thriller water buffalo
yes donald, eric and ivanka earned everything they have *...
Lascivious crystalline stead
lol at playing this game. Bernie's stuff is ticky-tacky at b...
180 Theatre
no berniemo here but hes like a billion years old and a succ...
Charismatic theater
A real socialist would donate the proceeds to charity, not b...
Balding Doctorate
don't forget his sweet audi a8!
Talented son of senegal abode
thriller water buffalo
he’s been living on a government check his entire life...
wonderful kitchen
It really is the dumbest possible criticism they could lob a...
chartreuse national security agency
He’s a worthless parasite. The world would be exactly ...
wonderful kitchen
And the people who got even richer off his book?
chartreuse national security agency
No one cares about the arbitrary rules you made up because y...
mahogany abusive stage
i think he’s garbage and i don’t respect him. yo...
wonderful kitchen
Actually that's the inevitable result of the axiomatic belie...
Concupiscible casino
It's not that he has 2.5mm you dumb fuck. It's that he has n...
misunderstood spot toilet seat
Like most Vermonters I’ve got a summer cottage! (Paid ...
elite insane tank box office
The house was paid for by selling a house in Maine his wife ...
chartreuse national security agency
agreed. people shouldnt be allowed to amass 100 billion d...
marvelous corner
It’s so fucking stupid. No one actually believes this ...
mahogany abusive stage
the media has been doing this for years though, from both di...
marvelous corner
No one “amasses” $100 billion. if I start a tril...
wonderful kitchen
"if I start a trillion dollar business" yea by ...
chartreuse national security agency
I’m amused to hear a man of the left say “third ...
wonderful kitchen
give him shit for never having a real job and for being a fa...
startling up-to-no-good patrolman
CR. Stalin himself was a billionaire in today’s money
duck-like toaster

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 20th, 2020 6:35 PM
Author: Lascivious crystalline stead

guy wrote an international best-seller and has been a senator forever and is almost 80 years old.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 6:40 PM
Author: Honey-headed Swollen Skinny Woman Legend


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Date: February 20th, 2020 6:43 PM
Author: hot pervert

dude has never actually had a real job in his life, yet owns three homes and is running on a robinhood platform. he epitomizes boomer hypocrisy.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 6:54 PM
Author: Lascivious crystalline stead

why don't you try to get elected to the senate, or the house, or a professor at harvard, or mayor of burlington, vt. i dare you. besides, even if these are not "real jobs" according to you, $2.5m at age 80 is pretty modest.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 7:00 PM
Author: hot pervert

in fact, i have accomplished one of these feats. and i'll be the first to admit that neither politics nor humanities-based academia is honest work.

and 2.5MM networth is like top 5% in U.S. - hardly modest.

stop being such a bernie sycophant. he's nothing special. on the contrary, he's part of the problem.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 7:05 PM
Author: Lascivious crystalline stead

lol quit lying pumo.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 7:05 PM
Author: hot pervert

it's true. but i'm not gonna out myself.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:14 PM
Author: Stubborn Khaki Orchestra Pit Jew

(mayor of burlington, vt)


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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:16 PM
Author: vigorous olive locus

I love this bort so much.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:21 PM
Author: mahogany abusive stage

He has decent but still relatively unimpressive wealth for a person his age with his accomplishments. Bernie’s wealth also isn’t incompatible with his policies. He pays his taxes but thinks he and other wealthy people should pay more. There’s a huge difference between Bernie and billionaires like Bloomberg or Trump but I guess you’re too disingenuous to acknowledge an obvious fact.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 3:11 PM
Author: stimulating pontificating point

??? Net worth of 2.5M is very good (looking at the US as a whole) and he's somehow done it without ever having a real job.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 3:17 PM
Author: Underhanded misanthropic death wish

You say "somehow" like it's a mystery. As pointed out already, he's a best selling author.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 4:26 PM
Author: Brindle Lodge Organic Girlfriend

(Guy comparing net worth of 80-year old senator with 25-year old millennials)

2.5 is not notable for someone his age who lived through the greatest economic expansion in the history of the world.

I bet he’s in the bottom 10% of federal lawmakers.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 5:20 PM
Author: stirring aggressive area hissy fit


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Date: February 21st, 2020 3:08 PM
Author: Concupiscible casino


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Date: February 20th, 2020 6:44 PM
Author: Territorial house community account

Bernie has spent his entire life standing up to the greed and corruption of the corporate elite and fighting for ordinary working people.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 6:51 PM
Author: thriller water buffalo

Bernie spent his entire life funneling campaign cash to his wife. First she was on the payroll when he was mayor. Then when he was in Congress she started an ad buying company and all his ads went through her and she shaved 15% off the top.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 6:52 PM
Author: Territorial house community account

No, actually. He's running for President to make our economy, our government, and our health care system work for all of us, not just the wealthy few.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 6:53 PM
Author: Fragrant Emerald Generalized Bond Center


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Date: February 20th, 2020 6:54 PM
Author: Territorial house community account

He represents ordinary working class people. Bernie believes we have a corrupt political and economic system that needs major change. That's why he's running for President.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 6:58 PM
Author: Lascivious crystalline stead

yes trump has never been the beneficiary or the benefactor of nepotism

*blank stare*


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Date: February 20th, 2020 7:07 PM
Author: thriller water buffalo

You have a blank stare because you’re stupid. There’s a wild difference between inheritance from your parents and “legally” stealing from your campaign funds.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 7:14 PM
Author: Lascivious crystalline stead

yes donald, eric and ivanka earned everything they have

*blank stare*


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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:25 PM
Author: 180 Theatre

lol at playing this game. Bernie's stuff is ticky-tacky at best relative to a phony game player like trump. The Trump campaign stayed at Trump properties all the time. Him and his family do the same shit now on taxpayer dime when they drag all their security and gov't personnel to mar-a-lago.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 6:58 PM
Author: Charismatic theater

no berniemo here but hes like a billion years old and a successful/responsible person. ofc he has a great net worth now.

but ofc politics gonna politics


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Date: February 20th, 2020 7:06 PM
Author: Balding Doctorate

A real socialist would donate the proceeds to charity, not buy a vacation home. He's a phony fraud just like the other limousine liberals.


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Date: February 20th, 2020 7:07 PM
Author: Talented son of senegal abode

don't forget his sweet audi a8!


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Date: February 20th, 2020 7:07 PM
Author: thriller water buffalo


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Date: February 20th, 2020 7:18 PM
Author: wonderful kitchen

he’s been living on a government check his entire life. his platforms shrieking brainlessly at people that invent cures or otherwise actually produce things for society

someone becoming wealthy as a politician is a disgrace. he should have to donate the book proceeds to charity


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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:17 PM
Author: chartreuse national security agency

It really is the dumbest possible criticism they could lob at him. Nothing in Bernie's policy proposal would make it impossible for someone to own a beach house or have 2 million dollars.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:19 PM
Author: wonderful kitchen

He’s a worthless parasite. The world would be exactly the same if he were never born. He sold a book and became a millionaire by shrieking about people devising coronavirus treatments

You should be making a sacrifice to serve in public office, not make your fortune from it.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:21 PM
Author: chartreuse national security agency

And the people who got even richer off his book?


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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:25 PM
Author: mahogany abusive stage

No one cares about the arbitrary rules you made up because you don’t like Bernie.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 4:22 PM
Author: wonderful kitchen

i think he’s garbage and i don’t respect him. you’re free to disagree


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Date: February 21st, 2020 3:14 PM
Author: Concupiscible casino

Actually that's the inevitable result of the axiomatic beliefs he purports to hold


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Date: February 21st, 2020 7:46 PM
Author: misunderstood spot toilet seat

It's not that he has 2.5mm you dumb fuck. It's that he has never earned any $ and somehow has millions and three houses to show for his "public service."


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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:20 PM
Author: elite insane tank box office

Like most Vermonters I’ve got a summer cottage! (Paid for by Hillary)


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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:20 PM
Author: chartreuse national security agency

The house was paid for by selling a house in Maine his wife inherited.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:21 PM
Author: marvelous corner


people shouldnt be allowed to amass 100 billion dollars!

but you have a 2.5 million nw!



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Date: February 21st, 2020 2:26 PM
Author: mahogany abusive stage

It’s so fucking stupid. No one actually believes this horseshit


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Date: February 21st, 2020 3:06 PM
Author: marvelous corner

the media has been doing this for years though, from both directions. trump isn't rich enough, rubio had to cash out his 401k, kavanaugh isn't personally wealthy even though his dad makes like 10mm/yr, etc. its transparent and no one gives a fuck.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 5:09 PM
Author: wonderful kitchen

No one “amasses” $100 billion. if I start a trillion dollar business and kept 10% of the equity, I guess I’d be that rich. I’m struggling to see the policy failure here

$1,000 is too much for a lifelong welfare queen


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Date: February 21st, 2020 7:42 PM
Author: chartreuse national security agency

"if I start a trillion dollar business"

yea by union busting/using illegal labor/outsourcing production to third world shitholes/bribing politicians to pass laws to stifle competition.

None of these mega-companies exist without our leaders letting the corporate class get away with murder.


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Date: February 21st, 2020 7:59 PM
Author: wonderful kitchen

I’m amused to hear a man of the left say “third world shitholes”

when Bernie is humiliated by the trump, there (happily) won’t be a place for you in either major party. You’ll still get to enjoy the latest iPhone and 5g though while shrieking about the person getting rich by solving global warming or whatever


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Date: February 21st, 2020 4:23 PM
Author: startling up-to-no-good patrolman

give him shit for never having a real job and for being a faggot commie


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Date: February 21st, 2020 5:11 PM
Author: duck-like toaster

CR. Stalin himself was a billionaire in today’s money
