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Tommy T, please explain this behavior

Basic acts of courtesy are often absent in India. Holding do...
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Date: April 28th, 2024 1:22 PM
Author: concupiscible geriatric location athletic conference

Basic acts of courtesy are often absent in India. Holding doors for others, appreciating public servants, thanking the waiting staff at restaurants -- I've seen very few people do this.

Several times,


and I have observed whenever we thank waiters for bringing us extra cutlery or refilling our glasses of water, they're quite surprised and don't know how to react. Because they don't get it often.

When I went to the US, I saw everyone thanking the bus driver when getting off. I did that last evening in Bengaluru and got weird looks from fellow passengers -- because none of them are used to it. But the driver smiled and awkwardly said thank you to me as well.

Another extremely common gesture in the West is holding doors for others behind you. And every time I did it there, I would get a loud thank you with a wide smile. Needless to say, I do it here in India too. But, nobody cares. No thank you, no courteous smile, or anything. That doesn't stop me from continuing to do it, but it would be nice if we started appreciating such small gestures. I've seen very few people hold doors for others here. Everyone seems to be in a hurry. So maybe start doing it next time you're in a mall or a restaurant?

Every time you utilize someone's service, thank them. Whether it's an auto rickshaw driver, a flight attendant, or the person who cleans your table at a restaurant. A tiny gesture can make their day!


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Date: April 28th, 2024 1:28 PM
Author: Crusty razzle-dazzle legend

terminally low trust society with a completely broken social contract


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Date: April 28th, 2024 1:45 PM
Author: infuriating private investor

they are servile to their superiors and cruel to their interiors


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Date: April 28th, 2024 1:50 PM
Author: Slate sandwich

very odd since they worship cows


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Date: April 28th, 2024 2:06 PM
Author: Jade apoplectic pozpig hospital

no shit, indians are literal shit. the furking suck and i hate going to india and never will go again. i pray to allah pakis arent that backwards
