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Dangling The Carrot: Wagging The Tongue

Electric Church Building

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Date: May 12th, 2024 10:17 PM
Author: Electric Church Building


Dangling The Carrot: Wagging The Tongue

What year is it?

How many interviews?

How many tours?

How many books?

How many post on Twitter/X?

How many documentaries?

How many opportunities has M. Flynn had to drop these names?

Why is everyone who is serious about sharing info and disclosing names have been threatened by lawsuits from Michael Flynn?

I gave you all plenty of names that checked out.

With no price.

With not pay wall.

With no subscription.

With no membership.

But in order to get this from M. Flynn you have to buy the book or watch the movie and still do not receive that information.

Isn't this the hallmark of every other political figure who wants a job on Capitol Hill?

They have all these fantastic ideas.

They have all these grand promises.

They have all this political charisma.

They have all these photo Ops with your favorite celebrity.

They have all these must see interviews.

They have all these grandiose projects in the works.

Then once it comes time to show & prove they fall flat on their face.

Politicians Who Promised The World And Delivered Nothing

Just like Richard Nixon

Just like Al Gore.

Just like Barrack Obama.

Just like John Edwards.

Just like Sarah Palin.

Just like Vivek Ramaswamy.

Just like Nikki Haley.

Just Like Kari Lake.

Remember when Bill Clinton said in 1996 that the era of big government is over?

Remember when Jimmy Carter said in 1976 that he would never lie to us?

Remember George H.W. Bush said no new taxes in 1988?

Remember in 2003 when George Bush Jr said "Mission Accomplished"?

Remember in 2008 when Barack Obama said "If you choose change you will have a nominee who doesn't take a dime from Washington lobbyists and PACs."?

Guess what?

All of them were lying to the American people.

Who else is following this trend?

Michael Flynn.

Keep this on mind.

None of the women who have been giving us names of these P•d•s have none of the popularity M. Flynn has.

None of these women have the money Roger Stone has.

None of these women have the platform Alex Jones has.

None of these women have the followers James O'Keefe have.

But you received info from these victims of sexual satanic abuse while they are out giving interviews with no protection.

Some are on the run everyday.

Some are sleeping in their cars everyday.

Some are being harassed everyday.

Some are being followed everyday.

Some are being threatened everyday.

Some are having mental breakdowns everyday.

But somehow through all of that they are willing to risk their lives to give you all the info about people in military & government for free at their expense.

The Bohemian Grove

The Luciferian BrotherHood

The Order Of Melchizedeck

Skull & Bones

The Jesuits

You received info on all the people who are apart of those clubs.

And you know what is the funny part?

All the people who were willing to give that info "For Free" to Michael Flynn were all turned away and ignored.

All the people women who tried to give that information to James O'Keefe "For Free" were all turned away and ignored.

All the people who tried to give that info to Alex Jones "For Free" were all turned away and ignored.


Because people with these large platforms are only given that to maintain the bubble of info feed to you that doesn't compromise the plan to move certain people into position to sustain the system these abused victims came from.

Which would be the what?

The Human Trafficking system.

The Adrenochrome system.

The Drug Trafficking system.

Because if these big names in the patriot sphere were to invite the victims of those things on to their platform names would be dropped that would implicate the people pretending to fight to end the trafficking.

And you know what would happen?

They wouldn't be able to continue their political aspirations to be in the White House.

People didn't know Steve Bannon was accepting money from Jeffery Epstein.

People didn't know John Mappin was in Jeffery Epstein Blackbook.

People didn't know Randy Quaid was at Bohemian Grove.

People didn't know Roger Stone was on Jeffrey Epstein Island.

People didn't know Michael Flynn & Roger Stone were hanging out with the Manhattan Madam.

People didn't know Richard Nixon was a P•d•.

You know why?

Because none of those people shared that info to you.

Why would they?

They are the perpetrators.

You got all that info from the victims.

I hope you wasn't waiting for Michael Flynn to put any of this info in the movie. 🤭

People do not know what commonsense looks or sounds like anymore.

You want to see an example?

The Deep State is after Donald Trump right?

The Deep State sent Michael Flynn 8 subpoenas right?

The Deep State was behind the Jan-6th event right?

So why did Michael Flynn plead the 5th when he had the opportunity to expose who was behind Jan-6th?

I mean the media called it an insurrection right?

Section 2383. The law prohibits incitement, assistance, and participation in a rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States and its laws. The punishment for this crime includes a fine, up to 10 years in federal prison, and ineligibility for federal public office.

Don't you all think this was a prime opportunity to put the Deep State away by starting off with a incident that made international headlines? 10 years along with a fine is not nearly enough. I agree.

Being Indicted.

Being arrested.

Being charged.

Being convicted.

For at least one crime could of bought a lot of time to stack on the other ones to add even more years on top of the 10. But we couldn't even get that starter pack open to begin any of it.

But we all know why as these are ofcourse rhetorical questions.

We all know Michael Flynn gets hot and bothered under the collar when his brother Charles Flynn is brought up as being one of the people on the phone call in regards to where the command came from to tell the National Guard to stand down for 3 hours.

Guys, can I pose a trivia question to you?

If Donald Trump said he was not president during 2021 while under oath.

If Col. Earl Matthews said Donald Trump was stripped of his authority on January 6th by military leaders.

If the Joe Biden administration didn't get sworn into office until January 21st 2021.

If there is no oath of office on record from anyone for that year 2021 in the library of congress.

If Donald Trump declared the 2nd Declaration of Independence on July 4th in 2020.

Ask yourself who was in power in 2021 while all the Jan-6th shenanigans was going on?
