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So Northern Euro Birdshits didn't even have WRITING for thousands of years?

Is this right, Birdshits? LJL wtf were u doing for thousands...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
Mexicans came up with writing on their own, but birdshits ne...
stimulating internal respiration site
mexicans = cumskin so are indians, btw
Excitant sable sound barrier parlor
Mexicans were mongoloids related to the asiatic mongoloids
stimulating internal respiration site
asians are the only real americans, true, but there was so m...
Excitant sable sound barrier parlor
Modern Mexicans didn't come up with writing. The ancient Mex...
stimulating internal respiration site
Excitant sable sound barrier parlor
is this thread about modern-day mexicans, genius?
self-centered kitty cat
lol pumonymous IRATE when i invoke the ONE DROP RULE
Excitant sable sound barrier parlor
nyuug IRATE when someone has ONE DROP of KOREAN BLOOD that m...
self-centered kitty cat
these posts are clearly coming from a place of unshakable ra...
insanely creepy jew pistol
Aromatic Alcoholic Rehab
yes im a turd but this doesnt change the fact that learning ...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
unshakable racial self-confidence tp
Histrionic plum parlour
superior anglo culture derived from asian culture odd cas...
Excitant sable sound barrier parlor
it basically spread from mediterrean/mideast/babylon/egyptia...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
Excitant sable sound barrier parlor
can u translate this from gook, retard
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
He can’t even speak gook
Cordovan roast beef
LOLLERCAUST@ this fake indian cumskin tard not understanding...
Excitant sable sound barrier parlor
Why does nyuug refer to nyuugself as nyuug
Comical orchid pisswyrm double fault
HOLY FURK!! when was the first evidence of writing in nor...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
literally THREE THOUSAND YEARS wtf were birdshits doin? ...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
SAD FOR BIRDSHITS!! There are a few reasons why Northern ...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
Alpha as fuck Lmao @ shitskin insect “people”...
Cordovan roast beef
love how birdshits just move the goalpoast for their lacklus...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
Russia didn’t have a written language until the 17th c...
Sadistic Indecent Nursing Home
rofl is that ur birdshit cope? its hilarous u freaks nev...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
you aren't Aryan. You're a low caste gutter slug.
greedy boyish puppy public bath
ljl i prob have moar aryan dna than ur italian ass
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
23andme came back and said your haplogroup was TURD ljl
greedy boyish puppy public bath
that was years ago and i disputed the charge so im not TURD ...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
(low caste turd)
greedy boyish puppy public bath
his disavows, okay? he DISAVOWS
Sadistic Indecent Nursing Home
im a champa vietnamese now
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
Birdshits plz explain WTF you were doing for 3,000+ years be...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
BIRDSHITS done here
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
We don't need to write. We can remember everything.
Slippery floppy base
the English are the only culture to learn to read and then f...
Confused purple boiling water
ljl birdshits after thousands of years of others working on ...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
Writing is for TTT "cultures." Oral traditions set...
angry principal's office
Great poast, Jamal
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
Now that Jamal has the technology of "writing" mad...
angry principal's office
Excitant sable sound barrier parlor
Korea is a great example of how worthless writing is when us...
angry principal's office
Excitant sable sound barrier parlor
yet within a few hundred years of having written language, N...
aphrodisiac jewess
flame dont think literacy rates anywhere were that high unti...
Hyperventilating vigorous hall
those rates are wrong, but it's funnier that even those wron...
aphrodisiac jewess
Spain had an even higher literacy rates back in the renaissa...
angry principal's office

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: May 30th, 2024 10:46 PM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

Is this right, Birdshits? LJL wtf were u doing for thousands of years?



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Date: May 31st, 2024 12:03 AM
Author: stimulating internal respiration site

Mexicans came up with writing on their own, but birdshits never did. Sad.


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Date: May 31st, 2024 12:04 AM
Author: Excitant sable sound barrier parlor

mexicans = cumskin

so are indians, btw


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Date: May 31st, 2024 12:09 AM
Author: stimulating internal respiration site

Mexicans were mongoloids related to the asiatic mongoloids


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Date: May 31st, 2024 12:10 AM
Author: Excitant sable sound barrier parlor

asians are the only real americans, true, but there was so much cumskin genetic infusion modern day mexicans are more cumskin than asian. one drop rule bro


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Date: May 31st, 2024 12:12 AM
Author: stimulating internal respiration site

Modern Mexicans didn't come up with writing. The ancient Mexicans did


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Date: May 31st, 2024 12:15 AM
Author: Excitant sable sound barrier parlor



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Date: May 31st, 2024 3:22 AM
Author: self-centered kitty cat

is this thread about modern-day mexicans, genius?


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Date: May 31st, 2024 3:26 AM
Author: Excitant sable sound barrier parlor

lol pumonymous IRATE when i invoke the ONE DROP RULE


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Date: June 3rd, 2024 4:34 PM
Author: self-centered kitty cat

nyuug IRATE when someone has ONE DROP of KOREAN BLOOD that may not have come from a KOREAN FATHER


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Date: May 30th, 2024 10:49 PM
Author: insanely creepy jew pistol

these posts are clearly coming from a place of unshakable racial self-confidence, definitely not one of painful insecurity and self-loathing


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Date: May 30th, 2024 10:50 PM
Author: Aromatic Alcoholic Rehab


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Date: May 30th, 2024 10:51 PM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

yes im a turd but this doesnt change the fact that learning abt the ABSENCE of northern birdshit history is a veddy great joy


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Date: June 2nd, 2024 8:27 PM
Author: Histrionic plum parlour

unshakable racial self-confidence tp


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Date: May 30th, 2024 11:05 PM
Author: Excitant sable sound barrier parlor

superior anglo culture derived from asian culture

odd case


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Date: May 30th, 2024 11:08 PM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

it basically spread from mediterrean/mideast/babylon/egyptian/sumerian culture and all those were trading and diffusing with gorgeous indian culture for thousands of years while birdshits were raping fat birdshit shrews in caves


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Date: May 30th, 2024 11:41 PM
Author: Excitant sable sound barrier parlor


*literally uses asian alphabets*

*is fucktarded inconsistent xoxo cumskin*


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Date: May 30th, 2024 11:43 PM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

can u translate this from gook, retard


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Date: May 30th, 2024 11:44 PM
Author: Cordovan roast beef

He can’t even speak gook


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Date: May 30th, 2024 11:47 PM
Author: Excitant sable sound barrier parlor

LOLLERCAUST@ this fake indian cumskin tard not understanding that NYUUG is mocking cumskins for claiming asian cultures are derivative of anglo culture:


lol@ your dumb turd ass bro


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Date: May 31st, 2024 8:25 AM
Author: Comical orchid pisswyrm double fault

Why does nyuug refer to nyuugself as nyuug


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Date: May 30th, 2024 11:10 PM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall


when was the first evidence of writing in northern europe?

Northern Europe adopted writing systems much later than other regions like the Mediterranean. There isn't any evidence of indigenous writing systems developing in the area.

The shift towards writing in Northern Europe happened around the early centuries AD, during the protohistorical period. This is when Germanic tribes began to interact more with Roman culture and adopted their writing systems.


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Date: May 30th, 2024 11:11 PM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

literally THREE THOUSAND YEARS wtf were birdshits doin?

Compared to the Mediterranean civilizations where writing emerged around 3000-1000 BC (think Egyptians, Minoans), Northern Europe adopted writing systems much later. We're talking roughly around the first few centuries AD.


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Date: May 30th, 2024 11:12 PM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall


There are a few reasons why Northern Europe adopted writing much later than other regions:

Different Needs: Societies in the Mediterranean with complex administration, trade networks, and large-scale agriculture found writing essential for record-keeping, taxation, and communication. Northern European societies, with a focus on smaller, more mobile communities and oral traditions, didn't have the same pressing need for a formal writing system.

Limited Trade: Early writing systems often spread through trade routes. Since Northern Europe wasn't as heavily involved in long-distance trade as the Mediterranean, they weren't exposed to these writing systems as readily.

Oral Traditions: Northerners relied heavily on oral traditions for storytelling, history, and passing down knowledge. This strong tradition might have made the need for a written record less urgent.

Climate & Materials: The colder, wetter climate of Northern Europe makes it harder to preserve writing materials like papyrus (used in Egypt). This could have discouraged the development of a writing system altogether.

The arrival of the Roman Empire and increased interaction with Roman culture in the early centuries AD became a turning point. The Romans used alphabets derived from the Phoenicians, and these alphabets eventually adapted into the runic scripts used by Germanic peoples.


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Date: May 30th, 2024 11:13 PM
Author: Cordovan roast beef

Alpha as fuck

Lmao @ shitskin insect “people” dedicating entire lives and souls to scribbling down a bunch of inane bullshit


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Date: May 30th, 2024 11:15 PM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

love how birdshits just move the goalpoast for their lackluster abilities

oh the SAT doesnt matteR!

studying STEM is for nerds!!

chung didnt even snort meth growing up!!


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Date: May 31st, 2024 3:20 AM
Author: Sadistic Indecent Nursing Home

Russia didn’t have a written language until the 17th century


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Date: May 31st, 2024 3:40 AM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

rofl is that ur birdshit cope?

its hilarous u freaks never can explain WTF did birdshits do pre 1500AD



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Date: May 31st, 2024 8:50 AM
Author: greedy boyish puppy public bath

you aren't Aryan. You're a low caste gutter slug.


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Date: May 31st, 2024 8:56 AM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

ljl i prob have moar aryan dna than ur italian ass


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Date: May 31st, 2024 8:57 AM
Author: greedy boyish puppy public bath

23andme came back and said your haplogroup was TURD ljl


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Date: May 31st, 2024 8:58 AM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

that was years ago and i disputed the charge so im not TURD anymore


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Date: May 31st, 2024 9:00 AM
Author: greedy boyish puppy public bath

(low caste turd)


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Date: May 31st, 2024 9:02 AM
Author: Sadistic Indecent Nursing Home

his disavows, okay? he DISAVOWS


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Date: May 31st, 2024 9:03 AM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

im a champa vietnamese now


Reply Favorite

Date: May 31st, 2024 4:00 AM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

Birdshits plz explain WTF you were doing for 3,000+ years before 1500AD? And no Romans and Greeks aren't Birdshit



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Date: May 31st, 2024 8:04 AM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

BIRDSHITS done here


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Date: May 31st, 2024 10:14 PM
Author: Slippery floppy base

We don't need to write. We can remember everything.


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Date: May 31st, 2024 10:37 PM
Author: Confused purple boiling water

the English are the only culture to learn to read and then forget that skill.

and yet the English co-invented calculus which basically lifted the world from serfdom to modernity.


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Date: May 31st, 2024 11:34 PM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

ljl birdshits after thousands of years of others working on it some JEW english did some other shit, wowowowowowo birdshits

Bhāskara II was acquainted with some ideas of differential calculus and suggested that the "differential coefficient" vanishes at an extremum value of the function.[15] In his astronomical work, he gave a procedure that looked like a precursor to infinitesimal methods. Namely, if



{\displaystyle x\approx y} then


















{\displaystyle \sin(y)-\sin(x)\approx (y-x)\cos(y).} This can be interpreted as the discovery that cosine is the derivative of sine.[16] In the 14th century, Indian mathematicians gave a non-rigorous method, resembling differentiation, applicable to some trigonometric functions. Madhava of Sangamagrama and the Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics stated components of calculus


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Date: May 31st, 2024 11:36 PM
Author: angry principal's office

Writing is for TTT "cultures." Oral traditions set to music can't be tampered with, unike every religious book on earth.


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Date: May 31st, 2024 11:39 PM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

Great poast, Jamal


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Date: June 1st, 2024 12:48 AM
Author: angry principal's office

Now that Jamal has the technology of "writing" made available to him, his life is transformed.


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Date: June 2nd, 2024 7:03 PM
Author: Excitant sable sound barrier parlor



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Date: June 2nd, 2024 7:07 PM
Author: angry principal's office

Korea is a great example of how worthless writing is when used by certain people. King Sejong blesses his subjects with the Hangul script, so simple a dumbass birdshit can learn to read it in one day, and 500 years later no one can name a single Korean work of literature that anyone would ever want to read. The script is used exclusively in signage for local businesses, instruction manuals, and for writing people's names. It's like teaching Africans how to build railways.


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Date: June 2nd, 2024 8:26 PM
Author: Excitant sable sound barrier parlor




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Date: June 2nd, 2024 9:08 PM
Author: aphrodisiac jewess

yet within a few hundred years of having written language, Northern Euros achieved greater literacy levels than turdskins did until birdshits gave them a better civilization


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Date: June 3rd, 2024 12:02 AM
Author: Hyperventilating vigorous hall

flame dont think literacy rates anywhere were that high until relatively recently, still veddy weak in england:

Literacy then grew slowly but steadily. In the late 1400s 10% of men were literate, climbing to 20% in the 1500s, 30% by 1650, 45% by 1714, and 60% by 1754.


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Date: June 3rd, 2024 1:00 PM
Author: aphrodisiac jewess

those rates are wrong, but it's funnier that even those wrong rates are better than India!


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Date: June 3rd, 2024 4:38 PM
Author: angry principal's office

Spain had an even higher literacy rates back in the renaissance era, and that's just off the top of my head. Intellectually, England was SPS for a very long time.
