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Best thing about proles: low expectations, accept everybody

worst thing about proles: no motivation or curiosity about t...
frum den legend
UMC is not "elite" lmao
Passionate Out-of-control Institution Affirmative Action
UMC today is elite because of how much distance they put bet...
frum den legend
This applies moreso to wagecucks. An owner of a small(ish...
wild aromatic tanning salon
You'd be surprised how cucky small business owners can be. A...
frum den legend

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Date: August 13th, 2024 2:11 PM
Author: frum den legend

worst thing about proles: no motivation or curiosity about the world. Lazy and all they focus on is consumption. No plans for a rainy day.

Best thing about elites: capable and they have the means. The lifestyle is grandiose, you can't deny it. They know how to covet, they know how to spend, they know how to obtain the things everybody wants but few can have

Worst thing about elites: hardcore obsession with their reputation/appearances. Having things is a substitute for being something. Most of them are mediocrities, born on third base etc. A substitute for being compelling, talented, interesting is possessing a bunch of material wealth and they all believe this confers status onto them. Rich normies with no personality or great character know that to maintain their status they have to keep up perceptions, and this leads to constant, never-ending concern about how they are perceived. People don't realize this has a lot to do with the origin of modern liberalism - that the UMC/elites know that all their success and lifestyle is tied to their reputation. Makes them out to behave very strangely.

This is why the prole/UMC divide is so strong. Proles are literally free in ways UMC are not. When you're a prole, you have the freedom to not care whereas every UMC is One Wrong Move away from destitution.


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Date: August 13th, 2024 2:13 PM
Author: Passionate Out-of-control Institution Affirmative Action

UMC is not "elite" lmao


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Date: August 13th, 2024 2:15 PM
Author: frum den legend

UMC today is elite because of how much distance they put between themselves and the middle class. It's a chasm. All UMC is today are the minders for the elites. Their burden is they have to do real work but their lifestyles are pretty similar. They may have to drive somewhere instead of taking a private jet. It's not a big difference.


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Date: August 13th, 2024 2:18 PM
Author: wild aromatic tanning salon

This applies moreso to wagecucks.

An owner of a small(ish) successful business has the best of both worlds


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Date: August 13th, 2024 2:25 PM
Author: frum den legend

You'd be surprised how cucky small business owners can be. A lot of them OBSESS over the perception of their business. In many ways these people are the most terrified of being called racist or a transphobe or whatever. Their business is small so they can't risk anything. Yeah if you're like doing some true prole shit like an ultra blue collar plumber in a red part of the state then yeah you can N bomb or whatever. But you'd be surprised how cucky small businesses are. One bad Google review can sink them. Some of them are HYPER sensitive to lib social stuff. Remember there was some goofy restaurant in Burbank that refused to shut down for Covid and the city conspired to undermine it? Small businesses are not safe.
