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Problem with right wing politics is and remains the same

in America
glassy business firm factory reset button
generally CR. But how do you address the often overt desire/...
domesticated box office
glassy business firm factory reset button
there is a natural desire to be subservient / sublimate the ...
domesticated box office
I think I see what you're saying but don't agree with your t...
glassy business firm factory reset button
very well-reasoned. My only rejoinder is that "comin...
domesticated box office
histrionic candlestick maker national security agency
the modern american 'right' is a headless faggot in search o...
insecure weed whacker dilemma
Yeah I suppose it doesn't even really matter anymore. Your s...
glassy business firm factory reset button
i suspect that boomer conservatards are being kept around in...
insecure weed whacker dilemma
glassy business firm factory reset button
Good poast
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wonderful people aren't they?
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bonkers effete nursing home
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glassy business firm factory reset button
Politics is a vampire
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There will always be Business and it will always get Bigger ...
Cracking canary corner stain
right/left is a bullshit frame used to mystify people and ob...
filthy parlour yarmulke
Stop caring about liberal arts
medicated party of the first part
The other problem is that RWers are cowards. You all thi...
bonkers effete nursing home
they're not called bitchbois for nothing
crimson abnormal cruise ship
So you're saying we should radicalize and Do Violence to age...
glassy business firm factory reset button
(bitchboi who just CAUGHT libs in YET another web of their o...
crimson abnormal cruise ship
Just waiting it out seems like a pretty cr strategy seeing a...
glassy business firm factory reset button
yes trump's second term policies will be a rightwing fever d...
crimson abnormal cruise ship
Probably not but it's looking like they're going to be decen...
glassy business firm factory reset button
crimson abnormal cruise ship

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: June 24th, 2024 6:13 AM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button
Subject: in America

All of these ancillary movements in the right wing big tent, Christian conservative, Judaic reactionary, fascist, paleocon, civnat, etc all just exist atm as a protective ring of suckups defending Big Business and Elon Musk's right to effectively rape his female employees via abusive leverage at the brain chip factory company. The pure market-right agenda is the only segment of the right chalking up W after W these days; every other right wing interest has either been on the defensive or consistently taking Ls for a long time

Until one of these movements addresses this directly, somehow avoids being killed for it, and wrests the wheel away from the claw of Suitman, the nation will continue to morally degenerate and it will continue to be oriented around the Mammonite agenda. The fact that we have a "brain chip factory company" at all should be a colossal red flag to anyone with religious beliefs but because the owner spits out some lukewarm conservative takes and signal boosts Chaya Raichak or whatever her name is nobody hammers on this point with the gravity it needs

A lesson for future conservative thought leaders: Big Business will always betray you, and while capitalism is generally decent, it is an utterly faithless whore who will turn on you the moment your "principles" or "morality" start messing with the profit flows or the precepts of the present desire economy oriented around maximizing said flows (usually at the expense of every other demarcation that determines the standards for good quality of life for a nation's citizens)


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Date: June 24th, 2024 6:16 AM
Author: domesticated box office

generally CR. But how do you address the often overt desire/pride in being cucked so blatantly?


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Date: June 24th, 2024 6:17 AM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button



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Date: June 24th, 2024 6:27 AM
Author: domesticated box office

there is a natural desire to be subservient / sublimate the self in many people. This is very strong amongst certain rightwing groups, and not just the religious. The over-arching idea is that identity comes from this sublimination. The hole is filled with the strength. Ergo the pride in being exploited by Musk, big biz, Heritage Foundation / Business Roundtable Suits, etc. Yes I am a cuck but I these are MY CUCKMASTERS!


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Date: June 24th, 2024 6:48 AM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button

I think I see what you're saying but don't agree with your train of thought

Afaik most conservatives simply do not give much thought to the idea of "allies" and have difficulty seeing shades of grey and making "special classifications" even when it is necessary or appropriate vs the typical more hardline "friend/foe" distinction. Leftists especially beyond the liberal enclosure focus heavily on concepts of "allyship" and using ideology/dogma as a matching checklist to gatekeep access to decision-making within their respective movements. Right wingers spend less time on formulation in these matters and focus more on outcomes to determine who gets a C word pass and who doesn't. Pros and cons to each approach but it has been a major blindspot for the right in the past couple of decades that has become increasingly exploitable until somewhat recently

An example in action: "Others", mainly left-Progressive, took advantage of this relatively rudimentary understanding of allyship to assail the concept of "white" by injecting needless complexity, like a computer virus, in "typing" and hierarchy of various European-extraction ethnicities creating a lot of useless and needless infighting and fractionalism amongst the Xer/Millennial/Zoomer right although this also ended up having second order effects that were likely beneficial to the right in the long run

The right in general comes from intuition and reactivity and will probably never match the constructed ideological sophistication of the left (although it should be noted that the one time where it did in recent history, a populist right wing candidate won) but this is a strength as, if not more, often than it is a weakness. It does leave the Business Question as a sticky problem still on the field though and there are few signs of this being properly addressed as both coalitions, bloody from the last decade and a half, tighten and move into the next round


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Date: June 25th, 2024 8:07 AM
Author: domesticated box office

very well-reasoned.

My only rejoinder is that "coming from intuition and reactivity" makes for the perfect slave to the Business Question. It's an open invitation for true exploitation


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Date: June 24th, 2024 6:27 AM
Author: histrionic candlestick maker national security agency


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Date: June 24th, 2024 6:52 AM
Author: insecure weed whacker dilemma

the modern american 'right' is a headless faggot in search of a chicken. at least a headless chicken would be coherent. we understand at a glance why the bird is directionless and distressed. but US 'conservatives' have been mindfucked by so many psyops and grifts that they are basically a special-needs child in terms of their capacity to articulate political or social goals. this would be bad enough, but all of their guides and caretakers are also pedos. that is where we are at with 'the right.'


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Date: June 24th, 2024 7:11 AM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button

Yeah I suppose it doesn't even really matter anymore. Your sentiment seems accurate

One of the best outcomes atm is federal dysfunction leading to fragmentation and a de facto return to something like the articles of confederation. From the COVID years and on I have started to actually hate whatever marionette string behemoth this place is, which is not so much a "country" anymore so much as it is an unavoidable soaped up slip and slide directly into hell for its citizens


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Date: June 24th, 2024 5:20 PM
Author: insecure weed whacker dilemma

i suspect that boomer conservatards are being kept around in order to provide support for one last big war. the US needs to get more competent white/rural guys into its ranks for the future clash with iran (for example), and these boomers are a strategic reserve of snitches who will turn in their own kids and grandkids for attempted draft evasion.

that's a bit conspiratorial, but it's probably an actual policy consideration which is being shaped right now.


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Date: June 24th, 2024 8:39 PM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button


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Date: June 24th, 2024 7:18 AM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button

Good poast


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Date: June 24th, 2024 11:36 AM
Author: glittery cheese-eating theater stage elastic band

wonderful people aren't they?


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Date: June 24th, 2024 10:46 PM
Author: bonkers effete nursing home


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Date: June 25th, 2024 2:54 AM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button


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Date: June 25th, 2024 3:14 AM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button


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Date: June 27th, 2024 1:06 AM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button

Politics is a vampire


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Date: June 27th, 2024 1:08 AM
Author: Frisky shaky turdskin


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Date: June 27th, 2024 9:22 PM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button

powerful poast petro (p3)


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Date: June 24th, 2024 11:29 AM
Author: crimson abnormal cruise ship


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Date: June 24th, 2024 6:13 PM
Author: Umber dashing hall gaming laptop


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Date: June 24th, 2024 6:40 PM
Author: Hairraiser knife

your jewish


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Date: June 25th, 2024 5:38 AM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button



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Date: June 24th, 2024 10:24 PM
Author: Sapphire nudist partner


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Date: June 24th, 2024 10:44 PM
Author: Cracking canary corner stain

There will always be Business and it will always get Bigger on paper. I'm not advocating for this. It's not that you're Ruined when your morality or principles interrupt profit flows but that once they escape you it will inevitably shapeshift and self-cannibalize in profit space when you push it outside of yourself. Crunchier right wing goals "tradition", "community" etc. are already downstream of a commoditized fetish space that has already been reworked out of the corpse of something that began dying a generation or more ago and to the extent you see people wiggle out and try these things the quicker it becomes obvious any rebuilding or reworking was some sadistic fedbot rapenet before its inception. Annihilationism, Total Economy Death, Kaczynskiesque destruction--these horrible pains may be the only way out (nothing you can build "politics" around), but even then there's already people who have been screeching about this for a few years now and are starting to see $70 a month from X roll into their bank account, and that's on top of whatever sort of already obsolete makework they've had to dedicate their life to after realizing they're insane or such a thing would be too stupid or evil because there was no gman on the scene to coax them into anything.


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Date: June 25th, 2024 3:26 AM
Author: filthy parlour yarmulke

right/left is a bullshit frame used to mystify people and obscure reality, especially when you start trying to incorporate libertarian economic (((theories))) into any conception of 'conservatism'.

the elemental things are what are real: blood & soil ethnonationalism, tradition, etc, and you must force 'business' ad hoc to subordinate its goals to the former. you don't do the reverse and subordinate and destroy your civilization out of fidelity to some inane 'economic principle'.


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Date: June 25th, 2024 8:00 AM
Author: medicated party of the first part

Stop caring about liberal arts


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Date: June 27th, 2024 10:50 AM
Author: bonkers effete nursing home

The other problem is that RWers are cowards.

You all think that Dems literally stole the 2020 election and what did you do? Bitch online. You’re all pussies and most contented fully subjugated.


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Date: July 13th, 2024 1:35 PM
Author: crimson abnormal cruise ship

they're not called bitchbois for nothing


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Date: July 13th, 2024 1:37 PM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button

So you're saying we should radicalize and Do Violence to agents of the state?


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Date: July 13th, 2024 1:57 PM
Author: crimson abnormal cruise ship

(bitchboi who just CAUGHT libs in YET another web of their own HYPOCRACY thereby DESTROYING and PWNING libs forever)


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Date: July 13th, 2024 2:05 PM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button

Just waiting it out seems like a pretty cr strategy seeing as how the Democratic party overplayed its hand and imploded on itself


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Date: July 13th, 2024 2:11 PM
Author: crimson abnormal cruise ship

yes trump's second term policies will be a rightwing fever dream


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Date: July 13th, 2024 2:19 PM
Author: glassy business firm factory reset button

Probably not but it's looking like they're going to be decent

Shutting the border and enforcing deportations alone will make a world of difference


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Date: July 13th, 2024 1:35 PM
Author: crimson abnormal cruise ship
