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Birdshits, explain the GNADENHUTTEN MASSACRE

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnadenhutten_massacre The G...
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Date: October 23rd, 2021 5:44 PM
Author: flesh sick temple patrolman


The Gnadenhutten massacre, also known as the Moravian massacre, was the killing of 96 pacifist Moravian Christian Indians (primarily Lenape and Mohican) by U.S. militiamen from Pennsylvania, under the command of David Williamson, on March 8, 1782 at the Moravian missionary village of Gnadenhutten, Ohio, during the American Revolutionary War.[1][2][3]

Due to their commitment to Christian pacifism, the Moravian Christians did not take sides during the American Revolutionary War, which caused them to be viewed with suspicion by both the British and the Americans.[4] As the Moravian Christian Indians were collecting crops, Pennsylvania militia encountered them and falsely promised the believers that they would be "relocated away from the warring parties."[5] Once they were gathered together, however, the American militia rounded the unarmed Moravians up and said that they planned to execute them for being spies, charges that the Moravians rebutted.[5][6]

The Moravian Christian Indians requested their captors to be allowed to pray and worship on the night before their execution; they spent the night before their death praying as well as singing Christian hymns and psalms.[7] Eighteen of U.S. militiamen were opposed to the killing of the pacifist Moravian Christians, though they were outvoted by those who wanted to murder them; those who opposed the murdering of the Moravian Christians did not participate in the massacre and separated themselves from the killers.[8][2][9] Before murdering them, the American soldiers "militia dragged the women and girls out into the snow and systematically raped them."[10] As they were being killed, the Moravian Christians sang "hymns and spoke words of encouragement and consolation one to another until they were all slain".[11] Believing in nonresistance, the Moravian Christian Indians pleaded for their lives to be spared, but did not fight back against their persecutors.[12][6][13][14]

In all, the militia murdered and scalped 28 men, 29 women, and 39 children. Two Indian boys, one of whom had been scalped, survived to tell of the massacre. The militia piled the bodies in the mission buildings and burned the village down. They also burned the other abandoned Moravian villages.

The American militiamen had looted the villages prior to their burning. The plunder, which needed 80 horses to carry, included everything the people had held: furs for trade, pewter, tea sets, and clothing.


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Date: October 23rd, 2021 5:45 PM
Author: Soul-stirring property

empires rolled hard back in the day, that's why. colonizing an entire continent is straight gangster shit. this is what it looks like. if you don't like it, go cry to your boyfriend.


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Date: October 23rd, 2021 7:45 PM
Author: Appetizing flatulent ape

(pedo birdshit)


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Date: October 23rd, 2021 6:17 PM
Author: provocative chapel

“ The plunder, which needed 80 horses to carry, included everything the people had held: furs for trade, pewter, tea sets, and clothing.”

How the fuck did this little people accumulate so much shit

80 horses of shit?

These were like the jews of the Indians?


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Date: October 23rd, 2021 7:16 PM
Author: carnelian excitant fanboi psychic

Have you ever tried balancing something on a horse?


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Date: October 23rd, 2021 7:19 PM
Author: provocative chapel

You just make saddlebags and fill em up?


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Date: October 23rd, 2021 7:41 PM
Author: carnelian excitant fanboi psychic

Harder than it sounds to balance the bags just so.

Think about getting the perfect mix of milk and cereal so you don't have to add either when you get to the end of the bowl.


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Date: June 28th, 2024 12:06 AM
Author: .,.,,.......,.,:,,::.,.,:::,...,:,.,.:....:..,.::
