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The "climate change scam" isn't totally fake like you think

There isn't a cabal of climate scientists calling Hillary to...
cyan odious station
Not flame I know about 6-7 people who still carry those plaq...
vibrant insecure generalized bond box office
Trip trust fund

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Date: March 30th, 2024 10:11 PM
Author: cyan odious station

There isn't a cabal of climate scientists calling Hillary to tell her the climate scientists in the media are all wrong. People think it's really happening. They may be wrong, but they're not technically lying

What's actually happening is that all these people are convinced climate change is happening AND that it requires drastic reduction of the human population. Furthermore these people already believed we needed to reduce populations even before climate change was a thing. When Obama's momma was a consultant for the world bank and Asian development bank in the 1970s, those orgs were going around putting IUDs in bitches. Some governments were giving monetary awards to "acceptors" who got the IUD before they got married. Sometimes they got a plaque they could show off during the marriage ceremony, or the mayor of that town would cover some portion of the cost of the marriage ceremony.


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Date: March 30th, 2024 10:12 PM
Author: vibrant insecure generalized bond box office

Not flame I know about 6-7 people who still carry those plaques around with them and show them off every chance they get.


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Date: May 23rd, 2024 5:47 PM
Author: Trip trust fund

