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China secretly worried US will win on trade (WSJ)

Great piece in the WSJ today. Honestly refreshing to read so...
So, while Eurocucks are worried about the 20th Century and t...
disco fries
I liked it but hope it’s true and not just cope-ium
Non sequitur
There’s definitely a good chance the effects it mentio...
I think it's been obvious for years that TRUMP thinks Russia...
butt cheeks
scrivener terrors
Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus
Trump has been trying to pull russia away from China since 2...
Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus
correct - see my post just above
butt cheeks
lmao every country has plans for various scenarios playing o...
Driving a wedge between russia and china will be very diffic...
you\'re the puppet

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 6th, 2025 9:31 AM
Author: SniggIe

Great piece in the WSJ today. Honestly refreshing to read something that provides real information and context. When viewed through the lens of a Chinese conflict, Trump’s recent Ukraine War moves make a lot more sense. Russia is on the verge of being a vassal state of China imo so driving a wedge between Putin and Xi to isolate China could be a good move by Trump.




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Date: March 6th, 2025 9:50 AM
Author: disco fries (his own flesh as well as all space was still a cage)

So, while Eurocucks are worried about the 20th Century and the Cleanup from WWII, Trump recognizes that this is a moment where the USA can establish a unipolar global order by driving a wedge between Russia and China, keep them isolated, and letting the chips fall where they may.

Europe's playing yesterday's checkers, Trump's playing 3-dimensional chess.


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Date: March 6th, 2025 9:52 AM
Author: Non sequitur

I liked it but hope it’s true and not just cope-ium


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Date: March 6th, 2025 9:56 AM
Author: SniggIe

There’s definitely a good chance the effects it mentions are overstated, but I think this is the first time in years where I read a newspaper article and thought, “oh, I hadn’t considered that.” It definitely contextualizes some of the decisions rather than running with the narrative every other news medium is going with of “Trump is insane and erratic”


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Date: March 6th, 2025 10:00 AM
Author: butt cheeks (✅🍑)

I think it's been obvious for years that TRUMP thinks Russia is a huge distraction from the main adversary China, and that his game plan is to neutralize Russia as a distraction (at worst) or even bring it back into the fold as an ally against China (at best)

people around TRUMP have been saying this openly for years, it shouldn't be a surprise that TRUMP thinks this, and it is completely consistent with everything TRUMP has been doing

the Euroweenies can't see this because they are pygmies who can't see over the horizon, but fuck them


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Date: March 6th, 2025 10:06 AM
Author: scrivener terrors


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Date: March 6th, 2025 10:16 AM
Author: Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus (TDNW)


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Date: March 6th, 2025 10:00 AM
Author: Trumpus Julius Caesar Augustus (TDNW)

Trump has been trying to pull russia away from China since 2016, but the libs used the full power of the media to label these efforts as being treasonous. they severely sold out a core U.S. interest for domestic political gain. and they continue to do it but now focused on Ukraine and Europe


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Date: March 6th, 2025 10:00 AM
Author: butt cheeks (✅🍑)

correct - see my post just above


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Date: March 6th, 2025 10:16 AM
Author: warlock

lmao every country has plans for various scenarios playing out, would be stupid not too. Russia also has plans if Dems get into power in '26 and '28 and completely reverse everything.


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Date: March 6th, 2025 10:35 AM
Author: you\'re the puppet

Driving a wedge between russia and china will be very difficult at this stage. PERHAPS, Trump followed by 8 years of Vance and heavy economic integration might be enough to meaningfully move in that direction. Perhaps.

No one wants this more than I do. But i have to be realistic.
