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NSAM out of retirement with a message for Trump loyalists

Having fun yet guys? Did you think toeing the line for this ...
what are you talking about, trump 2.0 has been amazing outsi...
richard clock
They are amazingly bad at appearing in court and writing bri...
WLMAS, btw
In a recent two-page brief over the USAID funding, the SG tr...
PSA to all my deep state homies: you don't owe this governme...
You're a schizo nutcase
brown tranny rapping about climate change
Remember when deep state used to get accused of spying on yo...
PSA to any lawyer wondering how to capitalize: this administ...
Fork in the Road news: Musk was forced to open it up again t...
Did you pull out of equities? If so when do you think the c...
The WSJ was down-low signalling to investors to move to Euro...
DOGE news: it's all from two weeks ago, because they got jam...
Deep state update: Biden people KNEW if Trump won he would c...
Someone bookmark this thread for future TDS study
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
NSAM is 180
WLMAS, btw
Thank for contribution to TDS research
Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot
holy shit, the new trump admin created enough admin law work...
Make Megapoasting Great Again
WLMAS, btw
i don't know about you, but i'm not tired of winning yet in ...
Trump spent the last three weeks trying to get the MSPB chai...
Things got jammed up at the administrative level, but that o...
PSA to anyone who served: the VA Secretary is a piece of wor...
Forgot to mention, the VA Secretary looks like he's trying t...
LAST PSA before I check out, maybe for eternity: 24k mili...
Someone’s mad all his friends got laid off.
Boy, you should see what the USDS folks were saying back in ...
REMINDER for people who took con law: the 5th amendment proh...
ADVICE to anyone in the intelligence community with half a b...
Wow, here's a juicy one for MASE: https://thehill.com/opi...
bro bono

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:13 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

Having fun yet guys? Did you think toeing the line for this administration would pay off? Did you think Trump had real professionals lined up to assist him? Did you count on anyone in government to have your back by March? Do you expect Bondi, Hegseth and Patel to see April?

Newsflash: only two organs of the US Government still work:

1. courts

2. the printer at the US Treasury that writes checks.

You spent the last two months watching the US government collapse. I've been engineering events to put maximum money in my pockets. Taking questions.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:17 PM
Author: richard clock

what are you talking about, trump 2.0 has been amazing outside of israel


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:22 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

They are amazingly bad at appearing in court and writing briefs.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:43 PM
Author: WLMAS, btw (🧐)



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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:46 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

In a recent two-page brief over the USAID funding, the SG trotted out that old quote about Presidential power being at its apex in foreign affairs. They wasted that line on a shitlawsuit over some NGO funds, not anything to do with torture or surveillance. The SG seems unaware that that quote, while famous, is most often invoked to curtail presidential power (and enhance the power of courts) in domestic affairs.

That's why it's easy for courts to grant summary judgment.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:20 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

PSA to all my deep state homies: you don't owe this government any loyalty anymore. It violated the terms of the deal. It invited all the talented folks to leave by offering them generous buyout terms. It ensured that the only people still working for the government a year from now will be the desperate hangers-on, the administrative assistants who need every penny of that paycheck. The Solicitor General is a goddamn disgrace and DOJ is losing on summary judgment everywhere.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:22 PM
Author: brown tranny rapping about climate change

You're a schizo nutcase


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:19 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

Remember when deep state used to get accused of spying on you or worse? It turns out their biggest offense was chatting about their sex lives with each other on MS Teams. They weren't even talking about satanic rituals or pedophilia, just polycues and tranny shit. With each other. It turns out they have more interesting sex lives than you, and they don't care what you do. Good thing Tulsi cut 'em loose.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:25 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

PSA to any lawyer wondering how to capitalize: this administration is not keyed up to defend anything that happened when Biden was POTUS. If you feel disadvantaged by something that happened on January 19, not only are you [probably] well within the statute of limitations, you can make just about any accusation against anyone who was serving at any level of government at that time, and you can probably find a tweet from Elon or Trump himself that gives you the win on dat summary judgment. It's a summary judgment fuckfest right now because DOJ is broken.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:29 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

Fork in the Road news: Musk was forced to open it up again this week, for a day. It didn't get much press coverage but he had to do it because he got turned inside out by the DC Circuit. It turns out "Fork in the Road" is an entitlement for Fifth Amendment purposes. It looks like courts feel free to expand the scope of employees who are eligible to claim the benefit, and Musk isn't in any position to say "no," is he?


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:30 PM
Author: """'"'"""''

Did you pull out of equities? If so when do you think the crash will bottom out to reinvest?


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:37 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

The WSJ was down-low signalling to investors to move to European stonks over a month ago. I haven't paid attention since then. There were a lot of reasons to think EU indexes would get a lift IMO.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:37 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

DOGE news: it's all from two weeks ago, because they got jammed up by a TRO. That was fun to watch. The TRO assfucked Musk in 3 dimensions:

1. It said only two DOGE "Special Government Employees" could access Treasury records. It didn't matter if Musk had 100 other SGEs working at DOGE, only these two were named in the TRO.

2. By naming the two SGEs in the TRO, the TRO effectively killed DOGE, because the implication was that if Musk shared ANY further info (about, say, USAID), he must have received it from one of the two named SGEs. i.e. one (or both) of the DOGE employees would be presumed to have leaked Treasury info to Musk.

3. The TRO drew attention to the fact that DOGE had invoked "Special Government Employee" laws to employee these people. Huge rookie move. The actual process for hiring SGEs is very, very complicated, because they are presumed to have conflicts of interest. That's why SGEs exist: to allow the government to hire people who would ordinarily be barred from government employment due to conflicts of interest.

This is why there was a mass exodus of DOGE employees last week: Musk can't actually pay their salaries. He never took effective steps to hire them as "employees," so Treasury won't pay their salaries.

That's why you never hear about DOGE anymore. It's DEAD.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:42 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

Deep state update: Biden people KNEW if Trump won he would come after "poor performers," so they started giving shitty performance ratings to conservative employees ahead of time. It was a win-win for them, no matter who won in 2024. If Biden won, he'd have an excuse to fire these people. If Trump won, he would blindly order all "poor performers" to be fired and it would have the same effect.

Can I prove that? Yes!


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:43 PM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

Someone bookmark this thread for future TDS study


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:44 PM
Author: WLMAS, btw (🧐)

NSAM is 180


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:45 PM
Author: Hysterical bitchmade deepstate faggot

Thank for contribution to TDS research


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:48 PM
Author: lex

holy shit, the new trump admin created enough admin law work to push NSAM into semi-retirement on xo.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:54 PM
Author: WLMAS, btw (🧐)

Make Megapoasting Great Again


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:56 PM
Author: lex

i don't know about you, but i'm not tired of winning yet in trump term II


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:17 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

Trump spent the last three weeks trying to get the MSPB chairwoman fired. He actually did fire her at one point, and he named someone else as chair that same day. But then courts un-fired the lady who was put there under Biden. She has a 5-year term or something, IDK. It doesn't matter, because the guy Trump tried to install wasn't going to be any better. Trump had no fucking clue what he was doing. He thought he was gonna have a loyalist in charge, and he thinks courts screwed him by putting the old chairwoman in charge. He has no idea. That dood had legit credentials and would have been a nightmare for Trump at MSPB.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 7:55 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

Things got jammed up at the administrative level, but that only makes it easier for litigants to claim they "exhausted their administrative remedies." If that goes on for another couple of weeks it's gonna get expensive for Trump.

That's why firing the IGs was dumb. Trump and Elon don't understand that IGs job is to do nothing. If the IG starts validating every complaint it receives, it's effectively giving "whistleblower" status to every employee who files a complaint. The IGs exist to make it difficult for anyone to bring expensive whistleblower reprisal lawsuits against the government. The MSPB and OSC have the same function.

If Trump has his way, employees who file whistleblower complaints will either

1. have their complaints validated by the new, more energetic inspectors general, or

2. have their complaints ignored by the new, more energetic inspectors general.

Biden had an option 3: have the inspector general review the complaint but find no fraud/waste/abuse/threat to public safety. But Trump said that's no good. He fired all dem IGs.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:04 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

PSA to anyone who served: the VA Secretary is a piece of work. He tried to make it impossible for you to get copies of your service records, so that you would not be able to claim benefits under the PACT Act of 2022.

Right now there is a backlog of 24k requests for records under the PACT Act. The records are stored at Iron Mountain. Both Elon and the VA Secretary made a huge stink about Iron Mountain early on. Elon was shit-talking them while the VA Secretary was secretly trying to cancel their contract to retrieve those records.

This wasn't a particularly big contract either, especially given the size of the VA's budget. The Secretary tried to make it sound like he'd stumbled on this yuge source of untapped funds, but it was only about 0.02% of VA's budget. The Secretary said he would use the savings to provide better healthcare for vets, but that requires reprogramming authority it would take minimum six months to obtain.

The dood is also a lawyer and former member of Congress who said on multiple committees that oversaw this shit for ~10 years before the PACT Act was signed. He looks like he's trying to gut it.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:06 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

Forgot to mention, the VA Secretary looks like he's trying to get ahead of this by approving benefits for applicants who already submitted their records and were awaiting a decision. He probably thinks he can use funds appropriated under Biden to buy off the folks with pending applications, while making it impossible for anyone to claim benefits in the future.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:08 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

LAST PSA before I check out, maybe for eternity:

24k military vets dying of cancer are potential clients.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:17 PM
Author: MASE

Someone’s mad all his friends got laid off.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:27 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

Boy, you should see what the USDS folks were saying back in February, when Elon announced that USDS would be "relocated" to the oval office and run by DOGE. They really thought their paychecks might get cut off.

The hot new phrase seems to be "RIF." Elon did a google search and learned that RIFs are possible. He told everyone to do a RIF, through OPM guidance that runs contrary to Elon (and Trump's) own public statements. Elon and Trump will both tell you that these cuts are across the board, nationwide, no holds barred. But the RIF guidance from OPM instructs agencies to consider only the local employment market when making good faith efforts to re-place affected employees. So the RIFs aren't happening.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:33 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

REMINDER for people who took con law: the 5th amendment prohibits deprivations of "property" without due process of law. Separately, the definition of "property" includes gratuitous offers from the government. This is why "entitlement" spending is non-discretionary. Entitlement = property = no deprivation unless you basically committed a crime.

The offer of 8 months paid-leave to government employees = an entitlement. That's how courts are treating it. That's why it got re-opened yesterday. Elon thought he could just announce a cut-off date, and then do what he pleases with anyone who didn't accept the offer. But entitlements don't work that way under US law. A guy from South Africa wouldn't get that.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:38 PM
Author: https://imgur.com/a/o2g8xYK

ADVICE to anyone in the intelligence community with half a brain: Russia and China aren't the only countries hiring folks like you. You can walk into the Colombian embassy tomorrow with a briefcase full of resumes and violate no law.

Also, the people at the FBI who normally investigate that kind of thing all quit. DOJ is empty when Bondi is not in the office.


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Date: March 4th, 2025 8:59 PM
Author: bro bono

Wow, here's a juicy one for MASE:


I have no idea who that guy is, but he's claiming 30 years of cybersecurity experience, and that's in line with my experience with USDS. That agency is relatively new and was boosting its roster at the same time tech companies were shedding talent. USDS was hiring people who had published books on programming and CS. It was offering them the opportunity to build a new agency from scratch, unencumbered by what has been.

Musk also saw it that way, I guess. His first order of business was to create a parallel "USDS," with an official seal and everything. He said it was going to be part of DOGE. He didn't want to deal with any of the BIGTECH talent at the real USDS.

These "fired" employees are still getting paid. Musk told them all their fired, but he can't deliver the coup the grace. If he's lucky, they'll accept settlements that give 1-2 years salary and benefits on the way out the door, but for now they need to play the victim card and claim they were fired.

Moreover, the hamfisted way in which GSA is still managing these employees makes it "lawful" for them to blab to the media like this. I don't know if it actually is lawful, but I know for damn sure this administration won't punish anyone who does it. These people can share as much information with the media as it suits them. They are immune from anything that could conceivably be construed as "retaliation." Angry trumpmos shaking their fists at these people are only making them look like victims of retaliation. This guy put enough info about himself in the article to make himself a victim of retaliation.
