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Is Darryl Cooper cr?

Tucker Carlson and Darryl Cooper: The True History of the Jo...
Red faggotry
Red faggotry
crazy podcast
Red faggotry
aka MartyrMade? he's either a containment cuck, an honest tr...
Dun Nursing Home New Version
his content is pretty hidden online. there are very few podc...
Red faggotry
his main podcast is with jocko willink
Dun Nursing Home New Version
oh ok
Red faggotry
"whatever his motivations and disclaimers, his approach...
cock of michael obama
the idea of someone with views like this making arguments li...
Lascivious Pungent Church Coffee Pot
who is this person?
Red faggotry
he's MartyrMade on twitter basically a BAP type guy but a...
Lascivious Pungent Church Coffee Pot
is he a homisexual?
Red faggotry
he's anti zionist? disagreement here http://www.autoadmit.c...
aphrodisiac green stage
Tucker calling this guy an "historian" is a bit mu...
Red faggotry
He has one of the most bizarre takes on WWII I have ever hea...
cruel-hearted tanning salon
so you do not think the idea that western europe getting inv...
Red faggotry
I think you meant to say East. Yes obviously I think that...
cruel-hearted tanning salon
hes saying what if we don't know who the good guy was.
Red faggotry
Hitler was not hard to understand. Go read Mein Kampf. Go li...
cruel-hearted tanning salon
Read Wotan by Jung
Red faggotry
WW2 was a disaster for Britain, of course they would have be...
passionate overrated theater stage philosopher-king
Yeah but in this future Germany controls all of Western Euro...
cruel-hearted tanning salon
No reason for Germany to move west if they're not at war wit...
passionate overrated theater stage philosopher-king
Counterpoint: Hitler was atrocious and just letting him have...
cruel-hearted tanning salon
He'd have most of Eastern Europe and part of Russia at most....
passionate overrated theater stage philosopher-king
Victimless crimes, Stalin was an isolationist at heart. He w...
cruel-hearted tanning salon
you're losing credibility defending joseph stalin and the US...
aphrodisiac green stage
Stalin never would have attacked Germany. Stalin wasn't thin...
cruel-hearted tanning salon
OK, agree with most of that. Germany invading USSR was a mi...
aphrodisiac green stage
I have never nor will I ever support Josef Stalin. He was a ...
cruel-hearted tanning salon
The threat of Germany running game on the rest of Europe and...
Drab gaped dopamine
passionate overrated theater stage philosopher-king
Not 🔥
Drab gaped dopamine
he's kind of dancing around the core issue, which is that th...
razzle-dazzle fishy library juggernaut
I think he is actually saying that Churchill caused the disa...
cruel-hearted tanning salon
The world would have been far better off if Germany had won ...
aromatic abode
cruel-hearted tanning salon
watching it now. he's hitting on at least hinting about som...
cock of michael obama

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: September 2nd, 2024 1:34 PM
Author: Red faggotry

Tucker Carlson and Darryl Cooper: The True History of the Jonestown Cult, WWII, and How Winston Churchill Ruined Europe



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Date: September 2nd, 2024 2:15 PM
Author: Red faggotry


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Date: September 2nd, 2024 3:40 PM
Author: Red faggotry

crazy podcast


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Date: September 2nd, 2024 3:54 PM
Author: Dun Nursing Home New Version

aka MartyrMade? he's either a containment cuck, an honest truth seeker, or very careful about revealing his power level. i lean toward one of the former.

whatever his motivations and disclaimers, his approach is good for the right in so far as "looking at ww2 objectively not mythologically" is inherently subversive to the current world order. recognizing myth as myth is intrinsically demystifying.

you can't contain really contain ww2 revisionism IMO, you have to ignore it completely and bully people into shutting up, since the official story is so weak and absurd

props to him and Tucker for broaching forbidden topics and reminding the audience that in the "free west" mere inquiry and discourse can land you in jail


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Date: September 2nd, 2024 3:58 PM
Author: Red faggotry

his content is pretty hidden online. there are very few podcasts on the actual podcast channel so id imagine its all behind his substack paywall due to hating jews


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Date: September 2nd, 2024 4:04 PM
Author: Dun Nursing Home New Version

his main podcast is with jocko willink


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Date: September 2nd, 2024 4:06 PM
Author: Red faggotry

oh ok


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Date: September 14th, 2024 5:35 PM
Author: cock of michael obama

"whatever his motivations and disclaimers, his approach is good for the right in so far as "looking at ww2 objectively not mythologically" is inherently subversive to the current world order. recognizing myth as myth is intrinsically demystifying."



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Date: September 2nd, 2024 4:42 PM
Author: Lascivious Pungent Church Coffee Pot

the idea of someone with views like this making arguments like this speaking to Tucker's audience of six gorillion people as recently as like 2018 would be a total absurdity

"Uhhh he doesn't even throw up sieg heils and sing Erika in the middle of the interview FAGGOT CUCK" is such a retarded view


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Date: September 2nd, 2024 4:49 PM
Author: Red faggotry

who is this person?


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Date: September 2nd, 2024 4:58 PM
Author: Lascivious Pungent Church Coffee Pot

he's MartyrMade on twitter

basically a BAP type guy but anti-zionist (not as explicitly anti-semitic as Fuentes etc.)


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Date: September 2nd, 2024 4:58 PM
Author: Red faggotry

is he a homisexual?


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Date: September 6th, 2024 9:06 PM
Author: aphrodisiac green stage

he's anti zionist? disagreement here http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5588524&forum_id=2#48051419


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Date: September 2nd, 2024 6:41 PM
Author: Red faggotry

Tucker calling this guy an "historian" is a bit much but otherwise seems like a fine guy


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Date: September 6th, 2024 7:29 PM
Author: cruel-hearted tanning salon

He has one of the most bizarre takes on WWII I have ever heard. His thesis is that Britain should have made a peace deal with Germany, and that all of the German atrocities in the East are Churchill's fault because he could have just given Germany oil and not fought back. This was all supposedly done according to Cooper, for personal reasons because Churchill felt inadequate and sucked during WWI so his revenge plot was to stand up to Hitler just to make a name for himself.

In order to buy into this bizarre theory you would have to believe that Hitler wasn't a megalomaniac, and that the Nazi regime wasn't evil and bad.

OK, so he is just in a roundabout way saying that Hitler is awesome, the Nazis were great, and Churchill is a bad guy for screwing up Hitler's otherwise sensible plan.

OK if you are a yuge Nazi apologist but this is a phenomenonally sneaky take. He may as well just be honest and say "I love Hitler and he did nothing wrong." But this is very weak sauce to make this Byzantine conduit of an argument. Would rather he just defend Hitler than attack Churchill in the name of defending Hitler.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 7:31 PM
Author: Red faggotry

so you do not think the idea that western europe getting involved led to hitler's military action in the west is a good one?


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Date: September 6th, 2024 7:36 PM
Author: cruel-hearted tanning salon

I think you meant to say East.

Yes obviously I think that Britain standing up to Germany was one of the factors that caused them to invade the Soviet Union. That's not the same as blaming the British for Germany's behavior. I do not believe Germany needed to invade the Soviet Union, and I never have. I don't believe they needed to invade Poland, France, Denmark, or Norway, either. I don't blame Britain for anything Germany did.

If you believe that the Third Reich was an amazing adventure and that the Nazis were the good guys, and sine qua non you would need to in order to arrive at the conclusion that the British were assholes. If you support the Third Reich, Stalin and FDR were also assholes. The only logical viewpoint from which to arrive at Cooper's conclusions is that the Nazis were a Good Thing. Fine, I don't care, but make that argument as opposed to all these other ones.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 7:37 PM
Author: Red faggotry

hes saying what if we don't know who the good guy was.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 7:41 PM
Author: cruel-hearted tanning salon

Hitler was not hard to understand. Go read Mein Kampf. Go listen to his speeches. He told you exactly who he was. If you agree with it, great, you're a Nazi. Obfuscating it is ridiculous. Just be who you is, if you love Hitler, love Hitler. And defend that. "We don't know who the good guys were" is retarded. It's pathetic. TBF is a neo Nazi. He owns it. Just own it.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 7:43 PM
Author: Red faggotry

Read Wotan by Jung


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Date: September 6th, 2024 7:55 PM
Author: passionate overrated theater stage philosopher-king

WW2 was a disaster for Britain, of course they would have been better off staying out of it. Destroying their Empire and bankrupting themselves in order to defend Poland (lmao) was retarded. And then Eastern Europe all went communist anyway.

And that's not even mentioning all the casualties Britain suffered.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 8:30 PM
Author: cruel-hearted tanning salon

Yeah but in this future Germany controls all of Western Europe. It's impossible to predict what would have happened had this been the case. There's an outcome where it's far better than WWII and outcomes where it's worse. It really depends on how much faith and trust you put into the Nazi regime. Would they have eventually moderated? We don't know. They could have potentially kept trying to conquer the world. They could have kept murdering people for ideological reasons. To not stand up to Hitler would be like saying, well, let's just leave him alone and see what happens. We will never know exactly but the risk was too great. Remember, even Kaiser Wilhelm thought Hitler was insane. Lots of sensible people thought the Nazis were out to lunch. If you believe that in an indefinite Nazi regime everything would have been fine I think you're more than a little nuts.

But you're a yuge pussy for even making this about Britain. Stop beating around the bush and tell me why you think the Nazis were awesome.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 8:38 PM
Author: passionate overrated theater stage philosopher-king

No reason for Germany to move west if they're not at war with Britain and France. Germany moved west in response to Britain and France declaring war on them and attacking them.

So ultimately instead of the Soviet Union controlling Eastern Europe, you just have Germany instead. Same difference. (The Soviet Union was just as aggressive as Germany. They both invaded Poland together and split it between them.)

And you get to avoid the war and keep the Empire.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 9:01 PM
Author: cruel-hearted tanning salon

Counterpoint: Hitler was atrocious and just letting him have most of the planet was a really bad idea. Yeah they could have done nothing but also Germany kept trying to take over the world. At least Stalin kept to himself.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 9:15 PM
Author: passionate overrated theater stage philosopher-king

He'd have most of Eastern Europe and part of Russia at most. Which is basically the same that Stalin ended up with (all of Eastern Europe and part of Germany).

The USSR certainly did not keep to itself, they were constantly organizing and arming Communist revolutions and regimes around the world, from Cuba to Vietnam to Africa.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 9:32 PM
Author: cruel-hearted tanning salon

Victimless crimes, Stalin was an isolationist at heart. He was never going to invade Germany. All of those third world shitholds self organized Commie plots on their own. Russia was too poor to materially help them that much. But this is not about that or what the USSR did later on.

Hitler killed way, way more people that Stalin did, and, interestingly, way more Russian people that Stalin did. He literally wanted to take over the world and was insane. He was thousands of times worse than Vlad Putin. As much as I genuinely hate Stalin, Hitler was way more of a ticking time bomb. His level of destruction was totally unsustainable and he had to be opposed by the outside world at all costs.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 9:19 PM
Author: aphrodisiac green stage

you're losing credibility defending joseph stalin and the USSR


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Date: September 6th, 2024 9:28 PM
Author: cruel-hearted tanning salon

Stalin never would have attacked Germany. Stalin wasn't thinking about Germany at all. The argument that Germany 'needed to invade Russia' is used by Nazi apologists today and has been used by them since the end of WWII. It's a facile argument. It's just not true. Stalin was a horrible dude who spent 16 hours a day writing lists of people to murder just because they slighted him. He was an insane mass murderer. But he didn't set out to conquer the planet and was content to keep to his piss poor corner of the world.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 9:41 PM
Author: aphrodisiac green stage

OK, agree with most of that. Germany invading USSR was a miscalculation. But it would've been a good thing if somebody would've taken out Stalin and the USSR in 1941


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Date: September 6th, 2024 9:56 PM
Author: cruel-hearted tanning salon

I have never nor will I ever support Josef Stalin. He was a horrible dude. The problem with saying wouldn't it be grand if the USSR was overthrown is the following:

Russian people writ large are fundamentally retarded. I do not know why this is. I am not saying there aren't a few Sergey Brins in there mixed in. But as a whole, as a people, they are fucking stupid. And maybe that's because of the Czar and centuries of oppressing the peasant class. I don't really know. They seemed to produce a few geniuses like Tolstoy or whatever who was born rich.

My point is - if the Soviet Union had been overthrown, it would have been immediately replaced by another incredibly dumb idea. Also, Russia is such an unbelievable shithole that most people there today believe that Joey Stalin was a great guy (he has a 70% favorability rating, up from 47% 15 years ago) and that the Commies had lots of legitimate achievements.

Imagine how fucking horrible your country would have had to have been in 1917 for Lenin and Stalin to actually "advance" what you were doing. LOL!


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Date: September 6th, 2024 8:52 PM
Author: Drab gaped dopamine

The threat of Germany running game on the rest of Europe and eventually Asia was too great so it was worth losing the empire and basically conceding leadership of the West to fellow anglo US.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 9:17 PM
Author: passionate overrated theater stage philosopher-king



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Date: September 6th, 2024 10:17 PM
Author: Drab gaped dopamine

Not 🔥


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Date: September 6th, 2024 8:46 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle fishy library juggernaut

he's kind of dancing around the core issue, which is that the actions of modern western governments have retroactively de-legitimized the allied 'victory' in WWII. if you defend the allies, you implicitly have to defend the world order which the allies created in the postwar, including mass-immigration and so on.

in that context, the long-term disasters engendered by someone like churchill become a lot more clear.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 9:03 PM
Author: cruel-hearted tanning salon

I think he is actually saying that Churchill caused the disaster of globalism and that Hitler did nothing wrong. He is just not spoon feeding it because of reputational backlash.


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Date: September 6th, 2024 10:14 PM
Author: aromatic abode

The world would have been far better off if Germany had won WWI but not WWII


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Date: September 6th, 2024 10:20 PM
Author: cruel-hearted tanning salon



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Date: September 14th, 2024 5:36 PM
Author: cock of michael obama

watching it now. he's hitting on at least hinting about some forbidden ideas, but he's being careful about it. good interview.
