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Cons there are a bunch of actual libs here coordinating to do a couple of things

1. Drown con talking points out with noise 2. Turn otherwis...
sharia lawyer
stfu kike
Yeah you got me unaccountable pumo alts sheesh nothing gets ...
sharia lawyer
it's more the opposite. there are a bunch of nonwhite peo...
Boner in Yoga Pants
The right is a big tent and frankly most of the people talki...
sharia lawyer
<snip more tangential stuff about "optics"> ...
Gesturing, right. I've sacrificed much, including domestic p...
sharia lawyer
tldr my content over the years speaks for itself and I find ...
sharia lawyer
this is just not a serious POV. Jews have gone too far do...
You can handle it then, I'll focus on other things for now. ...
sharia lawyer
the white race is not a 'big tent.' it's white people; that'...
(mad loser)
DMRT1 knockout lentiviral transfer plasmid
(guy who doesn't belong in this country and is not wanted he...
I'm wanted by more white people than you. I think what re...
DMRT1 knockout lentiviral transfer plasmid
aggressively stupid
im in awe that people actually vote nationally since like 19...
break beds not hearts
cr the Keating–Owen Child Labor Act of 1916 set us on ...
sorry meant 1912, Jekyll Island was 1910
break beds not hearts
Sounds really gay + a waste of time
I alternate between thinking that and seeing how important i...
sharia lawyer
those aren't "people" you're "meeting on the ...
As far as they will go but even farther
What are they? CGI holograms?
sharia lawyer
I’m not coordinating with anyone I’m a freelance...
the alphabet agency “forum sliding” etc strategy...
dont run chaebong hyung the machine sees thru u
I don't even think its alphabet agency type stuff, just peop...
sharia lawyer
sure, i just mean the pros’ (old) playbook is out ther...
dont run chaebong hyung the machine sees thru u
“otherwise productive discussion” tyft.
The whole post is complete horseshit on multiple levels
Oh no I am demoralized!
Candy Ride
(You as Trump is sworn in on January 20 2025)
From prison
Ok we probably don't care because we are psychotic But I've...
sharia lawyer
dont run chaebong hyung the machine sees thru u
im gay
death grip dead bed

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: June 30th, 2024 5:09 AM
Author: sharia lawyer

1. Drown con talking points out with noise

2. Turn otherwise productive discussion into useless and non-productive, not even particularly funny "hate speech". This ends up discrediting the good points that are made

3. Generally demoralize cons with relentless personal attacks

Be on guard if you want to talk politics


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Date: June 30th, 2024 5:18 AM
Author: ..,..,.,.,.,..

stfu kike


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Date: June 30th, 2024 6:57 AM
Author: sharia lawyer

Yeah you got me unaccountable pumo alts sheesh nothing gets by you geniuses

I'm softening on Jews tbh now that they're realizing what the end-game of the Progressive left really is so I won't be bashing them much. The lines have changed in the wake of the Israel-Palestine aftershocks and pretty much everything is open for a second look in my book


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Date: June 30th, 2024 5:19 AM
Author: ,,...,..,.......,..,......,.......,..,.,,

it's more the opposite.

there are a bunch of nonwhite people on xo eager to masquerade as "the REAL right wingers" in order to divert discussion into some toothless "ironic racism/antisemitism" pseudo-intellectual obscurantist wankfest.

the real issues couldn't be clearer or more simple or less intellectually recondite. white countries are being invaded and white people are being genocided -- by people who look a lot like the median poster and his family. it's not some bit of internet frivolity, not some dorm room parlor game. these people fully deserve to be 'hated.' they have to go. it's that simple.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 5:37 AM
Author: Boner in Yoga Pants


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Date: June 30th, 2024 6:53 AM
Author: sharia lawyer

The right is a big tent and frankly most of the people talking about rw politics in public spaces have no conception of "strategy" (I see even less discussion of actionable and shareable tactics these days---not a good sign) and respond better to bullying than argument and sensible points. Really does not inspire me to write the longform stuff or poast the straight up coal that I put out in the Trump years, which whine all you want was still disproportionately influential as I still see talking points of mine being bandied about in similar terms to my own floating around on eg Twitter

Irascible faggotry and general anal-retentive asocial behavior reduces appeal and gives over more and more of the youth to the left, which really matters when physical health and "curb appeal" in general is so poor in America. The average far right guy is not a 6'4" Aryan superman with great facial aesthetics so there has to be compensation or "give" somewhere. Some think the left uses all sorts of complex psychological tactics and brainwashing to fill out their youth wing but if you actually pay any attention to their recruitment styles and techniques it's pretty obvious that they pull numbers just by being nice and sympathetic to potential recruits. Obvious places for right wing recruitment otoh, eg firing ranges, gyms, etc are usually filled with a mixture of cantankerous GOPe olds and asocial youngs. Granted rw politics are a harder sell to youth than left wing---little mass media or cultural support and most pick it up from family and upbringing compared to peers or encounters with recruiters. It's worth noting that if the alt right back in its prime was solely defined by internet nazis without any of the cheek or irony or pure fun factor that that wide 4chan (not even just /pol/) and /thedonald/ incubation brought to the development of the movement, Trump would not have been elected. Once the Boomers are gone, recruitment to non-GOPe politics will be an utmost priority as the numbers will not be there demographically to be democratically competitive in many contested areas

Frankly I don't think the non-market right has any idea what it's doing at all other than mirroring one of the strongest critiques of the non-market left, that their politics are driven by resent, nor does it have much of an appealing plan for the future which is just going to lead to more of its subsumption into neocon-uniparty trash by another name type "conservatism" as well as the continued general demoralization of the movement

The alt right must adapt and find its new center if it's going to stay viable while keeping the points that really matter front and center (closing the border, deportations, fixing the demographic situation, removing organized crime, increasing white and right wing solidarity, and something very important that isn't discussed at all atm---setting up parallel ethnic influence networks that can effectively rival eg SPLC or AIPAC. Hell, even the Armenians are crushing it in that ring these days. We could take a page out of the Cubans' book)


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Date: June 30th, 2024 7:46 AM
Author: .,.,...,..,.,.,:,,:,...,:::,....,:,...:.:.,:.::,..

<snip more tangential stuff about "optics">

why don't you lay your cards on the table. are you in any way a White Nationalist, or are you a multiculutral/multiracialist "right winger"? because the interests of the two do not overlap.

you and a lot of others seem to be doing a bait-and-switch where you spice up your takes by gesturing, feinting, towards WN, but then it turns out to be about ... something else.

also, you claim to be married to a Jew while *gesturing* towards JQ stuff, which is just bizarre.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 8:45 AM
Author: sharia lawyer

Gesturing, right. I've sacrificed much, including domestic peace, for no benefit or gain for rw garbage and I'm starting to think that was a colossal mistake. Let's talk about the issues at hand here instead of dragging every single potentially interesting discussion about politics/the future/social problems into catty personal swipes and frankly creepy fishing for personal information on a forum with very little privacy, and a lot of weirdoes lurking in the background

All of the things I've stated at the bottom are my political desires. I have dated women of all colors and races and on a personal level do not care much about the race or ideological subscription of people in my personal life, but I prefer living in a white country with a majority white population, have a duty to my people to fulfill, and spent about a decade talking and writing about how to make that possible without navel-gazing and the cop out of reiterating mostly impossible fantasies of regression into the mid-modern past. Looking for an alternative to whatever's on display in right wing politics atm and will probably spend the next year or two designing one since I don't like much of what's on the table. Nothing says "sclerotic" in a movement to me like dogma-checking by self appointed gatekeepers; these days I will take a movement closer to the center that actually allows for free discussion, the embrace of novelty, idea experimentation, and the other hallmarks of political liberty that usually determine cultural generative ability in a political movement

edited for brevity: re the "JQ" my opinions have softened, especially since it's becoming apparent that many on the far right are just devolving into barbarism on the topic. I don't support indiscriminate slaughter/genocide/etc and don't think it's going to come to that. The portion of people talking about that sort of thing, from personal experience, is 80%+ people in their teens and 20s being edgy and deriving fun (and it is fun) from shock humor while exploring the very masculine and vital ideologies from the early 1900s but I find it hard to believe that calls for death camps etc are sincere beyond that. It's normal to have a healthy skepticism of outsiders, the fundamental difference involved there has been exposed to average people, and I'll continue with that but getting older it's not as much of a priority for me. Deportations, increasing immigration flows from Europe, implementing policy to tackle birthrates, promoting localism/decentralization, and trying to revive the systems that sustain and feed the right culturally would solve a large portion of the complaints the right has and a good chunk of the problems that the country has


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Date: June 30th, 2024 9:24 AM
Author: sharia lawyer

tldr my content over the years speaks for itself and I find this line of questioning useless, counterproductive, weird

I don't support genocide of any type and once the Jews stop celebrating white decline and death I lose interest in them. Israel/Palestine situation is giving them cause to reflect and generally exposed the strength of AIPAC/ADL type orgs and the chain of interests attached to them so we will see what happens but I'm done talking about it

White nation good, white majority population good, not happy with what the alt right has degenerated into, looking to remake the vibes and energy of '16 but in a different direction as something to do in the interim


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Date: June 30th, 2024 9:56 AM
Author: .,.,...,..,.,.,:,,:,...,:::,....,:,...:.:.,:.::,..

this is just not a serious POV.

Jews have gone too far down the path of anti-white genocidal treachery to be embraced as 'allies' the moment it becomes temporarily expedient to them. they are a demonstrated, virulently hostile out-group. too much has been said and done to be 'forgiven'.

re: 'death camps'. i find the moralizing about hypothetical 'Nazi death camps' that have not existed/will not exist to be tedious. the only genocidal 'death camps' are the ones Jews (and admittedly, their non-Jew ZOG enablers) have erected. the conditions that whites in the US and EU live under are structurally genocidal, by the definitions of the UN Charter on Genocide, in that they are designed to:

"(b) Cause serious bodily or mental harm to members of an [ethnic] group; (c) Deliberately inflict on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Impose measures intended to prevent births within the group."

the causes of white extinction are not blind forces of nature. they have been created by human beings, who have been disproportionately Jewish.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 10:14 AM
Author: sharia lawyer

You can handle it then, I'll focus on other things for now. I'm burnt out on the topic and think it's possible things will change. It's a big tent and that's a strength


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Date: June 30th, 2024 10:29 AM
Author: ,.,....,.,.,.,:,,:,...,:::,.,,:,.,.:..,:.::,.

the white race is not a 'big tent.' it's white people; that's the whole tent.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 12:13 PM
Author: ""''"''


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:42 AM
Author: DMRT1 knockout lentiviral transfer plasmid

(mad loser)


Reply Favorite

Date: June 30th, 2024 11:46 AM
Author: ,,...,..,.......,..,......,.......,..,.,,

(guy who doesn't belong in this country and is not wanted here but is too shameless to leave


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Date: June 30th, 2024 12:15 PM
Author: DMRT1 knockout lentiviral transfer plasmid

I'm wanted by more white people than you.

I think what really stings you, more than anything else - the fact that the vast majority of the people you consider your own just don't like the way you think. This is how Julian the Apostate felt in Antioch, except that he had a point.


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:50 AM
Author: aggressively stupid


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:35 PM
Author: correction


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Date: June 30th, 2024 8:12 AM
Author: break beds not hearts

im in awe that people actually vote nationally since like 1916


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Date: June 30th, 2024 8:33 AM
Author: potluck

cr the Keating–Owen Child Labor Act of 1916 set us on an irreversible course


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Date: June 30th, 2024 9:21 AM
Author: break beds not hearts

sorry meant 1912, Jekyll Island was 1910


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Date: June 30th, 2024 9:21 AM
Author: wangfei


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Date: June 30th, 2024 10:09 AM
Author: MASE

Sounds really gay + a waste of time


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Date: June 30th, 2024 10:15 AM
Author: sharia lawyer

I alternate between thinking that and seeing how important internet discussion is to random people you meet even on the street

Digital democracy is here for better or for worse


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Date: June 30th, 2024 10:23 AM
Author: As far as they will go but even farther (🧐)

those aren't "people" you're "meeting on the street"


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Date: June 30th, 2024 10:24 AM
Author: sharia lawyer

What are they? CGI holograms?


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Date: June 30th, 2024 10:16 AM
Author: "''"'"'""'""

I’m not coordinating with anyone I’m a freelancer


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Date: June 30th, 2024 10:19 AM
Author: dont run chaebong hyung the machine sees thru u

the alphabet agency “forum sliding” etc strategy sheet has been out there for what, a decade now?


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Date: June 30th, 2024 10:24 AM
Author: sharia lawyer

I don't even think its alphabet agency type stuff, just people coordinating to make us look like psychotic extremists (which some are), muddy the discourse, and stir up intrawing conflict. I could be wrong though, who knows what's going on now with this election coming up


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:11 PM
Author: dont run chaebong hyung the machine sees thru u

sure, i just mean the pros’ (old) playbook is out there for any sufficiently deranged, coordinated, and motivated group to pick up and use


Reply Favorite

Date: June 30th, 2024 11:33 AM
Author: ...,.,...,..,.,..,.,,



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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:38 AM
Author: joey.

“otherwise productive discussion”



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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:49 AM
Author: '''""'""''

The whole post is complete horseshit on multiple levels


Reply Favorite

Date: June 30th, 2024 12:14 PM
Author: Candy Ride

Oh no I am demoralized!


Reply Favorite

Date: June 30th, 2024 12:17 PM
Author: MASE

(You as Trump is sworn in on January 20 2025)


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Date: June 30th, 2024 12:19 PM
Author: '''""'""''

From prison


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Date: June 30th, 2024 12:24 PM
Author: MASE


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:21 PM
Author: sharia lawyer

Ok we probably don't care because we are psychotic

But I've seen some of these manuals on tactics relating to internet engagement and the real aim is not people who are powerusing but rather the crowds of average people who are disproportionately informed by limited engagement with the discourse

I don't know how or why (it got this frivolous) but this is what the data says


Reply Favorite

Date: June 30th, 2024 11:34 PM
Author: dont run chaebong hyung the machine sees thru u


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Date: June 30th, 2024 11:36 PM
Author: death grip dead bed

im gay
