The Cryptocurrency Scam and the Future of Inflationary Bailouts
| cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | donald j trump | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | """'"'"""'' | 03/08/25 | | ..,,....,,.,..,,..,,...,...,,....,..., | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | """'"'"""'' | 03/08/25 | | eloi | 03/08/25 | | To be fair | 03/09/25 | | '''''"'"''"' | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | '''''"'"''"' | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | .,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,..,.,.,.,. | 03/08/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/08/25 | | spritexero | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | spritexero | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | spritexero | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | spritexero | 03/08/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/08/25 | | Wow 180, tp | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | Wow 180, tp | 03/08/25 | | sealclubber | 03/08/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | FASE | 03/08/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/08/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/08/25 | | ...........,.,.,............:::: | 03/08/25 | | Trust If Aryan | 03/08/25 | | To be fair | 03/09/25 | | cock of michael obama | 03/09/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: March 8th, 2025 11:44 AM Author: cock of michael obama
This post criticizes cryptocurrency as a negative reflection of the world’s increasing corruption and material “solidification”. It outlines three increasingly subtle methods of analyzing the space: first, as revolutionary technology; second, as a fraud-ridden space, notably with Tether; and third, as a controlled system used by elites to test technologies for central bank digital currencies. It argues that the crypto fraud will eventually be offloaded onto the public, leading to even higher inflation as the West shifts toward a more controlled, manipulative system that consolidates power and erodes freedom.
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Date: March 8th, 2025 12:27 PM Author: donald j trump
DeepSeek, rewrite this sentence for style: In the entertaining and thought-provoking short story The Minority Report (1956) by Philip K. Dick - who’s mind-expansive, gnostic-leaning short stories I loved growing up and which I recommend1 - the protagonist, John Anderton, works in a law enforcement role within a "precrime" unit.
DeepSeek said: In Philip K. Dick's captivating and thought-provoking 1956 short story The Minority Report—whose mind-expanding, gnostic-tinged tales I adored growing up and highly recommend—the protagonist, John Anderton, serves in a law enforcement role within a "precrime" unit.
Now remove the Reddit sensibility.
DeepSeek said: In Philip K. Dick's thought-provoking 1956 short story The Minority Report, the protagonist, John Anderton, works in a law enforcement role within a "precrime" unit, a concept that reflects Dick's characteristic exploration of expansive, gnostic themes.
Now punch it up. Make it interesting like a first sentence from a Tom Wolfe essay
DeepSeek said: In The Minority Report, Philip K. Dick plunges readers into a chilling, dystopian world where the future is predicted and crimes are prevented before they happen, all through the eyes of John Anderton, a law enforcement officer in a "precrime" unit—a job that might sound like justice, but feels more like a time bomb waiting to explode.
See how much more readable it can be?
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Date: March 8th, 2025 11:45 AM
Author: ..,,....,,.,..,,..,,...,...,,....,...,
Did you stop posting for a while? You should just stay gone
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Date: March 8th, 2025 12:12 PM
Author: .,.,.,.,.,.,..,.,..,.,.,.,.
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Date: March 8th, 2025 3:45 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,............::::
orthodox christian who knows that this is a fallen world; hence privately owned central bank usury is a feature, not a bug
lmao at his goofy "age of Aquarius" heretical, retardo hopes
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Date: March 8th, 2025 3:52 PM Author: cock of michael obama
Orthodox Christianity was explored here if you have interest:
Re: the Age of Aquarius, that relates to Jung's interpretation:
“The astrological sign of Pisces consists of two fishes which were frequently regarded as moving in opposite directions. Traditionally, the reign of Christ corresponds to the first fish and ended with the first millennium, whereas the second fish coincides with the reign of Antichrist, now nearing its end with the entry of the vernal equinox into the sign of Aquarius.”
[Hoeller]: Speaking of Jung, it is no doubt known to many that his mysterious and long-awaited book Liber Novus (The Red Book) has been published at last. One of the principal disclosures to be found in this work is Jung’s belief that the Age of Aquarius is upon us, that significant changes in the consciousness of humanity are taking place, and that more of the same may be expected in the future. The “Aeon of Aquarius,” as Jung calls it, will eventually bring great psychological changes in its wake, amounting to a new religious consciousness which will differ greatly from the religious consciousness of the Piscean Age. It will manifest primarily in a new God-image that was very important to the ancient Gnostics and that in various ways has made its appearance throughout history in the esoteric tradition.
Two thousand and some years ago a new religion constellated itself in the Mediterranean region. With that religion came a new myth of redemption, centred in the image of Jesus, the Saviour God. Now Jung is telling us in The Red Book that the Aeon of Aquarius is upon us, and with it comes the new God-image of the God within. This image is of course none other than the God to whom St. Paul referred as “the Christ in you, our hope of glory.” It is also the indwelling Christ affirmed and venerated in the Gnostic tradition.
There is no doubt that Jung saw in the new Gnostic Renaissance, which began with the discovery in 1945 of the Nag Hammadi library, a manifestation of his own prophecy in the then still secret Red Book. The connection of Jung’s prophecy with the tradition of Gnosis is unmistakable.
In his Red Book, Jung stated clearly that the task of the present and near future was “to give birth to the ancient in a new time,” and he clearly meant the Gnostic tradition is in fact that ancient thing to which he and others were giving birth.
I have spent a very large portion of my adult life studying and commenting upon the work of Jung and the Gnostic sacred writings. I should say, then, that humanity today is experiencing the rebirth of Gnosticism, and its principal God-image is being born in a new time. The esoteric as well as the exoteric implications of this process are momentous."
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Date: March 8th, 2025 3:57 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,............::::
yea i read that.
there isn't a real doctrinal criticism besides the tired Catholic/Protestant legal-rationalist criticisms of Orthodox 'mysticism'
his main criticism seem to be "oh it just doesn't seem to have traction in this (fallen) world, thus its just not relevant"
if anything, as the world becomes more fallen, i'd imagine that Orthodoxy becomes more marginalized (which is foretold)
just like the Jews, he seems to be looking for a Messiah in this world, which is the fatal flaw in his thinking
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Date: March 8th, 2025 4:49 PM Author: spritexero
audibly lol'ed. you're doing it!
every time i try to give you the benefit of the doubt, you show how utterly intellectually unserious and naive you are. 'i want to write a blog about the world, but nah, i'm good, i don't want to become historically literate; i'll just trust Nietzsche's world historical fantasies. anyway, everything before 1700 prob not relevant. proof it's working? oh, my non-quantitative self-evaluated metric' gtfo
when you post this twaddle on here, i occasionally read it b/c it seems like you're at least trying to write something that isn't pozzed propaganda. but not being pozzed is a pretty low bar--at some point you need to add something of value, not just regurgitate the handful of philosophical sources you 'vibe with'.
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Date: March 8th, 2025 5:43 PM
Author: ...........,.,.,............::::
"This is taking me in all sorts of interesting and strange directions"
*farts cum*
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Date: March 8th, 2025 3:26 PM Author: Wow 180, tp
So just buy autoadmit coin
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Date: March 9th, 2025 12:36 AM Author: To be fair (Semi-Retarded)
To be fair,
"Sorry babe, I know we said we'd go tonight, but plans just changed... you know that (((Consuela))) guy I've been telling you about for all of these years? The internet man? Yeah, so he just dropped another long 'Substack' post explaining for the 100000th time how ackkkshually he's still right about crypto (always has been in fact) and it's a total scam etc etc etc, even though admittedly he's infinitely poorer now than he would have been if he had just shut the fuck up and bought some goddamn BTC a decade ago or whatever."
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