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Epstein case raises interesting point about human nature

assuming there are dozens/hundreds of famous and important p...
Electric Pontificating Stage
White women aged 15-17 are the most attractive
Titillating hospital
Overrated main people windowlicker
human civilization, sentience - boils down to, in the end. t...
Overrated main people windowlicker
shimmering shaky liquid oxygen garrison
Reminder that 16-year-olds are legal almost everywhere in th...
Excitant Pit
Crusty vermilion people who are hurt
the federal common law age of consent is still 10, as far as...
Ruddy Forum
incredible thread
Overrated main people windowlicker
important post http://xoxohth.com/thread.php?thread_id=38...
Electric Pontificating Stage
originated from http://xoxohth.com/thread.php?thread_id=3...
Overrated main people windowlicker
Overrated main people windowlicker
It only implies that about the people in power. There are pe...
pearly theater famous landscape painting
oh you think you're better than the billionaires and princes...
Electric Pontificating Stage
as if these people couldn't have figured out how to find sim...
Rough-skinned Psychic
that's irrelevant to my point. epstein merely served as a si...
Electric Pontificating Stage
You can infer it’s intrinsic to humanity by noting tha...
Jade Gunner
it seems universal (across cultures, across history) that on...
Electric Pontificating Stage
Intrinsic to humanity yes, but not something that can’...
pearly theater famous landscape painting
men w/ trillions of dollars and governmental power and geniu...
Electric Pontificating Stage
“Genius level IQ” yeah ok lol.
pearly theater famous landscape painting
there were nobel prize winners in physics who were buddy-bud...
Electric Pontificating Stage
Real men have sex with children. You sound like a shitlib
Jade Gunner
Reasonable enough
cracking location
Sepia death wish trust fund
Why are you bringing pre-teens into this you sicko?
Haunting beta casino
I assume he means 16 and 17
cracking location
you're pedo, we get it
Scarlet Indirect Expression Whorehouse
No. Sex is gay
galvanic spot
yes apparently young teens are at the top of maslow’s ...
Self-centered Idiot
It might be more like a pact. If you are in the pedo ring...
flatulent sweet tailpipe
it's no coincidence that if you peel back the layers of any ...
Electric Pontificating Stage
Aphrodisiac Senate
This entire Epstein charade is designed to lay the foundatio...
out-of-control institution elastic band
"is a fundamental human urge - paramount, supreme, cann...
Misunderstood jew mental disorder
seems that epstein's clientele had maximal resources and inc...
Electric Pontificating Stage
Yeah man. We're just animals with base desires. OKCupid grap...
cocky scourge upon the earth
Titillating hospital
the fact that wealthy powerful men would risk death in jail ...
Electric Pontificating Stage
The thing about being wealthy and powerful is that you don't...
cocky scourge upon the earth
Electric Pontificating Stage
He was mostly fucking 16 year Olds which I honestly consider...
pearl floppy business firm factory reset button
which then says something else that's noteworthy: the differ...
Electric Pontificating Stage
epstein did nothing wrong, at least as far as I can tell...1...
Ruddy Forum
It's not illegal to fuck them in most syate. I think the ...
shivering boyish dopamine foreskin
I think there's two parts. One, this is a way to show how po...
Irradiated Parlour
tcr. And add thrill-seeking generally. I remember reading ...
Thriller purple azn
Exactly. It's thrill-seeking more than anything else. For ...
Marvelous fiercely-loyal blood rage
epstein case shows that.
Overrated main people windowlicker
Overrated main people windowlicker
Overrated main people windowlicker
fluffy property becky
Overrated main people windowlicker
There are planty of people who are not interested in this ki...
ocher heady shrine yarmulke
Cr. Plus some people will literally go along with it to fit ...
Slimy Useless Juggernaut
Overrated main people windowlicker
Overrated main people windowlicker
nig therapy spotify podcast
this implies they ever thought they could lose anything as a...
(no homo)

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:12 PM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage

assuming there are dozens/hundreds of famous and important people, billionaires and world leaders, implicated in his child sex trafficking ring

and assuming there are shadowy cabals of elite organizations that are supporting or suppressing or weaponizing all this

then it strongly implies that human sexuality - particularly, abject illicit depraved sexuality involving helpless minors

- is a fundamental human urge - paramount, supreme, cannot be sublimated away, something for which you would do anything for, including risking everything you have

when you literally have it all.

entire governments and dynasties and unimaginable fortunes (let alone human lives) staked as casual collateral for the chance to get your elderly rocks off on teen or pre-teen holes

that's what all of this - human civilization, sentience - boils down to, in the end. teen and pre-teen holes. the proof is in the pudding. epstein case shows that.


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Date: August 11th, 2019 4:04 PM
Author: Titillating hospital

White women aged 15-17 are the most attractive


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Date: August 13th, 2019 5:14 PM
Author: Overrated main people windowlicker


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Date: August 15th, 2019 3:46 PM
Author: Overrated main people windowlicker

human civilization, sentience - boils down to, in the end. teen and pre-teen holes. the proof is in the pudding. epstein case shows that.


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:13 PM
Author: shimmering shaky liquid oxygen garrison



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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:14 PM
Author: Excitant Pit

Reminder that 16-year-olds are legal almost everywhere in the first world other than a handful of US states, and that age of consent is either 14 or 15 in most EU countries


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:26 PM
Author: Crusty vermilion people who are hurt


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:49 PM
Author: Ruddy Forum

the federal common law age of consent is still 10, as far as I know...it was quite common for girls to get pregnant starting at 12 or 13 for most of human existence...the only people who ever cared about sex with minors were religious nutters and women....until about 50 years ago or so...now, no man was going to accept his young daughter having sex or being impregnated unless the young man married her...the media and the elites have pushed the female point of view on us--that sex with minors is a horrible crime..

epstein was accused of having sex with girls as young as 14, which is the age of consent in much of europe and indeed in most of the world...


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:14 PM
Author: Overrated main people windowlicker

incredible thread


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:49 PM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage

important post



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Date: August 11th, 2019 4:01 PM
Author: Overrated main people windowlicker

originated from



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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:14 PM
Author: Overrated main people windowlicker


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:16 PM
Author: pearly theater famous landscape painting

It only implies that about the people in power. There are people who aren’t acquisitive and seek ascetic enlightenment, become monks, etc. and in between there are plenty of people who just want to get by and don’t crave teenage harems or whatever.


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:23 PM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage

oh you think you're better than the billionaires and princes and nobel prizes winners who JUMPED at the chance to risk everything they built in order to abuse children as soon as epstein offered them plausible protection? you're just a depressed fag w/o means. sad!


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:27 PM
Author: Rough-skinned Psychic

as if these people couldn't have figured out how to find similar girls without epstein


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:37 PM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage

that's irrelevant to my point. epstein merely served as a single point of failure through which a broad swath of this behavior could be simultaneously exposed


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:25 PM
Author: Jade Gunner

You can infer it’s intrinsic to humanity by noting that those in power get what they want that others don’t have the means to get


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:38 PM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage

it seems universal (across cultures, across history) that once you're rich and powerful to the point where money becomes trivial, then the only currency worth trafficking in is teen and pre-teen holes, and the number of orgasms secured therein


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:39 PM
Author: pearly theater famous landscape painting

Intrinsic to humanity yes, but not something that can’t be subverted or retracted. People only claim that it is to justify their lecherous behavior.


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:43 PM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage

men w/ trillions of dollars and governmental power and genius level IQ at their disposal: "yeah, fucking kids is worth throwing away everything i've lived my entire life for"

Oh, you travel?: in this moment i am euphoric - not because of any kiddie's slimeholes, but because i am enlightened, by my own intelligence.


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:44 PM
Author: pearly theater famous landscape painting

“Genius level IQ” yeah ok lol.


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:45 PM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage

there were nobel prize winners in physics who were buddy-buddy with epstein. you can presume they're innocent until proven guilty, but i won't.


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:56 PM
Author: Jade Gunner

Real men have sex with children. You sound like a shitlib


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:17 PM
Author: cracking location

Reasonable enough


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:24 PM
Author: Sepia death wish trust fund


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:24 PM
Author: Haunting beta casino

Why are you bringing pre-teens into this you sicko?


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:26 PM
Author: cracking location

I assume he means 16 and 17


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:25 PM
Author: Scarlet Indirect Expression Whorehouse

you're pedo, we get it


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:27 PM
Author: galvanic spot

No. Sex is gay


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:27 PM
Author: Self-centered Idiot

yes apparently young teens are at the top of maslow’s heirarchy


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:27 PM
Author: flatulent sweet tailpipe

It might be more like a pact.

If you are in the pedo ring, you can never get out and you can never turn against your fellow ring members.

All the politics we see on TV is just theater for proles.


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:40 PM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage

it's no coincidence that if you peel back the layers of any powerful society, you will find that elite pedo rings are the prime movers.


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Date: September 27th, 2020 8:51 PM
Author: Aphrodisiac Senate


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Date: August 11th, 2019 3:47 PM
Author: out-of-control institution elastic band

This entire Epstein charade is designed to lay the foundation for pedo normalization


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Date: August 11th, 2019 4:43 PM
Author: Misunderstood jew mental disorder

"is a fundamental human urge - paramount, supreme, cannot be sublimated away, something for which you would do anything for, including risking everything you have"

how does this prove "cannot be"? only proves that epstein ring "did not"


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Date: August 11th, 2019 5:18 PM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage

seems that epstein's clientele had maximal resources and incentive to do so. but they couldn't do it.


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Date: August 11th, 2019 5:21 PM
Author: cocky scourge upon the earth

Yeah man. We're just animals with base desires. OKCupid graph showing men of any age prefer 19 year olds shows that. If men were shown pictures they'd probably pick 16 year olds over 19 year olds.

Why do you think dating in your late 20s/early 30s is so depressing? You get none of the beauty/youth/vitality that your genes desire, but all of the mental illnesses.


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Date: August 11th, 2019 5:29 PM
Author: Titillating hospital



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Date: August 11th, 2019 10:06 PM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage

the fact that wealthy powerful men would risk death in jail to have sex with 16 y/os, rather than 18 y/os, shows how powerful the "urge" is. it's powerful indeed, and very very depraved.


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Date: August 13th, 2019 11:48 AM
Author: cocky scourge upon the earth

The thing about being wealthy and powerful is that you don't end up in jail!


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Date: August 13th, 2019 11:47 AM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage


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Date: August 13th, 2019 11:49 AM
Author: pearl floppy business firm factory reset button

He was mostly fucking 16 year Olds which I honestly consider absolutely nothing wrong with


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Date: August 13th, 2019 11:56 AM
Author: Electric Pontificating Stage

which then says something else that's noteworthy: the difference between 16 y/o and 18 y/o pussy (not even normalized - the 18 y/o pussy could have been systematically selected from the top talent in the entire world, the 16 y/o pussy was mostly random girls approached off the street) is so large and psychologically appealing that the most powerful men in the world are willing to put EVERYTHING on the line to get it


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Date: August 18th, 2020 12:20 AM
Author: Ruddy Forum

epstein did nothing wrong, at least as far as I can tell...16 year old pussy? So fucking what? Who cares? It's not illegal in most states...and wasn't he doing it OVERSEAS, anyway? WTF? who cares?


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Date: August 18th, 2020 8:05 AM
Author: shivering boyish dopamine foreskin

It's not illegal to fuck them in most syate.

I think the troubling aspect is more that they are so young that they aren't expected by the law to be able to enter into contracts, including and perhaps especially for prostitution.


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Date: August 15th, 2019 3:49 PM
Author: Irradiated Parlour

I think there's two parts. One, this is a way to show how powerful and above it all they are, the rules don't apply to us even slightly

Second, and probably more importantly, is that this is the only thing that's still forbidden to them. Multi-billionaires can literally bang swimsuit models on private yachts, on demand, while their personal chef cooks them a 5* meal below decks. That sounds (and is) 180 in every way but imagine getting *bored* of that to the point where it no longer brings you a thrill. Where do you turn next?


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Date: August 15th, 2019 3:54 PM
Author: Thriller purple azn

tcr. And add thrill-seeking generally. I remember reading an article about why modern people, who live in the safest time in human history, insist on a bunch of dangerous activities - skiing, skydiving, driving really fast, etc. The theory went that people want a measure of risk or they get bored. This fits the bill.


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Date: September 6th, 2019 3:54 PM
Author: Marvelous fiercely-loyal blood rage

Exactly. It's thrill-seeking more than anything else. For these guys, it was young teens. For others, it's scatological play, nullo-ism, ritual sacrifice or snuff parties. For XO'ers, it's turning off the cellphone flashlight.


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Date: September 6th, 2019 3:45 PM
Author: Overrated main people windowlicker

epstein case shows that.


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Date: March 20th, 2020 10:06 PM
Author: Overrated main people windowlicker


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Date: August 18th, 2020 12:09 AM
Author: Overrated main people windowlicker


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Date: August 18th, 2020 12:11 AM
Author: fluffy property becky


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Date: December 29th, 2021 10:38 PM
Author: Overrated main people windowlicker


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Date: December 29th, 2021 10:48 PM
Author: ocher heady shrine yarmulke

There are planty of people who are not interested in this kind of thing. Epstein circle isn’t “all” but “some of”


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Date: December 29th, 2021 11:00 PM
Author: Slimy Useless Juggernaut

Cr. Plus some people will literally go along with it to fit in and get in with the right people. They may well have preferred someone older and/or more willing but the girls are attractive enough.


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Date: March 20th, 2022 7:02 PM
Author: Overrated main people windowlicker


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Date: October 14th, 2022 10:13 AM
Author: Overrated main people windowlicker


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Date: March 6th, 2025 3:42 PM
Author: nig therapy spotify podcast


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Date: March 6th, 2025 3:44 PM
Author: (no homo)

this implies they ever thought they could lose anything as a result. they knew there would never be any real consequences
