Congestion pricing is evidence that proles need a punch in the face sometimes
| LathamTouchedMe | 01/14/25 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/14/25 | | zesty | 01/14/25 | | the place where there is no darkness | 01/14/25 | | jag | 01/14/25 | | Tutu-fueled Red PissWang Rampage | 01/15/25 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/15/25 | | AZNgirl in Palisades throwing Dad into Fire | 01/14/25 | | LathamTouchedMe | 01/14/25 | | N904PD | 01/14/25 | | internet guy | 01/14/25 | | LathamTouchedMe | 01/14/25 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/14/25 | | chink wigger | 01/14/25 | | UN peacekeeper | 01/14/25 | | \"''"\'"\'\"\''"\' | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | internet guy | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | internet guy | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | internet guy | 01/14/25 | | Jizzy Gillespie | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | ,..,,,,,,....,,,..., | 01/14/25 | | reality, sorry dad | 01/15/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/15/25 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | Drunkard | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | Drunkard | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | Drunkard | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | Drunkard | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | Harry Truman | 01/14/25 | | LathamTouchedMe | 01/14/25 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | LathamTouchedMe | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | LathamTouchedMe | 01/14/25 | | internet guy | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | internet guy | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | Heart of a woman, strength of a man. | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | Heart of a woman, strength of a man. | 01/14/25 | | Kris Kringle Did Nothing Wrong | 01/14/25 | | Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster | 01/14/25 | | .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.. | 01/14/25 | | Ass Sunstein | 01/15/25 | | Harry Truman | 01/14/25 | | Jizzy Gillespie | 01/14/25 | | Tutu-fueled Red PissWang Rampage | 01/15/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: January 14th, 2025 11:08 AM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
you pee sitting down and fart cum from your asshole and you are recent immigrant trash and aren't better than any of the "proles" you shit on.
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Date: January 15th, 2025 7:49 AM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
I don’t like Elon or Tesla or twitter. Melania is 180.
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Date: January 14th, 2025 10:58 AM Author: AZNgirl in Palisades throwing Dad into Fire
wasnt the holland tunnel toll already like $10+? so these fags already had an incentive not to drive plus they had to pay for parking
but yeah furk carmos, they shld be charged by the mile each mile they drive just to punish them
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Date: January 14th, 2025 11:10 AM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
you pee sitting down and fart cum out of your asshole when you aren't talking out of it
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Date: January 14th, 2025 11:19 AM Author: Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster (gunneratttt)
"you know what would solve this? a regressive tax!"
this is the liberal answer to every problem
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Date: January 14th, 2025 11:37 AM Author: Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster (gunneratttt)
do you think they're just driving in rush hour just because?
it's congested because people who have to show up to work cannot afford to live where they work. and you want the solution to be to make it more expensive for them?
blue collar prole suffering through congestion every day to do necessary work. faggot screenjob guy "we should charge them more during rush hour because they can't afford it and they'll stay off the highway and away from their families even longer!"
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Date: January 14th, 2025 11:42 AM Author: internet guy
"do you think they're just driving in rush hour just because?"
Yes, obviously they are. They are getting chicken fingers from Wendys and stuff. Especially given that traffic has dropped more than 30% almost immediately after a slight financial deterrence.
Take public transportation if you want to live in the most crowded expensive city in the US.
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Date: January 14th, 2025 4:47 PM Author: ,..,,,,,,....,,,...,
The character of low income prole commuting by car from the Bronx to lower Manhattan is a pure figment of your imagination. Most NYC proles don’t even own a car. The car owners skew wealthier or work in the outer boroughs. Parking and tolls are already cost-prohibitive for someone with shit income going downtown every day.
And delivery costs to Manhattan are already high. Congestion pricing could lower them if they cut time waiting in traffic. If not, the wealthiest consumers in America will bear the burden of getting their shit delivered. Oh, the horror!
The target here is random idiots driving around NYC for dumb reasons like “I moved here from Ohio and think you can’t walk with groceries” or “I compensate for my tiny penis with this large loud vehicle that goes 10 mph on average” or “my drug-dealing business is really taking off, time to buy a sick Nissan and go get a new T-shirt in SoHo.”
Date: January 14th, 2025 11:47 AM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
"public transportation" is obviously an outdated relic of a bygone era. it's cute that libs like to pretend it's still 1991 and cling to it along with their precious "cities" that are also irrelevant in the modern world.
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Date: January 14th, 2025 11:51 AM Author: Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster (gunneratttt)
this is why we can't have nice things.
shitcons don't want to do public works and shitlibs think everything can be fixed with taxes. so we wind up with a crumbling shithole country that's somehow more expensive than ever.
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Date: January 14th, 2025 12:11 PM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
"nice things" = being able to take your own car from point A to point B. no one takes public transit because they want to.
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Date: January 14th, 2025 12:26 PM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
ideally no one would commute or travel in/out and around cities and they would just stop existing. cities only exist for economic purposes and many of those are outdated.
libs care deeply about climate change and were very concerned about covid variants yet threw both to the wind when they threatened the economic viability of their precious cities:
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Date: January 14th, 2025 12:46 PM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
you were linking above about HSR connecting DC and NYC, which is entirely different than local lines for commuters/workers in the cities. my point about cities being irrelevant is probably why they are resorting to congestion pricing. fewer people actually need to go to cities to work so they'll squeeze every last penny out of the ones who do.
Libs for decades have engineered NYC to be a playground for the rich and a shelter for poors subsidized by the middle class who work but can't actually afford/want to live there. NYC needs the wagecucks to come in every day to sustain itself.
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Date: January 14th, 2025 12:58 PM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
most jobs you're referring to can be done anywhere and ppl still forced to come into the city for those jobs specifically choose to not live there because they don't want to be part of that "community" if you can call it that.
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Date: January 14th, 2025 12:59 PM Author: Drunkard
Is there any public transport system in the US that works effectively, efficiently and well?
Because they are controlled by government or quasi-government entities, they are filled with bloated salaries and benefits, cost overruns, etc. they all have certain routes/lines that are profitable and numerous ones that are not because lobbies for those areas force them to cover them. They tolerate crime/filth etc.
With the advent of cards tying to identity, public transport could be effectively priced, safe (by banning anyone they want), and with decent management could be efficient.
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Date: January 14th, 2025 1:34 PM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
I don't like congestion pricing either. cities in general should be places where people want to live rather than the current setup as playgrounds for the rich, shelters for poors and where your desk is for everyone in between. it's not something you can flip a switch and change but it's the direction they should be heading towards.
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Date: January 14th, 2025 12:49 PM Author: Drunkard
A majority of people in any given city on any given day don’t need to be there. How many lawyers, bankers, accountants sit at very expensive desks in very expensive chairs in a very expensive office who could be sitting anywhere. How much new development is happening when there are empty offices everywhere?
Covid proved this, but the city interests have forced an (at least tried to) end to WFH because, if not, the cities and the liberal political complex and the overtaxed base that supports it would fall apart. Put people in suburbs they become more conservative. Let them own a house, they care about crime and community.
What the congestion tax is a tax on those outside the city. It’s a toll road. It taxes some people who live where the toll is there, but its design is such that it taxes others. That being said, anything that keeps Proles off the road is good.
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Date: January 14th, 2025 11:44 AM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
you pee sitting down and fart cum from your asshole
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Date: January 14th, 2025 12:05 PM Author: Anti-H1B Chatblog Elects Turdskin Best Poaster (gunneratttt)
you're agreeing with LtM here.
you out of touch retards don't understand how the prole mind works. faggot libs are always trying to influence behavior with tax tweaks, targeting morons who don't know how taxes work. this is the "slide dat card and let it do what it do" class of people.
LtM is just a moron. but you're just bitter and don't like these people because they inconvenience you. never mind that they're cleaning your trash and doing all the prole work necessary for you, and you're sitting around in crusty socks at a WFH screenjob seething that a plumber hauling a bunch of equipment doens't just take the subway.
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Date: January 14th, 2025 4:52 PM
Author: .,.,.....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..
ur a retard
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