Milley knows what's coming
| Vermilion senate mediation | 09/22/23 | | Electric immigrant school | 09/22/23 | | Vermilion senate mediation | 09/22/23 | | Electric immigrant school | 09/22/23 | | yellow hunting ground | 09/22/23 | | Vermilion senate mediation | 09/22/23 | | Dashing space newt | 09/22/23 | | hideous provocative theatre | 09/22/23 | | shaky marvelous clown | 09/22/23 | | hot menage | 09/22/23 | | Claret tanning salon | 09/23/23 | | tan hell patrolman | 09/23/23 | | motley fuchsia nursing home | 01/15/25 | | hideous provocative theatre | 09/22/23 | | Dashing space newt | 09/22/23 | | ungodly theater | 09/22/23 | | shaky marvelous clown | 09/22/23 | | ungodly theater | 09/22/23 | | Vermilion senate mediation | 09/22/23 | | Electric immigrant school | 09/22/23 | | ungodly theater | 09/22/23 | | Charismatic Azure Location Voyeur | 09/22/23 | | ungodly theater | 09/22/23 | | Charismatic Azure Location Voyeur | 09/22/23 | | Vermilion senate mediation | 09/22/23 | | Charismatic Azure Location Voyeur | 09/22/23 | | ungodly theater | 09/22/23 | | rose ticket booth | 09/22/23 | | ungodly theater | 09/23/23 | | emerald famous landscape painting | 09/22/23 | | Vermilion senate mediation | 09/22/23 | | hideous provocative theatre | 09/22/23 | | Dashing space newt | 09/22/23 | | shaky marvelous clown | 09/22/23 | | laughsome mentally impaired ratface genital piercing | 09/22/23 | | mustard abusive partner library | 09/24/23 | | lime haunted graveyard lay | 09/24/23 | | laughsome mentally impaired ratface genital piercing | 01/15/25 | | scarlet karate | 09/22/23 | | Vermilion senate mediation | 09/22/23 | | rose ticket booth | 09/22/23 | | clear hateful gas station masturbator | 09/22/23 | | Razzle Center Mood | 09/22/23 | | ungodly theater | 09/22/23 | | Razzle Center Mood | 09/22/23 | | hideous provocative theatre | 09/22/23 | | Vermilion senate mediation | 09/22/23 | | Ebony cerebral pistol piazza | 09/22/23 | | Vermilion senate mediation | 09/22/23 | | Claret tanning salon | 09/23/23 | | ungodly theater | 09/23/23 | | ungodly theater | 09/24/23 | | Vermilion senate mediation | 09/24/23 | | ungodly theater | 09/24/23 | | ungodly theater | 09/26/23 | | ungodly theater | 01/12/25 | | laughsome mentally impaired ratface genital piercing | 01/12/25 | | ungodly theater | 01/13/25 | | thriller elite station wrinkle | 01/13/25 | | ungodly theater | 01/13/25 | | Stimulating gay heaven foreskin | 01/13/25 | | ungodly theater | 01/13/25 | | cerise giraffe | 01/13/25 | | ungodly theater | 01/15/25 | | Razzle Center Mood | 01/13/25 | | Dun area | 01/15/25 | | Razzle Center Mood | 01/15/25 | | tan hell patrolman | 01/15/25 | | Dun area | 01/15/25 | | hideous provocative theatre | 01/15/25 | | :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:; | 03/06/25 |
Poast new message in this thread
Date: September 22nd, 2023 2:33 PM Author: yellow hunting ground
IMO, neither one of you is really crazy here. The two of you are having this rope strength disagreement because you have different drop styles in mind. If they hang him on a more permanent structure, through a trapdoor with a high fall, for example, then they will need to calculate by dynamic rope strength and go with a heavier gauge. On the other hand, if they strangle him "Nuremberg-style," maybe ad-hoc from a tree or equivalent, then they can go with dead load capacity, and even a relatively thin rope will work. Of course, we can all be sure that they will have it all worked out by the time that they really get going.
It's terrible that our country is going through this, of course, and if I hear of anyone planning such activities, I will certainly report them to the authorities immediately, and I urge anyone else to do the same. But it's not like any of us here can change what's coming.
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Date: September 23rd, 2023 11:52 AM Author: ungodly theater
Date: June 23rd, 2021 9:40 AM
Author: pearl regret ape
I don't know exactly how it will play out, but I can tell you direction I think it will go:
We know fraud vitiates everything. Including elections. They will find fraud. Question is what happens next. They can say, well but AZ electors are not enough to swing the election. Wrong. If just one state decertifies, it decertifies the WHOLE election. It's the same concept as the state can only certify when ALL counties have certified. Since there will be fraud found, it will trigger a cascade of similar audits in other states. Representatives from 20 states have already visited the AZ audit. There is a reason they are doing that, they know what's coming.
I think the DIA defector will play a yuge role in this also. He has info and proof where all the bodies are buried. His defection most certainly was orchestrated under Trump a long ago. He would have to be suicidal to defect under Biden. Biden had no role in it, and in fact no idea it even occurred. Remember back when Blinken met with CCP in Alaska in March, CCP demanded the US hand over Dong, Blinken responded by saying we didn't have him. Why? Because he didn't know. If Dong defected to CIA or FBI, he would know. But the DIA kept it secret, neither Biden or Blinken knew. The current Director of DIA was a Trump appointee in July 2020. Biden never changed him.
Dong is head of Chinese military intelligence. There's never been a defection of this magnitude in human history. He knows exactly which US politicians are under CCP control. He knows if ballots were printed in China and how they were shipped. He knows which media assets are under CCP control. He knows the identity of (likely) all CCP spies operating in the US. He knows the truth about CCP virus, and the planning/coordinating between CCP and DNC on releasing it. And now the DIA has all of that too.
It is all connected. EVERYTHING is connected. When it falls, it will all fall at once very quickly in a spectacular fashion.
Date: September 23rd, 2023 12:03 PM Author: Claret tanning salon
"I have a lot of confidence in the general officer corps"
Oh I'm sure that you do which is why they'll be among the first of your cellmates.
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Date: January 13th, 2025 11:25 AM Author: cerise giraffe
Pesophilia? Is that what they’re calling open borders now?
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Date: January 13th, 2025 11:00 AM
Author: :;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;
Oh my gosh! Who will be arrested first? Milley for treason or Hillary Clinton for pesophilia??!?!?
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Date: January 15th, 2025 9:40 PM Author: Dun area
In a book "War" by The Washington Post's Bob Woodward, Milley told Woodward he could be recalled to duty in the event of a Trump win to face a court-martial "for disloyalty," the Post reported in October.
Now, what could make him think that?
Maybe because he told Woodward in a previous book, according to a Post report from September 2021, that he'd engaged in secret talks with his counterpart in the Chinese military -- People's Liberation Army Gen. Li Zuocheng -- both immediately before and after the 2020 election.
"In the book’s account, Milley went so far as to pledge he would alert his counterpart in the event of a U.S. attack, stressing the rapport they’d established through a backchannel," the Post reported.
Trump's reaction was explosive.
In a statement, he called Milley a "dumba**" and said if the story is true "then I assume he would be tried for TREASON in that he would have been dealing with his Chinese counterpart behind the President’s back and telling China that he would be giving them notification ‘of an attack.'”
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Date: January 15th, 2025 10:15 PM Author: Razzle Center Mood
Context is crucial here see NYT article: 9/14/2021--Milley's alleged acts took place on Jan. 8, two days after Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol to try to stop the certification of his election loss.
“Things may look unsteady,” the chairman, Gen. Mark A. Milley, told Gen. Li Zuocheng of China and in the second of two such calls. “But that’s the nature of democracy, General Li. We are 100 percent steady. Everything’s fine. But democracy can be sloppy sometimes.”
Yet despite his assurances, General Milley was so concerned about Mr. Trump that later that day he convened a meeting with top commanders to remind them that the procedures for launching a nuclear weapon called for his involvement in such a decision.
Trump’s presidency essentially collapsed in his final months in office, particularly after his election loss and the start of his campaign to deny the results. Top aides — including General Milley, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and Attorney General William P. Barr — became convinced that they needed to take drastic measures to stop him from trampling on American democracy or setting off an international conflict, and General Milley thought that Mr. Trump had declined mentally in the aftermath of the election, according to the book.
In the days leading up to the 2020 election, the book reveals, American intelligence showed that the Chinese believed that Mr. Trump planned to launch a military strike to create an international crisis that he could claim to solve as a last-ditch effort to beat Joseph R. Biden Jr.
General Milley, who had become increasingly concerned about China’s growing military power and the potential for one misread move to set off combat between the world superpowers, first called General Li around that time on a secret backchannel. He wanted to assure General Li and President Xi Jinping that the United States was not planning to attack China.
On the Jan. 8 call, General Li suggested that Chinese leaders feared that the United States government was unstable. He pressed General Milley over the course of an hour and a half about whether the military was going to take action.
Despite General Milley’s reassurances, Li feared that Mr. Trump might be trying to find a moment that he could seize on to remain in power, similar to Hitler’s exploitation in 1933 of an arson fire at the German Reichstag to help institute emergency powers, the book said.
But even after the call, General Milley concluded that the situation was “grave” and General Li “remained unusually rattled,” the book reports.
Mr. Trump, General Milley had concluded, did not want a war but might order the launch of some sort of military strike that would set off a chain reaction and lead to war.
“I continually reminded him,” General Milley is quoted as saying, “depending on where and what you strike, you could find yourself at war.”
For his part, General Milley shared concern Mr. Trump would lash out and use military force.
Date: January 15th, 2025 9:55 PM Author: tan hell patrolman
Trump doesn't have the balls to try it.
Because if Miley is put through the clown show and found NOT GUILTY, it'll kill any credibility Trump has to go after any other opponents.
You'll have the greatest trial lawyers TRIPPING OVER THEMSELVES to defend Miley just to make Trump look fucking stupid.
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