what American settlers did to the buffalo was disgusting
| Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | diverse emerald rehab | 05/25/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/25/23 | | diverse emerald rehab | 05/25/23 | | ocher comical fanboi | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | ocher comical fanboi | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | bateful navy dysfunction field | 05/25/23 | | supple casino | 05/24/23 | | Smoky concupiscible useless brakes | 05/24/23 | | curious seedy native | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | Excitant claret home goyim | 05/24/23 | | frisky circlehead forum | 05/25/23 | | abnormal awkward principal's office | 05/25/23 | | Disrespectful walnut halford | 05/25/23 | | Fear-inspiring stead fortuitous meteor | 05/24/23 | | Stimulating free-loading indirect expression electric furnace | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | Fear-inspiring stead fortuitous meteor | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | Lake cumskin gaping | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | Lake cumskin gaping | 05/24/23 | | frisky circlehead forum | 05/25/23 | | internet g0y | 03/05/25 | | Lake cumskin gaping | 05/24/23 | | Fear-inspiring stead fortuitous meteor | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | Odious cruel-hearted patrolman | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | bonkers insanely creepy gas station dopamine | 05/24/23 | | swashbuckling sadistic degenerate | 05/24/23 | | frisky circlehead forum | 05/25/23 | | Disrespectful walnut halford | 05/25/23 | | Fear-inspiring stead fortuitous meteor | 05/24/23 | | out-of-control cuck | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | Vigorous hilarious chapel wagecucks | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | citrine orchestra pit | 05/24/23 | | henna confused international law enforcement agency new version | 05/24/23 | | Metal old irish cottage | 05/24/23 | | bonkers insanely creepy gas station dopamine | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | Fear-inspiring stead fortuitous meteor | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | Fear-inspiring stead fortuitous meteor | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | Fear-inspiring stead fortuitous meteor | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | Fear-inspiring stead fortuitous meteor | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | bonkers insanely creepy gas station dopamine | 05/24/23 | | shivering costumed address | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | Trip Ultramarine Mother | 05/24/23 | | Heady elastic band police squad | 05/24/23 | | Copper stage kitty | 05/24/23 | | Copper stage kitty | 05/24/23 | | Mahogany tantric crotch round eye | 05/24/23 | | Copper stage kitty | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | Talented Idea He Suggested | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | Talented Idea He Suggested | 05/24/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/24/23 | | Purple library macaca | 05/24/23 | | Trip Ultramarine Mother | 05/24/23 | | Copper stage kitty | 05/24/23 | | sexy space | 05/24/23 | | Odious cruel-hearted patrolman | 05/25/23 | | silver house knife | 05/25/23 | | mind-boggling flushed university | 05/24/23 | | Heady elastic band police squad | 05/24/23 | | snowy bbw | 05/25/23 | | Fighting Mischievous Azn | 05/25/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/25/23 | | Purple library macaca | 05/25/23 | | Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line | 05/25/23 | | shivering costumed address | 05/25/23 | | Fear-inspiring stead fortuitous meteor | 05/26/23 | | bateful navy dysfunction field | 05/25/23 |
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Date: May 24th, 2023 6:10 PM Author: sexy space
Read this book
While Indians had uses for every part of the buffalo, their practice of slaughtering whole herds, at a buffalo jump or in an enclosure, sometimes produced more carcasses than a group could possibly use. As a result, waste occurred. He documents instances of Indians leaving animals to rot, utilising only the cows, or taking only the tongues and the humps. However, the overkilling did not cause the extermination of the species, which only came after non-Indians and Metis hunted them commercially for fresh meat, pemmican and hides.
Krech proposes two 'religious' reasons for the earlier over-killing. It was believed (by the Piegan and Cree) that any buffalo that escaped while being rounded up in the hunt would warn other buffalo, who would then avoid hunters, so that it was necessary to chase and kill these escapees, whether they were needed or not. Other Indians (specifically the Cheyenne and Arapaho) believed that when hunters were unable to find buffalo it was because the animals had retreated to a land underneath a large lake, from which they would eventually reappear in endless numbers. Krech concludes that, given these beliefs, the Indians did not see overhunting as a cause of any shortage of animals or the need to conserve.
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5345326&forum_id=2...id.#46351178) |
Date: May 24th, 2023 6:17 PM Author: Fear-inspiring stead fortuitous meteor
cr the made up white lib bullshit about indians become some kind of "ecological stewards" is one of the most ridiculous made up lib lies out of all of them
like even when i was still a kid and believed in most of the lib bullshit, i could tell this was a bizarre lie. why would these primitive savage low IQ people have a value system based on multiple layers of abstraction that are able to infer that it's in their best long-term interest to artificially limit their hunting and gathering of resources, based on abstract extrapolations of hypothetical states far in the future? like these people had that, but they didn't have written language? yeah okay lmao
the whole thing is just goddamn absurd and a testament to white people being desperate and willing to believe any positive thing about brown people whatsoever in order to feel less psychologically uncomfortable about their inferiority
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5345326&forum_id=2...id.#46351206) |
Date: May 24th, 2023 7:11 PM Author: Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line
There were just a couple thousand of them, put on your big boy pants and deal with it the normal way instead of massacring 60,000,000 Buffalo
“Outbreaks of smallpox (1817, 1848) and cholera (1849) took a major toll on the Comanche, whose population dropped from an estimated 20,000 in the late 18th century to just a few thousand by the 1870s.”
Date: May 24th, 2023 7:49 PM Author: Fear-inspiring stead fortuitous meteor
i don't think that's even true. there definitely wasn't any kind of US army program to exterminate buffalo, that's total flame. shitlib wikipedia even confirms:
"Displacement of the Plains Indians was facilitated by the growth of the railroads and the eradication of the bison. Sherman believed that bison eradication should be encouraged as a means of weakening Indian resistance to assimilation. He voiced this view in remarks to a joint session of the Texas legislature in 1875, although the U.S. Army under Sherman's command never conducted its own program of bison extermination."
the bison were ridiculously easy to hunt and kill so everybody indiscriminately killed them, including the indians, even moreso once they got guns from white people. the buffalo were pretty much fucked from the start. humans in a malthusian environment are either gonna find a way to domesticate megafauna or they will get hunted to extinction
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5345326&forum_id=2...id.#46351561) |
Date: May 24th, 2023 8:01 PM Author: Effete Sanctuary Personal Credit Line
it’s right in the first link in the op
Government involvement
The US Army sanctioned and actively endorsed the wholesale slaughter of bison herds.[76] The federal government promoted bison hunting for various reasons, primarily to pressure the native people onto the Indian reservations during times of conflict by removing their main food source.[77][78] Without the bison, native people of the plains were often forced to leave the land or starve to death. One of the biggest advocates of this strategy was General William Tecumseh Sherman. On June 26, 1869, the Army Navy Journal reported: "General Sherman remarked, in conversation the other day, that the quickest way to compel the Indians to settle down to civilized life was to send ten regiments of soldiers to the plains, with orders to shoot buffaloes until they became too scarce to support the redskins."[79]
Similarly, Lieutenant General John M. Schofield would write in is memoirs: "With my cavalry and carbined artillery encamped in front, I wanted no other occupation in life than to ward off the savage and kill off his food until there should no longer be an Indian frontier in our beautiful country."[80] Later, president Ulysses S. Grant vetoed the act of congress HR 921, which would have implemented protections against white overhunting of buffalo.[81] Prior to this, Secretary of the Interior, Columbus Delano, had stated the following regarding complaints about whites hunting buffalo on native reservations:[82]
"While I would not seriously regret the total disappearance of the buffalo from our western prairies, in its effect on the Indians, regarding it rather as a means of hastening their sense of dependence upon the products of the soil and their own labors, yet these encroachments by the whites upon the reservations set apart for the exclusive occupancy of the Indian is one prolific source of trouble in the management of the reservation Indians, and measures should be adopted to prevent such trespasses in the future, or very serious collisions may be the result."
Demonstrating clearly that he saw white poaching of bison as a problem only because it may lead to retaliations from the Indians, and on the contrary, that he saw the extermination of the buffalo as potentially beneficial in the forced assimilation of Indians.
According to Professor David Smits: "Frustrated bluecoats, unable to deliver a punishing blow to the so-called 'Hostiles', unless they were immobilized in their winter camps, could, however, strike at a more accessible target, namely, the buffalo. That tactic also made curious sense, for in soldiers' minds the buffalo and the Plains Indian were virtually inseparable."[79]
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5345326&forum_id=2...id.#46351633) |
Date: May 25th, 2023 12:25 PM Author: Fighting Mischievous Azn
"From a natural level of 60 million in America, the bison population had been reduced by human activity to just 1,000 by the 1890s, and in 1904 160 of these animals lived within Corbin Park."
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5345326&forum_id=2...id.#46353952) |